I Will Protect You (Josuke x...

By FreeFlyer68

148K 5.7K 4.9K

Y/n was close friends with Josuke Higashikata in the town of Morioh. Without having a stand she was left defe... More

A Turtle
It's Called a Stand
Angelo the Rock
Death by an Arrow
Waking up Differently
A Father's Love
The Nijimura Brothers
Dating Josuke Higashikata
A Lock of Guilt
Hazamada's Surface
Meeting Koichi's Girlfriend
A Love Letter
True Love
Delicious and Authentic Italian Food
Death and Resurrection
Akira Otoishi
It's Today
A Baby Stand
A Visitor to Morioh
Heaven's Door
A Blinded Rage
A Normal Day in Morioh
Another Meeting
A New Stand User
Morning Tea
A Fight For Love
Shigekiyo Yangu: Harvest
Yoshikage Kira
A Vow of Silence
Casper: The Not So Friendly Ghost
Leaving the Murderers House
Three Words
A Cheated Game
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 1
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 2
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 3
July 15th (Thurs) Pt. 4
The Aftermath
The Killer Known as Yoshikage Kira
The Summer of 1999

A Friendly Alien

2.3K 79 38
By FreeFlyer68

It was a beautiful day in Morioh, and a special event was happening since it was July first. It was the first day of summer, but it was also the day of the Open Seam Open River Event in Morioh. There are lots of tourists from the capital and S-City. The town was full of energy. There are many fun things to do in Morioh at this time, but you were not enjoying the fun in town. Instead, you were walking with Josuke and Okuyasu through a field. 

   ' I don't even know where we're going. I could be enjoying the events in town, but no, my boyfriend and friend want to go on an exploration. '

   " Josuke, Y/n. Look at that. " Okuyasu said, his figure shaking a bit.

You stopped walking with Josuke and looked at what Okuyasu was pointing at. In the field, there was a shape in the tall grass. It was circular with smaller circles around it. 

   " That's not. . ."

   " Isn't that. . .a donut? "

You looked at Okuyasu with a raised brow and opened your notebook. You started writing a message for Okuyasu.

A donut? Okuyasu, that's a mystery circle, not a donut. Did you eat breakfast this morning? 

   " No, I did. Keicho made a big breakfast this morning, but I could always eat. But that's a mystery circle. That's incredible. Something like that exists in Morioh. "

   " Don't you guys think it's strange? Look carefully at the circle's center. "

You looked in the center and saw a lump in the grass. You squinted and caught an arm sticking out from the grass. 

   " Something's definitely not right. "

Josuke planned to go into the circle's center, and he started walking through the tall grass. You walked behind him with Okuyasu beside you. The tall grass touched Josuke's chest, and you felt consumed in the grass. You made sure to hold Josuke's hand so you wouldn't lose track of where to go. When you got into the mysterious circle, it was clear that there was a body underneath the cut grass.

Be careful. You wrote, showing Josuke your message.

   " I will be. " He said, reaching down to the grass.

Josuke moved the grass and revealed the person lying underneath the grass. The person looked to be male, but you couldn't be sure. His hair was bleach blonde hair, which was long. He had a nose ring in his left nostril, and the chain stretched to his ear piercing. His ears were pointy, and he was wearing the same uniform as Josuke and Okuyasu, but he had planets and stars pinned around his collar. His eyes were shut, and he looked undisturbed. There was a small cut on the side of his neck, and there was blood dripping from the cut. There were giant pins/buttons on the front of his clothes. They were alien spaceships, two others were stars, and the middle button/pin was an infinity sign. There were three belts around his waist, but they never connected; they stopped before touching the buttons.

   " Is this person still alive? " Okuyasu asked.

   " He has a wound at the back of his neck. It seems like he just fainted, though. Wake up. Are you alright? " Josuke shouted, shaking his shoulder a little bit.

You walked over to the other side of the unconscious man and looked at his appearance a little closer. You set your notebook on your legs and started writing another message. When you were finished writing, you raised your notebook for them to read.

