My Inner Ability System

By AsempasahLegalawoli

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"I'm Electric" - Obed Obed, the main character lost his father in a war with the demons. He founds this book... More

Chapter 1: A Mysterious Book
Chapter 2: A New Ability
Chapter 3: Kidnapping
Chapter 4: A New School
Chapter 5: First Training
Chapter 6: Obed's Liquid Ability
Chapter 7: More Gains
Chapter 8: Question Time
Chapter 9: A Fight Situation
Chapter 10: A Weird Dream
Chapter 11: Training In A Different World
Chapter 12: Training Begins
Chapter 13: Obed and the Alien
Chapter 14: The Orb
Chapter 15: An Unknown Call
Chapter 16: Training Time
Chapter 17: An Unexpected Guest
Chapter 18: Life Sucker in a VR Room
Chapter 19: I'm Electric
Chapter 20: A Red World
Chapter 21: A Familiar Site
Chapter 22: Eaten
Chapter 23: A New Friend
Chapter 24: Day 2 of Training
Chapter 25: Another Human
Chapter 26: My Name is Linda
Chapter 27: Back to School
Chapter 28: Fixing the Portal
Chapter 29: A Shocking Return
Chapter 30: A New Member
Chapter 31: A Demonic Bird
Chapter 32: The Real Hero Show Up
Chapter 33: Prom Night
Chapter 34: Obed and Florence
Chapter 35: Obed and Barns.
Chapter 36: A Third Year Friend
Chapter 37: Taken Away
Chapter 38: The Map
Chapter 39: In The Demonic Castle
Chapter 40: The Search Begins
Chapter 41: In The Castle
Chapter 42: Vis-a-Vis
Chapter 43: The Fight Begins
Chapter 44: A New Demon Prince
Chapter 45: Back To School
Chapter 47: Hospitalized
Chapter 48: A Sudden Change
Chapter 49: Face-to-Face With A Figure
Chapter 50: The Truth

Chapter 46: Training

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By AsempasahLegalawoli

Obed went to the headmistress's office and knocked. "COME IN", said the headmistress. Obed entered the door and shut it behind him. "Take a seat", she continued. Obed then took his seat and was wondering why the headmistress called him so early. Well, we all know that you, Michael, and Chris went out on a mission or should I say, quest to save your friends. Lucky, you brought a new student to the school. That's interesting, said the headmistress.
Anyway, back to the main topic. We know that you have a demonic ability after defeating your uncle. In school, it looks like you are the odd one out. Obed was confused when the headmistress said that. "Why I'm I the odd one out," said Obed? This is because you have a different kind of ability that no one in the school has. You have a human liquid ability, electric ability, and now a demonic ability. We want to know how you got your ability and whether it can be transferred. Obed didn't know what to say because if he remembered correctly, his system told him not to tell anyone about how he got his electric and human liquid ability. Obed then told the headmistress that he had no idea how he got his abilities but how they can be transferred he cannot identify or know. The headmistress was shocked when she heard Obed see that. "Anyway, I've to head for training Miss," said Obed. "Alright, you can go for your training," said the Headmistress.
Obed stepped out of the office and headed straight to his dorm. When he arrived he found out that wood was sleeping and that his friends were not in the dorm. By now, they are at the training center. As Obed was going, he heard two people talking about a guy who had an electric ability. "I wonder who it might be," said the girl. "Anyway, it's a long time since we've seen Life Sucker in the VR," said the other girl.
Obed then raced towards the training room and saw his squad. Ben the trainer was also at the training center. Obed went to his squad and went to train. Ben then summoned the students and told them that their training is going to be real and Sir Nate will be with me so that after the fight, he can bring you back to the school and so that you'll notify your mistakes. "Is that ok," continued Sir Ben? I want each student to form a group of six members. Obed already had his group. Obed's group was C.
"To make this hard," said Sir Ben, "this training will let you know whether you go to year 2 or you'll repeat year 1." Everyone started to mumble and from the look of things, no one wanted to repeat year 1. Soon a table was shown on the screen.
Group A vs Group F
Group E vs Group B.
Group C vs Group D.
Group D was the toughest group because most of the level users had higher levels.
Obed then laughed at himself and said to himself, this is the time to use the demonic ability.
Group A and Group F should step into the portal, said Sir Ben. They all went into the portal and it sent them to a place where the sky was yellow. "Alright," said Sir Nate, "when you hear the siren, that means to start."
"Is group A ready", said Sir Nate. Yes, said the group A leader. What about group F? "Yes", said group F leader. Alright, the match will start in 3, 2, 1, then the siren blew. Group A and Group D were charged against each other. Everybody was able to use their weapons and ability. One of group A's members has died and two of Group F's members had died. The fight continued until in the end Group F won the match with 3 of its members alive. Sir Nate then teleported them back to the school. Group F led with 6 points
"Group A has 3 points," said Sir Nate.
The next group is Group E vs Group B. Sir Nate then teleported them to a different location and their fight began. This fight took longer than 20 minutes but in the end, Group E won.
Group E has 6 points
Group B has 2 points.
The last group was Group C and Group D. Obed it's time, said Michael. Group C is gonna lose, they are no match for Group D, said a boy. Hey, it's life sucker and he is in group C, said a student. Group C and Group D stepped into the portal and they were talking to a red planet. It was time for the fight to commence. Obed asked his system whether he could use his electric ability. His system answered, well, if the demonic ability doesn't work on the group, then we have no choice but to use the electric ability. "Thank you," said Obed. The siren rang and the fight started and the whole first-year student was watching the fight.
Michael and Chris had attacked first. Florence, Joyce, and Linda also attacked the rest of the group. Obed know had the leader all by himself. Within 20 minutes, Group C members were down to 2 and that was Obed and Florence. Group D members were still intact. Everyone was scared because Obed and Florence cannot take all six members. Obed now activated his demonic ability and used it in his opponents. 3 of group D members were out. "What kind of ability is that," said group D leader.
Obed saw that the demonic ability didn't work on the remaining members. Florence then brought out some bread and told Obed to eat it. Obed refused and at last, the Group D leader used his ability to form a spear and killed Florence. Obed became made and had no choice but to eat the bread. As soon as Obed at the bread, his eyes and body language changed. "It's time," said Obed. The school's electricity started to feel the effect of Obed's power. Group D members charged at Obed but couldn't get close for the attack. Obed's voice changed and had the 3 members of group D all by himself. "So he's the one who has the electric ability," said the first-year students. Obed rose in the year and struck lighting from the sky and electrocuted the group D members. Obed wasn't done yet. Obed then used his electric ability to take all off the remains of group D's ability. Group C had won but now Obed couldn't control his power. Obed was bleeding from his nose, eyes, and head. "Someone must calm him down," said a student. Nate entered the portal and arrived at the scene where Obed was. Nate calmed Obed down. If not for Sir Nate, Obed would have died that instant. Sir Nate then carried Obed into his shoulders and brought him back to the school.

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