The Forgotten Gilbert

By Anna05376

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Alexandria Gilbert the twin to the perfect do no wrong Elena. Alex was raised to training to be a killer and... More

Alexandria Gilbert
Act One:
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter Three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter nine
Alexandria Gilbert / Hale
Act Two
Chapter ten
Chapter Elven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Author's note! Please read!
Chapter fourteen

Chapter four

2.1K 41 1
By Anna05376

"Tommy hurry up!" Alex yelled to youngest hunter "I'm coming calm down" Tommy yelled back walking down the stairs "You should never tell a women to calm down" Lucas said entering the room carrying two crossbows

"Lucas don't be a dick Tommy you can tell a woman to calm down just don't be a asshole about it like Lucas always is when he says it" Alex said while she walked over to Lucas and grabbed one of the crossbows

"How am I a asshole when I say it" Lucas said looking at her "While just last week when I got mad at you for not respecting my space you said quote 'Calm down it's not that big of a deal' that's being a asshole"

"Yeah that's a asshole move" Tommy agreed with Alex Lucas rolled his eyes while Alex just smirked "Whatever let's just get packed so we can go"

Alex leaned over and whispered to Tommy "Someone is on edge" "I heard that" Lucas snipped at the girl

"Good so lighten up" Alex snipped back and sat on the couch "Yeah come on when do we ever get to hunt together so don't be uptight" Tommy said as he jumped the back of the couch and sat next to Alex "I'm not being uptight" Lucas said while he walked around the couch and sat on the other side of Alex

Alex and Tommy looked to each and said in sync "You're being up tight" Lucas rolled his eyes "Looking for a brain" Alex joked "Like you would know" Lucas joked back "Hey" Alex hit him with a pillow

"You wanna do this I win everytime" Lucas smirked "Only because I let you" Alex said as hit him again "Oh totally" Lucas said as he grabbed a pillow "It's true I have to protect your male ego" Alex made a pouty face

"Oh you are so dead" Lucas said which made Alex laugh they started hitting each other with the pillows

Tommy laughed and tried to break up the pillow fight "Ok ok come on kids" Alex and Lucas looked at each and then started hitting Tommy with the pillows "Hey hey come one" Tommy said between laughs before he grabbed a pillow

They all started hitting each other they did this often they would get into a little fight and grab a pillow and start hitting each other they knew it was childish but that's why they loved doing it

They were always training they barley ever got time to be kids they all lost a lot

Alex her parents

Lucas his birth parents

Tommy his mom and sister

But their pain is what brought them together which made them a family none of them were blood but they were siblings they all needed each other Lucas and Tommy knew Alex had her own family but she was as much as part of theirs as hers

Thomas walked into the room and saw the three pillow fighting a small smile grew on his face he loved seeing them getting alone and bonding they were a team they needed to he knew they needed each other

But he also knew if they weren't in the right head space before the hunt more angry then they would be distracted so he had to break up their little pillow fight "Enough" Thomas shouted which made the trio instantly look at him

"Sorry dad we just-" Lucas began "Were goofing off before a hunt if you're not in the right head space you can and probably will die now hurry up and get packed we leave in 5" with that he left the room

The three looked to each other before they all quietly started laughing "And you thought I was uptight" Lucas said to Alex which made all of them start laughing harder

"Come on we have to finish getting ready" Alex said still laughing as she walked over to the table Tommy followed her and lowered his voice so it sounded more like his dad's "We also need to get in the right head space so we don't die" the trio laughed at the brunette

Finn was walking down the street when Klaus and Alex approaches him. The three walk together. "Hello Finn." Klaus greeted his brother. "Hello Niklaus. Who's the girl you brought with you?" Finn said not looking at either of them. "This is Alexandria you met her the last time you saw me but you might not remember because you were playing hero and sacrifice" Klaus responded while Alex just smirked

"Why'd you bring her. Actually never mind I don't care. I have nothing to say to you." "Well, we're not here to chat." Alex said stepping in front of him "I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?" Klaus added standing next to Alex.

