Karn Putra Daksh

By AnweshaDas173

62.7K 3.5K 1.3K

Mahabharat, this simple word brings many thoughts, questions, conflicts. It's brings upon admiration as well... More

~: The Dyut Sabha : ~
~: The Unknown:~
~: It's Over Now :~
~: Magadh :~
~: Guests :~
~: Coronation :~
~: Questions :~
~: Mata Draupadi :~
~: Meeting Him :~
~: Suryaputra :~
~: New Steps :~
~: Birth of Daksh :~
~: The good bye :~
~: Digvijaya Yatra :~
~: Swayamvar :~
~: Marriage and Return :~
~: Reactions :~
~: The wait is over :~
~: Discussion :~
~: My son :~
~: Daan :~
~: Peace Proposal :~
~: Kurukshetra :~
~: Ploy :~
~: Dakshina :~
~: Please save him :~
~: Aftermath :~
~: Awake :~
~: Punishment :~
~: Har Har Mahadev :~
~:The Beginning:~
~: Hastinapur Under Attack? :~
~: Illusions :~

~:The Change:~

1.5K 95 25
By AnweshaDas173

Hello everyone. So yeah it's been 1.5 years since this story was updated. And I don't have any excuses this time. But I kind of lost the motivation to continue with this story because I felt that the plot is a crap. But I guess I still wanna end this story at least. But I can't promise regular updates.

And I know you guys already read this chapter. But I have changed the last part of it so I republished this chapter. Please read this chapter as it will reduce the chances of confusion that may occur while reading next chapters.

The death of Rajkumar Uttar and one akshauni sena broke down the confidence of Pandava army. The Pandavas were mourning the death of Virat Putra where as Kauravas were celebrating their victory on the first day itself.

In Kauravas camp

Duryodhan entered Bhishma's chamber and found him lost in some deep thought.

Duryodhan: Pitamaha.

Bhishma came out of his thoughts.

Bhishma: Duryodhan. What are you doing here now? Your brothers are enjoying over there.

Duryodhan: Yeah I know. I would have enjoyed the victory of the one who died was Yudhishthir instead of Rajkumar Uttar. Alas! That kid was just a few years younger than Lakshman. And I thought to talk to you about tommorow. About the planning.

Bhishma: Tomorrow our sole target will be capturing Yudhishthir.

Pandavas camp

The atmosphere was intense. Maharani of Virat was not in her senses. How could she? Afterall she lost the most integral part of her life. Everyone was trying to calm her but was it even possible? No. A mother can bear everything but not the death of her children. Uttara, sister of Rajkumar Uttar, wife of Kumar Abhimanyu, was in the same condition. Draupadi tried her best to sooth the pain of the mother and daughter. And now she went back to her tent and found her sons waiting for her to come. Seeing them her agony flew out of the window but soon her motherly concern took over her heart.

Draupadi: Putro.

Sutasoma: Mata, where were you?

Draupadi: I was with Maharana Sudeshna and Uttara putro. They are so grief-stricken. I couldn't leave them alone there. Your Subhadra ma is with both of them now.

Abhimanyu: Mata, Uttar and we bonded well in such short period of time. But none of us thought that our friendship will be this much short lived.

Draupadi: No one knows the future sons.

Prativindhya: You are right mata. We don't even know if we have to face the same situation in this battle or not. We just don't want to give you more pain. But we can't back off now. We have to fight.

Draupadi: I know putron. This war might snatch away everything from me from us. But you will try your best right? To come back to your mother?

Abhimanyu: We will surely try our best maate.

Suddenly dwarpal came in.

Dwarpal: Samragyi, Yuvraj Daksh is asking for your permission to meet you.

Draupadi's eyes lit with sudden happiness. She wanted to meet her son too. But the situation was not helping.

Draupadi: Send him in with all respect.

Dwarpal: Jo agya.

A few moments later Daksh came inside and saw the upapandavas sitting around his mother. He felt as if he shouldn't have come now.

Draupadi: Arre Putra, come, have a seat.

Daksh: No mata, I think I should come later.

Draupadi: Why? Come here now. You came at the right moment.

Daksh came inside and took a seat beside Draupadi.

Abhimanyu: Today in Warfield you were fighting so skillfully with Panchalraj. We all were amazed.

Daksh: No Rajkumar. You are just exaggerating it.

Satanika: Parantu apka parichay nahi mila mahoday. (But we didn't get to know your identity mahoday.)

Daksh: I have several identities. Which one do you want to know Kumar Satanika?

Prativindhya: We want to know each and every identity of yours. Because we do not want to miss any single thing about such a brave warrior like you.

Daksh looked at Draupadi and she nodded her head in approval.

