He's Young - Sevasey FanFic

Von WriterAttHeart

15.4K 295 13

With a heavy past, a university student, Matthew Casey, meets a firefighter, Kelly Severide, with a lot of ba... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 2

545 12 0
Von WriterAttHeart

Matt had woken up in a hospital bed, and he didn't even remember coming here. He looked out the open doors and saw people everywhere. Most were patients looking hurt and finding anywhere to sit and rest. Nurse and doctors were running around, patients were wheeled in and out, and medical jargon was thrown around. He tried sitting up and groaned in pain as his ribs refused the movement, but he powered through, trying to understand what was going on. He scanned himself and saw that he was in a hospital shirt and pants with an IV attached to his arm. He followed the IV and saw a clear bag and a bag of blood hanging there.

He moved the arm that didn't have the IV into the back of his neck and frowned when he felt a bandage there. It was right where the junction between his head and neck. He doesn't remember feeling blood there or bleeding in general, but then again, he was a bit distracted by everything going on. He wonders what other injuries he has and has no idea.

He lifts his shirt and sees a white wrapping around his ribs and thinks maybe he broke his ribs, but they don't hurt that bad. Actually, he doesn't feel much pain anywhere, so it must be his painkillers. He puts his shirt back down and goes to check on his legs, and on one leg, there's a nasty red and purple bruise, and he cringes just by looking at it. On his other leg, there's a boot on his foot, and he wonders what happened.

"How did I miss all of this?" He muttered to himself and shook his head. He looked back out to the hospital and could tell that it had calmed down if the gathering of tired-looking medical professionals was standing around and talking. He looks around his room and sees other patients he didn't realize were there either, and they look to be in a much worse state. Some people's heads were wrapped entirely and had a neck brace, and others had an in-tube down their throat.

Matt sighed and fell back on his bed, and memories of the explosion flew into his mind, and he found himself thinking about the explosion again. He brought a hand up to his head and squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to remember where he had seen or why it felt so familiar.

He felt himself getting frustrated that he couldn't remember or figure it out. He knows that this will bug him until he figures it out, and he hopes it will be soon because he has a feeling the information he knows he has but can't remember will be necessary to the investigation. At least he hopes there will be an investigation because that was definitely not some structural accident/malfunction or whatever.

"Matt?" He snaps his head up at his name and relaxes when it's Sylvie. She runs over and pulls him into a tight hug, and Matt groans in pain when his ribs protest. "Sorry," she said quickly and stepped back but kept a hand on his shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" Matt asked, noticing Sylvie's tear-stained face.

"It's nothing, one of the guys got injured, and they are in critical condition but out of surgery. He is going to be fine," she responded, wiping her face while sitting down at the edge of his bed. Matt smiled reassuringly and squeezed her other hand.

"Care to tell me what the hell happened?" Matt asked, changing the subject, and Sylvie sighed and tapped his shoulder. He moved over on the bed, and she crawled in beside him and curled up to his side.

"After you were brought out and placed on the mat, at first, there was nothing major, but then you passed out and started bleeding from your neck. You have bruised ribs, fractured right ankle, concussion, and multiple bruises," she said, and Matt could only shrug.

"Not my worse," he said, and she punched his thigh, and he laughed. "Hey, dark humour."

"Not right now," she scolded, and he held up his hands in defence. He placed an arm around her while she laid her head lightly on his chest.

"How long has it been since the incident?" He asked.

"Ten hours," she replied, and his eyebrows shot up. "It was horrible. I don't even know how many casualties but about 75% of the main campus building was destroyed. Luckily it only hit one building, and all the residents were not touched."

"It started in the library," he whispered, and she tilted her head up to look at him, but he was looking forward. He wasn't focusing on anything, but he looked back to the accident. "I was there. There was a girl; I think she was the third year, standing close to the explosion. I don't know if it was my mind making things up or if it really happened, but I'm pretty sure her arm flew off. Everything happened so quickly. One second I was picking out a book, and then I was on the ground. Things were flying everywhere. People were screaming and running away. Some caught on fire. Sylvie, it was bad. I don't know how I managed to get out so unharmed."

"Kelly pulled you out. Just in time as well because not long after you got out, the ceiling collapsed," Brett said softly.

"I recognized it," he admitted, and she frowned.

"The people?" She asked, and Matt shook his head.

"The explosion, the fire," he explained further, and her frown deepened. "I don't know how or what but something about it was familiar, and I can't figure it out. It might be nothing. I'm on many meds since I can't feel much," he brushed it off and shook his head again and looked down to see Sylvie's confused and concerned gaze. "I'm fine," he reassured and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

"I'm going to get a doctor to check you up," she said and wiggled out of Casey's hold and walked out of the room looking for a doctor.

Will Halstead walked back into the room and went over Matt's injuries and stats before asking if he could stand independently. Matt had nodded and shifted to the end of the bed, and slowly stood up on his own. It hurt a bit because of the bruise, but it was bearable, and he could walk on the foot. He had informed Matt that after the IV was down, he could leave, so he settled back down into the bed with Sylvie sitting there.

