Circle of Three

By AWwritesUread

52.4K 3.6K 2.9K

Time has flown by. The sweet toddlers, Seth, Aslan and Freya are now freshman in college with big plans for t... More

Supporting Cast
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
The Next Generation

Chapter 21

1.1K 90 76
By AWwritesUread

Everyone was enamored with the twins. They were both so gorgeous. "She looks like a chocolate covered strawberry." Lala said about Sloth and Mikayla's daughter.

"She does." Gluttony smiled at his youngest niece holding his younger daughter whose red hair mirrored her biological father's and shined brightly against her mocha skin.

"Mikayla you just carried them, chile. These girls look just like their daddies." Harlow spoke up holding Wrath and Mikayla's daughter.

"Girl, I know it. I'm just happy they're healthy and happy." They all hummed and nodded in response. "So, don't keep us in suspense. What are their names?" Mason asked taking one baby from his mother.

"Wrath was adamant that he name our daughter, so her name is Fury for obvious reasons." Malachi nodded in approval. "That's a boss ass name, Uncle. Good job." Wrath smiled widely as Fury cooed.

"What's strawberry shortcake's name?" Freya asked smiling down at her cousin. "Emrys." Sloth said pushing up his glasses. "It means eternity and for as long as time exists, she will be loved."

They all smiled at the meaning. "I love that," Aslan spoke up. "We're so happy for you guys." The sins seemed so happy and that made Damien proud. Fatherhood looked great on his younger brothers.

They had been dealt a shit hand and had lost so much time thanks to the Seven Virtues, but things were looking up. They were together and happy with brand new twins to show for it.

Damien was going to ensure that any and everything was done to make his entire family happy and full. Fury began getting fussy drawing Damien's attention to her. Damien took his niece from Mason's arms and smiled down at her.

Fury had some pipes on her as she screamed loudly. "Does she need to be changed?" Harlow asked with a squint at the loud volume. Damien shook his head. "She does this from time to time," Mikayla said with a hint of irritation.

"She can't speak to express her anger just yet, so it makes sense that she'd cry." Seth spoke up walking over to his father. Balthazar took over and they all watched as the onyx demon picked up the crying infant. Fury's eyes opened up and seemed transfixed by the black eyes that stared down at her.

She instantly stopped crying and rather started giggling up at him. "Well, I'll be." Sloth said in shock. What happened next shocked them even more. Fury changed from her caramel coloring to onyx skin and blue markings. "What in the hell?!" Mikayla spoke up startled.

"Hello, little one." Balthazar spoke in his own voice causing the infant to giggle louder. "How does she have a demon form when I don't have a demon form?" Wrath asked confusedly. "How is her demon form even able to show this early?" Pride questioned.

Damien knew his brothers were confused, but also worried. Bael took over and took the giggling infant from his son. He held her in front of him with both arms before communicating with her telepathically.

The sins knew what their brother was trying to do, but wasn't sure how it could be possible with an infant. He was the anti-Christ, though, and if anyone could do it, he would be the one. Mikayla stared at her baby in shock.

She wasn't sure why, but she had moments where she'd forget what her husbands really were. They were just her men to her and in turn her daughters were just her daughters, but they were demons. Supernatural creatures and she was not.

All this time she assumed her daughter was just going to be a fussy baby, but in reality, it was something to do with her demon form. A form that she might not be able to connect with or help because of what she was.

Mikayla wanted to talk to Harlow about her feelings, but would her best friend even get it. Yes, Harlow was raised as a mortal, but the fact was that she was everything but.

Mikayla felt lonely in her thinking which was comical since she was alone in a world created for her by her niece for fifteen years. She snapped out of her thoughts and looked back at Bael who cradled her daughter.

She felt eyes on her and immediately cursed herself. She often times forgot what her husbands were. She also forgot what they could do and as she felt their eyes on her she realized they had all read every thought she just had.

"She's fine. She was just lonely." Bael said in his deep voice that seemed to shake them. "Her name is Lyssa and she's going to give Wrath a run for his money in the anger department." Bael chuckled.

"Fury doesn't know anything per se, but they do feel one another. You'll probably see them trade off like this whenever they need something." Bael spoke. "Can we talk to her?" Greed asked causing Bael to shake his head. "Not yet, but Mammon and the others can try."

They watched as one by one demon forms took over and cradled the infant. Bael smiled at his brothers before noticing Mikayla's forlorn look. He took Lyssa from Asmodeus before walking over to Mikayla.

They all watched as she wiped away tears from her eyes and Harlow's heart broke. She couldn't believe she didn't see what was obviously heavy on her best friend's heart. Bael kissed Lyssa's forehead before leaning forward and doing the same to Mikayla.

She blinked her eyes and looked at the demon before gasping and looking at her child. It was a small whisper, but Mikayla heard her. Lyssa had called her Mama and it brought fresh tears to her eyes.

She took the demon into her arms before smothering her in kisses. Lyssa squealed happily before latching onto one of Mikayla's braids. "Little girl, you start pulling I'm going to do the same to you." The threat caused the two to laugh and it warmed the sins' hearts.

