
By ElisabetsGalaxy

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 3

52 3 0
By ElisabetsGalaxy

Maya hadn't spoken to me in three weeks. Which was fine with me, honestly. Daniel had spoken to the pack about mistreating the omegas and let's just say it didn't go over well. Of course the people who hated me hated me even more and the people who had been unsure of me had decided it was ok to hate me. School was boring and I usually hung out with Kayla, Jessica, Henry, and Lucas. Of course the girl I had threatened to kill glared at me from far away but made no move to come near me. I didn't know how much longer I could live in the pack. I hated having to tolerate everyone's attitude towards me and I shook my head. One thing was for sure though. I had definitely learned some sort of patience. I mean I hadn't killed anyone yet so I guess that was good.

"We're going shopping." It was the first time Maya had spoken to me since I semi challenged Daniel and I shrugged.

"For what."

"We've been invited to the Royal ball. Only Alpha's and betas are invited from every pack. Since technically you're from Alpha lineage you have to attend." She murmurs. I nod my head, not wanting to argue. I could tell that Daniel had been having a hard time trying to make everyone follow the new rule I had made him enforce so this was something I guess I could do.  I nod my head and agree to go to a little bouquet ten minutes away from school. I look around the dresses quickly picking out a white one with a black intricate lace design on it. It was long and sleeveless, elegant and sleek. I loved it. I grabbed it off the hanger and proceeded to grab some black heels. I waited patiently for Maya while I paid for my things and sighed in relief when she was done. We didn't say a word to each other on the way home and I rapidly get out of the car as she parks it. I grab my dress and take it to my room. I had finally moved out of the guest room and into the room me and Maya had painted and I loved it. I hung the dress in the closet and put the heels right under it. A soft knock on the door catches my attention and I open it.

"We need to talk." It was Daniel.

"As you know the ball is this Saturday. Our flight is tomorrow morning and I expect you to be ready. There are a few things I must let you know first. When we go to the ball you must always bow in respect to any royal werewolf. You should never stare into their eyes for too long and you should never speak to them in any disrespectful manner. If they ask you to dance with them you accept. Never reject or turn away any gift or offer they present to you."

"Ok." I say nodding. He gives me a quick smile and leaves, shutting my door behind him. After I'm sure he has left I grab my pillow and scream in it. Going to the ball would be like walking on eggshells and I sure as hell didn't want to do that. Holy fuck how was I going to survive. I angrily stomp around and turn on my stereo blasting up rock music and grabbing my suitcase from the corner I stuff in some jeans and t-shirts along with some shoes. I pack up my dress and heels last, not wanting to completely ruin them. It was currently a Thursday night and although I wish I had a good enough excuse to miss the stupid ball I didn't. Which left me no choice. I take a quick shower before getting into bed and I quickly dose off.


I groan as my alarm clock goes off and I grudgingly get out of bed. My hair was still a little damp from the night before so I quickly blow dry it. I slip on some black yoga pants and a t-shirt along with some black sneakers and I let my long black hair hang loose. The ball was being held somewhere in England, in a tiny little town I had never heard of. We were staying in a hotel nearby and although I knew I had to go to the ball I was hoping that I could make an early escape. I grabbed my suitcase from the floor and bring it down nearly laughing as I see Maya struggling to carry three large suitcases. Which I was assuming were hers. Why the hell did she need so many suitcases for? We were only going to be gone for three days. We moved silently as we arranged the suitcases and got into the car. I smile as I see the airport come to view wishing I could take the fastest flight home, but my aunt would probably kill me and my brother would be pissed.  The flight was five tortuous hours long. I slept for half of it and the rest I just looked out of the window in a haze. When I felt the plane descending I sat up straighter. My bones yearning to be free from the stiff position I had been in. We piled out of the plane grabbing our suitcases from the belt outside and we slowly got out into a large parking lot. I stiffened as I realized that the airport was swarming with different scents. All werewolf. I looked around my eyes wandering as I studied the men and women around me.

