LAUGHTER LINES, spencer reid.

By deviIinpink

86.5K 3.8K 519

if i loved you less, i might be able to talk about it more. spencer reid x oc deviIinpink 2021 cover by vinta... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five

chapter fifteen

1.9K 111 8
By deviIinpink

chapter fifteen.

Spencer and Dave were on their way back to the BAU after finding three dead bodies and it was grim to think that a child was missing. Ian Doyle had crawled back into the lives of every team member, and again, he brought trouble.

Rossi briefly glanced over at Reid. "I saw you on the phone earlier," he stated easily. "Were you talking to Gwen?"

"She had to cancel dinner with me tonight," Reid answered. "She said something about checking on a source for a piece she's writing."

"At night?" Dave asked.

"No, she met him earlier, but she wasn't sure how long it would take. She pushed our dinner to tomorrow, but I'm going to have to cancel this time," Reid explained. He was starting to feel just the slightest bit tired, but he would work through the night to find Declan.

"It's probably best. We all know how crucial it is to find a missing child," Dave nodded as he pulled into the academy parking lot. "She'll probably understand." Dave gained a playful glint in his eye. Given the serious condition in which they were working, it was nice to have something to poke fun at. Reid was just an easy target because of his inexperience in the dating field.

"Probably?" Reid asked. He wasn't really sure what his team member was talking about. He had to work. A kid's life was on the line. Gwen had to understand that.

"Women don't like it when you cancel a date. It's okay when they do it, but they don't like when the guy does it," Dave said with an air of knowing. He mentally smirked when he saw that Reid was playing right into his hands and it was perfect. "Not making it to a date is a big no no."

"I have to work, and she canceled first," Reid said defensively. What did Rossi know about Gwen? She came from a law enforcement family. Surely she knew what it was like for Reid to be working into the night.

"Although, she's the daughter of a cop, the sister of a cop," Dave shrugged. "You might have lucked out. Just don't push your luck and cancel two dates in a row." He let out a small chuckle as he turned off the car.

Dave and Reid got out of the standard black SUV, and Reid didn't like the feeling in his gut. It was unwelcome, and he wanted it to go away. Maybe that was why he couldn't take Dave's joking lightly. He couldn't help but feel like something unexpected was going to happen. "This is going to be one of those cases, isn't it?" he asked Rossi.

Dave nodded somberly. "It looks like it," he replied grimly.

Reid blew out a sigh and wondered if this would lead to more lunches spent at the firing range. He knew that firing a gun did little to help the feelings that boiled to the brim almost every day, but it was better than going over to JJ's again to mourn the loss of his close friend. He did it much less now that he spent more time with Gwen, but some days, he just needed to shoot at paper terrorists.

Dave pulled the door open to the academy's main entrance. "We all miss her, Reid," he said. "Prentiss was a great team member, and she went down fighting. That's more than some people can manage, even if she didn't deserve to die like that."

"No one deserves that," Reid stated bitterly. He couldn't imagine what Prentiss was feeling, but he had once been at Death's door himself, and it wasn't an experience he was too keen on reliving. "What would she say about this case?" he pondered aloud.

"Emily would die before she let any real harm come to Declan," Rossi stated. "The least we can do is honor her memory by doing everything in our power to save him. Will you be okay?"

Dave only asked because he knew Reid was somewhere else mentally. He had only just gotten back from Las Vegas last week, where he had been dealing with family, and now he had to jump right into a case that shook the entire team to their core. Reid hadn't taken Emily's death well, so he didn't expect the genius to take this case in the same stride as he did every other.

Reid shrugged Rossi off. He didn't want to admit that a part of his scattered brain was focused on that terrible night in Boston seven months ago. Rossi was right, though. They had to save Declan. He couldn't be distracted on a night like this. That would come later. After they had found the boy, he could think about Emily all he wanted. Unfortunately, the sad truth haunted him. Emily wasn't coming back. Ian Doyle only served to remind him of this.

"Let's just find Declan," Reid said, determined to focus his brain on one of the things he did best. He started working on some mental profiles of Ian Doyle and known associates.

Dave smiled slightly. The lost look in the younger agent's eyes had disappeared and he was ready to approach the case with the same fervor as any other. Maybe they could act like this case was normal. Just maybe.


Emily Prentiss was more than happy to be among friends once again. Paris had been lonely, and a downright bore without anyone to share it with. She had lost her family for seven unbearable months and that could all end today.

It wouldn't be easy, of course. She wasn't expecting a shower of smiles and hugs. That wasn't possible right now. She was almost certain that particular members of the team would give her the cold shoulder. Already, Reid had left the BAU before everyone else a few minutes ago.