I haven't seen him in school before. I think I would remember somebody with bleach blonde hair and pointy ears.

Josuke nodded, and you set the notebook back down on your lap. You placed your hand on the man's shoulder and gently tried to shake him. Your shaking seemed to wake him up, and his eyelids lifted upward. His eyes were a bright green color, and you had never seen such a color of green eyes. 

   " He's awake. " Josuke said.

The man's eyes widened even more, and he started to rise from the ground. You were expecting him to sit up, but instead, his body stayed straight, and his body rose from the ground. He stood on his feet now. He looked around before looking back at you, Josuke, and Okuyasu.

   " Where. . .Where is this place? "

His voice was pleasant. It wasn't too high or too low; it was a perfect range. You stood up with Okuyasu and Josuke standing beside you.

   " Where is this? This is a field near Budogaoka in Morioh. " Okuyasu said.

   " Is this the Earth? "

   ' Earth? '

   " I suddenly felt sick last night. I think I fainted. Now, it's eight am. So I've been unconscious for over thirteen Earth hours. " He said, looking at his watch.

After speaking, Josuke and Okuyasu started laughing. They were laughing so hard they fell to the ground and started rolling in the grass, thinking they had been pranked. You slapped your forehead with your hand and opened your notebook. You tapped the strange man on the shoulder, and he looked towards you. You raised your notebook, and he started reading it.

I'm sorry about those two. Are you alright? Which school are you from?

   " School? My planet is located in the Magellanic Cloud. However, it's already destroyed. I came to see if Earth is habitable and if humans are friendly. I came here to investigate these things. " 

   " That's enough. If you try to prolong the joke, this awesome idea won't be funny anymore. All right. I'll give you some tissues. " Josuke said, standing up from the ground wiping his tears. 

Josuke handed him some tissues, but the man just took them and observed them. He looked at them strangely before eating them. Once he swallowed them, he starred at Josuke.

   " Thank you. They're delicious. "

He still had no expression on his face. You looked at Josuke and Okuyasu's faces, and they looked disturbed.

   " All right. We should go back to school. " OKuyasu said, looking at his watch.

   " That's right. Let's go. " Josuke agreed.

Okuyasu and Josuke walked back to their bags and picked them up. They started to walk away when Josuke did not feel your presence beside him. He looked back towards you and saw you helping the man walk out of the field. He now stood on the concrete beside you.

   " Y/n! Come on; we have to get to school. " Josuke said, feeling uncomfortable.

You shook your head no at him and looked back to the guy. You didn't want to leave the guy alone, especially if he was delusional. You wrote in your notebook and showed the man.

My name is Y/n. What is your name?

   " You may call me, Nu Mikitaka Nshi, Y/n. Thank you for your assistance. "

Anytime! Do you want to walk with us into town? In case you need to see a doctor if you're hurt?

   " I would very much appreciate you showing me around. But the other human said you needed to be going to a place? "

I don't need to go. They do, though. It's summer, and they have to go to summer school because they didn't do great during the school year. But you can walk with us, and I'll show you around and get you to a doctor if something is wrong.

   " Thank you, once more, Y/n. "

You nodded and started walking towards Josuke and Okuyasu. You showed Josuke and Okuyasu your notes, and Josuke sighed.

   " Fine, he can come with us, but don't stand so close to him, he's still a stranger. " Josuke said, taking your hand.

You walked with Josuke, Okuyaus, with Mikitakazo walking behind your group. You walked into town, and Okuyasu ran towards the ice cream shop to see it close. 

   " That was the only thing I looked forward to on Monday mornings. " Okuyasu cried.

   " You have no choice. Just accept it. " Josuke said.

   " Do you want to eat ice cream? Do you? Do you want to eat it? " Mikitakazo asked.

   " Yes, but there's nothing we can do if the ice cream shop is closed. "

   " Don't easily give up. I happen to have three ice creams with me. Treat these as payment for the tissue earlier. "

Mikitakazo pulled out three ice creams wrapped in a plastic bag. He held them out towards your group.

