Her Selfless Love( Complete)

By suzangill98

4.8M 210K 38.9K

"You told them you love me ,huh?" He asks with a raised eyebrows, jaw hardened and eyes narrowed at the shy g... More

Reed Estate
He is back?
Depth and weakness
The dinner
The interview
The first beat
The Angel
The first hand embarrassment
The disaster
The deception
In his arms
To loose control
What the hell happened?
The bruises
In defence
The Secret
Lost Cookies
Move on
The proposed
The gentleman
The bad experience
Private what?
The jet lag
Lost and found
His beasts
The beginning
Calling Trouble
The escape
The Loss
The truth
Enraged and engaged ?
The Kiss of fire
The proclaimation
The Preparations
The Wedding
Searching hearts
The shattering
The accident
Her audacity
The distance and disaster
Deception or truth?
The Realisation
A new leaf
The Lost one
Puppy Trouble
The Resemblance
The hidden enemy
Challenging monsters
The Decision
Just a memory?
The bloodshed
Her Family?
The Will to move on
His Fascades
The Promise
In her Shadows
Curtain of truth
Authors note
The Wedding
The heartbreak
The game
Moving on
The broken Promise
Shattering Sanity
The lost friend
Epilogue ( Final)

The surprise

43.8K 2.2K 359
By suzangill98

" It's not what he did that hurts.

But the way he just stood there, doing nothing and pretending.

He didn't lit the fire that got me burned."

      - Suzangill


" Ryan was so excited to meet you! You know he has a daughter just your age"

" I hope you guys get close like real sisters."

Albert says. As Ezra just nods. Her mind lost somewhere else. And Albert realised this.

" Daughter? What happened? "

Ezra puts on that fake smile. Moving her head in a no. Looking into her father's concerned eyes.

" Nothing Papa. Just tired."

" Why? Aren't you sleeping properly? Or is it becaus-"

His words got interrupted as the doors are opened and in walks a man with arms wide open and big smile on his lips.

" Brother!"

He exclaims and Albert get's up. Rushing to hug him back.

" Ryan! You are so damn late. We seemed to be waiting for hours !"

" Oh come on. You know me.  When am I ever punctual."

They hug each other tightly. Patting each other's back. And Ezra gets up too. Approaching them.

Wringling her hands in anxiousness.

" Anyways where is she? I hope she doesn't have your ugly features!"

Ryan jokes looking behind Albert. To suddenly go still. Seeing those innocent brown orbs staring at him.

" Oh my! Isn't she a carbon copy of her mother!"

Ryan exclaims. Approaching Ezra. Who steps forward. To nod. Wishing him.

" Hello uncle"

" Call me Ryan my princess."

He says. Pulling her to his chest. Making her go still. Her heart thudding.

" We all missed you so much"

Pulling back. He holds her shoulders. Smiling at her.

" Welcome to Richardson family"

" Th- thank you"

Was all she could say. The vibes she was getting from the man were way to confusing. He was acting too sweet. To loving.

If he really cared and missed her so much.

Why didn't he came to meet her early?

He may be busy. She thought. Dismissing the thought.

" Where are others? Don't tell me you came alone"

Albert says. And Ryan just rubs his neck. Looking at the entrance. To exclaim.

"There they are!"

Albert and Ezra's eyes move up to look at the entrance. And they see a women walking towards them.

She must be Ryan's wife.

A clicking of heels behind her could be heard and Ezra's heart literally stops. When she sees who it was.

Those beautiful blue eyes staring back at her.

And she could bet that she saw a smirk linger on her lips.

" Ah my lovely child! How are you?"

" Al uncle!"

Ezra feels something ache in her heart when she sees her father hugging Andriana.

She shouldn't feel like this. She shouldn't be jealous.

Hell Andriana was her father's neice. Of course he loves her and they have a strong bond.

It wouldn't feel like this if it was anyone. But it is Andriana.

That image of him and her together. Flashing again in front of her eyes.

Making her clench her fists.

" Ezra! Meet Andri! Your sister"

Ezra's body was hyperventilating. Her hands sweating and mind numb.

