The Neverending Hangover

Bởi EvelynRaineWhitmore

87 64 4

*Second in the Fire Whiskey series* 'I had been amazed at the connection Brad and I had, and our connection w... Xem Thêm

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two

Chapter Forty-Eight

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Bởi EvelynRaineWhitmore

Brad was confused why Bre's alarm was going off. It was Sunday. He rolled over and turned it off. He had ended up sleeping on that side of the bed after all of their nightly adventures. He looked at her sleeping, her face turned toward him, one bare arm outside of the blankets, the graceful curve to her long neck. He leaned over and kissed that neck, and she stirred, reaching for his face with that hand.

"Why do you have your alarm set?", he asked.

"I have to go to church", she muttered.

He was horrified. He wouldn't have kept her up half the night if he had known that!

"Baby, you should have told me. I would have left you alone so you could sleep", he said, feeling guilty.

"I didn't want you to leave me alone", she whispered, her eyes not open yet.

"But now you're exhausted", he protested. "Why don't you stay home?"

"Because I volunteer in the elementary kids' area", she said.

"Fuck, Bre", he grumbled. "You shouldn't be doing it. You're too tired. You do too much. You shouldn't be doing anything other than working. If you were my wife, I wouldn't even want you doing that".

She opened her eyes then and smiled. "And I thought Steve was the old fashioned one", she said, sounding amused.

"It's not about domesticating you", Brad said. "It's about you taking care of yourself and that baby. You shouldn't be getting so worn out".

"I'm okay", she said, sitting up. She immediately squeezed her eyes shut and her forehead wrinkled up. Brad sat up quickly.

"Nope, I'm not", she said, diving out of bed. He was right behind her, helping her as she threw up in the toilet.

"You're staying home", he said sternly, feeling immensely guilty about his part in this. He knew that lack of sleep made nausea worse for Paige, so he assumed it also did for Bre. He helped her stand and kept his hand on her bare back as she brushed her teeth.

"I should have had a snack before bed", she said. "I forgot. It's my fault. Don't you dare start feeling guilty", she said, observing him in the mirror.

"No, it's my fault", he said. "I should know better".

She shook her head but dropped it and left the bathroom, starting to get dressed.

"You're not going", he repeated, snatching the bra from her hands.

She stood to her full height and looked him determinedly in the face, stepping closer.

"I'm sorry that you feel guilty", she said kindly, but in a no-nonsense tone. "However, you don't need to. I am an adult and I made my own choice to participate rather than sleeping. I also made a commitment to these children and I am not backing out of it because I chose to spend my evening enjoying you rather than sleeping. So, unless you think you're going to physically restrain me from leaving, and I guarantee you that won't go over well, then you better decide to go make me breakfast so I can get ready".

He wavered, stubbornly considering his options. She was determined and he knew she meant every word she said. He stared back into her soft brown eyes while she patiently waited for him to decide. Finally he shook his head and chuckled.

He took her face in his hands, kissed her once softly, said, "You are a force to be reckoned with", and smacked her lightly on her bare bottom before leaving the room.


Bre quickly got ready for church and ate with Brad. She knew he didn't approve, and honestly she physically felt awful, but emotionally and mentally she was elated. Brad had done so much for her over the last few days. He had improved her self confidence, self esteem, and self worth, and had made her feel beautiful and desirable.

He was slightly pouting as she grabbed their dishes and set them in the sink.

"You can come with", she offered.

"I'm going to get some stuff done at home", he said. "When do you want me back?"

"I'm not sure. I might go eat with my parents afterward. We usually do that".

He nodded. "Why don't I plan to come back around four? That should be plenty of time for me to get everything done I need to. Call if you want me earlier".

He was still sitting at the island, looking slightly grumpy. She took his head between her hands, kissed his forehead and looked into his eyes.

"Stop pouting", she said, trying not to laugh. "I'm okay. I'll see you in the afternoon".

"You're laying on the couch and you're not making supper", he insisted.

"Okay, honey", she said, effectively refraining from laughing.

Bre got to church about fifteen minutes early, as she always did. She spied her parents from behind, talking with another couple in the lobby. As she neared them, someone grabbed her arm. She stopped and turned, finding herself face to face with her husband. He looked sad and hopeful.

"Sweetheart", he said. "Are you okay?"

"What are you doing?", she asked instead of replying, feeling her heart start to pound.

"I wanted to see you and make sure you were okay", he said. "You look tired".

"I am", she said, feeling trapped and anxious. Steve obviously knew she wouldn't make a scene at church, so he must have plotted to catch her here.

"I'm so sorry, hun", he said, looking tearful. "Please talk to me".

"Don't you dare cry in here", she whispered fiercely. "I will not talk to you until I'm able to do so without losing my temper, and that day isn't today. Let go of my arm".

He stared at her, his blue-green eyes wounded, and didn't let go. Her parents stepped over.

"Honey", her dad said quietly, "you can let your husband sit by you. The Lord would prefer for you to be kind to him in his house".

Of course he would, but Bre didn't feel inclined to do so. However, she would not embarrass her parents or herself by punching Steve in the face, which is what she preferred to do. Instead, she bit her lip and nodded. Unfortunately, Steve took that as permission to act as a couple, so he looped his arm around her waist and started steering her to the auditorium.

She was so angry and disgusted with him and her father she started feeling sick. As they walked, Steve commented, "You need to volunteer after this, right?"

She nodded.

"Is it okay if I go get some different clothes while you're here then? I asked Brad if I could stop by this weekend and he said absolutely not, but if you're not going to be there, I don't see why not".

Brad said? Brad hadn't told her anything about that conversation. She would have agreed the answer would have been no, but it bothered her that he didn't tell her anything about it, and she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

"That's fine", she said, knowing that Brad would also be gone then.

Then she had a terrifying realization, and her really stomach turned.

"I have to go to the bathroom", she said, quickly turning. "I'll find you".

She speed walked as quickly as she could without drawing attention, and made it to the women's bathroom. She stood in a stall, shaking, willing herself not to puke, but ended up doing it anyway. After she flushed, she peeked under the stall doors. No one else was in there. She called Brad.

"What's wrong?", he immediately answered the phone, sounded hostile.

"Steve showed up here. He says he's going to the house to get more clothes after this service because I won't be there. That made sense and I said okay, but...the bed...and the cameras...".

She started shaking again. "Brad, he will lose his mind if he thinks...".

"Yep. On it, babe. I'm turning around right now. I wasn't even home yet".

