The Open Coffin: Prelude to M...

By XelaJR_57

4.9K 735 96

A congressional candidate is murdered, and the next target is his political rival. Police Detective Homer Alm... More

The Open Coffin: Prelude to Murder


107 26 2
By XelaJR_57

It was almost ten in the morning when Homer left the Casimero mansion. There's plenty of time, and he estimated that he could be in Calasiao in thirty minutes, more or less, depending on the traffic situation in Urdaneta. He had to see his old friend Chief Inspector David Arceo of the PNP (Philippine National Police), Calasiao City. Arceo was a living legend in criminal investigation. His fame is known not only in Pangasinan, but also in the nearby provinces of La Union, Nueva Ecija and Tarlac. At the age of 61, he was still active in the service. He and his wife Elena lived in Bued District, Calasiao. His two sons were officers in the Army, Captain David Arceo, Jr. and Major Jerome Arceo. Both sons were PMA (Philippine Military Academy) graduates.

At about ten-thirty, he reached the PNP Headquarters. He walked inside the building and, showing his badge, asked the desk sergeant if Chief Inspector Arceo was around. The desk sergeant said yes, and pointed to the office of Arceo to the far left of the ground floor (the headquarters were a two-storey building).

Homer proceeded to Chief Inspector Arceo's open office. Although the office was open, Homer knocked on the door three times. Chief Inspector Arceo was surprised to see Homer standing in the door way. Smiling, Arceo said, "Homer, old buddy, what brought you here?"

With extended arm, he met Homer who cheerfully took Arceo's proffered hand.

"How are you, friend? It's been a while," Arceo said.

"I'm good, buddy. And you?" Homer replied.

"Come, take a seat," Arceo said as he offered the chair in front of his desk.

Homer settled on the chair, while his host took his seat in his desk. He looked at Arceo whom he had not seen for two years. His friend's face hadn't changed a bit. It was still jovial and full of life. It's not surprising because Chief Inspector David Arceo always led a healthy lifestyle and a healthy outlook in life. He believed that life was like a mirror: if you smile at it, it will smile back on you; if you frown at it, it will frown back on you.

"So, what can I do for you Detective Homer?" he asked pleasantly.

Homer asked, "How much do you know about the Buya and Camba families?"

Arceo looked at him intently for a while, then asked, "You mean Leandro's and Benjamin's families? If I remember right they were convicted for the murder of Teodoro Climaco."

"That's right," Homer answered. "They and there families thought that the lawyers who represented them did not do their best in their defense. Their lawyers were Attorney Glenn Buencamino, for Buya, and Attorney Julian Casimero for Camba. Apparently, the Buyas and the Cambas blamed their lawyers for their conviction."

Arceo said, "I understand that Casimero and Buencamino are now running for congressman for the fifth district."

"Casimero was murdered six days ago," Homer pointed out. "Three days before his murder, he and Buencamino were delivered open coffins. I'm afraid that Buencamino would be the next target."

"And you suspected that the Buyas or the Cambas or both were behind the killing?"

"That's what I think, buddy," Homer said.

"Well," Arceo replied, "Leandro's father, Renato Buya, died a few years ago. Prostate cancer. His mother died ahead of his father. Heart failure, got her. Arcadio, Benjamin's father is still alive. Right now, he runs a bakery in Poblacion. So far it is doing well."

"What about the other Buya siblings—if there are?"

"Leandro has an older brother. Danilo's the name. He went to Pampanga and worked in a food processing plant. The last time I saw him was when his father died. I never heard of him since then. I presume he went back to Pampanga and settled there for good. His younger sister Levita now lives in Dagupan with her husband."

"How about Benjamin. Does he have a brother or a sister?" asked Homer.

"Benjamin's younger brother is here in Calasiao. He and his wife are engaged in buy and sell business. As far as I know, they're doing well in their business. His older brothers, Victor and Vincent are, I think, in Alaminos City. I have no idea what they do there. Rumors have it, however, that they are engaged in some kind of illegal activity. I'm not so sure about that. I may be a hot shot investigator, but I never bothered myself sticking my nose into their affairs—unless they start messing around with my town," Arceo explained.

Homer thought for a while. Then he said, "Assuming that the rumors are true, then is there a possibility that their names are in the police blotter?

