𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐁𝐒𝐭𝐞 ༞ Mephi...

By jaspurrrX3

15K 421 78

𝑅𝑒𝑛. That's all you could think. You kept running until you suddenly collide with a tall man, a peculiar o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
im promise i didnt leave yall :(
deepest apologies my dear readers
Chapter 16
im so sorry my lovelies

Chapter 11

626 22 7
By jaspurrrX3

"Y/N?" He looks at me wondering if it was really me or not.

"Wha-how do you know my name, and who are you?" I try to hide further into my corner, which, obviously didn't help.

He studied my face and features, looking me up and down. He stood up and held a hand out.

While laughing, he confirms, "That's definitely you all right. I recognize those deep blue eyes anywhere." Deep Blue? My eyes are E/C, though?

In confusion, I pull out my phone from my pocket and turn on the camera.
Oh. my. god. I'm a whole ass new person.

I had long, pointed ears, sharp teeth, and... deep...blue...eyes. What the fuck. I look up to see the man still holding his hand out.

"You gonna leave me hangin?" He chuckled. I shake my head and take his hand.

"I almost forgot, the name's Lucifer." He introduces himself. At this point I figured it's best to play along until I find a way out or until someone comes.

"Well, you already know me, so." I fake a smile.

"Yes. Say, do you remember anything about me?" He asks. Now that he brings it up, I remember Kashi saying something about him, if I'm correct he's the reason I ended up in Assiah.

"Hm, not really, but I remember Kashi mentioning you at her interview." I tilt me head up to look at him. He gives a bit of an irritated expression and sighs.

"Let me guess, she said something like, 'I'm really stupid' or something right?" I laugh at that.

"Something of the sort." I respond.

He opens his mouth to say something but was soon interrupted by a loud thud. We both look to see a certain green haired demon.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" He tilts his head. I looked down, not sure how I wanted to respond. It was a bit embarrassing, personally. I mean, she just popped into my room and snatched me out of there, I couldn't even defend myself.

"Kashi took me." I mumble. He walks over , leaning closer to my face. What the fuck is he doing? I lean back in response. After studying me for a moment, he leans back to his typical slouched stance.

"Hmm, interesting." He noted. I looked at him confused.

"I think he's talking about your eyes and stuff." Lucifer suggested. Oh, almost forgot he was here.

"Yes, it seems your demon form is more defined here in Gehenna." He is right about that. I've never seen myself like this at all.

"Sorry to interrupt but I must ask," I turn to look at him, "does Hokashi know you're here?" I freeze, he has a point, does she? What if she's looking for me?

"No, she doesn't," I say quickly, "Actually, I don't want her to find me right now, so if you'll excuse me." I swiftly walk around him and hurried off to god knows where.

Shit, what was I thinking, for all I know I could be heading in Satan's direction. Whatever, I'll shove his head up his ass if I do see him...
actually on second thought that's probably a bad idea...

~(my earbuds just broke rip i had them for 6 years 💀✋🏻)~

After wandering around for hours, I stumble upon a set of doors made of black tourmaline and embroidered with gold and amethyst. Huh, seems pretty important, what if someone's in there? Satan? I don't know, but I kinda wanna go in. No what's wrong with me?

I stood there tapping my foot nervously, deciding whether I should go in or not. You know what, fuck it, I'm here so why not. I slowly push the doors open and peak my head in.

To the left, was a bed with pink, silk sheets with white fluffy pillows. The room was about the same style as the room I woke up in but slightly bigger.

Wait a minute, this looks a lot like...Mephisto's room. Holy shit, this is his old room I'm guessing. I smile at the thought of him, I miss him as well as my friends.

I walk over to his bed and flop down. What would I do without him? I honestly wasn't sure, there doesn't seem to be much here. But his room was definitely interesting.

I stand up again and walk around his room. There was a tv, two controllers on the table in front and a dark pink and white striped couch to top it off. A kitchen was to the right of that with a basket of sweets on the island. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, well, for him anyways, there's nothing ordinary about him.

Before turning around, a small box catches my eye. I walk over and pick it up carefully. Looking at the lid, I see a label saying, "Mother" Huh, now thinking about it, he never talked about his mother.

I gently open the box to reveal a white, fluffy, stuffed bunny with a small pink ribbon around its neck. It looked a bit similar to the one that hangs off his phone. I smiled as I picked it up. Judging by the label on the lid, this was from his mom.

I laughed imagining him as a little kid running around with it. At the bottom of the box, there was a tiny piece of paper.

It read, "Aug. 28, 1008 - to my little bunny <3"

Holy shit, he's over a thousand years old!? Damn I feel like a baby compared to him.

"I haven't seen that in centuries." I hear a soft voice behind me. Startled, I turn around to see a girl standing behind me with deep purple hair and piercing green eyes.

@Katsukis_slxt for giving me motivated again lol

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