"There's extra bedding in the closet in the spare bedroom that used to be Paige's room. If you change all the bedding, and get the other stuff in the washer, he will never notice. He might notice the cameras, though".

"I will take care of it, babe. Don't worry about a thing. You'll make yourself sick again".

There was an pause. She wasn't going to tell him if she didn't have to.

"Baby, where are you calling me from?"

"The bathroom", she said quietly, hearing her voice shake.

"Bre, I got this", he said quietly.

"I know".

"You threw up?", he guessed.


"What else did Steve do to upset you?", he asked.

"It's the whole scenario", she explained. "He cornered me here because he knew I wouldn't make a scene, and my parents are on his side. My dad said I had to be nice to him and let him sit by us, so I said okay, but then Steve thought that gave him permission to touch me, and it made me feel sick".

"What do you mean by he touched you?", Brad asked, and she instantly regretted saying that. Brad's voice had gotten very low and it had an edge to it that she knew to mean he was on the verge of losing his temper.

"He put his arm around me, that's all", she said quickly.

"Bre", he said quietly, and she flushed, tearing up. Now she was covering for Steve, which she didn't want to do, but she was also nervous about Brad hurting him, and clearly Brad knew she was backpedaling. He would know if she lied, so she filled him in, her voice shaking.

"He grabbed my arm when I walked in and was begging me to talk to him. I couldn't cause a scene or do anything about it, but I whispered that I wasn't talking to him until I was no longer angry and that day wouldn't be today. When I gave in to him sitting by us, he put his arm around my waist and was steering me to a seat like he owned me, like he had a right to do that, like I hadn't just ordered him out of my life, and I couldn't do a thing about it".

She was struggling not to cry.

"I got it, babe", Brad said quietly. "I think you should do what you agreed to do today, let Steve come get his shit while you're gone, and then I think you tell them today you need to stop volunteering. You have a lot going on right now and this isn't helping you one bit. You're going to be burned out going into your work week tomorrow".

A tear slipped down her cheek and she brushed it away. "Right. You're right", she agreed. "I will".

"Don't worry about anything here, baby. I got this", he said calmly.

"Thank you", she whispered.

"Love you", he said.

"Love you".

She hung up, found mints in her purse, took a swig from her water bottle, and washed her hands. The worship music had started as she walked back in, and everyone was standing with the lights off, but she found Steve easily. He was on the end seat and she clearly saw a seat space between him and her dad.

They're manipulating me, she thought angrily. God, please help me to curb my temper.

She had to touch Steve's arm to get past. He stepped into the aisle for her to get in. She set her purse and jacket on the chair reserved for her, then turned around. Steve's arm was immediately around her shoulders, pulling her against him so aggressively that she was forced to wrap the arm closest to him around his torso to avoid falling.

Over the music, he spoke into her ear.

"You okay, hun?", then he moved his head back to peer into her face.

She shook her head no. Feeling a little mean, she told him she threw up and watched his eyes widen and his face fall. It was the truth, but he knew it was because he upset her (he had), and so it pierced his large heart. She watched his eyes fill with tears and took pity.

"It's because I'm tired", she spoke into his ear. "That makes it worse. I'm going to take a break from volunteering".

"Good idea, hun", he whispered back in her ear, wrapping his other arm around her and crushing her against him. She felt trapped and stiffened, not hugging him back. He kissed her forehead and released her, but kept his left hand on her hip as he resumed singing.

"Let go", she whispered and he ignored her.

It infuriated her but she couldn't very well throw his hand off without drawing attention. She and her family were well-known in that congregation, and she didn't want to humiliate any of them by advertising her marital problems.

She suffered through his hand on her hip through two more songs, then as the message began and they sat, that same arm wrapped around her shoulders instead and she was pulled up against Steve's side.

She felt her cheeks burning with anger and noticed a smug smile on her father's face next to her.

Then she was hurt as well.

They conspired together, she realized. Her family adored Steve. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that her dad and Steve had worked together to trick her into interacting with him, hoping that seeing him would change her mind.

They were terribly wrong.

She didn't hear a single thing the pastor said. She was focusing on breathing through her rage and counting the minutes before she could escape his touch.

When the service finally ended, she bolted upright and grabbed her stuff, intending to run as fast as she could away from all of them, but Steve had stood and was blocking her way.

"I'm heading to the house then", he said.

"Fine. I expect you to be gone when I return", she said quietly and he looked hurt.

"I am not speaking to you today", she said again, quietly. "Step aside".

He moved and she bolted, not even saying goodbye to her parents.


Brad was livid. He took out his anger on the bed by stripping the sheets from it so brutally the mattress slid off the frame. He kicked it back in position.

How fucking dare he?

He had told Steve she wasn't ready to see him, yet Steve couldn't respect that. He pushed himself on her at church, where he knew she couldn't, and wouldn't, reject him, and upset her so badly she threw up again.

First time was on you, though, he chastised himself.

He grabbed the armload of bedding and hauled it down to the first floor laundry room next to the bathroom. He understood the gist of doing laundry but women always seemed to do more to clothes than just throwing them in a washer. He didn't have time to ask, though. He threw everything in except the comforter, dumped in some soap, and started it. He folded the comforter and set it on top of the machine.

Then he quickly grabbed a chair and reattached the wires to Steve's security cameras and found the bedding Bre had mentioned. He re-made the bed and found his mind drifting to her naked body between those sheets.

Later, he thought, brushing those images aside.

He needed to decide how to approach Steve. The fact that Steve had grabbed her arm upset him but he couldn't say much about that because he himself done that to Paige, but the arm around her waist was too much. It was possessive and forceful and it made Bre uncomfortable.

It made his sweet, innocent Bre so uncomfortable she threw up, and that's what had him so livid.

How dare he touch her right now?

Brad needed very badly to release some aggression. The handful of clothes he had brought with were in the truck as he had intended to wash them, but he ran out and grabbed the bag, changing quickly into athletic pants and running shoes, pulling on a hat, and taking Maggie running with him through what he would always think of as Paige's trail. When he got back, he figured Steve would be there in about twenty minutes, so he changed again, left his bag near the entryway, and started making himself useful by cleaning the bathrooms. She had thrown up in both toilets, and she was a meticulous housekeeper, so she would probably appreciate him at least cleaning those.

He had cleaned both toilets and was on the downstairs sink when Steve walked in the front door. Maggie barked just once then stopped when she recognized him. Brad rinsed off his hands, dried them, and stepped out of the bathroom as Steve turned from hanging up his jacket.