Daksh: My name is Daksh, Yuvraj of Magadh. Son of Magadh naresh, parshuram shishya Radhey Karn. Swords and bow both are my favourite weapons.

Prativindhya: It's our pleasure to meet you Yuvraj. But you didn't mention anything about your gurudev.

Daksh: I have more than one gurus. I was taught the basic of every weapon and advanced sword fighting by Bhagwaan Parshuram. I learnt Shastras and kalas from Devi Dharini. My father taught me advanced archery and politics.

Abhimanyu: I don't know why I have a feeling that you are somehow related to us. It doesn't feel that you are someone whom we got to know today but someone who is very close to us but we didn't even meet before or did we?

Daksh: No prince. We didn't meet each other before.

But Draupadi was having a hard time fighting with her thoughts. She wanted to tell them about her eldest son so badly. She was looking at Daksh with some hope but she nodded his head no. She doesn't even understand that what is the need of hiding it. She doesn't care what people think about her anymore because she has faced more insults after becoming the common wife of Pandavas. And not to forget the greatest humiliation of her life. But she won't do anything which can make her son uncomfortable so she decided to tell them only the necessary facts.

Draupadi: Why don't you tell them Putra?

Daksh: Mata, I don't know what to say.

Draupadi: Putron, you all are my life. Without you I can't survive. But that day I wouldn't have survived if that boy didn't save me. Exactly 13 years ago a boy came to the sabha of Hastinapur and created havoc over there. He saved me from the humiliation. He saved me from giving up on my life. And that HE...

She paused for a second and then started again.

Draupadi: And that HE is Daksh. He is very special to me you know. From that day only he became my son. My eldest son. Elder than you all.

The sons of Draupadi were in awe. Because their mamashree Krishna always told them about the boy that saved their mother. But never told the name.

Shrutasena: We don't know how to thank you in words. The least we can do is calling you bhratashree.

Daksh: But I am sutputra princes. And this won't be appreciated by your fathers.

Shrutkarma: Maybe our fathers believe in caste system. But we do not. We grew up in Dwarka, and caste system is not something with which we are acquainted so well.

Daksh: I am pleased to accept all of you as my younger brothers from today princes.

Prativindhya: But who was the lady that was driving your chariot? We must say she is quite skillful.

Daksh: She is Princess of Ayodhya,daughter of Maharaj Brihadbala, and yuvrani of Magadh, Bhairavi, my spouse and we have twin kids named Dhruv and Dakshita. Student of Brahmarishi Vishwamitra, an excellent sword fighter as well as administrator.

Shatainik: They why is she not fighting in the war. We could have had another strong warrior.

Draupadi: The rules my son, the rules where women cannot fight in war.

In other side of the camp a person was walking thinking about the outcome of today's war and also about the probable strategies that might be implemented tommorow. He didn't know that he walked so far from the camp and is already standing at the shore of Ganga. Suddenly he saw someone sitting there looking at the river. He went closer to the person. When suddenly the person started speaking.

Person:What brings you here Mitra Dhrishtadyumna?

Dhrishtadyumna: I was just having a walk Mitra Vasu.

So the person was Dhrishtadyumna. And he was surprised to find the King of Magadh sitting here all alone.

Karn: Come sit with me.

Dhrishtadyumna sat down beside Karn.

Dhrishtadyumna: What are you doing here Vasu?

Karn: Nothing I also came here for a walk. I couldn't help but sit over here for a while because the Ganga ghat is the only place where I can find some peace even in the middle of the war.

Dhrishtadyumna: Yeah. You are right.

There was silence for a few moments but Dhrishtadyumna decided to break it.

Dhrishtadyumna: We should have listened to you Vasu. May be we could have prevented such a huge loss and Kumar Uttar's death.

Karn: I don't know Dhrisht. Maybe we could have done that. But kauravas broke the rule on the very first day itself.

Dhrishtadyumna: Even after being senanayak I couldn't do anything. I could not even make a proper strategy. I couldn't understand the motive of Bhishm.

His voice was filled with guilt. He was ashamed that he couldn't tackle this situation then how is he even going to slay Drona.

Karn: Mitra Dhrishtadyumna, sometimes we commit mistakes. But we should learn from it. Today we got to know that in no way Mahamahim Bhishm is going to go too soft on us just because Pandavas are his favourite. He will surely fulfill his duty towards Hastinapur. So from next day we have to take care of it. Kauravas' main strength is Mahamahim. Because he is a mastermind in the battlefields.

Dhrishtadyumna: You are right Vasu. Pandavas are going to arrange a meeting regarding tommorow's strategy discussion and all. It's time now. Let's go. We don't wanna be late do we?

Karn: No Dhrisht you go. I will be going to my tent. I am not invited over there. But I hope this time plan our plans do not fail.

