My Don ✔︎

By itgirlkimz

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[ COMPLETED ] Kamila Bailey or Kam is a new girl in Kellits, Clarendon, a new high school, a new friend, and... More

Main Characters pt.1
New beginnings
Tattooed guy
First kiss
Best friend
Home alone
Sports day
Sports day continued
Meeting parents
Likkle parchii
Birthday twins
Brother in law
The X
Teenage pregnancy
The first crisis
If I ain't got you
Picture day
Dry cry
Bonding with daddy
Graduation Day
Bare wit me
You're beautiful
You are like Papa!
"Then you and me"
Everything I wanted
You did not break mee ♫︎
Pacify her ♫︎
Make up
Daddy's babygirl
Main Characters pt.2
Old friend
Brotherly love
Momma's boy
Hit different
Secrets & lies
Fake smiles
His peace
Love is blind
Too experienced
Hurtin' me
Birth date
Arya Parchment
Parenthood 1
Parenthood 2
Baby mothers
The Fam
Beach house
Beach house continued
Hard for me
Leaving her
My Don II

Break up

5.6K 434 169
By itgirlkimz

Kamila's pov 🦋

Listen to the music lovely people

All I can say is when you have money it is beneficial. The doctor did a stitch up the wound it was neva serious thank God because mi did fraid bad.

The gun shot jus graze him.

Him mek mi strip in the bathroom n observe mi body if mi get shot but mi think a something else him did wah see, think him slick.

From mi n D'yani deh a bay life n death situation, mi find mi self in a. This is not the life I want my child in.

Mi ago do something really stupid now. After him done the doctor left n he did a move around like nothing no happen.

He packed some clothes, mine and his.

Weh him ago.

"Weh yah go D'yani".

He give mi a eye deh

"Kamila the house just get bomboclat shoot up weh uh think, stop ask foolishness bro" him tek up him gun n push it in his waist.

"Don't talk to mi so, uh fucking bright, mi just ask uh a simple question" I shout at his face

"Yah come gwan like a mi come n shoot up uh piece a house" mi walk weh if mi continue mi n him fight.

"Ayee who yah walk weh from".

Mi change mi clothes to something more comfortable.

"Kamila u need fi go home now I need to find out what's happening" he says mi really no care.

"Whatever D'yani" I grabbed my things
He spin mi round" aye, who yah talk to so, a mi a the man memba that".

"Mi no care, mi ago a mi yard gwan go do uh business" mi no like him carry-on.

"You cya go work either until mi figure out who-".

"D'yani a Marina uh dumb the lady hate mi uf and she really wants you so put two n two together".

"Kamila she name Maria, mi a talk serious-" I cut him off.

"Ohhhh, so yah correct mi now, wow you know wah fuck you, her and this relationship because mi cya live wid this yah life yah I love you D'yani mi actions prove that mi baby soon come n he nah live so mi tired fi a run-up n down fi u mi wait and mi try, mi really tired now nah mek uh daddy and uh likkle idiot gyal run up my pressure mek mi lose my pickney, if him wah send out the video he can I don't give a fuck, FUCK YOU PARCHMENTS" I Shouted walking to the car carrying me home.

I'm so angry right mi could kill someone n no feel a way bout it. The driver did a slow down making a stop.

"Hello sir, why are we slowing down," I asked.

"I'm sorry mam," the driver said getting out.


Mi look round fi see Maria and some man mi look in the driver seat fi the keys but it neva in deh this shit nah happen again.

What a piece a sell out the driver be

The door open n the men pulled me out by force.

"Hello, Kamila" Marina smiled.

"You can take him you know because mi nah fight you over no man he's all yours mi love, uh really dumb, you cya force somebody to love something like uh yourself," I said.

She looks angry I wonder why.

Maria told the Men to let me go and for a moment I thought she was gonna let me go but no she box mi in a mi face n mi nose starts bleeding n mi drop on the ground.

Baby, mummy go through it

"Ofc he want mi I look much better than you, uh no have no ass r boobs just uh likkle ugly self".

I laugh out " you a describe uh self".

"Mi ago kill you mi self so no more you," she says taking the gun for one of the crusty-looking men.

I waited closing my eyes for about two seconds mi ere bay gunshots and somebody lift me up quickly, mi a talk Mr parchment no not Robert D'yani.

Always to the rescue I see

"Yow kill the man dem alone mek she go" he shouts carry me to the BMW

Why not

He drives off fast to God knows where mi nah talk to him so mi just lookout.

"Are you okay?" I think he knows the answer to that stupid question.

I didn't answer him

I wiped my eyes, he give me something to wipe my bloody nose and I take it.

He pulled up at the mansion

How many yards uh have sir?

"This is my mother's house she's allowed to stay here sometimes, come" I followed him inside this house is beautiful.

He called her name and she ran come smiling but her smile dropped as she sees me.

Damn all a dem hate mi

"Oh my dearest, what happened to you" she held my hands walked to the sofa she got the first aid kit and starts to clean me up D'yani did gone I guess he know seh mi no wah see him.

Ohh she neva hate mi like r big foot husband she change

"Your glowing Kamila" she smiled.

"Thanks, Mrs. Parchment".

She asked the maid to carry some food and drinks.

"How far are you," she asked eating the chicken.

"Almost five months" I smiled a little rubbing my tummy she's not kicking tho I'm worried.

She smiled Brightly" that's good I can't wait to spoil him r her but I think it's a girl".

"Mi to is like mi can feel it," I think I might like another member of the Parchment family.

"We didn't start off well, I'm so sorry for Robert's troubles he just loves D'yani so much" she rolls her eyes I laughed at the irony.

"You two together right because mi sense some tension in the room a while ago". The maid came to take the dishes and now n mi clean mi mouth wid the paper towel.

"It's complicated, I don't like his lifestyle" that's all I said.

"I understand trust me, I was in labor with D'yani when his father's enemies were at the house fighting each other so I'm kinda used to it" damn she go through it.

"That's very rough, I don't want that for my baby".

"I know just talk to him...mek it stick in a him big head" she smiled as she holds my hands

"Kamila he really treasures you, I would know because the first time I met you I was so frightened him neva bring any girl over mi did think him gay one time" she whispered the last part n mi laugh deh lady yah funny bad.

"Well I'm glad I'm the first, he just dark n very stubborn,".

"The marriage with the other girl don't tell that affects your health please".

D'yani talks to her man because him one mi tell this.

"Mi a try Mrs. Parchment" I sigh I'm so exhausted

"Come, dearest, let me show you your room for the week".


Oh, I forget I'm being hunted like prey.

The room looks like a boy's room.

"This is D'yani's room when he use to stay here just shower and me carry some clothing".

I went inside looking at the room it was nice and the bed comfortable.

I lay down in the tub it was satisfying, I feel relaxed I rub my tummy pushing it a little.

Him/her nah kick mi

I heard a knock n mi fly up out a mi little fake scenarios.

"Yes, Mrs. Parchment just left it a the door" mi get up naked no towel neva deh there.

"A no mummy a me, she went out fi a likkle while," D'yani says.

"Ohh no towel no In here".

"Mi see you naked Nuff time Kam just come out" mi bite mi fingernail why mi nervous God.

"We not together sir remember".

"Kam, keep telling yourself that just come mek something fi you and the baby" I hear his footsteps going away.

I ran to the room fast, mi see a bra and new panties.

So weh the clothes deh, him spiteful.

Mi look around fi a towel then mi dry off mi body quickly.

"Kamila" Jesus Christ that fucking change a voice n mi naked.

To be continued...

this song is just wonderful...


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