
By katerina63

5.1K 125 35

Brooke was just looking for a steady job, unknowingly interviewing for hidden gangsters. With her now in vie... More



392 9 0
By katerina63

Brooke awoke with a pounding head and with her throat begging for a drink of water.

She groans slightly as she reaches up to console her forehead. Doing so she brushes against the hardness of toms back. In shock she pulls her arm away, suddenly feeling her soundings, the softness of the mattress, the weight of Cillian arm over her, the loose fitting clothes slipping slowly down her body.

sobering she takes in her surroundings. The room was spacious, with dark heavy curtains blocking out the sun. The bed was positioned in the middle of the room and Brooke could see that to the left of them was an open door that led to the bathroom, to the right of them ran a glass wall that stopped at the beginning of a new set of cupboards. In front of her hung a large tv that had a brown chestnut draws underneath it.

A movement from Tom pulled Brooke's attention back to her closer surroundings. She watches as the mussels flex in toms bare back as he tugs the blanket closer and then ceases to move again.

Cillian on the other hand was dressed in black statin pjs, his dark hair all lopsided in his pillow.

Brooke looks to her own attire, to find to her disgust that she was changed out of her interview clothes into grey sweats with the strings pulled tight that she guessed due to their size belonged to Cillian and a large white t-shirt that she attributed to Tom under the same method of investigation.

She cranes her neck to see her original clothes where thrown to the floor. She also noticed that at the end of the tall frame posts held cuffs on each one. The long chains hung loosely against the sides but Brooke could image the limited movement she would have when in use.

Her heart begins to race.

She slowly pushes Cillian's arm off of her, sitting up and slowly turning climbing over the blanket.

A strong hand grips her arm. Keeping her in place.

"good morning' brooke", Cillian mummers in a croaky voice. she turn to see him still with his eyes closed, Cillian taps his shoulder to relay that she should rest her head which she does with the help of Cillian's hand guiding her neck towards him. He lets out a tired sigh, wanting to go back to sleep.

"did you sleep well?" he coons, flexing his arms around her in a tight embrace. Her head locked in the hook of his inner elbow, pushing her head against his chest while his other arm locks around her back pushing her whole body closer to his own.

"let me go"

Brooke try's to pushes her upper body away from the close contact, her space invaded again when Cillian reaches his long leg over her body to shake Tom.

"Hey, look who's up" Cillian spoke earning a groan from Tom

He does as he is asked through flipping his body towards the couple. "Good morning, darling" his raspy voice spoke, his eyes open just enough to view brooke in the arms of Cillian.

Brooke cranes her neck to look at him but remains silent.

Cillian again tightens his arms to give brooke a little shake,

"say good morning, Tom" he quips.

No response was given.

"we'll work on our manners another day" Tom said after realizing he wasn't going to get a returned greeting,

He rolls out of bed, stretching once his feet hit the ground. "I am going to take a shower. You'll be right wit her?"

he calls behind him as he heads towards the open bathroom door.

"Yes" Cillian answers just before the closing of the door.

Cillian himself then gets up, releasing his hold on brooke.

"are you hungry?" he speaks to brooke.

Holding out his hand for her to take, she refuses hopping out of toms side of the bed to Avoid him.

He rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything, walking out of the bedroom down the hall to the living space.

Brooke follows begrudgingly behind him, taking her time to observe the apartment.

They had gone for a rather dark and sleek look.Dark wooden marble floors matched with dark walls, artificial lighting lit the room, helping the prison like feel brooke felt.

"You can't go through these doors. There locked, nothing in 'em' anyway" Cillian calls behind him, as they pass several closed doors,

"this one" he knocks against a door that had a key code access, "is my office. Tom will let you through if

They finally reach the end of the hall that leads to the living room.

"That" he continues his tour, pointing to the far corner that had a room built into it, "is the spare bathroom. Feel free to turn it into your own little beauty spot if you wish. Last thing I want is to be fighting off nail polishes and hair straighteners looking for toothpaste"

Cillian waltzes behind the kitchen island, pulling out a folded menu. Stretching out his hand to the stool on the opposite side, he begins to speak," options for breakfast"

She takes the seat in mindless obedience, her thoughts consumed by her desire for water. Placing the menu in front of her, Cillian continues to speak,

"If there is something that you want that's not on there. You can still order it, they are very accommodating"

He stretches his hand out to touch brooke's head causing her to jolt back.

"Please", she begins and cillian raises his eyebrows, " i would really like a glass of water"

Cillian complied with the order, turning and grasping a glass cup from the black top cupboard and cold water from the fridge, closing the door with his foot.

He walks around and stops next to brooke chair.

The sound of pouring water was music to her ears.

She takes the cup out of her hands before he had time to give it to her, gulping it down. Once she was finished Cillian pours her another, she takes it with the same gusto.

" settle,  You'll give yourself a belly ache. There's plenty of water". He rubs her back in soothing circles but brooke jerks away from his touch,

With that the glass was taken from brooke's grip.

She reaches for it but he keeps it away, taking the bottle and the glass back into the kitchen.