After some time, they had put up the wall again, separating the patients, so Matt felt he had more privacy even though he didn't mind if it was only a curtain.

When another blonde walked into the room, they were both in their own world.

"Hey," Shay said, walking in. "Do you know your blood type?"

"Woah, didn't know you had a boyfriend," Darden said once he stepped into the room, followed by Kelly and Matt's gaze immediately went to Kelly, and he frowned as if trying to remember where he had seen him.

"Oh, the fire," Matt said more to himself, but everyone in the room had heard it as well and turned to look at him. Matt had widened his eyes and flushed. "Sorry, I just meant I saw him from the fire," he explained sheepishly and subconsciously curled in on himself.

"I'm not dating Matt," Sylvie said but didn't move from her spot curled up beside Matt.

"What did I miss?" Matt asked, now alarmed and looking at Sylvie and the three strangers.

"Then you two are very comfy," Shay commented, sitting on the chair by the bedside.

"He's nineteen," she stated.

"And you're twenty-five," Matt said a bit sassily. "What are you talking about?"

"They think we're dating," Sylvie explained, and Matt's nose crinkled. "Hey, I'm a catch," she exclaimed and lightly slapped her shoulder.

"You are, but you helped raise me, so there's that," Matt said with a shrug. "Hey, a six-year age difference is not that bad."

"You're nineteen," she repeated.

"Which means I'm legal," Matt argued back, and Brett rolled her eyes, and Shay laughed.

"I like him. Where did you get him?" She said and smiled at Matt, who smiled back in triumphant.

"You can't drink," Brett argued back.

"What does drinking have to do with anything?" Kelly asked, and Brett huffed.

"Is everyone on his side?" She asked, and they all smiled. "Fine, it's not a big of age difference since you are legal, but you are in school."

"What do-" Matt started but was cut off by Brett's hand over his mouth, effectively shutting him up.

"This argument is over," she stated firmly, and Matt nodded, and she removed her hand. "Anyway, Matt, this is my partner Leslie Shay, Truck 81's Andy Darden, and Squad 3's Lieutenant Kelly Severide," she introduced, and they waved when their name was called.

"I feel the need to have a fancy title as well," he whispered to Brett but loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Um, I'm Fowlerton, Indiana's Matthew Casey," Matt said with a shy smile, and Brett chuckled and shook her head.

"Fowlerton? That's where you grew up," Andy pointed out, walking to the bed and sitting beside Brett's legs.

"Yeah, I was his um," Brett said, getting nervous and looking over to Matt, who nodded slightly. "I was his sister's best friend. I was actually the first person to hold him when he was born, you know, outside of his family."

"Blood-related family," Matt muttered to himself, and only Brett and Severide heard being the two close to him.

"Wow," Shay said. "So you know all of her embarrassing stories," she said, getting intrigued. Matt had looked at her and then down to his lap biting his tongue.

"Not going to get anything out of him," Brett said, and Shay rolled her eyes.

Kelly was silently watching the interaction and couldn't help but be intrigued by the blonde. When he pulled him out of the fire, the first thing he noticed was his bright blue eyes but didn't think much of it because he was on a rescue but now. Now he can fully take in his facial features, and his face is defined but also soft. He also noticed that he had this skittishness and nervousness around him. The arm that isn't around Brett is playing with the sheet beside his leg, and he doesn't hold eye contact for long before he looks away. Kelly couldn't tear his eyes away from Matt, and he knew this was bad because he was a victim and this shouldn't happen. He's not saying this is "love at first sight" but more of an interest, and whether Matt turns into a friend or more doesn't matter.

"So what blood type are you? Otis needs a kidney transplant, and they are asking around for someone that matches him," Andy said, making Kelly come back to the conversation when he heard Otis.

"He's on dialysis until he can get a transplant, but without it, he'll," Shay said, cutting off at the end, leaving it hanging in the air, but everyone knew the ending to that sentence.

"I'm A," Sylvie said. "If I remember correctly, Otis is like AB, right?" Shay nodded, and Brett looked over to Matt, looking far away at his lap. Brett shook his thigh lightly, and he looked up, blinking away his previous thoughts.

"Do you remember your blood type?" She asked with a pleading look in her eyes.

"AB," he whispered, still half trapped in his previous thoughts.

"Do you mind getting tested?" Shay asked, jumping up and moving closer to the bed, and Matt frowned and tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"For a transplant," Kelly said, and Matt turned to him with a deeper frown, even more confused. Since Matt was sitting on the bed, and Kelly was standing, Matt had to look up, which made his eyes bigger, and Matt reminded Kelly of a puppy right now.

"He is still injured. They won't do it unless his ribs are healed," Brett said, jumping in before those three ribbed into him to get him to agree.

"Okay, but please consider it. AB is a rare blood type," Shay said, and Matt was still confused, not hearing anything about the conversation before Brett asked for his blood type.

"It's done," Brett said, pointing to the bags, and Matt turned to see that they were empty. "I'll get a doctor and your papers," she said and slipped out of the room.

"How are you feeling?" Kelly asked, and Matt shrugged.

