The English Rose

By loislame0384

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Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... More

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
An Unexpected Visitor
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Worthwhile Fight
The Story Continues
Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts
The Light
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two

The First Date

233 12 1
By loislame0384

A beautiful fresh blanket of snow lined the ground, the town was buzzing with holiday cheer. Stores were closing early and families were out walking around looking at all of the Christmas lights decorating the various shops. The English Rose had only been open until noon on Christmas Eve because this night was the bookshop owner's first date with her peculiar letter writer. She couldn't believe the day was finally here. No details of what awaited her this evening left her a little frazzled about what to wear so she decided on festive casual. She had on a pair of dark washed jeans and a Christmas jumper. She thought it was cute enough for a first date; she just hoped they weren't going anywhere with a dress code. "Maybe I should text her," Hermione thought while biting her lower lip.

What's the dress code for tonight?

Umm... casual? Wear whatever you want. I'm sure you will look amazing.

Well I have on a pair of jeans, heeled boots and a Christmas knitted jumper and I didn't want to look out of place.

Send a picture.

Hermione rolled her eyes but ran up the stairs to her apartment and quickly took a full body mirror pic. She had her hair down, wavy and over one shoulder, and her head was peeking out from the left side of her phone with her tongue sticking out. "Good enough," she laughed and pushed the send button. Soon the three dots were flashing at the bottom of the message.

As I thought, cute as hell. Don't you even think about changing.

A picture for a picture, Bella. What are you wearing?

Hermione made her way back downstairs to finish rearranging the books, starting the grueling process of removing the holiday books and placing new displays for the upcoming year. A few minutes had passed with radio silence. When a ding sounded Hermione pulled her phone from her back pocket and her jaw dropped. The photo was of Bella, standing in front of the mirror with a fluffy white bath towel wrapped around her middle, long curly hair half dried and she was smirking into the camera.

Is this what you were looking for, Hermione? ;) I'm not quite as ready as you.

Sorry I forgot how to breathe for a moment. If you wear that I'm afraid we wouldn't be leaving the shop tonight and I do so want to see what you have planned. You are going to need to get dressed.

Noted. See you soon, love.

"I'll just do this later," she said as she moved past the books and over to the counter where a small gift box lay. She had put the gift that she had for Bella in the box which was meant to be a Christmas gift but could double as her birthday present since she only found out about the date last night. It wasn't much but she hoped Bella would appreciate the sentiment and vulnerability of the gift she had wrapped for her.

She heard shuffling come up from the lower level and Henry appeared at the top of the stairs. "Ready for your date, sunshine?" She smiled at his granddaughter warmly.

"Papa, I almost forgot you were down there," she put her arms around his waist hugging him when he came closer to her. "And yes. Bella will be here pretty soon."

"Is that my cue to clear out of here?" He chuckled at Hermione and pointed to the box. "What did you get her? A book I presume."

"Well," she chewed her lip, "I didn't know what to get her so take a look."

Henry reached around Hermione and opened the lid to the box, peering inside and pulled back with a big smile. "You must really fancy her, sunshine." He smiled knowingly.

"I do," Hermione said, replacing the lid to the gift box, "so much and I haven't felt this excited about a date in so many years. I'm actually terrified."

"Love can be very scary."

"Love??" Hermione questioned with disbelief. "Papa, we haven't even been on a date yet. I barely know her all that well. I'm not sure love is at play here yet."

"Didn't she come over and take care of you while you were sick?" Henry looked over and saw her nod. "And hasn't she written you poetry, love letters and basically called you everyday she could?" Another nod. "Didn't she stay here and work the cash register when your crazy old grandfather asked her to?" A laugh escaped Hermione's nose, "and wasn't she respectful when you still had a girlfriend?"