"Hey, man", Steve said, and that was it. Brad snapped. He grabbed Steve roughly and shoved him up against the wood front door with his forearm against his chest.

"What the fuck is your problem?!?", Brad raged at him. Steve's face went from shocked to purple with rage. He shoved Brad back but his feet were planted and he wasn't moving.

"I told you she wasn't ready to see you and you fucking pushed yourself on her AT CHURCH because you knew she couldn't make a scene! You made her puke, you asshole!", Brad shouted, punching Steve in the ribs.

Then Steve lost his temper. He kicked Brad's legs out as he shoved him backward. Brad went over but he took Steve down with him. They rolled and scuffled on the floor. Steve's massive fist connected with Brad's eye and Brad's caught Steve in the jaw.

Brad got to his feet but Steve tackled him around the waist, landing Brad against the little wooden table next to the front door. He heard it crack and felt it crumple beneath his back. He brought his knee up into Steve's stomach and heard the wind rush out of him. 

He rolled Steve off of himself then connected with a very solid punch to Steve's temple. Steve collapsed to the floor and didn't move. He wasn't unconscious, simply not moving.

Brad was still angry.

"I am not...going to let you...manipulate her", Brad said, panting and standing over his friend. "She needs  She's not forgive you...if you pull that. I fucking told you. You want a divorce...keep being stupid".

Steve started crying on the floor.

"Stop crying", Brad snapped. "Get up and act like a man". He extended his hand to Steve who took it. Brad helped him up.

"This is my house", Steve said as he stood, a challenge to his tone as he looked Brad levelly in the eyes. "You're being awfully damn protective of my wife in my house".

"Someone needs to", Brad replied, feeling his blood boiling. "I wish I could have prevented this stuff from happening to her. I could have if I hadn't left for Japan but I can't take that back. I can only do better now. I will be here for her now".

"Why are you so damn involved?", Steve asked, looking angry again. "Don't you have your own girlfriend to take care of?"

"Because I am involved regardless. All four of us are intertwined and that's the way it is, for good and for bad. Your obsession with my girlfriend and Paige's selfish stupidity have done this. Bre didn't deserve it. Since I've met her she's done nothing but take care of all of us and treat everyone with kindness and respect, always putting other people's needs before her own. She's pregnant and she's still doing that. It needs to stop. Since I'm the only one who can see that, I'm here. I'm here until she's good or until you're forgiven and back home. Whichever comes first".

Steve started crying again. "Thank you", he said.

Brad wrapped his arms around him and Steve rested his head on his shoulder, sobbing.

"You need to respect her wishes and listen to my advice or I guarantee you will lose her", Brad said, honestly.

Steve nodded against his shoulder.

"Go get what you need", Brad said.

Brad was putting away the cleaning supplies in the laundry room when Steve came back down with a pile of clothes in his arms and his shaving kit on top.

"Is that important?", Brad asked, indicating the entry table, now in splinters all over the entry way.

"Nah. It came with the house", Steve said.

"I'll take care of it", Brad said. "Fire pit?"


"You'll get through this, Steve", Brad said. "You gotta stop pushing yourself on her, though.  It's hurting her and I'm going to hurt you if you do that".

Steve nodded. "I do appreciate you", he said.


Rev met me in the parking lot as planned. He motioned for me to ride with him so I climbed in and slid over to the middle seat. He planted an intense kiss on me right away, like it had been months since we had seen each other, rather than hours.

"What do you want to do?", I asked.

He tossed me a gray baseball cap. "I want you to hide all your hair up in that so I can show you my hotel room", he grinned. "Unless of course you had something in mind".

I laughed. "That's exactly what I had in mind".


Bre threw up another time on her way out of the building and headed home. Neither man's truck was in the driveway. She was thankful. She actually wanted to be alone right now. She unlocked the front door, let Maggie run out, and automatically dropped her keys into the basket next to the door without looking.

She heard her keys clatter on the floor and looked over, confused why she had missed.

Where's the little table?

She looked around. Had Brad moved it? Had Steve taken it?  She walked around the entire first floor and didn't see it. She let Maggie in, had toast and tea, went to the bathroom, put her phone on 'Do Not Disturb', and laid down on the couch under a blanket to watch a Christmas movie with the tree on and the living room lights off.


After Brad put the bedding in the dryer and started the washer for the comforter, he ran home to do laundry, dishes, eat lunch, pay bills, and work out more thoroughly.

He tried calling Paige but didn't get an answer so he left her a message. "Hey, baby. I want to know what you feel like doing for Christmas. I'm at home for awhile if you want to try calling back. I love you".

His back was stinging and he tried to look at it in the mirror. A bruise and a scrape from what he could see. His shirt had ripped a bit and he threw that away. He showered and then the scrape really stung but it was no big deal. All around his entire eye and his cheekbone was purple and swollen. Also no big deal.

He brushed his teeth thoroughly, gathered a handful of new clothes for the week, repacking his duffel bag, and tried calling Bre.

No answer. She was probably laying down. He hoped anyway. He still had time based on when he said he'd be back so he decided to find Paige a Christmas present. He was thinking a bracelet. She didn't wear much jewelry unless she was dressing up, but when she did, she usually wore silver bracelets. Other than that, he had literally no other idea.

He went back to the jewelry store where he had found the rings, and was browsing the bracelets. The woman recognized him and he explained what he was looking for.

"Your fiancé is tiny with small bones", she said, "so she might appreciate a cord bracelet that she can adjust to make it as tight as she wants. Otherwise, most bracelets are probably going to be extremely loose on her wrists".

She pulled out a silver cord bracelet with a little silver round disc in the center of it. The disc had a letter B on it and he was reminded of the gold necklace he admired on Bre.

"I like this", he said. "Do you have a P?"

She did.

"I'll take that", he said, "and you said these can be adjusted to different sizes, so...".

She showed him how to pull the bead forward or back to make the opening larger or smaller. The ends of the bracelet beyond the bead simply hung loose

Brad had an inspired idea. "Could a child wear this?"

"Oh, sure", she said. "It's sterling silver so that's better for their sensitive skin, too".

"I'll take another silver if there's a G, and is there a gold with a B?"

She had what he needed.

"Do you want me to wrap these, dear?", she asked.

"Would you?", he asked. "I'd be so grateful".

"Of course!" 

He paid, then she handed him three gift tags. He wrote 'Paige', 'Bre', and 'Gi' on the tags, then added each tag to it's package as she got them wrapped.