"Honestly, not bad," he said and shuffled to move off of the bed again. "I'm not allowed to wear this outside, am I?" He pointed to his shirt and pants, and the other three scanned him up and down.

"Brett already picked up some clothes for you. It's in her car, I think," Shay said, and Matt nodded and stood up. Immediately Kelly's arms shot out, ensuring he was okay, but Matt was fine. He can walk—more of a waddle, but he can walk.

Kelly, Andy, and Leslie stayed with Matt until Brett returned with his papers, medication and a bag. Matt had signed the discharge paper, and then he was left alone in the room as he changed out of his hospital clothes and into a hoodie and sweatpants. Once he was changed, he gathered everything and opened the door only to stumble back from the unexpected wall of backs.

Andy and Kelly had turned around just in time to catch Matt before he fell over, and both looked a bit amused at Matt's confused and lost expression.

"Ready, Matt?" Sylvie's cheerful voice came, and Matt uprighted himself and nodded. Immediately Sylvie took the bag from him and looped her arm through Matt's.

"Holy shit," Matt muttered, finally taking in the full extent and the number of people in the hospital.

"Yeah, it was horrible," Sylvie commented, also looking around the emergency room with a sad look on her face.

"What time is it?" Matt asked, realizing he had no awareness of time.

"Midnight, or early Sunday," Kelly said, and Matt snapped his head to him so fast he was shocked he didn't get whiplash.

"Wait, I was at the library," Matt said, eyes darting around. "My notes," he whined and pouted, and Kelly's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"You can rewrite your notes, and I'm pretty sure you are off school and work for a while. The cafe was affected badly by the explosion as well," Sylvie said, and Matt nodded sadly.

"But I spend hours with the colour code and making sure they had the right information, and they were neat," Matt said with a slight pout and shoulders sagged, and Kelly couldn't help but think that was the cutest thing. Sylvie chuckled and turned to both boys.

"He's getting sleepy," she said, and Matt didn't even register her talking as he kept thinking about his notes.

"He looks fine to me," Shay said with a frown scanned over Matt's face.

"No, you can tell when he is getting tired when he starts worrying and pouting about small things. A little help," she asked when more of Matt's weight was put on her. Kelly was the closest, so he stepped up and wrapped an arm around Matt's waist, pulled him slightly towards him, and elevated some of the pressure on Sylvie.

True to her words, Matt was asleep by the time they got to the car. He hadn't even realized how tired he was until he was standing and about to leave. The stress of the day and his injuries piling up made him fall asleep quickly.

"Need help getting him into your apartment?" Kelly asked as he settled Matt in the backseat.

"Please," she said with a grateful smile, and Kelly nodded and turned to Andy and Shay. He eyed both of them carefully before throwing his keys to Shay, who smiled triumphantly and Andy looking betrayed.

"I question every day how you got your license in the first place," Kelly said, pointing at Andy before climbing into the passenger seat of Brett's car.

"I'll talk to him about the transplant, but with his injuries, I don't know how willingly the doctors will want to go through with the surgery," Brett said after a minute of silent driving.

"We are still asking around, and Hermann will put a sign at Molly's asking people to get tested and if they are willing to do a transplant," Kelly informed her. "Then I think Mouch told Platt, and she will be asking district 21 to get tested if they can. Someone is bound to be AB as well."

"Good, good," Sylvie said, relieved that they are reaching out to more possible donors. "How is Otis?"

"Lost much blood that he will need someone to donate soon because apparently someone earlier today was also AB and had lost a dangerously low amount of blood. Aside from that, his ribs are healing, and his leg is also. The major concern is his kidneys," Kelly informed her, and she sighed.

"He has to be okay," Brett said, and Kelly wasn't sure if she was talking about Matt or Otis. Kelly nodded in agreement and turned to Matt, who was sleeping peacefully with his head against the window.

"How is he? Mentally?" Kelly asked, not sure if he was overstepping boundaries.

"He told me that he saw it all happen, but he is as stubborn as you are, so getting him to open up is close to impossible. I've known him my entire life, and he always puts on a strong face even when he was dy-" Brett rambled before stopping herself from revealing some private and horrible things about Matt's past. "Either way, stubborn like you, so it is a waiting game, but I'm keeping an eye on him."

Kelly nodded, noticing the abrupt stop, and part of him wondered what Matt's upbringing was like.


They got to their apartment, and Kelly carried a sleeping Matt up to their apartment, and Brett showed him where his room was. Kelly chuckled at how typical his bedroom was for a university student with notes and textbooks everywhere. He put Matt on the bed and took off his shoes and socks before stopping there. He wanted to get Matt into some night clothes but figured the sweats were comfortable enough. He tucked him into bed, making sure to elevate his fractured ankle. Once he was satisfied, he turned around and froze when he saw Sylvie leaning against the doorframe with an unreadable look on her face. He felt like a dear caught in headlights and didn't know what to do.

Brett seemed to snap out of it after a few seconds and forced a grateful smile on her face, and nodded her head out of the room. Kelly walked out without being told twice and closed the door behind him.

"Thanks," she said and placed a hand on his forearm. Kelly smiled, and she offered to drive him back to his and Shay's apartment.


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