Um....That Went Well part 2

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At the corner of your eye, you can see that Souichi was working on something. But you couldn't see since he has it underneath the table. 

"Anyways, we ran into the city, and we saw that everyone was sleeping, nor were the lights on. My cousin placed me in a box full of mangos, closed the lid and ran away. There was a hole on the side of the box, and I tried to make a bigger hole to get a better look." 

Before you could finish the rest of your sentence, you clenched your hands on your thighs. You tried to calm yourself down by taking a deep breath in and breathing out. 

"There right before my eyes I saw my cousin surrounded in a corner by these men. He tried to defend himself, but he was outnumbered. They grabbed Manolo, restraining him as he tried to break free from their strong grip." You felt a tear roll down your cheek as you started to studder with your words. 

"C-Chiko came up with a somewhat kitchen knife and stopped Infront of Manolo he said: 

"Manolo, I know that you and I go way back. And I respect you for that, but you know how I feel when someone calls me "Baldy". Now I'm going to ask you and I'm going to ask you once. Where did you hide that brat?"

"What brat are you talking about? If you're talking about the half and half, then you're lost. She already left Mexico."

As you continued you can feel more tears roll down your face. You wiped off your tears and tried to finish the story. 

"After Manolo said what he said, Chiko didn't hesitate to stab Manolo three times in the stomach. A-a-after he s-s-stabbed Manolo, he and his gang left. I came out of the box and ran to him. When I got to him all I saw was a puddle of blood and I saw Manolo struggling to breath. I-I-I tried to stop the bleeding with a piece of my nightgown, but he just shoved my hands away from him. He pulled me closer, and he told me: 

"Hey Y/n remember what I taught you. Don't ever let someone run their mouth. And thank you for loving someone like me. But the world is a dangerous place, you have to protect yourself and everyone else that you deeply care about. Beat anyone you want to beat but let it be a good reason why. I love you". 

"Those were his last dying words as he slipped away out of my arms. I was only 11 years old when I ever had someone die in my arms. I-I-k-knew t-that I should've done something". You started to cry your eyes Infront of everyone. You never really cried but when you did, it was only around Souichi. Souichi hugged you as you cried into his arms. You didn't care what anyone thought at the moment. You just needed to cry. You calmed yourself down, but tears kept rolling down your face.

"After a week of Manolo's death, I started to have depression and I didn't really talk to anyone for the rest of the time I was there. When I finally came back home, I didn't tell anything to my parents, and I just continued to train. Just like how Manolo taught me. And that's how I learned to fight like how I do." 

You got up from your seat and just went outside to get some fresh air. But everyone else just sat in their seats, not uttering a single word. 

"Heheh I'll go check on her." Souichi left his seat and followed you outside. He saw you walking back and forth trying to calm yourself down. He could also hear you muttering something to yourself. 

"Hey Y/n you, okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just I feel like stabbing someone right now."

"Well, I could make that come true, Here follow me." Souichi grabbed your hand and led you into the woods. Your eyes sparkled as you followed Souichi through the woods. 

(I wonder what he means when he says, "I could make that come true." I'm really excited to see what it is)

The more Souichi drags you the more the forest starts to get dark and cold. You can see that Souichi expression was priceless. Whatever this surprise is, He's really excited to show you. 

"Souichi how much longer?". You say as you try to not fall behind. 

"We're almost there just a little longer." 

You trusted into what Souichi said and just kept following him. But little did you know that this "surprise" was going to change your life big time. You noticed that the trees had dolls that were nailed into the bark and something that almost resembled a human head. You already knew that Souichi works with black magic, so seeing something like this was normal for you. Before you can turn back to Souichi you crashed right into him, making you fall on top of him. 

"Wow this is awfully familiar~, maybe we have done this before~ " Souichi said as he bit his bottom lip. 

"W-W-WHAT NO I'M NOT TRYING TO DO WHAT YOU THINK I'M TRYING TO DO." You shouted as you quickly got off of him. You were blushing so hard that you looked like a tomato. 

"My my I don't know why you're being shy, I'm I that handsome." Souichi snickered as he dusted himself off. He looked into your eyes, making you blush more and looking towards the ground. 

"And turn away when I look into your eyes." Souichi said as he lifted your head to face him. 

"You don't know"

"What don't I know" you say as you slightly look away from Souichi, still blushing. Souichi had the cutest smile across his face and brought your lips closer to his. 

"You don't know you're beautiful." Souichi kissed you, leaving you in a moment of these emotions that feel like fireworks. You kissed Souichi back while resting your arms on his shoulders. You placed his hands on your waist bringing you closer to him. After a minute you both pulled back from the kiss. 

"Thats what makes you beautiful."


"Okay okay just follow me, it should be around here." You follow Souichi wherever this "surprise" was placed at. You grabbed Souichi's hand and started to hold it. Of course, he did the same, and that made you smile. 

"Ok y/n I'm going to need you to stay right here for a bit okay."

"Oh, okay I'll wait." You sat on a stump as you saw Souichi disappear into the distance of the dark, cold forest. In the distance you can see a woman. But you couldn't really tell what she looks like. You wanted to get a closer look but that's when......

"What is a young girl like you doing in these woods."

You turned around to see a very slender extremely tall woman. She had a bony face. And when she talked you can see that she had razor sharp fangs in her mouth. She was wearing a strapless pink dress. 

"Um w-who are you?"

Souichi Tsujii x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now