" life will be very easy for you here if you choose" ,he keeps the cup across the kitchen, away from her,
"but you can have it your way of you'd like"

"Just let me go home, you fucking psycho" she begs.

Cillians slams the cup down on the counter, water jumps over onto the counter. He uses the hand to rub his lower face roughly, his eyes going to the spot on the counter.

"I understand that this is and is going to be difficult for you" he begins, his eyes staying in the same spot, "But I need you to begin to try to adjust. Things will be better when you try and adjust. We'll be a lot kinder to you if we can see you are trying. Being a brat won't get you far with either of us"

His blue eyes shoot to hers.

"Now do you want the drink of water?"

She nods viciously, her throat burning for a drink and he reaches it back out.

"Ah" he scolded pulling his hand away. He looks at brooke with a think about it expression, again holding out the glass, just past brookes reach

"Thank you" she try's

"'better. Thank you, what?"
The cup inches forward.

'Thank you, Cillian"

He retreats the cups. His expression turning from a stern look to an annoyed one. Brooke had no idea what he wanted. Which was highly unfair, her needs where expressed greatly. All she wanted was to walk out of this hotel with a glass of water for her troubles. She has not played games and hidden her desires like her male counterparts, yet she was the one being punished for not knowing.

The two stare at each other for a moment before the clicking of shoes caused Cillian to push the cup towards Brooke and hastily turn around to pick up the phone. He begins to talk quietly into it, while Brooke resumes her quiet drinking only halting for a second when she feels a soft, fuffly fabric around her shoulders.

"Cillian, it's two things mornings should not be; early and cold. The least you could have done is dress her"

His brother waves him off talking through the phone.

Tom wraps his arm around Brooke, keeping the pink dressing gown wrapped around her.

In an attempt to rid him, she wiggles her arms through the sleeves.

He takes the hint, walking into the kitchen to make himself a cup of coffee from the small machine. Grabbing a white cup from the top cupboard he places it in the slot, pressing a button and waiting for the wirring of the machine.

" want one?" Tom asks, pressing a button that made the coffee pour through.

"I couldn't stomach it" a spiteful honest answer that gained no response.

Brooke watched his fluid movements, until being interrupted by Cillian sliding a menu across the counter, tapping it twice with the phone still pressed against his ear.

"What's little darling, having?" Tom cooned, coming back around to brookes side of the counter and placing his coffee beside her.

He leans against the counter, his forearms prepping him up as his long legs stretch behind him, so close to brooke that his broad shoulder touched her small ones. Taking the menu from the weak grasp of brooke, he points to a item on the menu that brooke couldn't muster to read.

"How-bout' pancakes? Topped with fresh fruit and authentic maple syrup. Sounds right down your ally"

Brooke nods her head in hopes of getting him away and Tom slides the menu back to Cillian, who repeated the order back down the phone.

"Thanks" Cillian concluded, placing the phone back on its base.
Tom still remained against her back. In no hurry to move from the contact. He reaches for his coffee next to her and takes a sip, not minding his brothers intense stare.

"You don't look well" he comments and tom hand goes from holding the cup to being placed on her forehead.

"I don't feel well"

"Why don't you go take a shower. We'll let you know when breakfast arrives"

"I'll get you sorted" Tom declared, taking a long sip of his coffee, before straightening up, taking brooke arm.

He leads her back down the hallway to the room she had awoken in. Walking across the spacious room to private bathroom. He let's go of her arm once they are both in side and the door is closed.

Matching the rest of the house the bathroom was done in an elegant style. Black and white tiles, white marble accessorises. Everything clean and sleek.

He walks to a glass cupboard, displaying professionally folded white towels and takes one out.

"Here you go. When your done with your clothes you can just chuck them down here" he opens a metal shoot designed into the wall next to towel cupboard," and you'll find your new ones in the door across from this one"

Brooke hugs the towel to her chest, remaining silent.

Tom moves closer to her, wrapping his strong arms around her. "I am really glad you are here, you know?"

"Chock and die" brooke responses.

Tom grins back,"shampoos and stuff are in the
cupboard. If you need anything just give us a yell"

He retreats back into the kitchen, brooke doesn't
move until she hears the click of the closed door.

Tears fill her eyes, bracing herself against the
marble sink. Yesterday's makeup running down her
face, her teeth needing a good brush. She opens the
cupboard finding the promised stuff. Taking
makeup remover, a body scrub and hair products,
she throws the bath bottles into the shower before
waking over to the vanity set and sitting down.

Using the pads provided she begins to take off
yesterday's makeup.

How many women have they done this too? What
happened to them?

Brooke panic levels begins to rise again.

Almost swallowing her whole before a shining light
reflecting in the mirror catches her eye. She follows
it, climbing up top of the towel rack to peer out of
the small sun window.

There she saw it. A balcony full of pot-plants and
shiny windchimes.

If I could just get to it, she thinks, maybe i could seek help to get out.

Panic soon fell to hope. The distance between the
two balconies was further then brooke would have
liked but she could make it. She had to make it.