JJ walked over with a warm, but tired smile. She opened her arms for a hug and Emily happily walked into them. "Are you okay?" JJ asked sincerely.

"I'm just happy to see Declan safe," Emily sighed. "And I'm happy to be home."

"We're happy to have you home," JJ said.

"Some of you are happy," Emily said with the slightest hint of sadness.

"Are you talking about Spence leaving early?" JJ asked. "I wouldn't let it get to you. Spencer looked absolutely wiped out. He probably went home to sleep for ten hours."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Emily smiled halfheartedly. "Do you maybe want to get some breakfast?"

"That sounds great," JJ said as she squeezed Emily's elbow. "I know a little place where we can get some great coffee and a fantastic supreme breakfast."

"I don't drink coffee anymore," Emily informed JJ. "But a supreme breakfast sounds like just the thing I need," she moaned at the thought of crisp bacon and fried eggs.


Spencer felt like the walking dead as he put one foot in front of the other. He was so exhausted, so wiped of any energy. He had been working all night, and had only slept a mere two hours the night before. He was in desperate need of sleep. He held his go bag weakly in one hand and kept his eyes focused forward. If he could just make it home, he would be free to sleep.

Meanwhile, Gwenevere stepped out of her office. She held her cell phone to her ear and let her father continue to talk to her. "Why must your mother be so hard to shop for?"

"Dad, I'm not sure what you should get Mom for your anniversary," Gwen stated. She squinted in the sunlight as she looked around. She scanned her brain for some sort of idea. "Get her a pair of nice earrings and a necklace to go with it. I mean, a modern gift for the thirty-seventh anniversary is Alabaster. Go out and find a really nice cameo necklace. She loves that kind of stuff."

There was a short pause on the line as James Thompson processed this information. "I'm just not going to ask how you know that," her father stated.

"I'm just full of useless information," Gwen sighed. She scratched her brow and looked down the sidewalk towards the FBI academy thinking about how she hadn't seen Spencer making his way to work like she normally did. She tilted her head to the side when she saw him walking towards her. She could tell that something wasn't right. The absent look in his eyes, the slow dragging footsteps, the limp hand that left his go bag a couple feet off the ground, yes, something wasn't right. "Dad, I'll call you back later," she said slowly as she quickly made her way towards Reid.

"Wait, Gwenevere!" James shouted into the phone almost panicked. "What do I get your mom?"

"Dad, really, I have to go," Gwen said quickly before she hung up. She stopped only a few feet away from Spencer and took in his shabby appearance, something wasn't right. "Dad, I'll call you back later," she said slowly as she quickly made her way towards Reid.

"Spencer," Gwen greeted cautiously. She put a smile on her face and hoped for the best reaction possible. She wasn't sure what kind of reaction she would get, but she had to let him know that she was standing right in front of him. She put her hands on his shoulders and stared into Reid's vacant eyes.

Reid blinked when he felt a light pressure on both his shoulders. He looked at Gwen and blinked a couple more times. He somewhat quickly registered the worried look on his girlfriend's face. "Hi, Gwen," he yawned.

"You look like you're about to collapse," Gwen said as she started looking him over to make sure he was in one piece. "I take it you didn't leave the BAU last night," she said.

Reid rubbed his face as if to wipe away the fatigue that was already starting to hit him hard. He didn't have a problem normally, but the night had also been emotionally taxing on so many levels. He wasn't surprised that he felt this tired. "I did," he yawned again.

"You're going to take the train home?" Gwen asked.

Reid nodded as Gwen pulled him towards EspressoShot!. "What are you doing?" he asked as he stumbled along.

"You'll be robbed if you fall asleep on the train," Gwen explained. She pointed a stiff finger at him and he had to pull his head back an inch to keep her finger from hitting his nose. "Then what would you do?"

Reid blinked and swallowed back another yawn. "I'll be fine," he protested.

Gwen raised an incredulous eyebrow. "Yeah, right," she deadpanned. "Just come upstairs and sleep here. It'll be better for you."

The couple was oblivious to the two pairs of watching eyes. They watched as Gwen placed a hand on Reid's cheek.

"Who's that with Reid?" Emily asked curiously.

JJ smiled knowingly. "Gwenevere Thompson," she answered. "She's Spence's girlfriend. They got together over the summer. It was a rough start, but it seems like things worked themselves out."

"He found a girlfriend?" Emily asked slightly impressed. She had been convinced that Reid didn't have much of a life outside of the FBI and his mother's problems. It was an interesting idea to see him with a girl. She smiled. "Good for him."

Gwen pulled Reid inside and waved to Jenny. She led Reid up to the back entrance of her condo. "You can sleep in my room for a bit," she said. She felt Reid tense up in her hands. "Relax, I won't be with you. I'll be working in the living room."