Gulping. She sees Andriana approaching her. And Ezra keeps her stare. Not backing down.

The way she looked at Ezra.

Told her. That Andriana already knew. Yet she still did all this.

" Hello sister. "

Andriana speaks. Moving forward to hug Ezra. And Ezra steps back.

She wasn't like those who can pretend to be your best friends yet backstab you like your worst enemies.

She wasn't like those who will praise you in your face, yet bitc* about you at your back.

She was who she is.

Inside and out.

Albert saw her reluctance and came to her side immediately. Placing his arm around her shoulder.

" Ezra?"

Ezra tries. But fails miserably. How can she meet her like a stranger? How can these people fake so much.

" Hi Andriana"

Was all Ezra said. And Albert smiles. Hugging her more tightly to him. Telling her he is with her always.

" Ezra is a bit introvert Andri. But don't worry. I am sure you guys will bond well."

With this Albert leaves. As Andriana nods. Trying to show she understands.

Ezra doesn't spare her even a look. Turning around to leave.

" Hey sis? Won't you greet me atleast?"

Ezra doesn't reply. She didn't considered her worth it. And Andriana doesn't follow.

Smirking ,seeing her back.

" Oh my little sis. You are going to love the surprises I have for you."

" This is just the beginning."


They were seated at the dining table eating their food. The brothers were discussing business. While Ezra simply fiddled with the food.

In no mood to be here. Sitting in front of her.

They all were talking so casually. Talking about some high class people she hasn't even heard of.

She felt left out.

Despite being surrounded.

" No seriously uncle. Dad literally pulled me out of there! It was so damn hilarious!"

Everyone was laughing at a joke Andriana cracked. While Ezra couldn't find anything funny in it.

She simply seemed to be everyone's favourite.

Even the way she spoke?

It held confidence and class.

And here she was. She couldn't even complete a sentence without stuttering and feeling nervous.

" Jokes apart Andri. Ryan told me you finally found a man ?"

" Who is the lucky guy?"

Albert asks. And Andriana's eyes flicker to Ezra. Making an uneasiness to settle in her heart.

Taking a bite. She smiles. Looking back at Albert.

" You will love him uncle. I can assure you that."

" Really? What's his name. When can I meet him."

Ezra stares at her phone. Looking up at him. Moving her head to a side.

"For a matter of fact. Right now uncle. I just called him here for our lunch. If you don't mind."

Ezra's heart beats rapidly in her chest. Her hand on the fork going still.

The possibilities making her insides to shiver. And the strength she had in her to waver.

Albert smiles. Leaning back on his seat.

" Why will I mind. Please. I will be really delighted to meet him."

" Oh he is here!"

Andriana says getting up. As the doors to the hallroom open up.

Everyone looks at the door while Ezra didn't had it in her to turn around and look.

Her thudding heart ready to leap out of her chest.

As the heavy footsteps of someone approaching are heard.

The opened door, brought along the whiff of his expensive scent. Which came from just behind her.

And a shiver runs down her eyes. Making her close her eyes.

Oh lord. No please no!

Don't do this. Not more.

" Meet my fiance uncle! You must have met him before."

The footsteps stop behind her and everyone got up from their seats. The looks of shock evident on their faces.

" Hello everyone"

That husky voice came from just behind Ezra. And that's when Ezra's heart stops. Her hands moving up to be fisted in front of her chest.

And eyes fixed on the reflection in the table.

How can she forget that voice? How can't she not recognise it? After all it was the same voice that spoke ' I do'. The same voice that told her how different she was.

The voice that told her he liked her in ways he himself couldn't comprehend.

Lies. They all were lies.

And the man behind her. Was the real Aaron Reed. The man she couldn't understand despite all her tries.

Despite everything.

She still knew she had to turn around. She has to see him with her own eyes to believe.

Holding the teak table for support. She stands up. Slowly turning around.

And that's when her innocent brown orbs crash with his disastrous grey ones.

That looked blankly at her.

No regret. No remorse. No explanation. No apologies.

And she forgot to breathe. Her eyes staring blankly at him. As she whispers nearly staggering forward .

" A-Aron?"


Next update: Aaron's pov


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