Taking her shower with great pride, she finishes by putting everything back where she originally got it
from. She then pokes her head around the door to
ensure that no one else was in the room before
rushing to the closed door where the fresh clothes
where promised.

Opening it caused her great amazement. The walk-
in wardrobe was breathtaking. On the left was toms
Clothes. Packed with workout clothes and
expensive black suits. The right was clillans, mostly
suits, formal dress shirts, however a few more causal dress wear could be found among it. The back wall belonged to brooke. The top rack holding a range of different dresses going down to shirts and pants.

Squares built into the wall held shoes and one or two purses.

Brooke picked up a pair of blue jeans and grey
jumper. The jeans, while her size, where slightly
too tight and the jumper hung loose around her
body. She knows she has to go back and after a few
moments of deliberation, she walks back down the
dark hall.

Upon entering the open space she hears the low murmur of a young boy.

"Help me" brooke cry's, running towards the boy of
18 wearing a red uniform and talking to Cillian while setting the food on the table, she was caught by Tom before she got too far,
"please help me"

Tom keeps her in place with his strong arms around her waist, her hands rest upon his, trying to push them down.

"Right" Cillian spike after a moment of looking
between  the boy and the girl,
"I think I can take it from here. Thank you'.

A hand on the young boys shoulder guides him back to the door.

"Wait" brooke yells after him.

"I don't think he is going to be much help to you" Tom snides.

A tip was taken from Cillians pocket and placed in the hand of the boy.

He sighs as he closes the door, frustrated at her resistance. But he doesn't dwell, heading back over to the table.

Brooke was released but failed to move away.

Cillians out stretched hand indicated where brooke was to sit and she obeys. Following brooke, Tom stands behind his chair at the head of the table, pulling out the chair
to his right for her.

They both take seats while Cillian finishes dishing
out the food.

"'There we go" he says finally taking his seat across from brooke.

Tom begins to eat straight away. Cillian mainly
ignores his meal, focusing on his paper and taking
small sips of his coffee.

Without her glasses brooke couldn't make out the
small ink but she strained her eyes hopping to see
anything similar to her name.

"You're not in here" Cillian notices her efforts, "and you won't be"

"People will notice that I am missing"

"Perhaps. But who has the power to do anything?"

"The police will come and you'll both be locked away"

A snort comes from Tom, drawing brookes attention. Cillian earns it back.

"We Own the police, we own the papers and we own you".

"My parents know I am here. The police have to come"

"Your parents can report to the police until they are
blue in the face. Nothing will come of it"

"My parents will come then!"

"They are welcome to wait in the lobby" Tom remarks.

"Eat your food, brooke. It's too early for the pestering"

In an act of defiance, brooke throws the plate of pancakes to the ground. Chest heaving and tears
swelling As she did.

Cillian folds his paper, placing it to the side before
crossing his arms across his chest and leaning back
in his chair to size her up.

It was Tom who made the move. Moving ever so
slowly, Picking up a side plate and pinching up the
pancakes with his thumb and forefinger.

The ice cream and toppings remain on the floor, he tosses the small plate with the sticking pancakes
back in front of brooke.

"Now you can eat it" Tom imposes, wiping his
fingers on a napkin.

Cillian doesn't object, still staring at brooke.

"Go fuck yourself"

A glimmer shone through toms eyes but externally
remained clam.

Brooke had a feeling that he liked the defiance.

"We've given you the chance to eat good food. If you want to let it go to waste that's your business but we are not men to put our hands in the cage to be bitten twice. You'll eat the pancake before you eat anything else"

Upset with Brooke's actions, Cillian scraps back his chair,

"excuse me"

He leaves the room with another word.

Was this her chance? If she could get to the balcony
now, she would only have to distract one Brother
long enough to jump over the rail to the balcony

"Eat a couple of bites and then we can get you something you'd like, ok?"

"Tom, listen to me, please" she reaches out and touches his hand, gaining his attention," please, can we go out to the balcony? I just need some fresh air. Please, Tom, please"

"Alright, just for a moment" he answers, raising out
of his chair. Brooke follows closely, half pushing
Tom out the locked door in fear the Cillian would return.

Once out, brooke heads straight to the rail and holds it tightly. It didn't look so high in the bathroom.

"Hey, away from there please. I don't want you to fall". His arm around her waist again, holding her
in place, the other wrapped around the rail also

She turns in his arm,
"The cold air makes you quite hungry"

Tom smiles, "I'll go get the pancake. You, sit here and wait" he drags her over to the outdoor dinning area shoving her in the seat.

She waits until he has gone through the door again
before jumping the brick barricade with the metal
rail. Her feet land on the slim bit of concrete just
outside of it. Her landing seems to sway with the

Just let go, she tells herself, anything is better then staying here, even death. Her mind wills her to take a step off but her hand refuses to Let go.
The sound of Tom's voice startles her.

"What in gods name do you think you are doing"

Tom grits out through closed teeth, the plate of pancake once more on the ground.

He stalks towards her, causing her to let out a ear
piercing scream of "stop".

Her body leant ready to jump. He does as she asks and the two remain frozen. Neither one daring to make the first move.

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