Souichi Tsujii x Y/n

Af Rat_Rubbish_Trash

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"You're so nice and you're so smart. You're such a good friend I have to break your heart, I'll tell you that... Mere

Chapter 1 : A New Place
Where The Weirdness Begins
Who's That in My Window
The Warm Grey Jacket
The Night It Happened
This Can't Get Any Worse
Uh oh...Busted
No, She Didn't
Here We Go
The Strange Dream
Chapter 2: Now we swim
Y/n's Dominant Side 😳Part One
Y/n's Dominant Side 😳 Part Two
Um....That Went Well part 2
The Strange Tall Woman
Y/n has been Brainwashed
Till Death We Part
Let me explain (:
Souichi's POV pt.2
Souichi's POV pt.3
Souichi's POV pt. 4
Souichi's POV pt. 5
Souichi's POV pt.6
Souichi's POV pt. 7
Till Death we Part pt.2
Souichi's POV pt.8
Souichi's POV pt.9
Souichi's POV pt.10
Souichi's POV pt. 11
I Got Away
Time Skip
Haunted Wood Mansion
18+ in next chapter
Bad Idea
Vampire Banquet
Flesh Cake

Um....That Went Well part 1

360 11 4
Af Rat_Rubbish_Trash

(Shit what should I say to him. If I don't say anything he'll think I'm a retard or something. Ugh what should I do)

"Yeah, and it was crazy! She beat that girl up so bad that she had to be on life support". 

"A-all that for my creepy brother". Sayuri said while having a nervous expression. 

"Souichi's not creepy". You glared at Sayuri giving her a death stare. "He's perfectly normal to me". This made Sayuri's skin crawl as you looked down on her. Souichi hugged you so you can calm down a bit. You blushed as you hugged him back. After the hug you went back to face everyone again. 

"But when he loves me, I feel like I'm floating". You blushed even more as you looked at Souichi. 

"When he calls me pretty, I feel like somebody. He'll always be my favorite form of loving".

Everyone at the table was shocked to hear this. Everyone thought that Souichi didn't even have a heart or a soul. Souichi slightly blushed when you exposed him Infront of everyone. 

"Lately I've been feeling not alive, But Souichi brings me back to life". 

"Hehe Y/n you don't have to expose me like that." Souichi said as he blushed while he scratched the back of his head. Everyone was shocked on how Souichi was acting. 

"So, what did you see in Souichi for you to fall in love with him?" Michina asked while she played with her fingers. 

"Well, I don't really know to be honest. I guess I fell for his personality."

Everyone made an uneasy face feeling. 

"Really you fell in love with someone that is socially awkward and does weird things." Sayuri said as if she was Regina Gorge from Mean Girls. She made it seem like it was a bad thing to be with Souichi. You tried to give her a piece of you mind but in the nicest way possible. 

"Well, you make it seem like it's a terrible thing to date Souichi." 

"No, I'm just saying that he's weird and stuff."

"But that's what you think". You said as he clenched your fists. Also, with Souichi's hand as well. Souichi gave a small "Eep" as things started to get tense 

"Take your opinion and shove it."

"Woah Y/n it's okay to have opinions sometimes." Souichi said as he got up and started to rub your shoulders. 

"Hmm I see your girlfriend has a little mouth Souichi." 

"Sayuri that is ENOUGH." Mr. Tsujii said as he slammed his hand on the table. 

"Yeah, Sayuri be glad that father saved you because this could've been you." Souichi pulled out his phone ans showed everyone a video of you beating Molly to a pulp. 

"Oh, my goodness." Mrs. Tsujii said as she placed her hand on her mouth. You could see Sayuri face. It went to "Omg I'm so popular" face to a "There's a killer running after me" face. 

"Damn where did you learn to fight like that?" Yuusuke ask while taking his glasses off to clean. 

"Hehehe See? Now if I'm ever on trouble I'll get protection." Souichi said in a giggly voice. "Or if I have a problem with someone, she'll just handle them for me."

"Um to answer your question Yuusuke, I learned to fight like that in Mexico with my cousins."

"What do you mean Y/n?" Mrs. Tsujii asked 

"Yeah, can you explain that a little more."  Mr. Tsujii asked with a confused expression. You took a big sigh as you continued your story. 

"When I was around 10 years old, my father sent me to Mexico because he had to take care of my mother, because she was really sick. And because I needed to connect with my father's side, so it was mostly like going for a sleepover, but just for like a year or two. Anyways, once I got to my grandma's house immediately my cousins started to bully me because I'm a mix. The oldest cousin in the household was like 17 years old maybe 18." 

"What was his name?" Koichi asked. 

"His name was Manolo." You said.

 "Ok go on." Souichi said as he placed both hands on his cheeks. 

"Alright, Manolo notice that my cousins were bulling me and fighting and stuff. One day after my cousin's beaten me up, He just grabbed me and said: 

"I'm tired of seeing you lose every day, So I'm going to teach you how to fight because you can't survive in the real-world if you can't defend yourself."

"Wait how long did you stay at Mexico?" Michina asked while she raised an eyebrow. 

"Hmm if I remember clearly, I'd say like 2 years."

"Wow that's a long time."  Mr. Tsujii exclaimed. 

"So, the entire time that I'm here Manolo is teaching me how to fight. From time to time I would fight my cousins and sometimes I would win. One night before we had to go to bed, I saw Manolo sneaked out and I decided to follow him. He walked pretty fast, but I kept up with him. We arrived at this abandon placed and there was like 20 other people. They all had weapons such as chains and broken beer bottles. My cousin Manolo had a small knife and so did the other person."

Souichi looked at your face expressionless face. He could tell that you were feeling sad about what would happen next. He grabbed your hands signaling you that it's going to be okay. 

"Anyways, there was a dude in the middle of both groups. He said: "Get ready to rumble."

"Wait isn't a rumble like a street fight between gangs or large groups?" Sayuri said as she flipped her hair. 

"Yeah, I've only seen them in movies." Koichi said. 

"Yeah, you guys got it right."

"Stop interrupting my Y/n already!" Souichi shouted. Everyone fell silent as they waited for you to finish your sentence.  

"Go on Y/N". You thanked Souichi and continued the story. 

"After the announced that the rumble has started, two guys came forward. It was this guy that everyone knew and feared. His name or his cholo name was Chiko and he was against my cousin Manolo." 

Your voice started to get shaky and you felt your throat getting tight. 

"They b-both took out their knifes a-and started to slice one another. Chiko managed to cut Manolo on his arm and being the dumb kid I was, I walked out of my hiding place, and I yelled "HEY BALDY DON'T HURT MY COUSIN." All the men including my cousin and started to laugh. I remember seeing my cousin's expression and he yelled at me saying: " Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING." All the cholo's looked at me and started to chase after me. Before I could even react, my cousin grabbed me and started to run into the city. In the city no one was ever on guard, like for example, If I were to kill Sayuri in front of everyone they wouldn't call an ambulance until I left the city."

You looked at Sayuri to see that she looked a bit scared. You wanted this to happen, so she knows not to mess with you...Or Souichi. His parents did look worried, but they just thought about it as an example. Not a threat. 

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