Soulmate to You (BTS x Reader...

By OT7oramI

1.1M 49K 11.5K

When a vaccine leads to unexplained symptoms, the world erupts into panic. What happens when one girl finds... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Special Chapter
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53

Chapter 38

14.2K 737 188
By OT7oramI

Jin POV:

"Finally!" I collapsed onto my bed in the dorm and let out a sigh of relief. Our plane had landed in Korea three hours ago and instead of going to our individual apartments, we had all decided to go back to the dorm after dinner. Even though I did love my apartment, with its beautiful views, I missed being here in the dorm with the rest of the guys, spending time with them like we did when we were trainees. When Namjoon had made the suggestion of us all going back tonight, I had accepted happily knowing that our lives were going to change quickly, especially once their soulmate arrived in Korea next week.

The thought of Y/N being here permanently made me both unbelievably happy but also immensely sad. I knew I would be able to see her since I would spend time with the guys, but the idea of being around her and not being able to hold her and kiss started digging a hole in my heart, one I wasn't ready to admit was there. I knew she was my soulmate and I had known for a while, but I was afraid. Afraid of what my parents would say, afraid of what Y/N's reaction would be, afraid of it all.

Standing up, I headed towards my bathroom and turned on the shower before stripping out of my clothes. It was one of the benefits of being the oldest, having my own bathroom and bedroom and something I enjoyed having. While the water heated up, I stripped out of my clothes, dropping them in the hamper before stepping into the shower. I let the water run over my head, trying to think of how to handle everything that was happening, everything that was going on. How would I continue to pretend that I didn't know who she was to me? I knew it was crazy because Y/N had to know by now. She had to know who she was to me, who I was to her.

Finishing my shower, I grabbed a towel off the rack and dried off. As I picked up my shirt off the counter, I could hear my phone ring. I knew who it was even without looking at the caller. Taking a deep breath, I pulled the shirt over my head as the phone continued to ring. It stopped then started again, followed by a third time. I knew it was Mi-suk calling me, wanting to go over wedding details, things I didn't want to talk about, things I didn't even want to think about. I finished dressing and headed back into my room, dragging my feet the whole way. I didn't want to talk to Mi-suk about the wedding or anything at all, for that matter, so I ignored the phone sitting on my dresser.

Pacing back and forth, I ran my hands through my damp hair. A sharp pain was beginning to stab at my temples, making my head ache immensely, and I knew I couldn't continue like this any longer. I needed to say something to someone, get the secret that was laying heavy on my chest off, share my troubles with someone. I had developed such a close relationship with my brothers, my members that I knew they would understand, knew they would help me bear the burden, knew they would share in my pain with me. With my resolve strengthened, I left my room with a destination in mind: Namjoon.

Although I felt a rush of guilt wash over me as I knocked on Namjoon's door since I figured he would probably be exhausted and ready to relax from the almost seven month long tour, I couldn't wait any longer. I needed help and I knew he would have a sense of understanding of the situation, especially since he had just gone through the same thing with Amiah. The door opened to Namjoon standing on the other side, his hair was damp and his face was freshly washed. I couldn't help but smile knowing he had done exactly the same thing as I had done. Although he we stayed in the nicest hotels, there was nothing like your own bedroom, your own shower.

"Jin-hyung? You alright?" Namjoon's voice was worried and I wondered for a moment if everything I was thinking was showing all over my face, if everything I was feeling was completely visible. Had I suddenly turned so transparent that nothing could be hidden? I pushed the thought down when I realized it was late and I had told the members that I was just going to take a shower and drop into bed. They probably assumed that was what I had done so me showing up at Namjoon's door with what I'm sure was a wild look was definitely curiosity inducing.

"Um... not really. Can I come... can I come in?" I could hear the own nervousness in my tone and for a second, I wanted to turn around and run, change my mind about the whole thing, but I needed someone to talk to, someone to confide in. I knew I wouldn't be able to rest with the secret still laying heavy in my mind. I needed to get it out, even if it was only to share it with someone, before locking it away again.

Namjoon pulled the door all the way open, the confusion clear on his face. "Sure." I stepped into the room and Namjoon shut the door behind me, sensing I needed privacy for this conversation, realizing something was serious. I sat on the edge of his bed and he sat next to me, not saying anything, just waiting for me to speak. I could see from the slight raise of his eyebrow that he was wondering why I was here, but he would wait until I was ready, wait for me to spill what was in my mind.

"Y/N is my soulmate." I blurted out the words unexpectedly, unable to hold them in any longer. They came rushing out like an opened floodgate, spilling all my secrets for everyone to see, spilling over everything in their path.

"I know."