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."

"Well if you wanna stop being all noble or just flat out suicidal and stuff we need your help" Alex said with a annoyed smirk appearing on her face Finn gave her a bad look before responding "I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead."

"Well isn't that just the best thanksgiving toast ever" Alex mumbled under breath very quiet but Klaus still caught it and let out a small chuckle before getting back to business "Right, well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid."

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus." Finn said trying to walk away

"Why? Why not come bother my big brother? I need you to accompany us back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together." Unknown to Alex the witch was Bonnie Klaus decided to leave that part out of the plan

"I have no wish to be unlinked." Finn said trying to walk away but Alex places a hand on his chest to stop him from moving Finn loved down at the the teenage girl "You don't scare me"

"I don't scare a lot of people but most of the time those people end up being the ones on the floor while I walk away" Alex said with a smirk Finn looked to his younger brother Klaus just a amused smirk on his face watching the interaction

"So again with the wishes. You will come back with us or I will have the pleasure of putting a sliver dagger in your heart and putting you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years." Alex put on a innocent smile

"Why are you helping him all his as done is give your family grief" Finn said as he looked at Klaus "He killed your aunt almost killed you sister and is basically using you as a weapon" Finn looked down at the brunette

Klaus held the girl while she cried she didn't know why she felt comfortable crying with the killer of her aunt but she did for some reason she felt like he related to her

Which he did Klaus saw a lot of himself in Alexandria the way she loves her family but also fears of not being loved by them the way she was never good enough for her father the way that if she keeps using her angry as a wall...

She'll become a killer like him.

Not just of vampires but of anyone who hurts people anyone who annoys her who hurts her family anyone she wants

Alex pulled away and stood up "I shouldn't be here" Alex said shaking her head "But you are so why not stay for a drink you clearly need one" Klaus said a little asmused "No, no this was dumb" Alex said wiping her tears off her face

She started heading for the door when Klaus stopped her "Before you leave tell me this why did you feel more comfortable crying on my floor than in you're living room" Klaus looked into her eyes "Tell me the truth" he compelled her

"Because I'm scared if I show I'm weak in front of my sibling they'll trust me less and I'm scared that if they find out all of my toughness is a front they'll stop loving me" Alex said before snapping out of it and realizing what she just did

"Shit" Alex mumbled before she closed her eyes before walking over to the drinks and pouring herself one "Well since you compelled me to tell you my greatest fear sit down and drink with me" She paused to take a sip of her drink "it's the lease you could do"

"Because we share a common interest" Alex said stepping closer to the original "Which is" Finn questioned "Not letting the entire vampire species die and if I have to work with a psychopathic hybrid to stick a dagger in his brother's back then that's what's going to happen"

Finn smirked knowing that what he was going to say next with hurt his brother "What happens to one, happens to all." Finn paused to look at his younger brother "You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah."

"Wouldn't be the first time." Klaus said with a smirk Finn rolled his eyes and walked past the two they watch him leave "Does he seriously think we don't have a back up plan" Alex said amusement laced in her voice "Alex my brother has been asleep for 900 years he hasn't had much time to adjust" Klaus said looking at the girl

Finn super speeds down an alleyway but Rebekah blocks his path. "Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother." Rebekah said tilting her head slightly "You're siding with him? Rebekah, he stored us in boxes." Finn exclaimed

"At least he's not trying to make us extinct." Rebekah responds smirking. Finn turns around and sees Alex and Klaus behind him. "Going somewhere?" Alex questioned smirking. "What are you gonna do? Kill me?" Finn questioned "What's with you and your death wish." Alex rolled her eyes

"Oh yeah, that's right, you've got a death wish. Fine, pathetic, but fine. The thing is, I'm not gonna let you take the rest of us down with you." Klaus said as he threw Finn against the wall and he crumples to the ground.