"Well, there is that possibility. I think we should check in the computer if they have any police record. Don't you think so, buddy?"

"Yeah, you're right. Let's start diggin' for some dirt, amigo," Homer grinned.

"where do we start? Let's see," Arceo typed on the search bar the words Victor and Vincent Camba Police Record. While the computer was searching for the needed file Arceo said, "Let's hope we get lucky, amigo."

A couple of seconds later the Alaminos City police records of Victor and Vincent, with their close up photos appeared on the monitor. Victor was sporting a beard that made him looked like an artist's concept of Jesus Christ. Vincent had broad forehead with bushy eyebrows and thick mustache.

"Here we go," Arceo said, "It says here Victor and Vincent were arrested by the Alaminos City police for gun running on June 13, 2080. That was a year ago. A case was filed against them by the police, but in the preliminary investigation, the fiscal dismissed the case. It says here that there arrest , "was illegal. The arresting officers had no warrant of arrest, and they failed to read their rights. Victor and Vincent's attorney raised this issue during the preliminary investigation, and the fiscal ruled in his clients' favor. So Victor and Vincent were freed."

"So they were exonerated on grounds of technicality—because those goddamned cops bungled in their arrest operation," Homer commented. Then he shifted his gaze to Arceo and commented, "You know, amigo, gun running can be a lucrative business. That could enable Victor and Vincent to finance the liquidation of Casimero—and even Buencamino."

"I'll be damned!" Arceo whistled.

Homer thought for a while. He reasoned out that if indeed Victor and Vincent are behind the murder of Julian Casimero, and that Glenn Buencamino is next in their list, then they must be still here in Pangasinan. Which means that Glenn's life is in grave danger.

"Son of a bitch!" he exclaimed, "right now, these bastards must be planning for their next move!"

"I'm sure they are," Arceo said.

"I must get them first before they get Buencamino!" Homer exclaimed. Then he turned to Arceo and said,"Can you print these pictures for me?"

"Sure," Arceo said and began printing the photos of Victor and Vincent.

When this was done, Homer thanked Arceo then rose to leave, "I must go now, Amigo. Thanks for your time and for the information."

"By all means, buddy," Arceo smiled, "good luck, Homer."

Homer hurriedly boarded his car. He looked at his watched. It's almost twelve. He must see Glenn Buencamino as soon as possible, and warn him once again.

He drove all the way to Alcala—to the Buencamino residence. He must talk to him and warn him of the possible threat on his life. Once again he looked at his watch. By now, Glenn might be at home for lunch. He had Glenn's number, but he thought it wise to see the congressional candidate personally. Then he thought of dropping by in San Juan, Alcala to visit his old mother, whom he had not seen for months. But he had to see Buencamino first.

It was already twelve –thirty when Homer reached the Buencamino residence in Patalan, Alcala. The massive iron gate was closed, so he had to use the door bell to call the attention of anyone in the house. A maid came out to see who it was. Homer showed his badge and introduced himself to the maid, as soon as she was close enough.

"Is Attorney Buencamino available? I want to see him," he said.

"He is in the living room, Sir. He has just had his lunch," replied the maid. "Please come in, Sir."

The maid opened the gate, and Homer followed the maid who led him to the front door. As soon as Homer stepped in to the living room, he saw Attorney Buencamino seated on the couched watching TV.

"Ah, Detective Almendares. Please come in. " he greeted his visitor.

"I hope I didn't disturb you, Sir. I came here for some important matters," Homer replied.

"Please have a seat, Detective. What can I do for you?"

Without further ado, Homer began to tell his latest findings. He said, "Sir, three days before Julian Casimero's murder, someone sent him an open coffin with his picture in it. I have reason to believe that the ones who delivered an open coffin to your house are the same people who sent Julian a coffin."

"I'll be damned!" Glenn exclaimed. "Are you saying that the bastards who sent me that coffin are Julian's killers?"

Homer nodded. Then he opened the brown envelope he had been holding, brought out the hard copies of Victor's and Vincent's mug shots and showed them to Glenn.

"These are the latest photos of Victor and Vincent. Can you recognize them?" Homer asked.

"Of course. I used to rub elbows with them during their brother's trial. This one here, the one that looks like Christ is Victor," Glenn pointed at Victor's photo. "And this is Vincent," he said as he held Vincent's photo.