Dhrishtadyumna: I don't know why they are always pushing you aside.

Karn: Leave it na. Let's go back. Otherwise you will be late.

Dhrishtadyumna didn't say anything more because he had a different plan in his mind. Soon both of them went to their respective destinations.

Dhrishtadyumna went inside the tent and found that Pandavas along with Maharaj Virat and his father were already present there.

Maharaj Virat: Please come inside senanayak Dhrishtadyumna. We were waiting for you only. Come. We shall start the discussion now.

Dhrishtadyumna: Samrat Yudhishthir, before we start discussions I want to say something.

Yudhishthir: Yes say what you want to.

Dhrishtadyumna: Today because of our own mistakes we had to face such a huge loss. I feel that our planning totally went wrong. So with all respect Samrat, I request you to let me relinquish the title of sena nayak.

His words shocked everyone to the core. All of them stood up from their seat immediately. All were confused regarding his decision.

Yudhishthir: Yuvraj Dhrishtadyumna, why do you want to do this now? I don't find any suitable reason for you to give up your title of sena nayak. And talking about today's outcome, then it is a part of war only. You can't decide anything on the basis of this.

Dhrishtadyumna: No samrat. I have decided. And first day is important. I know that I can't lead the entire army and command everyone in this war and because of our mistake and over confidence today Bhishma was able to create such a havoc. So I think we should have someone more efficient than me to lead the army. And my sole target is Drona. So I will be able to focus on that only. I apologise for my sudden decision but it is necessary.

Bheem: Then who will be the commander in chief now?

Arjun: I don't find anyone else who could replace Yuvraj Dhrishtadyumna. Madhav, do you have any idea?

Krishna: Hmm, that's a matter of concern. But we have to decide a new commander in chief.

Yudhishthir: Whom should we choose now?

Dhrishtadyumna: I think we should make King of Magadh the new sena nayak.

Bheem: Him? No way. Suggest someone else's name.

Nakul: I don't know if it's the best idea or not but it's not bad either. Today we saw him fighting. He along with Bhagwan Parshuram are unmatchable.

Sahdev: Yes Nakul is right.

Arjun: What do you think Madhav?

Krishna: I am totally with this idea. What do you say Bhrata Yudhishthir?

Yudhishthir: Today he said that our strategy might become our downfall. I should have listened to him at that moment. None of us thought that Pitamah Bhishm could do this. But he guessed it beforehand. So if this adds to our advantage then I am not against the idea of making him new senanayak.

Drupad: Ok then. Since this is final we, should call him too.

Bheem: But how can you all accept this? Arjun, he is your arch enemy. How can you let that sutputra lead us and specially you?

Arjun: Bhrata Bheem, he was my arch enemy. But now mine and our only enemy are the Kauravas. So I don't think fighting among ourselves will be a good thing. And let's see if his strategy works then we can continue otherwise we have alternatives I guess.

Krishna: But first he needs to accept it. Sainik. Call Magadhraj here.

The sainik went towards Karns tent.

Sainik: Maharaj ki jay ho. Dwarkadhish has asked for your presence in the meeting.

Karn: Ok you may go now.

Karn(to himself): In the meeting? But why? God knows what Keshav is trying to do now.

Karn went towards the tent but was hesitant to go inside. But after a few moments of debating with himself he decided to enter. Upon entering there he found the Pandavas, Krishna, Panchalraj, Dhrishtadyumna and King of matsya. He directly went towards Krishna as he was the one who called him here.

Karn: Keshav, anything urgent?

Krishna: Yes bade bhaiya. It's very very urgent.

Karn: What is it?

Krishna: Bhrata Yudhishthir, please say.

Karn was confused. He glanced at everyone and finally his eyes rested on the eldest Pandava.

Yudhishthir: Magadhraj, for the entire war we appointed Yuvraj Dhrishtadyumna as our senanayak. But he relinquished this position a while ago. While discussing about the new person to be selected as senanayak, he suggested your name. And I also think that we should give you a chance. What do you think?

Karn: But Samrat there are many others who can be better than me as the senanayak. Why me? Rajkumar Arjun is also there. Maharaj Drupad, Maharaj Virat, both are also present here.

Bheem: See jyesth. I told you. He is not worthy of becoming our senanayak. He is doubtful about himself only. How would he lead us? I think you need to give it another thought because a sutputra can't lead a kshatriya.

Karn: Rajkumar Bheem, don't forget that your saarthi is a suta only. He is the one who is leading you in the battlefield. If he was so inefficient than you would have had a lot more problems in war. And the thing is not about being competent or not. I just don't want to disrespect the kings present here because they are much elder than me and more experienced too. And moreover I think we should appoint someone who is equal to Mahahmahim Bhishm.