"What a thoughtful guy you are", she beamed at him. "Your girls are going to love these!"

"I hope so", he admitted.

When he finished there, it was after three, so he headed directly to Bre as it began to snow.

He walked in quietly in case she was sleeping.

"Maggie", he whispered, hoping she wouldn't bark. She came out of the living room and he noticed Bre asleep on the couch. He let Maggie outside, slipped his shoes off, noticed Bre's keys on the floor, left them there, and pulled Bre's present out of his pocket and set it under the tree amongst the other packages. Then he hung up his jacket and watched for Maggie. He let her back in and the darn dog went right over to Bre and sniffed her forehead with a cold, wet nose. He shooed her away but it was too late. Bre woke up, rubbing her forehead and squinting at him.

He squatted next to her. "Hey, beautiful", he said. "Sorry about that. I wanted you to sleep".

"It's okay", she mumbled, focusing on him, then suddenly her eyes widened. "What happened to your face?", she gasped, sitting upright.

"Steve pissed me off", he admitted.

"You got in a fight?", she asked, a line between her eyebrows. "Did you hurt him badly?"

He chuckled. "You automatically assume I'm fine and he's the one who's hurt?"

"I can see your injury", she explained, "and you're the one with the temper. Is he all right?"

"Yeah, babe, same as me. Better actually. He didn't land on the table".

She ran her hand through the top of her hair and stared at him in bewilderment.

"That's what happened to the table? Let me see".

"It's fine, babe. Just a scrape".

She flung her blanket off her lap and swung her legs over the edge of the couch.

"Let me see", she repeated firmly, the line still between her eyebrows.

He pulled his long sleeve shirt off and sat on the couch facing away from her.

"Brad!", she said, sounding choked up. "This looks awful!"

She got up and he assumed she was going for an ice pack. She came back with that and a first aid kit.

"What are you going to do with that?", he asked, trying not to laugh.  She didn't look amused. She looked on the verge of tears.

"Clean the scrape".

"Baby, I took a shower already. It's fine". He took the first aid kit from her hand and set it on the floor. He grabbed her other wrist and pulled her to sitting next to him again. She pressed the ice pack to his back and he watched her face. She was upset.

"What did he say to make you so mad?", she asked, meeting his gaze.

"Hey, man".

Her forehead wrinkled. "I don't understand. He said hi to you and you hit him?"

"No, I threw him up against the front door and yelled at him, and then I hit him, and he hit me back, and so on until he gave up. Then I yelled at him some more, he agreed with me, got his stuff, and left".

"Because...?" She looked really confused.

"Because I told him to leave you alone and he didn't. He tried to force you to talk to him, he forced you to see him, and he put his hands on you when you didn't want him to".

She was staring into his eyes in disbelief.

"Did he continue to bother you after you called me?", he asked, and she immediately broke his gaze, shaking her head no.

"Did you just lie to me?", he asked incredulously.

Her eyes flicked to his, nervously, then quickly away again.


Something happened and she was now scared to tell him. That meant Steve probably needed his ass kicked some more.

He waited. She started to cry silently and lowered her forehead to his bare shoulder.

"You're afraid I'm going to go kill him?", he guessed.

She sniffled but didn't reply.

"Tell me", he said.

Instead of replying she dropped the ice pack from his back and wrapped her arms around his waist, kissing his neck lightly.

He immediately felt fluttering in his belly and wrapped his arms around her as she laid her face against his bare chest.

He waited until she started speaking quietly. He knew she would tell him if he was patient.

"When I got back, the music had started and everyone was standing. They left me a seat between Steve and my dad. After I set my stuff down, Steve grabbed me and hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then he kept me crushed up against him the whole time for three songs and I had to have my arm around him so I wouldn't fall over. I was so angry and I had to stand there like that so the people behind us wouldn't see me fling his arm off me or so my dad wouldn't yell at me. I was so humiliated".

Her voice was shaking and he felt a tear against his bare skin. His temple was pounding hard. He wished he would have known that. Steve wouldn't have gotten off so easily earlier.

"Then when we sat he kept his arm around me and pulled me up against his side. I couldn't move. I couldn't do anything. I had to sit there for thirty minutes like that, and my dad had a smug smile on his face like he was so happy his plans with Steve all came together, like forcing me to him is going to make me forgive and forget! Like what I want doesn't even matter!"

He felt more tears on his skin. Brad was shaking with suppressed anger. The only reason he wasn't getting up and hunting Steve down right now was because he needed to comfort her.

"I'm so sorry he put you through that", Brad said, holding her head with his hand. "Were you able to say anything to him?"

"I told him to let go of my arm initially but he didn't. I told him twice I wasn't going to talk to him and that he better be gone before I got home. I told him to let go of my hip during the songs and he didn't. I told him to step aside because he was blocking me from leaving and he did move".

Brad rubbed his fingers through her hair against her head. His blood was boiling.

"Did you tell whoever that you needed a break from volunteering?", he asked.

"I did and then I threw up again before I left".

"Why didn't you call me to come back here right away?", he asked her. He was horrified thinking of her alone and suffering through this emotional turmoil.

"I wanted to be alone", she said quietly, tipping up her face and nudging her nose against his neck, sending a thrill to the pit of his belly. 

"No offense", she continued. "This is all so much. Steve, his drama, all of...everything with's so much, so overwhelming. And coming out of Paige getting kidnapped and a trip to Nashville. I'm 'boring Bre'!  This is more adventure in a couple of weeks than I've had in my entire life!"

He smiled.  Oh, how adorably refreshing she was.


Bre was clinging to Brad's bare torso, enjoying the feel of his skin even though she was dealing with a lot of negative emotions. She couldn't believe Brad fought for her. Steve hadn't even started it. Brad simply didn't like what Steve did to her and he started it for that reason alone. No one had ever fought for her or over her before. And Brad did that before he knew that Steve's behavior was even worse later on.

"How do you want to handle Steve?", Brad asked. "I didn't know about him physically forcing himself on you when he came here or I wouldn't have gone easy on him. It needs to be addressed. He needs to know you didn't like it and that it better not happen again".

She sat upright and considered. She was thankful he had asked her instead of storming out to pummel Steve some more, and she told him so. Suddenly she realized what had bothered her about Brad not telling her Steve had asked to come over, and that he had told Steve no without consulting her. Paige's major complaint with Brad was that he kept her in the dark and made decisions for her. That was exactly what he had done.