Hermione's mind was racing faster than the fastest race car. She had spent months convincing herself that her crush was just a crush. This woman was so mysterious and so intriguing that she didn't see the magnetic pull interlocking their hearts. Was what she was feeling love? She didn't know. She thought she had loved Laura but that wasn't real love. Could she finally have real unconditional love with the older woman? Is this woman her forever? Hermione didn't know the answers to either of those questions but she was eager to go down that road with Bella and find out. "I'm just scared of getting hurt again, papa." She admitted in a soft voice.

"Be open with her about your past and everything you've been through. Maybe the two of you can lean on each other." Henry kissed his granddaughter on the top of the head. "It's time you found your forever love sunshine. You are a gift to this world and it's a shame that your love is being wasted."

"Thanks, papa." She looked up and smiled. He walked over to put on his coat and hat, "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Of course! Our annual Christmas Day movie marathon." He smiled at his granddaughter. "And bring Bella if she wants to come. The more the merrier."

"Happy Christmas, papa." Just as Henry was walking away from the shop, Hermione saw him wave at someone. She looked out the window and smiled, the dark haired enigma was crossing the street heading straight for the shop. Bella was wearing a pair of black jeans, a button up green blouse, boots and a long black leather duster. She completed her look with a red scarf. Her hair was down, wild curls with snowflakes resting on some strands. Immediately, Hermione's stomach butterflies activated and she feared they wouldn't calm for the rest of the evening. "Just be yourself. She already likes you," she told herself walking over to the door before Bella could knock.

"Hi," Hermione said softly with a smile when she opened the door to see her date smiling brightly. She leaned out of the door frame and grabbed her hand bringing her inside the shop. "Happy Birthday," she moved into Bella's space, wrapped her arms around her neck and placed a soft kiss on the older woman's cheek. A little noise of surprise exited the brunette when she felt the chill on her cheek. "You are freezing." Hermione nestled her warm cheek against the other cheek.

"A few more kisses and the winter chill will cease to exist," Bella whispered into her ear. She heard a small gasp from the other woman and pulled back slightly, not letting go of Hermione's waist. She looked into honey eyes, "this is already the best birthday I've had in a long while." She softly rubbed their noses together. Being in Hermione's presence is enough of a gift. She felt her entire world calm and knew that this was where she was meant to be. There was a lot she needed to tell her about but today wasn't the day. She was bound and determined to show her a good time on their date if it killed her. Bella was in an excellent mood and was chalking it up to both her company and the new medication. She didn't want to leave the warm bubble they were currently wrapped up in but she asked quietly, "ready?"

"Almost," Hermione whispered, looking into dark eyes then chancing a glance down at her lips. The next words came out almost like a silent prayer, "I really want to kiss you."

Bella had decided before she even left the house that she wasn't going to pressure the girl into anything physical but she too needed time for her body to adjust but with the words coming out of Hermione's mouth accompanied by the innocent eyes, she almost cracked. "Soon," she whispered back, bringing her arms up and squeezing Hermione's biceps. "We have a date to get to," she added when she saw the slight flicker of disappointment cross Hermione's face. "Come out with me and then later if you still wish to kiss me, then I will consider it the best birthday gift I've ever received."

Sure she was disappointed but the older woman had a way with words that made Hermione melt on the spot, she could only nod in response, finally pulling her arms away from Bella's neck. "Would you like your present now? It's just over there," she pointed to the counter.

"You got me something?" Bella asked with childish excitement. "Well I suppose that's up to you, love. The date is actually two parts. Is that it?" She asked with her eyes lighting up at the little box.

Hermione nodded, "yes. You can have it now or I can just bring it with us."

"I got you something, too." Bella smirked.

"But it's your birthday," she said, almost shocked.

"Ahh," Bella smiled, "but tomorrow is Christmas. So maybe bring it? Because I don't have yours with me currently but I'll have it later tonight."

"Okay," Hermione nodded and grabbed the small box, fitting it into a canvas bag she had a couple of books housed in.

"Do you always bring a bag of books on your dates?" Bella chuckled.

"Well no," Hermione grinned, "but these are also for you so I figured you wouldn't mind."

