My Error Academia 404 *PAUSED*

By Samuel_Wesker1

68.4K 1.2K 416

¿An Error in Izuku's story? In a world full supernatural abilities where 80% of humanity has those powers cal... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Hello (Not a chapter)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
:) (Not a chapter)
On hold
Bad news
Chapter 17
Another quick info
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Not a chapter, another Story
Not really a chapter, Spoilers tho
Strange Supreme/Steven
Chapter 23
God of Stories
Thank you!
GoS update
Chapter 24
Uptade Pausing
Its coming

Chapter 5

3.3K 59 71
By Samuel_Wesker1

Chapter 5
Ink pov:
"Take care of something? What do you mean?"
The girl asked me.
"Eh, hell if i know."
'I do know but this girl was created directly by Izuku not by King Multiverse like me and Error, she's gonna more loyal to him then King M. But this is all for Izuku's sake.'
I see her raising eyebrown at me.
'She's suspicios.'
"Okay, then you are Ink right?"
"Yup! And whats your name?"
I asked her as my left eye turned into a question mark.
She looks down at the floor for a second before looking at me again.
"Alpha, call me Alpha."
"Well okay Alpha! Welcome to the family!"
I smilled at her and she returns the smile with her own gentle one.
'Heh, i can see her creator in her.'
"Anyways, its actually shocking that he managed to summon a sentient being at his first try."
"Yea! King M said he probably wouldn't be able to ! But he did!"
Aplha smirked.
"Of course he is, he's fucking amazing."
"Awww! Its sweet that you care for him that much!"
"He literaly created me to be by his side forever."
She says with a neutral tone.
"Well, true BUT! You are also fully sentient, you can...disobey since he gave you the abiltity to do so."
"He also didn't give me a reason to."
She gave me a glare and hugged Izuku tighter.
'Geez, overprotective much?'
"Fair enough! And no need to be so uptight! He's the master of ALL of us in here!"
She relaxed a little but didn't stop hugging him.
"You know that he's gonna freak out when he wakes up like that right?"
She sent me an amused smirk.
"I am very aware."
I giggle a little into my hand.
'Yea, we are gonna get along juuuust fine.'
Just then i could see Error and King Multiverse appear behind Aplha and Izuku, i could see King M is a little roughed up.
'So they fought.'
Alpha also caugh sight of them, didn't react probably because she knows who they are from Izuku's memories.
King Multiverse's eyes widdened as he saw Alpha.
"His first creation is alive? Incredible!"
Even Error send a suprised look her way.
"I knew he is going to be strong. But such a perfect and strong creation on his first try? Simple incredible!"
King Multiverse stated with a smile.
Soon Izuku started stiring in his sleep.

Izuku pov:
I started oppening my eyes but i realized that someone holds me close to their body.
By taking a look a realize that its the girl from before.
My face starts to feel hot and i start glitching out while making weird noises.
Suddently i hear 3 voices laughing, soon i realized that they beling to, the girl, Ink and Error.
"T_Traitors!" I yelled as i got up from the girls lap.
"O-oh god, i- pffft i can't stop."
The girl said in between her laugher.
When she calmed down she made eye contact with me.
"Anyways, my names is Alpha. Its nice to meet you Izuku."
"Well, i_i don't ne_ed to introduce my_s_self don't i?"
"No, you don't need to."
She then walked close to me and held my hands, i couldn't help but notice how her touch didn't cause me to glitch as me and Error normaly do when someone touches us.
"From this day i promise you, that i will never leave your side, i will always believe in you, i will always be there for you."
She said and wrapped her arms around me.
Tears almost rolled down from my eyes but i managed to keep them down as i wrapped my arms around her.
"T_thank y-you."
"O_okay, now l_leave t_this for la_ater to yourselfs love birds."
Error stated as i felt my face heat up again. We unwrapped from our hug.
Alpha smilled at me and i smilled back.
"Hey  E_Error?"
"Ca_an we t_talk?"
After my talk with Error i woke up, in my room this time.
As i glitch my pajamas to the clothes King Multiverse gave me i gathered energy and summoned Error.
"W_well? Shall w_we?"
I look at him with a grim and nodded.
"Honestly, of course you two would want to train at 3:30 am."
I look over my shoulder and saw transparent figure of Alpha.
Before i could ask how is she here she spoke.
"One of the abilities you gave me when you wanted a 'guardian' is that i can manifest myself, without you summoning me, in two modes, this one where i'm something like a ghost and only you and your summons can see me, or a fully formed."
"I_i see."
I looked back at Error and nodded once again.
"L_lets go."
  - #In the morning# -
  A police officer that intruduced himself as Naomasa Tsukachi came to our house and said he's here for my training.
After short talk with my mom he took me away. For the next 43 weeks i would train the hell out of my quirk, with both them and King Multiverse.
I managed to create my first world with the help of KM and he said something about "point of origin" still not sure what he meant. As i created the first inhabitants of this world i felt something i haven't felt for a long time. I was....happy.
But sometimes...i felt like something is wrong, like there is someone else looking over my shoulder other then Alpha all the time. Something dark. Also Alpha almost never goes back into the throne room, she is almost always in her transparent form with me. Its...nice.

King Multiverse pov:
"You know he will eventualy find out about me...right? He's too smart for his own good eh?"
I oppened my eyes as i see the same glowing blue eye as my master has. But this isn't him and never will be.
"And before that day comes, i will do anything to protect him from you."
The being laughed, deep insane laugher that sends shivers down my spine.
"Make sure that you'll train him well. Because one day that power will be mine along with his body."

#day before UA exams#
Izuku pov:
"You ready?"
Alpha asked me as she levitated next to me.
"Y_yea, lets g_go."
She smilled at me and we went home one last time before the exams.

Word count: 1072
Sorry if you find gramatic errors, i was tired writting this chapter. Also double upload? I'm suprising myself!

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