"Storm, let's go." Daniel snaps me out of my reverie and I quickly get into the cab he had flagged down the drive was short and I frowned as I saw all the nature around. The hotel was a little bed and breakfast and I could see the huge castle from my bedroom window. The castle was beautiful, it nearly took my breath away before I reminded myself that I didn't want to be here. It took me a few minutes to unpack my stuff and I took a quick shower before heading outside and wandering around. The scent here was different. It was earthy, more natural. It made my wolf pur. I walked around not going in any certain direction. I came to a small opening and slumped against a large oak tree. I take a deep breath feeling relaxed for the first time in weeks. I sit quietly watching the sky until the sun set. As it got darker I got up, going the same direction I had came in from. Or so I thought. I walked around further, frowning as I looked around. Everything looked so unfamiliar. I walked ahead, ignoring the panic that had set in my stomach. I sighed in relief as I got to a small road. I looked around, spotting the familiar bed and breakfast. I went in freezing as a group of people stared at me. Their eyes closely studied me and then fell on my tattoos. I ignored them and pushed past them. I could feel their stares even as I walked up the stairs and into my room. I opened my door as I heard a knock and frowned when I saw Maya.

"Can I come in?" She says hesitantly.

"Sure." I shrug, letting her in. She sits on a chair near my bed and bites her lip nervously.

"Umm so as you know Alphas and Betas from all over come to the ball. I've seen your wolf so I know that you're going to be mated to an Alpha and I just umm I wanted to tell you." She nervously plays with her fingers and I sigh.

"I will most likely find my mate today." I say aloud.

"Is this why you brought me here? So I could find my mate? So I wouldn't have to be a burden to you all?" I growl.

"We just wanted you to find your mate so you could find someone who better understands you." She says coldly.

"Better understand me?! Do I look fucking stupid to you?" By the time I say the last part I realize that I'm yelling and I take a deep breath, glaring at her.

"Even if I find my mate tomorrow night I will never accept him. You're stuck with me so deal with it." I say slowly, opening the door and making her get out. I slam it shut running my fingers through my hair and angrily pulling it out. So this was his plan all along. It's like everything was perfectly placed. He knew when the ball was and he knew I was coming to live with him. Daniel had planned it all out. He knew all the alphas and Betas would be gathered together for this event and he knew he couldn't just drag me hear without a fight so that's why he agreed to defend the omegas he did it so I wouldn't fight him on this. That son of a bitch. He knew. I feel my heart tug painfully as I realize his betrayal and it becomes almost unbearable at the thought that my aunt knew all along. I pick up my phone and quickly dial her number half of me hoping she would pick up and the other half not wanting to face her.

"Storm?" Her voice echoes through my head and I choke back the tears.

"You knew. You knew and you let it happen. You didn't just send me away for six months. You sent me away for life. You sent me away and knew that I was going to find my mate. You knew and you, you let me believe that you wanted the best for me. You lied and you, you, you just." The tears were falling so fast and the anger of her betrayal was too much too handle

"Storm you have to understand-" I hang up the phone not wanting to hear her excuses, not wanting to hear her fully admit it. I had no one. I was all alone. My brother hated me. My aunt, who was the closest thing I had ever had to a mother, just abandoned me and I couldn't. I just couldn't. I slide my body down to the floor, letting the tears slide down my face. My heart hurt so much I thought it would surely break. I held my hand to my heart feeling like it was the only thing keeping it from bursting out of my chest. I didn't know how long I stayed on the floor crying, or when I eventually fell asleep. All I knew was that when I awoke I felt nothing. Nothing at all. I felt like a shell with nothing inside, I felt hollow. I looked at the clock and decided to doze off again. Wishing I would never wake up. The ringing of my phone woke me up for the second time and I picked it up, not recognizing the number.

