The Feast

By LaciePanda

526 8 0

"You don't eat a small, scrawny pig. You wait and fatten it up, then.....You feast" More

Before reading....
Home not alone
A Slave in my own house
In the cabin of Despair
Inside the Doll House


38 1 0
By LaciePanda

At that moment we all turned around, Mike was standing there all cover in blood from head to toe. "YOU KEEP AWAY FROM HER YOU CREEPS!" From that point on everything was in slow motion. Greg busted through the door with a group of men and at the same time Mike charged at the group of killers. I remember someone in the crowd grabbing my hand and pulling me out from the doll store, and the last I saw of the store was Mike, Greg and the group of men attacking those killer kids. The moment when the sun first hit my cheeks felt like a new hope. That everything would soon be over! As me and Mike were being taken to the hospital, I felt like I was finally at peace. Of course I was completely wrong, because once we reached the hospital, I found that someone was waiting for me.....

I was laying in a bed with a gown on, that much I knew. Everything around me was a blur, "Whats.....Whats going on?" I tried asking, but everyone seemed so rushed, and I was so unstable, that I couldn't even understand myself. "Zoe," a doctor tried to explain, "Listen, someone has broken into the hospital, we think he's here for you and Mike. So we're taking you two to a safer place. Now don't panic, but we're going to put you under for a little while, just.....sleep....." As the doctor said this I felt myself falling into a deep sleep. But as I fell, I heard the far off distance screams of nurses, doctors and patients. But soon.....Blackness, I heard, saw and felt, nothing.

When I awoke, the hospital was abandoned, I tried walking, but I fall and found that my whole body was weak. "Mike? Hello? Are there any Doctors or nurses here?" i called out. Where was I? I knew i was at the hospital, but I was at a different part of it. When I finally regained my strength I got up and looked around the room I was in, it was huge. All around there was rows of people on beds with sheets covering there faces. I felt a chill go down my spine, I somehow knew where I was. As I went over to one of the beds, I pulled the sheet back and found a dead body under it. Why was I in a room with a bunch of dead people? But then I noticed the bed next to the one I was in was different.

The smell of death was still fresh upon it.

The whole room smelt of death. But this one, was stronger. I pulled the sheet back, and gasped, I wanted to scream, kill someone, I wanted to die. Because this person under the sheet, had died because of me......

It was Mike, he was laying dead, on a bed because of me. This was, indeed, all my fault. I would have sat there and wept by his side, had it not been that the doors to the door flung open, Louis was standing there, with a disturbing smile on his face and a ripped up straightjacket on his back. "Louis? Louis that you? Are you ok?" I was scared, alone, at first I thought he was here to save, to get me out of this h3ll I was in, but I realized he was only here to 'turn up the heat'. "Oh Zoe, you pathetic, miserable, vulnerable girl. Haven't you noticed? There's an empty bed right next Mikes!" With that said I took off running,but as I ran, I found that this hospital was not abandoned, no it was filled, filled with dead and rotting corpses of doctors and nurses who looked as if they hadn't been dead very long. An entire hospital! everyone dead! Was this the full strength of those killer kids? of was this only the tip of the Iceberg?

As I ran down hallway after hallway after hallway, I noticed something, there was were no stairs or elevators that lead to higher or lower levels. So i figured I must be on the same floor as the exit out of here, now I just had to find it. But every time I went down a hall, the sounds of Louis chasing me grew louder and louder. I was growing tired, hungry, thirsty and weak from all the running, but I knew if I stopped even for a second, he would catch up to me. Now I was angry, not only had this family of killers hurt me, but killed my best friends, family, and even somehow turned the only person I had left against me. Why? Why was Louis chasing me? What had I done to him? I didn't understand it. I remembered that back at the doll shop there was a back room, a office, maybe there was file, maybe there was file that could help me! I HAD to back to that doll shop!

I started darting down random hallways, I had no clue where I was or where I was going, I could hear Louis no matter where I went. That was it, I was done, no one was left, I was ready to give up. I opened my mouth to let Louis know that I couldn't hurt, and since I couldn't find my way out he could me. "ZOOOOE! ZOE ARE YOU IN THERE!" I as spun in the direction to which I heard the voice coming from I found it, a door! As I ran over to I reached my hand to open it, and on the other side was Greg. "GREG!" I shouted as I throw my arms around him. I knew I still wasn't safe, but for just a second, I could rest. "Zoe, Louis escape and killed everyone! we brought you here to keep you safe, but he followed us and-" Greg was spewing out so much information I couldn't handle it all at once. "I know Greg.....but now we need to get out!" He nodded and took my hand and lead me outside.

As we ran in the parking lot I heard Louis break the hospital doors and follow us out. Greg and I hopped into his police car and began to drive off. I sighed as I let myself rest, I would need all the rest I could get, because, unfortunately cars run out of gas, and when they do, you have to stop and fill them up, and the moment we stop Louis will catch up.

A few seconds, a couple minutes, a half an hour, a full hour, a day, a week, a months, a year. How long we lasted I can't remember, but what I could remember was the sound of the car using up the last bit of gas and then coming to a full stop. We were miles away from a gas station. "Can you walk?" I heard Greg say. "Yes, pretty sure." We both hopped out of the car and began to run. I don't know how we did it, but somehow Louis was still right behind, he looked as if he could run for many more miles.


We heard gun shoots coming from behind us, "GET DOWN!" I heard Greg yell. we ran inside an abandon house, in fact, the entire town we were in seemed abandon. It looked dead, as if no one had set foot in the town in years. Inside the house I sat down on the floor in the kitchen and moved away from any doors or windows. Greg, on the other hand, was standing in the door frame firing gun shoots at Louis. But then I heard it, one last gun shoot and the sound of Greg's body falling onto the ground. "G-Greg?"

"No," the sound of Louis's voice made my whole body freeze. I closed my eyes and remembered a song my mother use to sing to me when I was little. I would get nightmares and she would come into my room and sing my to sleep after she read me a story,

"After the sun set and moon begins to rise, may your dreams be sweet and all your worries die.

For with tomorrow comes and tonight fades, and with it your demons and there tricks, my child,

Come into the light, where nothing can hide, and as the sun's rays kiss your face,

know this my dear, know this my love, I'll be with you forever watching you from above."

As I opened my eyes I looked up at Louis, something inside of me gave up all hope. "Are you ready?" Louis said looking down at me, "For what?" Those were my last words as the darkness set in, had I known what was about to come,  I might have tried harder, I might have made it. But it's too late now, for that was then and now, the only thing I know is darkness.

Louis stood hovering over my body, limp and not quite dead, but a willing vessel, ready to be trained, to have everything I once knew washed out of me and ready for a new way of think and a new soul. And even though I would never hear him say it, he said three simply words that would mark the next chapter of my life,

                                                                       "For the Beginning."

                                                                             ~The End?~                         

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