Here We Go

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You and Souichi sat in the office for what seem like forever. Finally, the principle walked in the room and sat down on his seat. You were already pissed off so if he was going to scold you, you're just going to cuss him out. Souichi can see that you're already pissed off. So, he was going to make sure that he was going to play his cards right.

"So, Y/n did you know that the girl you beat so bad is on life support right now"

"No, I didn't know she was on life support". You said sarcastically while rolling your eyes.

"Ok no need for the attitude or the sarcasm. But how do you feel about Ms. Albarn being on life support?".

"Well, I'm being honest with you I don't feel sad, bad or even sorry for her. She deserved what she got. She shouldn't be touching my boyfriend like that.

"Well, we just have to ask Souichi of what had happened before you almost killed Ms. Albarn. Now Souichi I've seen you in my office way too many times this year. What did you do this time?"

"Well, I was waiting for Y/n so we can get lunch together. And then all of a sudden that girl walked up to me and started to flirt with me. I didn't like it and I even told her to stop but she didn't. AND THEN THAT WHEN MY SWEET DEAREST Y/N CAME AND RESCUED ME."

"Ok well Souichi and Y/n I'll have to call both of your parents and I need to inform Y/n's parents of what just happened."

"Um you can tell my parents because um her parents are on vacation, and they said to call my parents if anything ever happened, or you can call my brother."

The principle picked up the phone and dialed Souichi's house number. It was a while before we see Souichi's brother Koichi. Shortly after the principal ended the call, Souichi's brother can be seen parking his car and walking to the school. Once Koichi entered the room, his eyes laid on Souichi. Then shortly to you. You can tell that's he's been to this office way too many times.

"Hello, Koichi, I'm sure it's tired some for you seeing my office".

"Yeah, I've been here more than I can count."

"And I feel terribly sorry for you. Now can you follow me, there are some things I have to speak to you. about".

"Yes sir".

The principal and Koichi walked into a room in the back. It was strange because his office was huge for no apparent reason. The front of his room was where his desk was placed. To the right side of the room, he had a door that led to a room that no one ever spoke of. Rumors said that the room was used to torture students that break to many rules. Now on the left side of the room was totally different. It had a shelf that covered half of the entire wall.

There was no reason for a bookshelf for the principal didn't read a single book on that shelf. Yet another rumor once said that there was a secret door behind the books, and that's how he could go around the school in such a matter of time. Behind his desk was a door that was filled up with snacks. Now lastly, the back room where he and Koichi went to "talk". No one has ever been to the back room. Well other that Koichi and the principal himself. And the worst thing was how much the principal smoked and how elder and creepy he looked.

He's smoking gas in his office like chamber like it's the Holocaust. He was also skinny and tall. He looked as if he was very ill. It's like he was a creature that came from a 5-year old's nightmare. No one knows how long he's been in charge but let's say for a really long time.

"Hey Booky, how long does it take for him to talk to your brother?". You say as you sit on Souichi, resting your arms around his neck.

"I don't know my voodoo doll, usually I wait in my brother's car, or I just run to my house. So, I don't know how long it takes". You looked at Souichi and just smiled. You leaned your head and gently placed it on his shoulder. Souichi also rested his chin on your head and you both waited for Koichi to come out of the room with the principal. What seemed like forever, both men come out of the room.

"Thank you for time sir, And I'll make sure that this won't happen ever again".

"Yes, and make sure to tell Y/n's parents as well, I know both your parents have been friends for such a long time". 

(I wonder what went down in the backroom. Did he play along with Souichi's plan? Or did he snitch?) 

Everyone bowed to the principal and left the school. The second you all got in the car Koichi started to scold Souichi. 

"Souichi why are you always getting in trouble all the time! The family and I are tired of you just giving us problems! You're lucky that I played along because that will be the last time that I'm going to defend you!" 

Souichi made a hand puppet and started to mock his brother. It made you laugh a little

(God whats going to happen to me once the car stops? Well, I'll have to wait and see.)

~Time skip~

"Come on Y/n don't be sad look at me I put a face on, wow. Look at me, I put a show on when I go HA HA HA HA HA HA HA".

 Souichi said in a weird voice as he made this face:   

 Souichi said in a weird voice as he made this face:   

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This actually made you giggle a little. For some reason Souichi never fails to make you laugh or even giggle. Before Souichi could make you laugh even more, Koichi came and ruined the vibe. 

"Why are you guys laughing! You should be ashamed of yourselves".

"Did you at least buy me my slim-jim". Souichi said as he pinched his nose. You laughed so much you couldn't breathe. 

"UGH". Koichi got out of the car and went back in the store. You both laughed at Koichi for being so stupid. After a moment of laughing, you hugged Souichi and squeezed him so tight and you brought him closer to you. 

"Please don't leave me for another girl Souichi. I love you so much".

"I won't ever leave you Y/n I love you too much".

You laid on Souichi and slowly drifted to sleep. 

(*sigh* How did I find someone like you Souichi)

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