Of everything I expected Namjoon to say, those two words were definitely not it. I expected instant denial, an angry demand that I leave the room and not say such things about his precious soulmate. I expected questions on why I suddenly felt this way and a requirement for proof, why I knew this. "Wh-what do you mean that you... you know?"

Namjoon shrugged, a small perceptive smile playing on his lips. "It means I know. We all do."

I stood up, pacing back and forth across his room, unsure how to proceed. One of my biggest worries had been Namjoon and the others forcing me away from her, not wanting me anywhere near their pretty soulmate, our pretty soulmate. "How long have you known?"

Namjoon leaned back on his hands, his eyes watching me as I paced. "I had an idea the day we met Y/N at the restaurant then I really figured it out when she sent us the photo of the hot dog. You can... can taste what she can. Is that right?"

Nodding my head, I turned to face him. "How come you didn't say anything before?" Namjoon shrugged again and I wanted to scream at his nonchalance at the whole situation. "Why?"

"Why didn't you? If you knew that Y/N was your soulmate, why didn't you say anything?" Namjoon sat up, crossing his arms over his chest. I could see that he was irritated, but it wasn't the idea of him sharing a soulmate with me, but at the idea that I had kept it quiet for so long.

Slumping down on the bed, I dropped my head in my hands, a headache building in the sides of my brain, like little men pounding away with tiny hammers, making everything in my mind swirl around like a cyclone, threatening to drag me in with it. "I couldn't. With everything going on with Mi-suk, with the wedding, I... I just couldn't."

"Are you still going to marry Mi-suk Noona?"

"I have to." I let out a sigh, wishing I could say something different, do something different, be someone different. "If... if I don't..." My words trailed off and I rubbed my eyes, trying to stop the tears that were building up.

Namjoon placed a hand on my shoulder, gently squeezing in understanding, reassurance. "You're afraid of letting down your parents, aren't you?" When I nodded reluctantly, Namjoon let out a huff, one that was filled with frustration. "You know your parents would understand, don't you?"

Knocking his hand from my shoulder, I stood up, running my hands through my hair, tugging on the ends. "No. No they wouldn't. My family... they are very traditional. They... they don't believe in soulmates and love at first sight. They believe in logic and order. They wouldn't... wouldn't believe me if I told them I had a soulmate. There is no way."

"How do you know?" Namjoon's question was logical in itself and I wished I could give him a different answer.

"When the whole soulmate thing happened, I mentioned it to my mother. She called it... it nonsense and silliness, that the people who were feeling this way were crazy. She said it was going to disrupt everything for nothing." Remembering the conversation with my mother made me sick, made me want to scream or cry, made me want to rush out of the room, fly to the US and beg Y/N to save me from it all.

Namjoon said nothing for a moment, silent as he thought. "Do you think it's crazy?"

"At first I wanted to, didn't want to believe it, but then I met her. I met Y/N and it was like everything fell into place. Like there was something pulling me to her, telling me this is the woman I am supposed to spend my life with, the woman who is supposed to love me and let me love her." I knew my words sounded disjointed and crazy, but I couldn't help it. It was one hundred percent the truth. From the moment I met I her, I knew who she was to me, who I was to her. I knew it, but I pushed it away, pushed away the one woman meant for me.

Standing up, Namjoon walked over to his dresser, picking up the bottle of water that was sitting on it and taking a long sip. From his calm precise movements, I could tell it was his way of trying to pull his thoughts together, his way of trying to figure things out on his terms, with his methods. I knew he wanted to help me, but he just couldn't figure out how to. At this point, I don't know if there even was a way. Setting the bottle down, Namjoon turned to me. "Whatever you decide to do, you know we will support you." His voice was soft and gentle, but I knew that wasn't really what he wanted to say. He wanted to tell me to call off the wedding, to accept my soulmate and the happiness that she would so easily give to me, but he wouldn't.

"Thanks. I appreciate that." Wishing him a good night, I left his room and headed back to my own, my heart feeling heavy. I wasn't sure what I had hoped to accomplish by telling Namjoon about Y/N being my soulmate. Part of me wondered if I had been hoping he would try and convince me to cancel the wedding, accept the woman who was my soulmate and live happily ever after. I hadn't realized how much I wanted that, how much I wanted her until she had given me that little polite smile, so different from the way she interacted with the others. I wanted her to be open with me, to save me from the hell I was living. Unfortunately, I knew it was nothing more than a pipe dream. She would always be the one woman I could never have.

Yoongi POV:

The breeze coming off the sea was perfect and I rushed to the edge of the cliff, my eyes widening in anticipation. When the clearing appeared, my soulmate was seated on the bench, her eyes on the sea. "Y/N!" My voice was full of excitement as I called out to her.