"Storm?" The sound of Rosalind's voice through the other end makes me break down again and I could hear her trying to soothe me. I had only ever cried this much once and that was when I had first shifted into a wolf. After having calmed down enough I explain to her what was going on. To say she was angry was an understatement.

"Storm just say the word and I'll kill them. All of them." Although the offer seemed enticing I laughed.

"I don't think that will help much." I say honestly. They were the only blood relatives I had left and even though what they did was wrong on so many levels I could understand why they had done it. I knew I was a handful and I knew I was reckless. But they had taken things a little too far with this.

"What are you going to do?" She asked softly.

"I don't know. I'm going to find him you know. I'm going to find my mate. But I just don't know what to do. I want to reject him." I confess.

"Storm you can't. These people you call family obviously didn't tell you that rejecting your mate is nearly impossible. Once you look into each other eyes the bond already starts forming. If you leave without finishing the bond you die. Storm you need to listen, whatever you do don't look into his eyes. No matter how strong the pull no matter how much you want to look at him avoid his eyes. And if you do sense him or smell him you run run as far away as possible." She warns.

"What if I can't? What if I look into his eyes. What if I accept him?" I say devastatingly.

"Storm. Listen to me. You are strong. We trained you to be. You kill vampires for God's sake. You don't let anything stop you. You're reckless goddammit and that makes you, you. You don't care what people think and you sure as hell don't give satisfaction to people who try to bring you down. This isn't time to give up on yourself Storm. Don't let them break you." She says angrily. I bite my lip and sigh.

"You're right." I say getting up and sitting on my bed.

"Thats the spirit." She says happily.

"Now if for some crazy reason you do look at your mate and you complete the bond I want to you to make his life a living hell." I laugh at her and shake my head.

"Trust me once I'm done with him he'll be wishing he had never found me." I respond.

"Good now go out there and be the badass I know you can be." She says motivationally.  We say our goodbyes and I go into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror and scrunch my nose up as I see my eyes puffy and red from crying. I get in the shower and take my time. I wrap myself in a towel and smile as I see my eyes had gone back to normal. I dry my hair quickly and slip on some underwear and a bra. I put my hair up in an elegant bun, letting a few strands of hair hang loosely. I put on some eyeliner and mascara, accentuating my silver grey eyes. I look at myself in the mirror and carefully get into my dress. I zip it up from the side and put on my heels. I look at my reflection and smile. I looked good. The dress hugged my body in the most flattering way and the heels made me look four inches higher than usual. I slowly make my way out and wait until I see Daniel and Maya.

"I'm so ready for this." I say smirking as I get in a cab with me.

"You're not rejecting him." My brother says confidently.

"Yea that's what you think." I say laughing.

"You won't." Maya says shrugging, only fueling my anger.

"Watch me." I say as we enter the castle. We are lead into a large ballroom where people were already clustered into groups and chatting away. I separate myself from Maya and Daniel as they go towards a tall man who had called to them. I could feel some people staring at me but I ignored them. I needed somewhere to hide. I turn around as I feel an arm wrap around my wrist and I angrily turn around.

"Touch me again and I'll rip. Your hand off." An amused look comes across the guys face and he chuckles.

"I was just going to ask if you were ok. No need to get all hasty." He says shaking his head. He was a little taller than me, his eyes a deep ocean blue which complemented his straight blond hair.

"My name's Dimitri." He says sticking out his hand, I hesitantly shake it and he smiles.

"Now if I'm not mistaken you're looking for a place to hide." He say matter of factly, catching me by surprise.

"Follow me." He says as he turns to walk away. I frown debating to follow him or not. I didn't debate any further as I caught the most intoxicating scent I had ever smelt in my life. My wolf whined, growling at me to follow the scent. But I quickly ignored her and instead followed Dimitri. He lead me outside onto a patio where others were also clustered. I followed him until he got to the edge of the patio and frowned.

