Genshin | Ventixreader(F) | A...

By ameiamei998

3.9K 99 76

She is born as a sacrifice but a will to live... "I like It here...and I don't need to use other people's nam... More

Tale 1
Tale 2
Tale 3
Tale 5
Tale 6

Tale 4

440 14 8
By ameiamei998

Play the song when I give you the signal bc it doesn't match the upstart :)
Please support the Artist's Cover


"Hello, can we ask, do you happen to know a birthday place?" said the flying girl

"Oh...a birthday place? I think I heard one at the tavern but I'm not sure..."

"It's ok! At least we got a clue! Thank you MR." said Paimon and turn back to Lumine "the tavern? Where could that tone-deaf-bard get the mora to do that? Do you think Master Diluc is being too generous?"

"Who knows" Lumine shrugged "but we should go, I don't want us to be late, we can also help around if we can too" Lumine made her way to the tavern and Paimon follow along.

---inside the Tavern

"We're here!" Paimon shouted, "we're here to party-"

"I SAID I DON'T NEED IT!" a boy shouted "KEEP IT TILL NEXT YEAR, I don't need it this year..." the boy lower his face.

"(C/n)..." Venti stands in front of the boy holding a box "it's for this should open them..."

"IT'S ALSO THE LAST YEAR TOO" the little boy shouted more "it was the last one...I won't get another one next year..."

  Lumine and Paimon look at each other and around themselves with a lot of familiar faces.

"What going on?" Paimon whisper to Lumine

Lumine whisper back "How am I supposed to know when I got here with you?!"

"Hehe, right"

"Lumine, Paimon" a girl with a red bow walk up to them "you two are a bit late..."

"We are? We thought we come quietly early" Paimon look at Lumine "maybe we because we were busy looking for the gift"

"So what happens?" Lumine ask

" you can see, Venti give c/n his gift said it was from his mom, c/n was excited but his expression changed when Venti said it's was the last..."

"Oh..." Lumine look at c/n who trying to hold his tear.

"I HATE YOU!" c/n yell and run out of the tavern

"..." Venti's face looks so shocked "he, he said he hates me" he turn to Lumine "he hates me..." he fall to the ground "he hates me..."

  Lumine deadpan "he too shocked to do anything now..."

"We should go put our gift down and go find c/n," said Paimon

"Mhm..." Lumine and Paimon walk to the counter and meet Diluc "oh, hello Master Diluc!" Paimon waves her hand.

"Greeting you two" Diluc nod "you two come at a bad time..."

"We sure are" Lumine shrugged "but I didn't know you would lend a tavern for Venti"

"No, it's for c/n," he said, "c/n is a great helper in any way, and a fast learner so..."

"You take a liking to him! Well, we all do!" Said Paimon proud.

"At least he better than his father over there" Diluc looked at Venti who was still in shock with Keaya laughing at him.

"We should go find c/n," said Lumine deadpan.

"I'm counting on you two" Dilluc feels tired.

  The two leave and look at each other "where to?" Paimon ask

"Um...maybe we should go to Inazuma"


"Of course not Paimon!" a tick mark appear on Lumine's head

"Hehe, we should look in the city and then outside the city after," said Paimon Laughing nervously

"let's go!" Lumine nods.

  The two look everywhere in the city and outside the city but c/n is nowhere to be found.

"Did we miss him somewhere?" Paimon look around

"We might..." Lumine looked worried "where could he be?"

"Did you two find him?"

The two turn to see Venti walking toward them "so?"

"No luck..." Paimon feels down "we look everywhere!" Lumine nods.

"I figure, that's why I'm here too" Venti laugh

"Geez, your beloved son is missing and you're here just laughing?!" tick marks appear on Paimon's head.

"Well, I am worried but c/n is c/n after all, he could be anywhere," said Venti "buuuuuut if I have to pick a place where he would go...I know a couple of places" he smile.

"You do??" Said the two

"Yes! Come on, Follow me!" said Venti

The two look at each other and follow Venti from behind...feeling a bit confused.


The wind rustles as small dandelions fly onto the sky, a boy sitting on the field of dandelion there alone playing with them, blowing them off.

He turns to see three people walking toward him, he turns away and ignores him "Hmph!" he pouts.

"Found you!" said Venti "I knew you would be here" he smile.

"Wooow!" Paimon is in awe as she flies around "WOW!"

"I didn't know there was a place like this in Monstatd," Said Lumine as she pick up a couple of them in her hand.

"There just no one has found it yet..." said Venti as he walk forward to c/n "do you still hate me?" he ask bending down to his child's height.

"Hmph!" he turns away

"haha, look like you do" he takes a seat next to c/n, and brings out his lyre "Traveler, Paimon, Would you like to continue our story here?"

C/n turns to his dad with confusion, the two traveler nods and come sit with them.

Venti giggle and start to play his lyre, as the sound play, the wind also dances around the Dandelion.

Back to the past
(you can start playing the music :)

3 years later...

The two people walk among the crowd as the festival takes place, the girl with (e/c) walking along with the boy in green. He held her hand close to make sure they will not separate.

The girl with (e/c), wears a long pale green dress, matching the boy in green. Her hair is shorter than the first time she is here.

"Where should we go?..." said the boy in green, excited about their date.

"Venti..." she calls him as they walk through the crowd.