"Smart woman," the older woman nodded, "I can always be bribed by a sack full of books. Come on," she said as Hermione pulled on her coat and beanie. "Let's get out of here." She held the door open and waited as her date exited first but stopped and watched as Hermione locked up the Rose for the evening, putting the key into her coat pocket. "We are going this way," she pointed right down the street and they took off in that direction. "Not too cold are you?" Bella smiled at her nervously.

Hermione reached down and laced her gloved fingers with Bella's, "no, I'm fine now." She said, smiling down at their hands. "Where are we going?"

"You are going to be the worst at surprises, aren't you?" The older woman chuckled, squeezing the hand in hers just slightly. "Right over there," she nodded when they got half way down the street. She pulled Hermione up the stairs and the sign on the door indicated that it was an animal shelter.

"What are we doing here?" She was slightly confused at the location as the sign on the door read closed for the holidays and all the lights were out. "It looks closed, Bella."

"Ahh," Bella said with a mischievous smile, "it's all in who you know around town." She pulled a key out of her pocket and unlocked the door to the animal shelter.

Turning all the lights on, Bella nestled herself behind the counter while her date started to look around curiously. She lived here for months and didn't know this place existed. Hermione made a note to herself that she needed to get out around the little town more. "How did you manage to get a key?" Curiosity peeking as it usually did around the dark haired woman.

"I know the owner," Bella laughed. "She lets me come in here and visit the animals if I ever need some company. I thought it might be nice for you and I to spoil the little guys this afternoon. I brought some food and toys for them." She looked over and saw Hermione already bending down to pick up a kitten that walked over to her, "and besides everyone deserves a little love at Christmas time. Even those without a home yet." She reached down behind the counter where she was standing and re-emerged with bags full of food, treats, toys and blankets that she had been storing there for a few days. "Seems you already met the shelter ambassador kitten, Squeaks. She will never let you go now," Bella walked over and scratched behind Squeak's ear. "Look at her eyes, she's already in love with you." Hermione kissed Squeaks on the forehead then looked up and saw that Bella had been looking at her and not the kitten.The resident stomach butterflies were putting on a full acrobatics show now in the brunette's stomach. "Come now," she smiled and picked the bags back up, "the puppies are in there," she pointed to the door on the left, "and the kittens live upstairs. Who do you want to visit first?"

"Is Squeaks allowed in with the dogs?" Hermione saw Bella give her a small no so she said, "kittens it is." She turned and started her ascent up the stairs, the thought of putting her new furry friend down never even crossed her mind.

The pair spent a few hours petting and playing with all of the cats and dogs at the shelter. Bella knew everyone by name and could tell Hermione all of their quirks. It was clear that she spent a lot of time with the animals. "I can't believe I've never been here before," Hermione said as they finally emerged from the dog room. Squeaks came running over letting out the smallest meow, head butting the brunette and demanded all of her attention. "I'm so sorry ma'am. Forgive me for abandoning you," she picked the small girl up and started scratching behind her ear, immediately eliciting a purr from the kitten. "It's going to break my heart to leave her, you know." She looked from the kitten to Bella.

"She's up for adoption, too. You can always come back on Boxing Day and adopt her," Bella gave her date a big cheeky grin. "Crooks might be put out a bit by the little nugget but he seems like a reasonable bloke. He'd get over it eventually, right?"

"Well," Hermione seemed to be measuring her options, "I don't think he'd hate me forever. And he does seem to get on with other pets." She looked back at Squeaks who was playfully batting at a strand of wavy brunette hair. "Would you be nice to Crooks? That's the real question."

"You could always try and if it doesn't work out, I can smuggle her into my place. What Andy doesn't know can't hurt her." Bella winked. "Squeaks is pretty adorable."

"Are we really those lesbians who go to a shelter and adopt a kitten on their first date?" Hermione laughed.

"It would appear that we are," Bella's eyes lit up. "So," she continued, "does that mean you are coming back for this little girl?" She scratched the kitty who turned her attention and climbed over onto Bella's shoulder, sitting down and nestling into her hair.