"Klaus has always been one step ahead of us, but now we have the advantage. We're all armed and they are all linked, meaning we only need to kill one of them." Stefan says "We need to seize the best opportunity, which means we need to prepare for every opportunity." Damon adds

"Wait where's Alex?" Caroline questioned. "Alex sold us out last time we can't trust her not to do it again." Damon responded Caroline roller her eyes "Care it's true I love my sister-" Elena started but was cut off

"If you loved her then you would want her to be happy." Caroline defended her friend "With a original. Seriously Caroline?" Elena scoffed "Hey you fell in love with a vampire who could have easily killer you Alex is smart" Caroline said. 

"Caroline shut up Alex is out ok?" Damon yelled the blonde rolled her eyes

"Ok great now scenario number one."


Klaus throws Finn into the foyer. Rebekah and Alex walk in behind Klaus "Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it." Rebakah says annoyed "You can't force me to help you." Finn yells at the trio

"Oh, I most likely could, but why force when we can persuade?" Alex said smirking Finn looks at her confused before Klaus points his hand towards the staircase. Sage walks down the stairs. Finn looks at her.

"Hello Finn." Sage says with a smile "Sage!" Finn says as he gets up and rushes over to her. "What do you know, true love prevails." Alex says with a annoyed smile. Unknow to her Klaus was texting Kol "Let me know when I'm needed." Klaus read "It does occasionally have its uses." The blonde girl says to the brunette Klaus writes back to Kol "I will."

"Easier than torturing him." Klaus says joining the conversation "I have something to do. What do you need from me for this spell?" Rebekah asks her brother "Just your blood and your blessing. Where are you going?" Klaus responds

"I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore." Alex lightly chuckles "Don't we all" Klaus smirks "Ask Sage what he did to me. Then you'll understand why retribution is in order." Rebekah says before leaving.

The duo watch the reunited couple. "Do you ever think people like us will have love like that?" The brunette asks Klaus looks at her he didn't know her long but he could tell she was a force to be reckoned with he was glad to have her on his side he knew he was betraying her but sometime you need to fight dirty to win the war

"People like us will only ever love someone who is like us." Klaus says before walking away Alex let out a shaky breath


Rebekah clamps bear traps around Damon's wrist and hangs him from the ceiling.

"I found them in the shed. What kind of monster would trap a poor, defenseless animal?" Rebekah questioned mostly to herself "You've got to admit, even for me, it's a little kinky." Damon says with a weak smirk that just pisses the blood off more

Rebekah picks up a knife from the table near the wall then walks around Damon. "You pretended to be interested in me. And then you slept with me so your trampy friend, Sage, could steal my thoughts. Ever since then I felt this incessant need to one-up you. So I've decided to bleed the vervain from your system." She rips open his shirt and cuts Damon's chest with a knife. He groans in pain.

"You want to compel me to be your boyfriend?" Damon said assumed "Actually, I'd rather compel you to kill your brother. Or Elena. But, since vampires heal, bleeding you may take a while. We should probably stick to the major arteries." Rebekah cuts Damon's neck, he bleeds profusely. Klaus and Alex enter the room.

"Well... look what you've caught. If you're trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?" Alex said with a smirk "I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much." Rebekah said looking at her before cutting Damon's stomach

"You're working with them seriously?" Damon questioned the brunette as the two siblings began to walk to a corner to talk privately "You think I want to? You and the whole gang are being idiots!" Alex yelled at the raven haired man

"He killed Jenna and tried to kill your sister." Damon exclaimed "And you tried to kill me and my brother." Alex said picking up a knife and examining  it "Twice actually." She looked back at him she stabbed him in the stomach "Have you ever thought to wonder why I'm working with them?" She said whispering in his ear

She pulled away a little "I don't trust them they don't trust me but I do know one thing that your group doesn't know." Alex with a little smile "And what's that Alex" Damon said weakly "That the whole vampire species is linked to them."