"Hm?" he turns back to look at her, her face is blushing red, "are you alright?" he asks, feeling her forehead making her jump backward.

"U-um...mhm" she nods and faces down

"Are you sure, you alright?" he asked again, feeling a bit worried.

"I..." she look hesitated "no, I'm alright..." she shake her head in denial.

"..." Venti can clearly see that she want to say something, he got closer to her meeting her (e/c) "tell me" he demanded, "what is it?"

"T-there too many people," she looked away, her face beet red.

"Y/n, you're burning" he feel her forehead "are you alright? Wait! Are you having a fever again?!" he shouted.

"Shhh! It's not like that!!" she covers his mouth "we-we should go somewhere else...everyone is watching" she start to feel embarrassed.

"Hah? Otay..." he said with his mouth being covered.

Venti hold her hand "I know of a good place! Want to see?" he smiles

Somehow her heart skip a beat again "yes..." she smiled back.

Venti pull her away from the crowd and out of the city "ready?" he asks

"Ready? For?"

"Hehe! You'll see" he holds onto her close, the swirl surrounding them, making them disappear from where they are.

"Y/n, open your eyes," said he

"" she in awe "This is beautiful..." she let go of him and walk along with the dandelion.

"..." Venti watches y/n as she twirls herself around the field of Dandelion "... yeah, beautiful..." a smile appears on his face.

"Haha!" she laugh, she take off her shoes and turn to Venti "come join me Barbatos!" she exclaimed.

"Mhm!" he takes out his lyre "instead of that, I will play you the music," he starts playing the soft tone to match with the wind that plays around the dandelion.

"Sure!" she twirls herself around as her dress also goes a long with her. The tone continues to ring as she dances barefoot on the ground.

"Haha! That was super fun!" said she, collapsing onto the ground.

Venti sits down next to her "Me too! This is super fun!" He look at her who was gasping for a breath of how tired she is.

"Say...y/n, do you have something to tell me?" he asks putting his lyre away.

"..." she turns away, her ear starting to get red "I-I forgot what it is..." she whispers

"Oh really?" he leans to get closer to her, seeing her start to get bright red "Look to me, you do..." he smiles

"!" her heart starts to beat faster the more she looks at him "er," she looks away.

She hide under her hair as she get up "Actually I do have something I want to confirm..." she said looking at Venti

"Go on..." Venti seems a bit nervous, he has a feeling he might hear something he wanted to hear but at the same time, he doesn't seem to have hope for it since she was always dense.

"Y-you the other like couple months back, I start to have this weird feeling...around that one person" she explain "I don't know why I talk with a girl I am close with and she said that...I'm" her head down

"I-I see...that guy must be super lucky!" he tries to smile "Whoever it is, I will help you as I can" trying to control his irritation.

"um...thank," she said

"so who is he?" he doesn't want to know

"He...super sweet," she said

Someone who is sweet to her?

"He's a good listener, he also helps me with a lot of stuff"

"I see" Venti nods
Who is that?

"he also helps me what's fun is in this place,"

He sounds familiar

"He always has been by me for as long as I know..." she smiles looking at Venti

"He is?" Venti tilled his head confused making y/n giggle.

"And here I thought I was the dense one..." said she still giggling to herself.

"..." Venti pause and looks around him "no way..." his face starts to get warm and eyes his getting teary.

Y/n claps his hand with her "who do you think it is?" she smiles

He gulps "w-who?" he sounds a bit shaky

"Do I have to really spell it out?" She asks in disbelief

"I-I want to hear it from you!" he shouted and lean in closer to her "I really am!"

"o-oh..." her face start to blush as she whispers something out

"Hm? I can't hear y/n" he lean in even closer

"I-I like you..." her face is bright red and turns her head away

"...y-you do?" he had a lot of mixed feelings, happy, wanted to cry, excited.

"Mhm..." her (e/c) peek back at him "I do," said she

Venti hug her "me too, me too!" he said, repeating it again and again "for so long..." finally he got an answer from her.

"Oh no...why are you crying? Did u hate it?" she look at him, worried.

"I do not! I-I'm just really happy about it..." he said as more tears flowed out. Y/n help him wipe his tear away making her smile.

"..." Venti stare at her (e/c), sparkling so beautifully "I like you a lot too," he said, caressing her hair "Form the first time we meet..." he leaned his closer to her "I didn't know the day would come" he meets with her lip and part back "I'm so happy..."

"..." y/n face become even redder than before as Venti kiss her "I-I see..." again she hides under her hair.

Venti starts laughing when she acts like this "dear me, How could I not?" he leans in more to kiss her again.

To the present

The lyric stop, Venti turn to c/n who listening closely.

"So right now, you sitting at your mom and dad love nest," said Venti

"..." c/n didn't say anything, but turned away "I didn't see anything related to my birthday..."

Venti looks at Lumine and Paimon for help, but they don't see to get the signal and so they agree with c/n.

"The field of Dandelion have much meaning to both your mother and I" he continues "both the start of our love and also...the end of our love"

"What?" C/n look at Venti confuse...

To be continued...

What do you think? Comments!

Hey there, there some weird thing happen, If you were reading this on your phone, you might not see the song that I put in, I'm sorry about that. I try to fix it multiple times but still didn't work. but I will make sure to research it of "why" thank you for being patient.

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