My Inner Ability System

By AsempasahLegalawoli

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"I'm Electric" - Obed Obed, the main character lost his father in a war with the demons. He founds this book... More

Chapter 1: A Mysterious Book
Chapter 2: A New Ability
Chapter 3: Kidnapping
Chapter 4: A New School
Chapter 5: First Training
Chapter 6: Obed's Liquid Ability
Chapter 7: More Gains
Chapter 8: Question Time
Chapter 9: A Fight Situation
Chapter 10: A Weird Dream
Chapter 11: Training In A Different World
Chapter 12: Training Begins
Chapter 13: Obed and the Alien
Chapter 14: The Orb
Chapter 15: An Unknown Call
Chapter 16: Training Time
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 18: Life Sucker in a VR Room
Chapter 19: I'm Electric
Chapter 20: A Red World
Chapter 21: A Familiar Site
Chapter 22: Eaten
Chapter 23: A New Friend
Chapter 24: Day 2 of Training
Chapter 25: Another Human
Chapter 26: My Name is Linda
Chapter 27: Back to School
Chapter 28: Fixing the Portal
Chapter 29: A Shocking Return
Chapter 30: A New Member
Chapter 31: A Demonic Bird
Chapter 32: The Real Hero Show Up
Chapter 33: Prom Night
Chapter 34: Obed and Florence
Chapter 35: Obed and Barns.
Chapter 36: A Third Year Friend
Chapter 37: Taken Away
Chapter 38: The Map
Chapter 39: In The Demonic Castle
Chapter 40: The Search Begins
Chapter 41: In The Castle
Chapter 42: Vis-a-Vis
Chapter 43: The Fight Begins
Chapter 44: A New Demon Prince
Chapter 45: Back To School
Chapter 46: Training
Chapter 47: Hospitalized
Chapter 48: A Sudden Change
Chapter 50: The Truth

Chapter 49: Face-to-Face With A Figure

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By AsempasahLegalawoli

In our last chapter, our hero abandoned his friends at the school and flew straight to another dimension. Obed immediately landed on a certain planet which he didn't know the name. Obed asked his system to inspect the planet. His system agreed and started to inspect the planet. "Incredible", said the system. "What now", replied Obed. His system told Obed that this planet has no name and no living creatures or being so precisely you are the only one on this planet. Obed was shocked at what his system told him. No creature, no name, how come. Obed then decided to try and control his electric ability.
Obed then asked his system whether there was any possible way that he can control his ability. His system then told Obed that he should concentrate much on the ability and that he shouldn't let go of it. Try forming electric balls like what you did when you fought that alien on that planet. Obed then sat and concentrated on his electric ability and started to form some electric balls. The electric balls were so powerful that Obed's shirt started to change. Soon Obed's dress was now a robe and was dazzling white. Obed was bleeding from his nose and then he closed his closed balls. "Well done", said his system. "You'll receive a notification soon after you have successfully been able to control your ability. Obed knew he was one step closer to controlling his electric ability. "Now, is time for you to take some bread", said his system. "Use your electric ball to form some bread", it continued. "Can I even do that", said Obed. "You talk too much you know that", said his system. Obed then summoned an electric ball and turned it into bread.
Obed then took the bread and said to his system, "what now". "Now it's time for you to eat", said his system. "WHAT, DO YOU WANT US TO DIE OR WHAT", screamed Obed. "This is the time for you to control your ability", said his system. "Is that not what you wanted to do", it continued. Obed then ate the bread and his eyes started to become electric. Obed then rose in the air and some sparks started to form. Back in the school, the crew was in the Barns dormitory. Soon they heard sirens indicating a warning sign. "What's happening", said Michael. "I think Obed it's trying to control it", said Barns. "Don't worry, he'll do it just trust him", continued Barns.
Back to the unknown planet, Obed's body was filled with electricity. Obed system then told him to combine his demonic ability with his electricity. Obed did as his system told him and soon the combination became more powerful and was able to control the ability. Also, Obed was able to form a new weapon with his combination. Obed was now prepared and was happy that he was able to control his electric ability. "Hey, can you tell what the weapon is about", said Obed. His system then replied, "this weapon as you know is made up of your demonic and electric ability. It can reduce a human or an alien life by up to 50%". "This weapon is also deadly and can be used at both close and far range", it continued. Obed was happy to hear that.
Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Obed. Obed couldn't see its face because it was dressed in dazzling white. The figure then began to speak. "I believe you are Obed right". Obed nodded his head in response. "Come with me, there's something I wanna show you", said the figure. "By the way, who are you", said Obed. The figure then came close to Obed and said, "I'm YOUR MOTHER OBED".

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