"I think I'll need to tell Steve that myself", she started.

"I think you should call him right now", Brad said, "before he shows up at your school or comes over here unexpectedly".

"I will", she agreed. "So, you told Steve to stay away from me?"

"I did".

"When did you talk to him?"

"Last night when I was walking Maggie and you were bathing. Paige wanted me to check on him".

"That's when he asked if he could come get more clothes?"

"No, he texted me about that yesterday morning".

"Why didn't you tell me?"

His brow furrowed. "I didn't want to upset you with it. I handled it. You didn't need to worry about it".

"Honey, I think that's really sweet you want to take care of me and I really appreciate you worrying about me and protecting me...honestly I do, because no one else ever has".

"But?", he asked, raising one eyebrow.

"I would have preferred you asked me about that, or at least told me how you handled it".

"Would you have said he could stop by?"

"No. I would have agreed with everything you said. I just prefer to be in the loop if it affects me".

"You got it, babe", he said. "I wasn't trying to keep it from you. Just didn't think it was that important".

"It's not a big deal...I just felt like, blindsided, I guess, when Steve brought it up and I didn't even know you had talked to him".

"I understand", he said. "Anything else?"

She shook her head no. That was easy. He listened to her and he compromised.

Why did Paige have such difficulty with him?

"You ready to make that call?", he asked. "I want to sit right here when you do it".


Rev and I spent the morning in his hotel room. After we wore ourselves out, I sang Sam's song for him and he looked tearful.

"That hurts, love", he said, "but I love it. It's beautiful. Your voice is incredible. I can hear every emotion coming through you. The way you channel music's are doing exactly what you were born to do".

I teared up. "Are you okay with me performing this song?", I asked.

"'Course. A lot of people are going to relate to this".

Once we were so starving we couldn't put it off anymore, we quickly showered then left to get a late lunch. He took us through a drive through and we ate in a park. It was chilly but still a beautiful day.

I was leaning against him with his arm around me after we finished eating.



"You still wanna be with that wanker?", he asked.

"Yes", was my immediate answer. I checked his face. He didn't look pleased. "I'm sorry that hurts you", I added.

"I'm all right", he said. "I'm not liking this Bre bit, though. It feels spiteful. I think it's hurting you even though you're trying to tell yourself it's fine".

"Oh, it's hurting me all right. I'm jealous and worried that he's going to prefer her over me. I am actually wondering if he might leave me for her".

"Love, you know if there's ever a time when he leaves you, or you no longer want to be with him, that I will do what I can to make things work for us. We will figure this out. I'll try to be around more".

I was touched. "Of course I know that", I said, kissing his scruffy cheek.

As we left the park, I checked my phone. Brad had called. I listened to the voicemail. "He wants to know what I'd like to do for Christmas", I told Rev, who was quietly watching my face.

"What do you prefer to happen?", he asked.

"I guess I'd like him to myself on Christmas Eve and spend Christmas Day at my brother's", I admitted honestly, feeling nervous.

"What's the matter with your face then?", he asked.

"What if he says he's going to be with her instead?"

"I don't think he'd be asking if that was the plan", Rev said gently.  "Tell him what you want".

I texted Brad- I'd like to spend Xmas Eve at home with you and Day at Andy's. I've got no shows all week.

"All right then, love?", he asked, patting my knee as he drove.

I nodded.

"We should probably book your flight now. Your options are already going to be limited", he advised.

"We?", I asked.

"I'll do it for you if you let me but apparently you won't", he guessed, chuckling.

"Not a chance", I said. "You already got me something for Christmas and I got you nothing".

"Not true, love.  You gave me your naked body".

I laughed with my head thrown back. He looked amused. Then I had an inspired idea.

"Drive out of town", I said.

He looked at me, questioningly, but started traveling that direction. Once we cleared the stoplights, I took off my seatbelt, unzipped his pants, and told him not to crash as I put my mouth around his penis to give him his Christmas gift.


Steve was sitting at Marcus' apartment lifting weights and waiting for him to get back from going out to eat with Kate.

Marcus had gone to the second church service with Kate while Steve had been at the first to see Bre, and Marcus hadn't been back since, so he had yet to see Steve's face. His jaw was red, his cheekbone green, purple around his eye, and a swollen green lump at his temple. It wasn't bad. He and Brad had been in fights before. Brad was quick and had a massive temper, but he seemed to always take it easy on Steve, never doing more than bruising him, not like the number Rev had done on Brad a few months ago. Brad had seriously gotten his ass kicked. It wouldn't have been so bad if he had fought back but Brad had thought he deserved it.

Steve had deserved it today also, but Brad made him angry so he fought back.

Steve's phone rang.


He dropped the weight.

"Oh, honey, I'm so glad you called", he said. "Are you still feeling sick?"

Her voice wasn't friendly.

"I need to talk to you about what you did to me at church", she said sternly.

"Okay?", he asked.

He had assumed she would be irritated by him showing up there, but then she allowed him to keep his arm around her so he thought he was making progress.

"I do not appreciate you using my family to manipulate me. I know you and my dad coordinated that to try to force me to interact with you. I told you I didn't want to see you, so what do you do? Show up and force yourself on me! Force me to be pressed up against you for all of church, and there was nothing I could do about it because I couldn't make a scene!  I was humiliated, Steve!  Humiliated and hurt!  It made me absolutely sick that you forced me to maintain contact with you the entire time because you knew I couldn't do anything about it!"

"What?"  Steve was confused. "Honey, I didn't realize you didn't want me touching you! You didn't move so I thought it was okay!  I would never force you.  Jesus, Bre, don't you know me at all?"

"I told you to let go and you didn't!"


"During worship.  The first song".

"Honey, I swear I didn't hear that. I would have. I am so sorry. Honestly, I thought you were okay with it. Why didn't you elbow me then?"

"I couldn't make a scene, Steven!", she fairly shrieked into the phone.

"I'm sorry, Bre. I did not know. I did not hear you and I am sorry".

"Fine", she snapped. "Even if that is true, it doesn't take away from the fact that you cornered me at church to try to get me to talk to you, even though I said I didn't want to see you".

"I did do that", he admitted. "I didn't know what else to do, Bre. I love you. I'm not going to give up on you and not fight for our marriage. I can't not fight for us, for you, for our family. I don't take wedding vows lightly. You're my wife. I will do everything I can to fix this and that's why I showed up today. You're not answering your phone, Brad won't let me talk to you or see you. I can't fix anything if you don't give me a chance".