"Yes," Hermione petted the little bum that was sticking out and a kitten paw shot out of the mass of black curls and batted at the offending hand. "I'll be back for her."

"I'll leave a note for Mary then. I don't want anyone to scoop Squeaks up before you get here," she smiled brightly, moving over to the counter again and writing a quick note to the owner. "Well," she pulled Squeaks out from her hair cave, "we need to get going little one but your new mummy will be back in a few days. Maybe she'll even let me come with her." The kitten tried to protest when Bella kissed her on the forehead and held her out for Hermione to do the same, then she took her back over to where her bed was and deposited her in it. "Quick now before she runs out after us," she chuckled as Hermione's eyes opened wide and started moving towards the door grabbing her coat, the canvas bag, Bella's coat and her scarf. They both made it to the door and were safely nestled together on the stoop outside when they heard a small meow and a tiny paw scratch that made both of their hearts break. "We will be back soon, Squeaks. Go take a nap and Happy Christmas," Bella said through the door which caused Hermione's stomach butterflies to flurry to life again. "Come on, love," Bella held her arm out for Hermione to grab which she did without hesitation, "part two?" Her sentence turned up into a question as if she were afraid the young woman would say no.

"Let's go," Hermione leaned in and placed a soft kiss on the corner of Bella's mouth and winked when she pulled back, "not quite a kiss but I absolutely couldn't help myself this time. You were so damn adorable with all the pets. If your aim tonight was to make me swoon then yes, Bella, you are succeeding."

They walked along the main road taking in the sights of all of the families around and the Christmas lights. It was a beautiful evening since the sun had long ago set. Hermione was confused when they passed the salon and turned right down the street that lay perpendicular to her own shop. "What's down here?" She asked when she couldn't stop her curiosity from screaming.

"A home," Bella had a playful smirk when they neared the end of the street and her big family home appeared.

"I see that," the brunette's eyes went wide upon first viewing of the large three story house. It looked old, really old except for one wing off the left that looked to have been updated or replaced. She wanted to ask more questions but didn't comment on the outside, "whose house?"

"Mine," Bella pushed the gate open and swept her arm out indicating that she wanted Hermione to go in ahead. "After you."

"You live this close to the shop and I never knew? How did I not know this house was back here?" She let her mouth fall open looking at the sheer size of the house.

Bella grabbed her hand and led her around to the back right side of the house, "we all have our secrets, Hermione." When they got to what looked like the back entrance she said, "this leads to the back set of stairs to the third floor. I live up there."

"Wait," a small hand came out and grabbed Bella's wrist when she went to open the unlocked door. "Your sister, she doesn't like me very much." The older woman raised an eyebrow, "will she mind that I'm here. I don't want any trouble on your birthday."

Bella laughed a deep husky laugh that woke up Hermione in places that haven't been awake for a long time. "It's my house, love. I just let them live here. I decide who comes for a visit. Andy is a little rough around the edges but you'll grow in her, I'm sure of it." Sensing the nerves from her date she rolled her eyes and added, "Andy and Dora are at my other sister's house for Christmas. Nobody's going to be home but us, love. Don't worry so much." She pushed the door open and Hermione cautiously made her way in, marveling at the wide open stainless steel kitchen. "Don't be shy, love. Come on thru." She said as she moved past Hermione giving her a wink and heading towards the back steps. "Just up here," she pointed up the stairs. "Follow me." Bella started to ascend knowing curiosity would propel the brunette up the stairs behind her.

When they got to the third floor landing that opened into Bella's main living room area, Hermione gasped. "It's like a whole house just up here," she marveled as she walked around the room slowly taking in all the shelves of books, stopping to turn the globe, running her fingers along the piano keys and finally turning back to look at Bella. "It's beautiful." The older woman caught the twinkle in her eye as she turned back to look at the baby grand piano. "The whole room is undeniably you."