Y/N turned around and stood up, the happiness clear in her own eyes. "Yoongi!" She hurried over to me and I swept her up in my arms. Her scent flowed over me like a hug, like a blanket fresh from the dryer, like the warm rain from a spring shower, like the feeling of knowing I was home.

"Are you... you're on your way, right?" I couldn't stop asking the question even though she had texted before boarding the plane, boarding the plane that would bring her to Korea, bring her to me, to us.

Y/N nodded against my neck, her hair tickling my nose. "Yes. I must have fallen asleep on the plane while I was reading."

Her words reassured me and I felt the worry I didn't know I was feeling flee my body, leaving me with a sense of exhilaration, something unlike anything I had ever felt before. "Thank goodness. I was worried you had changed your mind about us." Even though I said the words jokingly, there was still an undercurrent of concern lying underneath them, something my sweet perceptive soulmate must have noticed right away.

Leaning back, Y/N ran a hand through my hair then cupped my cheek. "Never. I want this. I promise you that." Her words were sincere as she spoke and I leaned forward, pressing my lips to hers, needing to feel them against mine.

Her arms twined around my neck and I deepened the kiss, not wanting to let her go. Her lips parted and I slipped my tongue between them, exploring her mouth. She tasted sweet like chocolate, with a hint of coffee. The combination was exhilarating and something I couldn't get enough of, something that I wanted to experience for the rest of my life.

Knowing it would be over too soon, I kissed her gently one last time before pulling back. "God. I can't wait until I see you in person, until I can really do this. I promise I will make it so much better than that, so much more."

Y/N's cheeks flushed and from the way she ducked her head, I could see her thoughts had taken a more intimate turn. "Me too. I can't wait to see you in person. I... I miss you."

"Oh honey. You have no idea how much I miss you." There was so much more I wanted I wanted to say to her, to say to my beautiful soulmate, but I knew within a matter of hours, she would be in my arms for good. A dinging sound from somewhere caught my attention and I knew this was it. "I will see you soon, okay?" Y/N nodded and the beautiful cliff side scene vanished.

Sitting up on my bed in the dorm, I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, the excitement of seeing my soulmate soon flooding over me like a wave. The last week since we had arrived back in Korea had flown by and in just a few short hours, my soulmate would be in my arms again, the place she belonged. We had spent the last week getting our apartment ready for all of us to move in to. The furniture had arrived for Y/N's bedroom and we had good-naturedly argued while we set it all up. The beautiful white four-poster bed was the focal point of the room, covered in pale blue bedding with darker blue accent pillows, along with sheer curtains that were tied up at the corners.

Each of us had chosen a welcome home present for her, something that made us think of her. Jimin and Hoseok had chosen jewelry, pretty cherry blossom styled ones they found in Japan. Jungkook had found a pretty silk scarf while Taehyung had an album created of the photos we had all taken together in France. Namjoon had gone to an art gallery with a friend and found a beautiful heart sculpture, one he said represented giving his heart to her. I had the hardest time choosing, but I had ended going with a little wooden jewelry box. When it opened, it played music, a soft piano melody that made me think of her. I hoped she would like them, but after getting to know my soulmate the way I did, I knew she would be appreciative of anything we chose for her.

Picking up my phone, I checked the time on it, seeing it was just after 2. Rubbing my eyes, I tried to wake myself up a little. After staying up until after the sun rose working on new music, I had fallen asleep around 10. Even though I should still be tired considering I was only running on four hours of sleep, I had an unexpected bout of energy. Knowing our soulmate would be arriving in just five short hours sent a rush of anticipation racing over me, one that threatened to consume me with a fierce flash of excitement.

Checking the missed calls, I saw that Namjoon had been trying to call me, probably letting me know he was done at the company and wondering where I was. Even though we were on break, Namjoon had a meeting with the CEO of the company, along with our managers. Even though Sejin knew we had met our soulmate, Namjoon had needed to inform the CEO and the rest of the higher ups. They had at first insisted on all of us being there, but Sejin had stepped in, letting them know we needed the rest. Namjoon had volunteered to go for all of us, promising to let us know how things had gone.

Standing up, I stretched then clicked on Namjoon's name, returning the call. He picked up after two short rings with a "Hey hyung." I could hear sounds in the background and knew he must be headed back to the dorm.

"How did the meeting go?" Sejin had reassured us that everything would be fine, that he would handle the management of the company and that there was nothing to worry about.

"It went good. CEO Park was surprisingly understanding, but I guess it helps that his sister found her soulmate while we were on tour." Namjoon's voice was full of amusement and I couldn't help but laugh, knowing he was right. Not everyone believed in soulmates and I had been worried about how the higher ups in the company were going to accept it, especially since Y/N was soulmates with all of us. With the CEO knowing someone else who had experienced the phenomenon, it made it that much easier for him to be accepting of us, of our bond, of the relationship we would eventually build with Y/N.