"You cheated on me, Steve. You cheated on me with Paige while we were engaged, and you lied to me about the ring and who knows what else. I've been second to her since I met you and I can't live like that anymore".

"I understand, honey. I'm sorry. That's what I want to work on for you. I can do better for you!  I know I can!"

"It's too late. You've had a year to change. I can't talk to you anymore tonight", she said, sounding like she was crying. "I'm too upset. I've already thrown up three times today".

Steve started crying himself. "Oh, God, Bre. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. Please take care of yourself and our baby".

"I'm trying to!", she snapped. "That's why I need to hang up. Goodbye, Steve".

"I love you-", he said, but she hung up in the middle of it.

He hung his head and cried.


Immediately after Bre got off the phone with Steve, Brad was asking for details.

"He claims he didn't hear me but that still doesn't excuse his wriggling himself into the situation manipulatively", she fumed.

"You are completely correct", he agreed. "I think you need to talk to your dad about this, also".

She nodded. "You don't need to listen in on this one", she said, and Brad nodded.

"I'll go out with Maggie", he said.


I got back to the cottage around supper time. I didn't want to leave Rev but I couldn't disappear forever. We did go to a couple stores briefly. I found Brad a Tennessee whiskey baseball cap I was sure he would like, a cute outfit for Gi, and a collection of wall frames for Kendra and Andy. I intended them for pictures of Gi to be hung on the walls. The wood matched their living room decor.

I had only started talking to Clay and Jake about what they wanted for supper when my phone rang.


I felt my stomach sink. Somehow I knew it wasn't good.

"It's Steve", I said. "Gotta take it".

I quickly threw my jacket and shoes on and answered as I was stepping out to the porch.

"Hi, Steve".

"Paigie!" He was bawling.

"Oh, God, Steve. What happened?"

Steve blurted out the events of the course of the day in a garbled rush. The gist of it was that he had cornered Bre at church, which upset her, and caused Brad to attack him in his own house.

I felt sick.

After asking him questions and getting him under control, I was able to get more details. Bre had told him to let go of her, he didn't hear it, and she was deeply upset about that. I could totally understand how that would have been excruciating for her and let him know that.

"I didn't hear her! You know I would never force her to touch me!"

"Yes, and she knows that, too, but they are right that you shouldn't have gone there in the first place. Not today. It's too soon. You've made her mad all over again. Keep texting her, yes, but stop calling and stop showing up when she's not ready to see you".

"All right, hun", he said, sounding calmer. "Has she talked to ya yet?"

That took me off guard. I wasn't sure how I felt about talking to someone who was enjoying my Brad's body.

"I actually haven't tried".

"Maybe you should".

"I'll see what Brad thinks", I agreed. I did miss her, and love her, and felt horrible for hurting her the way I had.

"What are you doing for Christmas?", I asked him.

"Probably sittin' here", he said. "Bre obviously doesn't want to see me. Her parents said to come over but I'm not goin' to force myself on her again".

"You're right", I said. "Don't do that. Come with us to Andy's".

"I dunno, hun", he said.

I would probably have to get Brad to ask in order to make him feel comfortable.

"Think about it", I said. "Did you decide what to do with the ring?", I asked.

"Yeah, I've found a shop that will let me trade it in for a reasonable amount, and they can either put that toward a new ring or use that stone in a new setting. Whatever she wants".

"I'm sorry I advised you to give it to her", I said. "The way you explained it to me sounded like fate, but when I told everything to Kendra, she sided with Bre. She said she wouldn't have taken it, either, so I'm sorry".

"Not your fault", he grumbled. "I'm so dumb when it comes to relationships. You know. I love her so much, Paigie". He started crying again. "I don't think I can live without her".

Tears sprang to my own eyes.

"She will come around, Steve. I know it. You're married and you're having a child together. She won't give all that up".

He sniffed. "Yeah".

Once he was calm enough, I hung up and called Brad. I was surprised that he actually answered.

"Hey, babe".

"Did you seriously attack Steve when he walked into his own house?" I asked.

"It's half Bre's house, and right now she doesn't want him there, but yes, I sure as fuck did".

"What on earth?", I asked him.

"He made her throw up twice at church, babe, because he upset her so badly. You know what that's like. Did he tell you all the details about what he did?"

"Yes, and I agreed he was wrong for manipulating her but I believe that he didn't hear her tell him to let go. He isn't a mean or controlling man, Brad. He wouldn't force her to sit against him if he thought she was uncomfortable. Maybe she should have repeated it once the music stopped. He didn't deserve you attacking him".

"Maybe she should have", he agreed, "but I attacked him before I even knew that part. I told him to stay away from her and he didn't. That pissed me off. Simple as that".

I was stunned. He hadn't even known that part yet?

"Huh", I said. My boyfriend was awfully protective of another woman and I didn't like it.

Brad was silent for a moment. "I'm guessing you're mad", he said finally.

"Stunned, actually".

"You okay with what we did?", he asked quietly.

"No", I said honestly, tears stinging my eyes, "but I agreed to it and I will allow it. I just don't want you choosing her over me. Did you get my text about Christmas?"

"Yes. Should be fine", he said. "She's going to her parents' house".

"Steve has nowhere to go. Can he come with us?"


"Will you ask him? I did, but I think it needs to be you since you're the one he's fighting with".


"You guys are never going to tell him, right? I think he would go off the deep end if you did".

"Nope. We won't and neither will you".

"Obviously", I sighed. "Are you actually trying to help them get back together or are you drawing it out to be able to have longer with her?"

"I am trying to get them back together because I think that's what's right for her, but I'm not going to end things with her. If she stops I'll accept that but I will never stop otherwise".

"Are you fucking kidding me?!?", I shrieked into the phone. "What the fuck is WRONG WITH YOU!?!?"

My heart was pounding wildly and I was so infuriated I felt like assaulting somebody.

He waited a beat and then said calmly, "Tell me, baby, did you call Rev to talk to him about this situation?"

How would he know that?

"Did he come to see you this weekend? Did you let him help you feel better?"

I froze, no longer angry, but terrified.

"I'd be willing to bet on it", he said. "Your silence is confirming it. I need you to hear me on this, babe. I love you. I want to marry you. What you have done to me, though...that cut me deep and that wound is being healed by Bre. I won't give her up for you, especially when you haven't given him up for me. I already knew you were going to turn to him if I took this step, and I can't say I'm okay with it, but I also accept it. If I ever see him again, I will kill him, but as long as I get to keep Bre, I don't care what you do when you're not with me. You just better not give me any STDs, because if Bre gets something, we will be done, and that's a promise".