"Do you play?" Bella walked over to stand next to her date. "I play a little but it's nothing impressive."

"I've been playing since I was six. It's been awhile though," she gave a little nervous laugh. "What other rooms do you have hidden away up here?"

"I have a lot of my books out here," she pointed amongst the various stacks, "then," she grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her along down the hall, "that's my office where I used to call you," another room with a large tv and a two recliners pushed up next to each other, "that's where I go to escape reality sometimes," another room filled with books, "my personal library where I house all my favorites. You can check those out later if you want," she pulled her to the last room on the left, "this is my bedroom." She opened the door to a grand California king sized bed dressed in black and dark green. The room had a dark wood wardrobe and dresser, a small vanity, and a closet. There was also another small bookcase near the bed. "Those are my emergency books," she gave a nervous smile. "And across the hall is the bathroom but it's nothing special."

"May I?" Hermione pointed towards the bedroom. Bella nodded her consent and the younger woman gingerly walked into the room. "It seems very you. Though I must admit," a slight blush appeared on her cheeks, "you are far tidier than I expected you to be."

"Been thinking about me a lot, have you?"

"Quite frequently," Hermione moved over towards the shelf holding the older woman's emergency book, "I also have emergency books in my bedroom." She squatted down so she could get a better look. "The Princess Bride?" She picked up the well worn copy, "this is one of my all time favorites." She shuffled through the pages and saw all the notes, "oh," she looked up smiling, "but now I'm dying to know what you've written in the margins."

"Take it with you. I think I can manage without it for a few days," she chuckled.

"Truly?" Hermione inquired. "I know how special the emergency books can be."

"I want you to read my notes," she walked over and reached her hand out. Hermione took it and was pulled up. "Come on, I have a surprise." The younger woman clutched her favorite book to her chest and followed her date from the room. She was sure that she would follow this woman to her death at this point. She was a willing participant in anything the other woman suggested. "Here," Bella pointed into the tv room. On the recliners sat two pairs of flannel two pieces button down Christmas pajama sets. "I thought we might put those pajamas on, make some hot chocolate and snacks and watch some Christmas movies." Bella's cheeks were a bright shade of pink. She walked over to the Christmas pajamas which were covered in little station wagons pulling Christmas trees and handed Hermione the pair designated for her. "You can change in the bathroom. I'll change in my room then head down to get the cocoa and snacks. You can just settle back in here and wait."

Hermione nodded her head and headed to the bathroom. She held the pajamas in her arm and walked down the hall to where the bathroom was pointed out earlier. She also noted some perfumes, mouthwash and Bella's toothbrush on the counter. She quickly went to the bathroom and washed her hands then changed into her very comfortable pajama bottoms. "Should I keep my bra on?" She questioned herself. This was by far the weirdest and best first date she's ever been on. It was all so magical and nothing like what she had expected but a hundred times better. She felt like she was the star in one of the romantic comedies she read. "Fuck it. I want to be comfortable," she thought as she removed her bra and put the button up pajama shirt on. She ran her fingers through her hair and took a moment to smell a few of Bella's perfumes before deciding she would head back into the mini theater. Bella wasn't back yet so she grabbed the book she had just been given, picked the chair that her set of pajamas had been sitting on, sat down and started to read.

Hermione wasn't sure how much time had passed as she was reading through the margin notes when she heard a quiet laugh, "thought I'd find you there reading," Bella re-entered the room, wearing her matching pajamas with her hair tied loosely up in a top knot. She was carrying a tray with a homemade charcuterie board, a selection of fruits, popcorn, a bowl of pick n mix and two mugs of hot chocolate. "There are drinks over there in the cooler if you want water or soda."

Hermione couldn't help the warm sensation that overtook her senses as the vision of Bella in Christmas pajamas with her hair pulled up, carrying a tray full of food made her heart soar. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble for me."

"Of course I did." Bella set the tray down on the table in front of the recliners. "This is the least I could do. I wanted to take you out to a proper dinner but it's kind of hard to get a reservation last minute so this will have to do for tonight."