Demon or not, Mikayla knew the signs when her daughters were hungry and Lyssa was about to blow the spot up. "I need to feed them." Mikayla said standing up. "I'll help." Harlow said grabbing Emrys.

"Does she not cry at all?" Harlow asked causing the sins and Mikayla to shake their heads. "Too much effort." Sloth said with a shrug already knowing his daughter would be lazier than he was.

Harlow fed Emrys with a bottle of breastmilk, while Mikayla fed Fury straight from her breast. "I feel like you were pregnant for a millisecond." Harlow said causing Mikayla to chuckle. "I was, wasn't I. Lucifer couldn't even explain it. He just chalked it up to something to do with who the sins were." Harlow nodded her head.

"So, how were they during the pregnancy? I hope they were on their best behavior." Mikayla nodded with a smile. "They were amazing and somehow always anticipated my needs. I usually hate when they read my mind, but there were times that I would want something and it would just appear. They were on it."

Harlow smiled at her best friend. "You deserve it, best friend. You going to do like me and wait a few years or are you trying to knock out these seven back-to-back?" Mikayla shook her head vehemently.

"We're definitely going to wait until these two are at least 3 years old. I want time to bond with them before the next one. They might be my only multiples too, so I know I can't wait too long in case the age gaps get too wide."

Harlow chuckled. "They won't be your only multiples. Those fools are ready to knock you up again." Mikayla shook her head knowing she was right.

"I need the time, best friend. When I found out I was pregnant I felt so guilty, because happiness wasn't my first reaction. It was my idea to try, but I don't think I realized it would happen so fast. I knew folks that tried for years."

Harlow hummed at her. "That is the case for mortals and some supernatural creatures but not demons. That sperm is A 1!" Mikayla chuckled at her. "I don't know...we got a second chance to be newlyweds and to enjoy married life just the eight of us and I just figured we'd have time to do that while trying to conceive."

Mikayla smiled down at her daughter. "It was a lot, but I am happy now. I love my girls and now that Bael has made it so I can communicate with their demon forms I'm even more thrilled. I think the time spent raising the girls and getting reacquainted with the guys from being away for so long will be best for us." Harlow nodded in agreement. "Everything will work out."

"We got bits and pieces of the shit show you guys had to deal with, but overall summary is we're good?" Greed asked looking at his oldest brother. "We're good." Bael said giving the reins to Damien.

"I died, but was spared thanks to Uncle." The sins were shocked. Malachi waved his hands in the air and hollered. "Thank you, Jesus! Hallelujah!" He began talking in tongues like an old Southern Baptist. Aslan rolled her eyes while Freya just slapped him upside the head.

"Well, it seems our two will have playmates in the near future. You three are really pregnant?" Pride asked Seth, Max and Monique and smiled at their happy nods. Then Monique realized what he said. "Wait. Why did you say playmates?" Lust gave her a confused look. "Don't you hear that?" The angel took in their expression and stopped.

She zoned out everyone's chatter and breathing. She continued to push out the sounds until she latched on to the beating of two separate heartbeats in her womb.

It seemed Seth and Max had done the same. "How?" Monique gasped causing Malachi to chuckle. "Well, you see, when a boy sticks his dick in a girl's-" Lala slapped her brother upside the head.

"You fools bet stop slapping me!" Damien listened at the heartbeats and found a significant difference. "You hear it too?" Pride spoke up to his brother. "Hear what? Is something wrong?" Monique asked worriedly.

She wrapped her arms around her stomach instinctively. "Breathe, sweetheart, there's nothing wrong per se." Damien began.

"You are pregnant with an angel and demon hybrid. However, it seems you are also pregnant with a mortal child." Their eyes opened wide. "How is that even possible?" Seth asked confusedly.

Wrath sighed loudly. "A final fuck you from grandfather I guess." Damien shook his head no. "I don't think so. Minos purposefully impregnated Ariel, but Seth didn't intend on this pregnancy. When we purposefully impregnate our spouse it's our demon that makes that decision. Seth got Monique pregnant the natural way not the supernatural way causing a mortal to sprout. Plain and simple."

"There is nothing simple about a human child being in utero with a demon, Dad. How does that even work gestationally?" Lala asked causing them all to think on the matter.

Seth could feel Monique's anxiety and kissed her temple. "It's going to be okay, babe. We're going to figure it out. Our babies will both be okay." He placed a hand on her stomach.

Monique bit her tongue to hold back a sob. "I just want a break. It's been one thing after the other and I just really need us to have a break." Max sighed as he took in his mate's emotions.

"You should go to hell, Monique. Mikayla is human and carried two half demon half mortal children. Hell was like a refuge surprisingly and helped her a lot." Monique smiled at Sloth but shook her head.

"I'm an angel that's not related to Lucifer. Ayla, Uri and Apollo are the only known angels that can go to hell." Sloth sighed lowly. "I'll talk to my father," Damien spoke up. "I'm sure he'll have an answer."

She nodded her head before squeezing Seth's hand. They had just found out they were pregnant with an angel and demon hybrid and now they were also having a human child. It seemed like too much at one time and Monique wasn't sure how much she could take.