Reid looked at her. "I could have made it home," he said childishly.

"Spencer, you're dead on your feet. Just get some sleep and you'll be good to go once more," Gwen patted him on the back before she opened her door.

Reid yawned again and he knew that he wouldn't be able to coherently argue with Gwen for much longer. He would just sleep for a couple of hours and then go home to sleep some more. "I think we need to reschedule dinner again," Reid said as he turned to look at her.

Gwen smiled. "Whatever gets you back in top thinking form? The BAU needs their genius." She ushered him into her room and he gladly fell onto the mattress. "Try to at least get into your pajamas," Gwen laughed as she pulled the comforter and sheets from under him in one quick tug."

Reid nodded as he smiled. Her pillow-top mattress felt a lot softer than the bed he had at home. He pushed himself up and watched Gwen close her door. The room was nice and quiet, but he wasn't focused on the details of the room. He just wanted to sleep.

Four hours later he woke up and had a slight moment of panic. The lighting in his room was all wrong. But it wasn't his room, he realized. The grey walls and dark wood bookcases weren't his. It was very traditional, and he smiled when he saw that the shelves were filled with the works of just about every nineteenth century author, as well as the works of Shakespeare, Chaucer, and Socrates. He was in Gwen's room, and he liked it.

He slid off the bed and padded his way to the door. His plaid pajama bottoms and wrinkled grey t-shirt felt just right after a comfortable sleep. He opened the door and heard quiet talking coming from the living room.

He walked out to find Scott leaning against the bar. The detective's arms were folded across his chest and his ankles were crossed. He looked over at Reid and made moves to leave. "Can you do it, Gwenevere?" he asked vaguely.

Gwen looked at Reid and smiled from her spot on the couch. Her notebook and laptop were set up. She turned to face her brother once more. "I'll look into it," she said simply.

Scott nodded and headed for the door after giving Reid the traditional nod to indicate a hello.

"Scott," Gwen called, stopping her brother with the door open. She bit the side of her nail. "I hope you're wrong," she said as she looked at her computer screen.

"Me, too," Scott said before closing the door.

"What was that about?" Reid asked. He felt like he had just seen something out of an old spy movie. It was a weird feeling.

Gwen sighed and stood up. "Scott wants me to look into something for him. It's more of a personal matter. I'll tell you later when I find out what's going on myself," she explained.

"Okay," Reid said slowly. He wasn't really satisfied with her answer, but he knew better than to pry. "Thank you for letting me use your bed."

"You look like you could use some more sleep," Gwen said as she walked over to him.

"I'm okay," Reid smiled at her. He looked around the quiet condo. "Where are Lizzie and Greg?" he asked. He knew that Gwen had spent the morning in the living room. All of her stuff had been set up at the coffee table.

"Lizzie is spending the day with my mom," Gwen answered as she wrapped her arms around Reid's waist. She looked up at him and wondered what he had dreamt about. "Greg is in his room studying. He has his first world history exam on Monday. He'll do great, of course, but he just wants to make sure he knows everything."

"He'll be fine," Spencer told her and leaned to kiss her lightly. "He's smart."

After a quick, simple peck on the lips, Gwen pulled back slightly. "Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked quietly as she moved her forehead to rest on his shoulder.

"What?" Spencer asked. He took a deep breath of pomegranate body spray. He smiled and relaxed.

"The case you worked on all night," Gwen clarified. She backed up and looked up at him gently. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"It's kind of complicated," Spencer whispered as he kept his head close to Gwen's so he didn't need to speak very loudly.

Gwen pulled away and walked over to the couch. She tucked her feet under her legs and looked over at him. She beckoned him to come take a seat with her on the couch. Spencer knew that he had a captive audience in Gwen, so he didn't hesitate to take a seat. She looked the slightest bit concerned, and he could easily put that on the zombie-like state she had witnessed earlier in the day.

Spencer moved to sit next to her and she pulled the folded blanket she kept on the back of the couch out before she draped it over Reid. She moved into his open arms and waited for him to open up about the nights events. He kept his long arms lightly wrapped around her waist and rested his chin on top of her head."

Spencer took a deep breath and decided to start at the beginning. "How much have I told you about Emily Prentiss?" he asked.

"Not a lot. She died a few months ago, right?" Gwen asked.

Reid nodded. "The case involved the person who killed her."

author's note : hiya babies! it's monday night and finals week has started. i finished half of my english final a few moments ago, and earlier today i took my archery final (19/20, for all of you who are wondering). tomorrow the second half of my english final takes place, and let's just say i am not looking forward to it at all. noving on, i finished writing this chapter a looong while ago, but i hadn't been able to find the time to type until last night. hope you guys enjoyed it!

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