I was in shock. He didn't care what I did?!? He was fine with it as long as I didn't give him something that caused his precious Bre to be affected?!?

"You're not using protection then?", I choked out.

"You don't", he snapped. "And Bre's already pregnant and has only ever been with two people. I know she's not transmitting diseases".

"Why not stay with her then, since she's such a saint?", I challenged angrily.

"She's having a child with Steve. It will make her happier to keep their family together if possible. He's not a bad man for her, he's simply hurting her because he's a dumb ass. I think he can change, and if you can stay away from him more, I think he can actually be the husband she needs him to be".

"It really sounds like you want to be with her but you can't", I observed, feeling a tear slip from my eye.

"Maybe if circumstances were different", he said.

"If there was no me or Steve?"

"If there was no baby".

I felt my air come out in a whoosh and crashed to my knees, my phone clattering away on the deck.  I heard Brad's concerned voice coming through the phone, calling for me, but I couldn't breathe.


Brad was panicking. He intended to be honest with Paige about everything, but he realized he was being brutally so. It was too much. He shouldn't have told her that over the phone. She was having a panic attack and he knew it. He could hear her gasping. He had no idea where she was, if she was at the cottage, or if Rev was still around. He didn't know which of the guys were there this weekend but he did know she had been with Rev. He gritted his teeth, hung up, and called his arch enemy.

Rev answered on the third ring, sounding apprehensive.


Why the fuck was Brad calling?  Paige must have slipped and now he knew they had been together again.

Probably for the best.


"No time to explain. Do you know where she is? Are you near her? She needs help!"

"Five minutes", Rev said, jumping up. "What-?"

"GO!", Brad yelled at him. "Call back when you're driving!"

Rev hung up, threw his shirt, jacket, and shoes on, and literally ran out to the rental truck, screaming the tires out of the parking lot, then checked her earring trackers to make sure she was still at the cottage before calling Brad.

"What's wrong?", he asked as Brad answered.

"She's having a panic attack. I was talking to her and I said too much".

"'Course you did. You're a fucking asshole, you know that?", Rev snarled, accelerating and running a yellow light.

"And you're not?", Brad snapped. "I didn't call to fight with you. She needs your help right now and this is why".

Brad ran through the details of their conversation and Rev felt his blood pressure rising.

"You could have fucking lied!", he snarled. "There was no need to tell her that over the phone! No need to say it at all if you want to stay with her! Why don't you do everyone a favor and let her go? Let her go and stay with Bre".

"I can't", Brad said. "Not unless Bre decides not to be with Steve, and I don't think that's right for her".

"Must be nice to have so much control over so many people's lives", Rev snarled.

Brad was a control freak and an ass hat. He was giving Paige permission to be with him, and Bre permission to be with Steve, which these women were going to do anyway, so it made him feel like he had control over them, which he didn't.

"I'm here", Rev said. "I'll text later".

He hung up and bolted to the porch. He saw Paige on her knees on the porch, forehead down, nails digging into the wood, gasping and whimpering.

He dropped to his knees, hand on her back.

"I'm here, love. Take a breath. One deep breath".

The hand closest to him moved, reaching for him. He gave her his other arm and she gripped his wrist in an iron grip.

The porch light flicked on and Clay stepped out.

"What the fuck is going on? What are you doing to her?", he snapped.

"Panic attack, mate", Rev said. "Stay back".

Jake popped outside. "How are you here?!?"

"Long story. Shut the door. I gotta get her breathing. We'll come in when she's calm".

He turned back to Paige and started talking her through taking breaths.  He heard the door shut as the guys complied.


I was so near passing out that I could barely register the fact that Rev was there at first. Once I started breathing, I still couldn't figure out how he had gotten there.

"How?", I gasped.

"He called me", Rev said, guessing what I was asking.

Great. That's fucking fantastic.

Once I started breathing regularly, I switched to crying. At that point Rev picked me up and cradled me in his arms, sitting on the porch swing with me in his lap. I cried against his massive chest, feeling my heart breaking, and knowing that mine breaking would be breaking his. I wished I didn't love Brad like I did. I wished I could walk away from him and not regret it. I wished I didn't care that he had just told me if there were no baby, he would leave me for Bre.

That wasn't the case.

"What do you know?", I asked.

"Probably everything", he said, and he ran through what Brad told him.

"That's everything", I agreed. "I can't believe he would leave me for her if there was no baby. He thinks she needs to be with Steve because of the baby, otherwise he'd stay with her. Why would he want to marry me then?"

"It's control, love", Rev said. "He wants you and her both. He's only given you permission to be with me because he knows you're not going to stop anyway, and it makes him feel like he has control over us, which he doesn't. He's no good for you, love. He's a classic control freak. Male dominance disorder. Fucking wanker. I'm gonna go kick his ass again".

"Ugh, don't bother", I said, and filled him in on the Steve and Brad fight, and the backstory behind it.

"Yep, control. He wants control over both of you. Let him go, love. I'll be here for you. You'll be all right".

"I can't, Rev", I said, crying. "Maybe one day but that day isn't today. I wish I didn't love him like I do, but at least there's no more hiding for us. I'm thankful for that, and I think I can tolerate this Bre thing as long as I have you".


Rev was pissed. Brad was a fucking piece of shit. A controller. Clearly he wanted to stick it to Paige but he took it one step too far. He was doing some serious damage to his love and Rev could hardly contain his rage.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted him over Paige's shoulder- Got her calm. When she calls, you will answer and you will apologize. Fix it.

"Are you texting him?"


She sighed.

"I want you to call him, love".

"Why? Obviously he's already said what he needed to say".

"Because he needs to apologize to you and you need to resolve this in order to calm down tonight".

He was correct. I climbed off of his lap, grabbed my phone, said, "One sec", and stuck my head inside.

"I'm okay now", I said. "I need to call Brad back, and yes, he knows Rev is here. It's a long story. Bear with me, please".

"Okay, honey, I'm going to start cooking then", Jake said. "He staying?"

"Thank you. Yes".

I shut the door and sat back in Rev's lap. He wrapped his arms around me as I called Brad.


Brad had gone back inside to a crying Bre and had to talk himself down from an outburst. Both of his women were distraught right now but he could only do something about the one in front of him. So, he wrapped his arms around her and picked her up, sitting her on the island.

"Talk to me".