"Come on it's just behind that fountain." He says grabbing my hand and dragging me to follow him. My eyes widen as I see the entrance of a botanical garden and I smile. It was empty and isolated, the perfect spot. We sit on a bench located near a patch of white roses and I relax.

"So why are you hiding?" He asks curiously.

"Why are you hiding?" I ask back making him smile.

"Honestly I just find the whole ball thing boring. Besides you're the new girl. Everyone wants to meet you, you know? I gotta tell you though most of the girls here feel a little intimidated by you." He says laughing.

"I hate being the new girl and I don't want to meet anyone. To be honest I'm hiding because there's a very strong possibility that my mate just smelled my scent and I don't want to be mated." I admit. The look on his face makes me laugh and I shake my head.

"You know most girls, if not all, would die to find their mates. But then again you don't seem like most girls." He chuckles.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I say, slightly offended by his last remark.

"I mean look at you, you look like you fell from heaven. Your eyes, your hair, that dress, even those tattoos. The only thing missing is the wings." He says laughing. I frown as I look down at myself and shrug.

"I guess." I say not sure of what to say.

"So how do you know your mate is looking for you?" He asks curiously.

"I smelled him. Like I could literally smell him, it was weird. And my wolf is being a bitch about it. I wish she would stop growling at me. I mean seriously she's giving me a headache with all her whining." I say angrily.

"Yea that happens when you ignore the pull to your mate." He says sarcastically.

"Do you have a mate?" I ask curiously.

"I don't know. I usually hide out here before the whole dancing thing starts. I'm not ready." He says shrugging.

"Yea I guess that makes sense." I say smiling.

"How about we make a deal. If you go in there and get your mate then I'll go in there and do the same." He says.

"Why don't you just go in there and find her without me?" I ask frowning.

"Because I'm scared." He admits shyly. I look at him and sigh.

"Ok come on." I say grabbing his hand and exiting the garden.

"Now find her quickly so I can go back to hiding." I say as we make our way back inside. He walks around sniffing here and there and when I feel him freeze I let go of his hand. I feel him staring intently at a small redhead, and I push him towards her. He doesn't budge. I roll my eyes and grab his arm, pulling him closer towards her. As if finally noticing his presence the redhead looks up, a big smile littering her face.

"Finally." I mutter. I push myself past people and as I see the exit to the patio I freeze. There was that scent again. Only this time it was a lot stronger. I held my breath trying to calm my wolf down and I shook my head. I walk faster towards the exit praying that I could make it out alive, but as I step outside I feel a tight hand wrap around my arm. My heart stops, literally stops. My wolf is howling with excitement at his touch and I stand rigidly. I could see people staring at me and then at him. I feel everyone's attention on us and I feel a little confused.

"Everyone inside. Now." His voice sends shivers down my spine and I instinctively lean back against him. Everyone jumps a little at his demand and they hurry inside. I still don't look at him as I feel him close the patio doors and I swallow the lump in my throat. I could feel him studying me and as he walked to stand in front of me I shut my eyes.

"Open your eyes." His voice is soft and alluring. My wolf whined, begging me to listen to him.

"Look at me." He whispers, confusion in his voice. I feel his hand touch my face and I let out a gasp. Sparks of pleasure travel through my body as he cups my face and I bite my lip.

"I reject you." I say weakly, my resistance shattering by the second.

"Look at me." His voice is filled with pain and I open my eyes. I hated to hear him like that, it didn't suit him.

I come face to face with a pair of deep green eyes, specks of golden yellow swirl around the irises and I lick my lips that had gone dry all of a sudden.

"I reject you." I wanted my voice to be strong but it wasn't. It was weak. Even as I said the words I could feel a slight pain in my chest. Just as he's about to say something I crush my lips on his. My hormones get the best of me as I bring him closer to me. Needing him to touch every inch of me. A low lustful growl escapes my lips as he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him. I feel him walking somewhere but I keep kissing him needing him like I never thought I would.

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