She was worried about her human child. She wanted to ensure that both of her children were healthy and safe. She would be devastated if anything were to happen to either of her children.

"Do you want to know their sex?" Lust asked as a distraction causing a bright smile to show on her face as she wiped away her tears and nodded frantically. They all laughed at her. "Your demon/angel baby is a boy and your mortal baby is a girl."

Monique squealed. She had always wanted one of both sexes and now she was getting that. "I love you," Max said before capturing her lips in a deep and passionate kiss.

"Alright now! That's how you fools got in this mess in the first place." Alistair sassed before jumping into Aslan's lap. They laughed at the feline before continuing their conversations.

Aslan made sure she got some quality time with her uncles before signaling Jonah. He followed his mate outside to the back porch and took a seat next to her.

"Your cousins are really freaking cute." She smiled at him with a nod. "Don't go getting any ideas. We have a long way to go before bringing any children into this world." Jonah nodded in agreement.

"We've been having a lot of sex." He blurted out causing her to chuckle. "I know." He sighed before grabbing her hands in his. "I'm sorry." He rushed out. "When I think of all the times I was abusive to you I want to scream. You didn't deserve that, Aslan. You're an angel. My angel. And I treated you like everything but. I will spend the rest of my life proving myself worthy of your love and forgiveness."

Jonah sighed. "We never talked about it in detail, but I was wrong for initially blaming you for my fucked up life. That wasn't on you and I know that my reaction to what happened to me played bigger roles in the type of man I've been than anything else."

Aslan stared at him in surprise. She knew they needed to talk, but she wasn't expecting such a self-aware declaration. "My mother left me and my Dad after my little brother was killed. We were all grieving, but it's like losing him made her snap."

"I know what it's like to be left and I guess I didn't want to be that scared little boy again. I never wanted a mate deep down, because that fear of rejection and abandonment was too much for me to deal with." Jonah let a tear fall as he unloaded his fears.

"I never should've grabbed you, lashed out or talked to you the way that I did. It was wrong and you deserve better. I was just afraid, Aslan. I'm still afraid. I'm afraid you'll leave me for someone better...someone worth staying for." Aslan wiped her tears before wiping his. She cupped his face with both of her hands to ensure he was looking at her.

"You are worth staying for, Jonah Green. You're my very reason for being the type of woman I've dreamt of. I want to be strong, courageous and carefree. I don't want to be bogged down by my anxiety and these past few days you've made that so. We both deserve a healthy and happy love."

She pecked his lips before leaning her forehead on his. "I'm not going anywhere, babe. I promise." Jonah let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before pulling back.

"I don't need you to be perfect, Aslan. I don't need you to please me or anyone else. I've seen you make sure everyone is good and all is copasetic, but you don't have to do that especially if it hinders you. Call me out on my shit. Talk back. Fight for what you want. You deserve peace." Aslan gave him a wide smile.

"You're more precious than a diamond, but no more putting pressure on yourself." Aslan smiled at him. "That was smooth." He chuckled at her. "You like that, huh?" He cooed kissing her deeply. "Mhmm," Aslan moaned as she straddled his lap. They kissed passionately before feeling a hit in the face.

"Aht aht! Stop that shit! We got more babies in this bitch than a rabbit exhibit. Start wearing condoms, Ike! I'm tired of raising all these damn children." Alistair called out before heading back into the house. "Hater!" Aslan yelled out before looking at her mate.

"He might not be wrong, babe. I mean Seth actually got Monique pregnant the natural way. That's unheard of in the supernatural world." Aslan nodded.

"I'm pretty sure my great-grandfather made that happen by his own design. Just make sure that Roman doesn't get any ideas and we'll be fine."

The wolf nodded his head before kissing her once more. "Round 55." Aslan nodded her head at him before speeding them into her room.

Freya took in how happy her mother and Aunty Kayla were. Their smiles were vibrant and the adoring looks they received from their husbands wasn't missed by her. Her younger siblings all decided to head off to do their own thing, while Aslan and Jonah decided to fuck for the thousandth time.

She was thankful for that, because her uncles clowned her parents for not sound proofing the house, which her mother finally did with her magic.

The happy throuple sat cuddled up on the sectional and it made Freya's heart sing. She was going to be an aunt to two equally special babies regardless of capability. Everyone was happy. She knew she should be as happy, but how could she be.

Freya didn't mention it, but the longer she went without her magic the crazier she felt internally. It was harped on so many times when she was a child, but she understood it now.

Magic was about balance and as a witch who couldn't use her magic she was becoming more and more imbalanced.

Seth noticed the dazed look on his sister's face and sighed. "What is it?" Max asked caressing Seth's jaw as Monique curled into him half asleep. "Freya." Seth spoke up causing Max to find the witch hybrid in a daze. "Does your grandfather still have Philip?" Max asked still tickled that Abaddon sent the vampire to hell.

"I don't know. It's been crazy the last few days. I'll text him." Max chuckled at that before scooping Monique up in his arms. "I think we need to take our wife to bed."

Seth nodded after sending a quick text. They wished everyone a good night and Seth kissed his baby cousins once more before heading to bed.

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