"What." Damon asked shocked "Yeah you never thought about it. The original family wouldn't come with a safety net. If you kill one you kill their whole vampire line." Damon just looked down in disbelief

"Hard to swallow right. Because you now know you can't kill them." Alex pulled away with a smirk "And that's the greatest revenge I could have asked for" The brunette walked over to the brother and sister

"You know, why don't you just leave me be and go and manage your witch?" Alex overhears Rebekah say "You know you still never did tell who you got to do the spell." Alex says to Klaus "A family friend." Klaus responds

"Now stay here and make sure my sister doesn't kill him" Klaus tells Alex Rebekah rolls her eyes and walks over to Damon as Alex sits on the couch and watches Rebekah work. Klaus grins and leaves.

Alex waited until Klaus was completely out of the room. "Ok as fun as this would be I have to meet someone." Alex told the blonde "I thought my brother wanted you to babysit me" Rebekah said with a annoyed voice


Alex entered the grill. "Lex!" a voice called out the brunette looked around the room until she saw a tall blonde man "Johnny!" Alex called out she ran up to him giving him a big hug he picked her up slightly

"Gosh it's so good to see you." Johnny said smiling and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear "Yeah it is last time we saw each other-" Alex began remembering the last time they saw each other she didn't want to say it and Johnny understood that "Not under good circumstances." Johnny finished for her "Yeah" Alex said with a sad smile

"I'm so sorry for your loss." A fellow hunter told the now duo Alex didn't say anything "Thank you." Lucas spoke up for the two of them he watched the man walk away he turned to look at her and the look on her face he's only seen it one other time

At he parents funeral and now she was here again she lost another family member another part of her left "Alex." Lucas' voice was soft and careful like it has been since it happened he's been walking on eggshells around her and she hated it

"Lucas don't" Alex said before she walked away she walked out of the church and sat on the crib she couldn't keep doing this some people in that building didn't even know him and they were pretending they did how was it fair that they don't have to mourn but choose to

She felt someone sit next to her she didn't have to look over to see who it was "I'm fine Johnny." Alex stated "Of course you." Johnny said which surprised Alex his voice wasn't soft or caring like everyone else's it was normal this made her look at him

"I mean of course you're ok because when are you not after your parents died you barley ever talked to us then Jenna died and you devoted yourself to killing vampires." Johnny turned to look at her what he was saying surprised the brunette no one has been talking to her regular let alone raising their voice

"Alex you shut yourself off from the world you stuff all the pain inside so you don't have to feel it then you ride on angry for a few years and then come back and have it happen all over again because I know for a pure fact that they would want you live they way they always wanted you to especially him" Johnny slightly yelled at her

Johnny looked at how Alex was crying he's never seen her cry she's never let any of the people there see her cry because crying makes you weak and she wasn't "Alex I'm sorry-" before Johnny could finish apologizing Alex hugged him

She needed someone to tell her it's ok to feel grief and feel loss and hear something other than 'I'm sorry for your loss' or 'He was a great hunter' from people she barley even knew because the truth was all she's been hearing is 'I'm sorry' she hated it they weren't the reason he was dead she was

Alexandria Gilbert was the reason Tommy Lahey was dead. And everybody knew it.

A/N: Hey my Lovelies sorry I didn't get this chapter out earlier and sorry it's short but I wanted to get this out soon so here it is

I hate giving my baby survivors guilt but I felt like with how the story plays out she was going to have it either way with everyone she has lost and already lost also if you have me on Tiktok ( @Anna05376 ) then you know about a new character we're going to meet next chapter I wanted to right him in this chapter but I didn't have time

Anyways guys I was thinking about writing another book after I get to Act 2 of this one I was thinking either a outer banks story or a euphoria story so if you guys want it lmk

But love you guys remember to get lots of sleep and tomorrow is a new day and DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!!!

Alex's outfit next chapter

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