"That's good to know. It will definitely make things that much easier for us. It won't be something we have to worry about any longer."

"Yes. I absolutely agree." Namjoon let out a laugh. "Well I'm on my way back to the dorm right now. I should be there in about twenty minutes. Do we want to head to the new apartment or do we want to hang at the dorm until Y/N's plane lands?"

Heading into the living room, I looked around, seeing Jimin on the sofa reading a comic book, while Jungkook and Taehyung were playing video games. I could hear music from somewhere down the hall and knew Hoseok must be here too. "Well everyone is here now. We can hang out here until her plane lands then when Sejin goes to pick her up, we can head to the apartment."

"Is Jin-hyung still there?" Namjoon's voice was hopeful and I sighed in resignation.

"I don't think so. He mentioned something last night about meeting Mi-suk and her parents about wedding plans. Something about the hotel napkins being the wrong shade of white or some other bullshit." I shook my head in disgust as I thought of my hyung's fiancé. I hated knowing Jin was going to marry such an awful person, but I knew I would stand behind him in any way I could.

Namjoon snorted at my words and I could hear the dislike for Mi-suk mirrored in his own voice. "Are you kidding me? The wrong shade of white? I didn't know there was more than one!"

I laughed at his words, but deep down, I felt a sense of pity for Jin, for the hell he was going through, for the nightmare he was going to be living. Like so many times before, I thanked my lucky stars that I had met a woman as kind and caring as Y/N, that a woman that beautiful and compassionate would be my soulmate, the woman I'm meant to spend the rest of my life with. I spoke with Namjoon for a few more minutes before flopping down on the sofa next to Jimin. He looked over at me with a grin.

At first glance, Jimin had seemed calm and collected, but I could tell by the bounce of his leg, the constant movement of his fingers, that he was more excited than he was letting on. "You ready to see Y/N, hyung?"

"Definitely. I just... just saw her in my dreams. She... she fell asleep on the plane reading a book." I couldn't stop the softness of my voice as I mentioned her, the way my heart fluttered in adoration for the woman who had stolen it completely.

"Aww lucky. At least you get to see her and talk to her." Jimin's pout was visible on his face and I couldn't help but laugh.

Ruffling his hair, I threw an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry. Soon she will be here and you'll get to see her and talk to her." Knowing it would make him even more envious, I decided to keep our kiss a secret, at least for now. I couldn't wait to have her here where I could kiss her for real, feel those soft lips, stroke her silky skin, be completely enveloped by her sweet scent. Not wanting my thoughts to go too far, to become too intimate, I pointed to Jimin's comic book. "Whatcha reading?"

Distracted by question, Jimin showed me his comic book, giving me a brief rundown of the plot. It helped to distract me too and soon I heard the beep of the lock and Namjoon came hurrying in. He slipped his shoes off then set his bag on the floor before coming in and plopping down next to me. Turning off the game, Jungkook and Taehyung turned around, their attention on Namjoon. "Everything go alright Joon-hyung?" Jungkook's voice was full of questions as he eyed Namjoon carefully.

"Yep. Everything is fine. CEO Park completely understood. When I asked him about introducing her to ARMY, he said it was entirely our decision and we could do that whenever we are ready."

Jimin chewed on his bottom lip, completely lost in thought. "Do you think she would be ready for that? I love ARMY, but..." Jimin's voice trailed off and I knew what he was thinking. The last time rumors of Jungkook having a girlfriend made it around the world, girls were losing their collective minds, threatening the worst things, both to the imaginary girl and themselves. It was such a horrible mess and by the end of it, Jungkook was a wreck.

From Jungkook's worried eyes, I could see he was remembering the same incident. "Don't worry about it Jungkook-ah." Namjoon moved over to our maknae and put an arm around his shoulders. "We'll cross that bridge when we come to it."

A sound at the door had me looking over to see Hoseok coming in. "Meeting go good?"

Namjoon nodded. "Yeah. I was just telling the others about it." Quickly Namjoon relayed the information to Hoseok, expressing the concerns that Jimin had.

"Y/N's so kind and caring that I'm sure ARMY would love her so let's not even worry about that now." Hoseok's voice was calm and collected, devoid of worry. From the sighs of relief throughout the room, I knew Hoseok's words had helped to calm their fears, helped to alleviate some of the concerns. And he was right. There was plenty of time to worry about that later. I wanted to focus on the fact that my soulmate would be arriving in Korea in just a few short hours, that she would soon be here, and our lives with her could really begin.  

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