"It's perfect, Bella." Hermione reached out and grabbed a strawberry and brought it up between her lips to bite it in half. "Delicious," she winked, "aren't you going to sit down."

"Yes," Bella cleared her throat. She walked to grab the remote and plopped down in her own recliner. "So what should we watch?"

"Whatever you want. Birthday girl's choice." Bella nodded and flipped through various streaming services until she found a list of Christmas movies. Hermione giggled when she saw that Bella had picked The Nightmare Before Christmas. "Bella?" She asked quietly and the older woman hummed, "Andy and Dora are at your sisters. Does that mean you do have Christmas traditions that you are missing out on for this?"

Bella put the remote down in her lap and looked over at the girl who was giving her an unbelievably sad look. "Oh," Bella shook her head, "I suppose so but trust me when I say there is nowhere I'd rather be than in this moment with you. I've had a lifetime of Christmas traditions with my family." Bella reached over the small gap between the two chairs and cupped Hermione's cheek, gently caressing the soft skin with her thumb. "This is where I'm meant to be. I want to start making new traditions with you." She could get lost staring into those damnable honey eyes. Hermione leaned further into the hand that was caressing her cheek and turned only slightly to be able to place a soft kiss to the inside of Bella's wrist causing the older woman to let out a small gasp. She closed the distance that was still between them, slid her hand from the soft cheek into brown waves, tilted up slightly and finally brought their lips together. The soft, slow dance they shared made white lights spark behind Hermione's eyes. In her 30 years of life she can't recall a kiss with more emotions poured into the innocent gesture. Bella kissed her lips with more pressure eliciting a gentle moan from the brunette. It took everything in the older woman's willpower to pull away after a few moments in the gentlest kiss she had ever given. When she pulled back, she saw her date sitting there, lips slightly parted, eyes closed and a soft blush on her eyes. "I could do that for the rest of my life," Bella said barely above a whisper as she kissed Hermione's forehead.

"Why did you stop?"

"Because I feared that if I didn't, I never would've been able to," the older woman pulled back entirely, smiled at Hermione and settled back into the seat. "Should we start the movie?" She could only nod as she smiled and tried to control her blush. Bella pushed play and handed Hermione her mug of cocoa. "Eat up love," she winked and dug into the snacks as the movie rolled into the opening song.

The evening carried on as they sat, ate, watched a couple of movies and chatted. Bella couldn't remember having a better birthday as far back as she could remember. Somehow they ended up in one recliner. Hermione went to get a soda and a water from the little cooler and when she walked back, Bella pulled her down into her chair. It was big enough for two and the older woman pulled her into a snuggle, laying together in contentment. Hermione felt fingers combing through her hair and the loving gesture was almost enough to put her to sleep. "You need to stop that, Bella." She let a little happy sound escape her lips, "you are about to put me to sleep."

Bella chuckled, "okay. Fair enough." She stopped rubbing Hermione's head as the movie ended, "do you want your present?"

"It's your birthday." Hermione gazed up with a lazy, sleepy smile. "Let me give you yours. It's not much but I hope you will like it."

"I will because it's from you."

"I left it with the bag of books in the main room but I feel as if I could fall asleep any moment in your arms," Hermione smiled. "Help me up?"

Bella kissed the top of Hermione's head, "okay. Come on love." She pulled her up and walked hand in hand to the main room. The brunette picked up the bag and rustled through to grab the box and went over to sit by the little tree. "That's for you." Bella pointed to a nicely wrapped parcel.

"You first," Hermione handed the old woman the box. "It's really not much and considering I didn't find out until yesterday that it was your birthday, I didn't have many options but this is something I wanted to give to you for a while."

Bella's face was full of curiosity, "well now I'm curious." She pulled the lid off and saw the manuscript. "Is this?" She pulled it and opened the cover, reading the text.