Then Glenn looked at Homer and asked, "Do you think that they are behind Julian's murder?"

"Well, it appears that way, Attorney. But we need more evidences. In the mean time, watch your back, Sir."

Glenn was silent for a while. He buried his forehead with his hands and began to think deeply. If Homer was right, he could be the next target. At this juncture, the killers or the masterminds were planning their next move. That means they were still in Pangasinan. But where in Pangasinan? He thought. He, Glenn Buencamino lived in Alcala. So he assumed that his would-be assassins must be in any of the towns near Alcala: Bayambang, Bautista, Santo Tomas, Rosales, Villasis, or Urdaneta. Or maybe they were in San Manuel, Tarlac. But the questions was, which of those places?

"Damn!" he exclaimed.

"I advise that you cancel temporarily all your campaign sorties. Anyway, you will be running unopposed, and your victory is certain. Keep a low profile for a while, Sir," Homer advised.

At this juncture, Myra came out of the dining room, and upon seeing Homer, she warmly said, "Detective Almendares, how are you?"

"I'm fine, Madam," Homer replied and watched Myra took a seat beside her husband. Glenn showed her the hard copy photos of Victor and Vincent Camba.

"Take a look at these," he said to his wife.

"Who are they?" Myra asked as she looked closely at the pictures. She tried to remember if she had seen Victor and Vincent before. She could not remember. It's quite obvious that she had never seen them before. After all, they were not her husband's clients. Had they been, she would have known them. Myra kept a record of all her husband's clients. True, Glenn had his secretary, but Myra believed that she had to know all the clients withu whom Glenn had dealings.

"They are Victor and Vincent Camba, older brothers of Benjamin Camba," Homer said. "Benjamin Camba was one of the two suspects charged with the murder of Teodoro Climaco, owner of a big casino in Dagupan City. Benjamin Camba was represented by Attorney Julian Casimero."

"Oh, I remember now," Myra exclaimed, "Glenn represented the other. His name was..."

"Leandro Buya. Both were from Calasiao," Glenn said.

"If I remember right," Myra continued, "they were found guilty of the charge of murder, and the presiding judge slapped them with reclusion perpetua. Both families of the accused were displeased of the decision, and Glenn was even accused by the Buya family of accepting bribe from the plaintiff in order to lose the case."'

"I did my best to defend Buya, but the case against them were strong. It was my first loss in the court after a fifteen-case winning streak," Glenn shook his head.

"I have the suspicion that Victor and Vincent were behind the killing of Casimero. In fact, three days before his murder, somebody sent him an open coffin," Homer explained.

"Oh my God!" Myra gasped. "And do you think that Glenn is next in their list?"

"That's my theory," Homer replied. "I'm sure that right now, they are hatching a plan to eliminate Sir Glenn next. And it's just a matter time before they will execute their evil plan."

"But Camba wasn't Glenn's client," Myra protested.

"Sure, he wasn't, but they thought that Sir Glenn might have been in cahoots with Casimero," Homer explained.

"That's ridiculous! My husband is not a dirty lawyer!" Myra was now mad. She could not accept the fact that someone would accuse her husband of being easily bribed.

"Yeah, I believe you Madam, but these people believe otherwise," Homer said.

"Well, detective, I want you to find those bastards before they get Glenn." It was rather a plea

than an order.

"We'll try our best, Madam. Don't worry. I can dispatch some cops to watch your house, just in case," Homer assured her.

"There's no need, Detective. I already have a dozen security men. But thanks anyway," Glenn paused for a while, then he said, "If your theory is right, then Victor and Vincent might still be here in Pangasinan. Of course, they would not be foolish enough to stay in Bued, Calasiao. I think they must be in a town near Alcala."

"I will ask the assistance of Chief Inspector David Arceo of Calasiao. He's a real hotshot in tracking down elusive criminals. We'll pool our talents together," Homer said.

"Yes, I have heard of him. He's a legend," Glenn nodded. "Please do that Detective. I want to end this once and for all—for my security and for my family's peace of mind."

"You'll have my word, Sir. As I said, we'll do our best."

With that note, Homer bade farewell to Attorney and Mrs. Glenn Buencamino. His stomach was already grumbling and he needed to take a bite. He drove his car to San Juan where his old mother was.

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