"Well, my dad did listen but he insisted they weren't in cahoots. Then he told me that he invited Steve to Christmas and he thought I was being silly about the ring. He told me to pick a different one and move forward. I tried explaining about everything else and he wouldn't even hear it. He said, 'Breanna, that man chose you to marry. None of the rest of it matters. He can work on the things that are bothering you', and that was that".

"I'm sorry, baby", he said, and he was. "You're not going there for Christmas then?"

She squirmed and looked down. "Yeah. I am. I told you I want you to be with Paige and so that's what I'll do. Steve knows now not to touch me so I think I can handle it".

"I can invite him to go with us instead", Brad said.

She considered it for a moment.

"No. Let him go to my parents'. The kids love Uncle Steve and he can play with them instead of bugging me. It will be fine. Plus, I'm sure we'll get baby gifts and he'll want to see those".

Brad felt some trepidation but dropped it. If she was feeling like giving Steve some ground, she had every right to do so. Right now, he was so concerned about Paige, Christmas plans seemed awfully trivial.

"Are you okay?", she asked, putting her hand against his cheek.

"I'm worried about Paige, actually. She had a panic attack while on the phone with me and I had to call Rev to go help her".

"Wait, what?!? Why? Rev?"

"He's been there all weekend, like I thought. I told her she could do whatever she wanted with him as long as I got to keep you. It was all too much for her to handle. I hated calling him but I had to. She needed help".

Brad's phone dinged and he read Rev's text.

"She's okay", he told Bre, "but he's going to have her call me soon. I'll need to answer".

"I understand", she said, not meeting his eyes and looking terribly guilty.

"You didn't do this", he said but she didn't acknowledge what he said.

"I'm going to start supper", she said quietly.

"I'd rather you didn't but I need to deal with this", he said, helping her off the island, then continuing to hold onto her waist until she looked back at him. "You. Didn't. Do this", he said, looking into her eyes and touching his nose to hers.

A tear trickled down her cheek. "I was so mad at her, and jealous...but I've never wanted anything bad to happen to her. I didn't want to hurt her back even though she hurt me. She must hate me now".

"Baby, I know", he said. "She knows that, too. It's not in your nature to hurt anyone. We know. We love you".

She hung her head. She didn't believe him.


Everything had been so perfect up until fifteen minutes ago, now everyone was unhappy. 

"I thought you said she was okay with this. You did get permission, right?", Bre asked, looking nervous.

"I did tell her and she said I had permission. It's the long term commitment to you that she doesn't like. She hasn't given up Rev, though, so why on earth would I give up you?"

His phone rang. "Baby, I gotta talk to her. I'll be right back in".

She nodded, he kissed her mouth quickly and headed for the patio as he answered, "Baby, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?"


"I'm okay", I said, but Rev poked me in the side. "Ah..", I cringed. "I'm not, actually. I...what the fuck, Brad?", I asked, starting to cry again. "How could you say that to me?"

"I didn't mean it black and white like that, babe. I just meant that it wasn't even a consideration for me to stay with her because of the baby, and that if there was no baby, then we could consider it. That's not the case, so we're not going to worry about it. You and I both know she'll go back to Steve because of the child".

"I think you're lying because I freaked out", I sniffed. "That isn't how it sounded".

"Paige, I am sorry. I didn't mean it like that. If I had, do you think I would have called my fucking nemesis to go help you? If I had meant to hurt you? I'm sorry. We shouldn't have even been talking about this over the phone. I should know better. Please forgive me".

"Fine", I said. "I forgive you".

"Thank God", he breathed. "When are you coming home?  I want you here for Christmas".

"I haven't booked a flight yet".

"I'll get you one".

I heard an exasperated sigh from near my shoulder. Clearly, Rev could hear the conversation.

"I'll do it tonight", I told him.

"Text me the details when you know. I'm so sorry, babe. It doesn't thrill me but at least I know you got someone taking care of you tonight. You're gonna be sore".

"I already am".

"Take an ibuprofen".

"Yes, dear".

"Bre told me she's letting Steve go to her parents' for Christmas but it doesn't mean she's ready to reconcile. I think she's wavering, though".

I felt relieved. "Okay, that's good for Steve".

"Agreed. She thinks you hate her and she thinks she's to blame for the panic attack", Brad continued.

"What the fuck. Why doesn't she hate me?"

"Because she's Bre and she doesn't hate anyone, and because you're you and everyone loves you no matter what the fuck you do to them".

"That's a nice thing to say", I said sarcastically.

"It's true. Anyway, do you want to talk to her?"

"Not tonight", I said, internally cringing.

"All right, baby. I'm pretty sure she's ready to talk whenever you are".

"I'll think about it".

"I do love you, and I miss you, and I'm so fucking sorry".

"Love you back", I said.

"Does Rev need to talk to me before I hang up? I'm assuming he's hovering".

I looked at Rev and he held out his hand for the phone.

"Yeah", I said.

"Talk to you later, babe"', Brad said and I handed the phone to Rev.

"How long was it from when the panic attack started until I told you I was here?", Rev asked him.

I heard Brad say probably eight minutes.

"That's a long fucking time, yeah?", Rev asked.

I heard Brad tell him yes.

"The longest for me before this was probably five minutes", he said. "No one knew she needed help here because she was outside. She calmed down as soon as I was able to talk her through it. I'm assuming you've done it so you know?"

I heard Brad say yeah.

"If I hadn't been here, what would have happened?", Rev asked in a low voice.

I heard Brad say he knew and he wouldn't say shit like that over the phone again.

"I'd fucking hope so", Rev said. "And you're not going to yell at her about me staying here, either. You got no fucking right to say shit after what you pulled tonight".

I heard Brad say loudly, "You are not fucking my girlfriend, in my bed, in my cottage!", and I flinched.

"I don't fuck her. I love her", Rev corrected him with a dangerous edge to his voice. "I treat her with respect like she deserves, but no, I won't do that in your bed. She needs me to stay here, though".

Thankfully, we had actually only done that on the floor and against the wall, because I was afraid of the bed squeaking and the guys hearing it.

I heard Brad say fine.

"I have more but I'm not saying it in front of her", Rev concluded. "Later".

Rev hung up and handed my phone back.

I was exhausted and my entire upper body was aching.

"You're gonna be in rough shape tonight, love", Rev said, raising an eyebrow. "You're going to cooperate and let me take care of you, yeah?"

I gingerly wrapped my arms around his neck. "Oh, Rev", I said quietly. "Thank you".


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