Drupad: Karn, I understand what you are trying to say. But don't you think that you and Bhishma both are quite equal since you both are Parshuram shishya?

Karn thought about it for a moment. He knew that being Parshuram shishya doesn't make both of them equal and Bhishma is way more experienced than him. But that was not what he is afraid of. The main challenge over here are the Pandavas only. Because if they don't listen to his commands in battlefield then their strength would be affected.

Karn: But I want a promise.

Yudhishthir: What kind of promise?

Karn: You have to promise me that you and your brothers won't protest against me and my commands in battlefield untill I am the commander. And I, in return, would pledge to do my duty with utmost sincerity. Because I won't tolerate anyone's oversmartness and overconfidence there. And moreover too many cooks spoil the broth.

Yudhishthir: It's a promise from me and brothers Magadhraj Karn.

Karn: Ok. Now forget the fact that once I was your enemy and most importantly former friend of Duryodhan. As long as this thought resides in your mind you won't be able to follow my lead. What do you say Rajkumar Bheem?

Bheem scoffed at the statement made by karn as those were the exact reasons why he hates Karn. But he can't do anything for now because his jyesth has already promised this suta something which he never wanted to do. But he needs to wait because he was sure that karn will definitely try to help Duryodhan. What he didn't know was the truth that Karn is a man of his words. He won't back off in any situation and will do anything to fulfill his promise given to rajmata Kunti.

Rajkumar Bheem: We will see that. My brother promised you that but if I get any hint of you being disloyal in any way then I won't hesitate to break this vow right then and there.

Karn: Fair enough Rajkumar. So I think we should go with the strategy now. Because it's already very much late.

After a few moments of silence Yudhishthir decided to speak.

Yudhishthir: Hmm. Tommorow we have to stop Pitamah otherwise he would destroy our entire army.

Arjun: Tommorow I will challenge Pitamaha for a duel.

Dhrishtadyumna: And tommorow I have to slay Dronacharya.

Karn: Both are the core strength of kaurava army. Slaying Drona and Mahamahim won't be possible for a single person.

Bheem: Then let Arjun help Dhrishtadyumna.

Sahdev: But someone has to tackle Pitamah too.

Krishna: There is only one way. We have to make Mahamahim leave the battlefield. At that time Parth can challenge Guru dron.

Karn: And there would be no one to protect Duryodhan at that time.

Arjun: But how will we remove him from kurukshetra Madhav.

Krishna: Treachery.

Yudhishthir: But it's adharm.

Karn just rolled his eyes in his mind after listening to this.

Krishna: The war itself is an outcome of treachery bhrata Yudhishthir. And moreover treachery is not adharm when it leads to dharm.

Karn: Tommorow we must achieve victory otherwise it would hamper the confidence of our soldiers. For that we have to do this.

Yudhishthir: Fine. I agree. But how will we remove him from the battlefield.

Krishna: It's simple. Bhrata Yudhishthir, when mahamahim will come to know that you and ur army is marching towards hastinapur then ye would leave everything in order to protect his motherland. Don't you think so?

Yudhishthir: But we can not attack Hastinapur. And moreover that will weaken our army in kurukshetra.

Krishna: Aha! Here's the catch. You don't have to go to hastinapur to do that. You just have to make him believe that you are going there.

Drupad: But how is that possible?

Karn: Illusions!

Krishna: Exactly. They will see what we want them to see and they will know what we want them to know.

Saying so krishna glanced at maharaja Drupad.

Drupad: But it would be too difficult for me to hold them for a long time.

Krishna: Yes I know. And that's why I have someone who is powerful enough to distract bhishma and his army for a good span of time.

Bheem: And who is he?

Krishna: She!

Nakul: SHE??

Krishna: Yes. Yuvrani bhairavi. One of the greatest master of illusions.

Yudhishthir: But we will have to break another rule for that. We can't just go on breaking rules. And how can we send a woman to the battlefield alone.

Krishna: That's where you are going wrong again and again bhrata yudhishthir. She is not ‘just a’ woman. She is the blessing of Devi kaal bhairavi herself.

Everyone had different opinions. Some didn't want a woman to participate directly in the war. Some were worried for her safety and those who saw her skills and knew about her powers were confident enough.  But after a lot of convincing Yudhishthir agreed to this plan. But he was still not sure about it.


So that is it for today guys.

As you already read, here Karn and Dhrishtadyumna are friends because Drupad and Dhrishtadyumna already knew about Daksh even before Draupadi got to know about this. I know it sounds confusing but I totally forgot to add that part earlier. So I would do that later when the book is completed or maybe before that.

And I hope you liked rest of the chapter.
So I will meet you again in the next one.
Till then bye bye, take care.

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