"It's my book," Hermione said nervously. "Well what I have of it so far. I want you to read it and give me your feedback. I'd love for you to be my beta reader if that's something you'd want." She cleared her throat, "go easy on me, please. I'm fragile about my writing."

Bella smiled and nodded, "of course love. I know how special this is to you. When you are ready, I know a publisher and we can try to work something out if you are interested." Hermione's eyes widened and gave a small nod. "And as far as beta reading, I would be honored. It's going to be torture not to dive into this right now if I'm being perfectly honest." She put it back in the box carefully like it was the most precious thing in the world. "I will resist for now as I want to give it my undivided attention but tonight is about me being with you and enjoying us." She leaned in and kissed Hermione's cheek. "Thank you, this is perfect." She reached under the tree and handed Hermione the parcel. "It's not much but here for now until I can get you something more."

"You didn't have to get me anything actually," Hermione carefully unwrapped the present and turned it over to see a wood burned frame. It appeared to be homemade and inside the frame was a picture of Hermione and Bella dancing together at the Bonfire Night Ball. They were in an embrace with their foreheads touching, Hermione's eyes were closed and Bella was smiling brightly at Alice.  "Bella, this is..."

"Not much I know," her cheeks were filled with color.

"It's perfect," she ran her hand over the picture frame. "Did you make this?"

"I did," a soft sheepish reply came from the older woman whose cheeks were flamed pink. "The photographer dropped off the pictures from that night and this was my favorite one. I found a frame and burned the vines and filigree around the outside. It's not much but I hope you like it. That was one of the best nights of my life." Hermione looked up and smiled at Bella, "and it's quickly being replaced as my favorite by tonight."

"It's the most thoughtful gift that I've ever received," she leaned forward and kissed her on the cheek. "Wood burning and charcuterie boards, two things I can add to your many talents."

Bella chucked deep and low, "you said you play?" She nodded behind her to the piano. "I'd love to hear you play sometime," she waggled her eyebrows. "I mean... it is my birthday after all."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "well all right. It's been awhile though," she got up and stretched out her fingers. "I know the perfect song for the evening. Come sit next to me," she sat down and patted the empty spot next to her on the piano bench. "This song is usually played on the guitar but I don't see one around so I'll play it here," she started to slowly do a couple of warm up scales then she closed her eyes, took a breath and let the music flow through her. A soft melody started playing as Bella looked on when Hermione started to softly sing:

I never thought that you would be the one to hold my heart
But you came around
And you knocked me off the ground from the start

A small gasp came from Bella's mouth as she listened to the words, Hermione's eyes were closed and she look at peace as she continued:

You put your arms around me
And I believe that it's easier for you to let me go
You put your arms around me and I'm home

She continued singing and the emotions of the song were filling her. The older woman reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind Hermione's ear, the brunette opened her eyes and looked over at her date continuing her song:

I hope that you see right through my walls
I hope that you catch me, 'cause I'm already falling
I'll never let a love get so close
You put your arms around me and I'm home

Hermione finished through the song without stopping but not meeting the eyes of her date as she didn't want to see the response until it was over. The meaning of the song was raw and full of emotions. She now knew she loved the older woman and she hadn't expected to declare it so soon but here they were and she couldn't help herself. The song ended and she turned slightly to see Bella staring at her with an unreadable emotion in her eyes. Hermione let out a shakey breath and bit her bottom lip waiting for any acknowledgment of the words that were sung to her. They sat in silence just letting the words sink in for what seemed like forever. "Well," Bella cleared her throat, "I don't really know exactly what to say." She looked deep into the honey eyes of the young woman who just poured her soul out in song. "That was beautiful and it's not often that I'm rendered speechless."

"You don't have to..." Hermione spoke quietly with a nervous little laugh.

"I've fallen in love with you, too, Hermione."

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This is a long story skip to the lemon if you want ya weirdos **slow burner with a lot of lore** A famous pure blooded young witch seems to have caug...
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This is a Hogwarts centric Bellamione story that will to be four parts in total when it's finished. This part and part two are already complete on AO...