   ' How long have they been in there? And why have they not melted yet? He was unconscious for so long with ice cream in his bag in the summer. They should have melted by now. '

Josuke and Okuyasu took one ice cream, and Mikitakazo handed you the last ice cream. You took it from him and bowed as a thank you.

   " Earth is really a suitable place to live in. "

   " Why did you have ice cream in your bag? " Okuyasu asked.

   " Aren't those ice creams good? "

   " I'm not talking about that. Who exactly are you? "

   " Well, I already told you earlier. Ah, do you want to hear my self-introduction? I forgot to introduce myself to you two. My name is Nu Mikitakazo Nshi. I am 216 years old. I'm an intergalactic pilot. My hobby is caring for pets. Now, I have a pet mouse in my bag. It really likes to be stroked on its back. "

You could see what Okuyasu and Josuke were thinking, but you disagreed. This person might be a stand user, but he was friendly and not hostile. You opened your ice cream and started eating it. The ice cream was cold, but it was delicious. Josuke starred at you wide-eyed, and you opened your notebook and raised your leg, and rested your notebook on your leg. You started writing. When you were finished, you introduced your notebook for Josuke to read.

You're being a worrywart. He's friendly. The ice cream is delicious, too, so I'll take yours if you're not going to eat it.

Josuke sighed, but he was still on edge. While Josuke was bent down a little, you kissed his cheek and continued eating your ice cream. Josuke turned a little red but kept his composure.

   " You said you're 216 years old? " Okuyasu asked, leaning down.

   " Yes. " Mikitakazo said, leaning in the same way Okuyasu was.

   " You're an intergalactic pilot? " Okuyasu said, picking his nose.

Mikitakazo mimicked Okuyasu, and you slapped Okuyasu's hand down from picking his nose.

   " Why do you keep imitating me? "

   " In that case, you mean you're an alien? " Josuke asked.

   " 'Alien?' Yes. 'Alien.' I should use this term. I'm an alien. "

   " In that case, you have a flying saucer, right? Can you ask your spaceship to come here? Can you call it over? "

   " Of course. However, it's a shame. It's around 1.5 million kilometers from here awaiting my instructions in the air. It would take three days for it to come here. It can't appear right away. "

   " Are you going to use that watch to call it? "Josuke asked, pointing to the watch on Mikitakazo's wrist.

   " How did you know? However, this is a secret that's just between the four of us. Please don't tell anyone else. " He said, whispering.

   " Don't you have a beam gun or anti-gravity device in your bag? "

   " Of course, I have those. However, I'm not here for battle. So I left them in the spaceship. "

   " Don't say that. If you're an alien, show us some things to prove it. And your blood is also not green. " Okuyasu said, pointing to Mikitakazo's neck.

   " The blood of aliens is green indeed. " Josuke said.

   " Are you doubting me? " Mikitakazo asked, glaring at the two boys beside you.

   " Calm down--"

   " You finally realized it, you idiot. If you're joking, we'll go along with it. However, we don't have time for all that nonsense you said. " OKuyasu said, getting a little mad.

   " You don't have to suddenly say that. "

   " You're so noisy! It's better if we tell him straight--"

Before you could hit Okuyasu, a firetruck pulled into view, and the siren was going off. You covered your ears, and Okuyasu covered his ears as well.

   " What's the matter? Is there fire anywhere? "

Before Josuke could answer, or Okuyasu could make another comment, Mikitakazo started to scream. His face was red, and he had his ears covered, still screaming.

   " I hate that sound! Stop that sound! I hate that sound! I'm allergic to that sound! Stop it immediately! "

Mikitakazo ran away from the group and jumped into a bush, trying to get the sound to stop.

   " Josuke, this guy is extremely dangerous. Let's go. Let's not have anything to do with him. " Okuyasu said.

   " No, but isn't it too cruel if we just leave him? " Josuke said.

You nodded and slapped Okuyasu's arm. You started to write in your notebook.

He's not used to loud noises.

Okuyasu started to walk away, thinking the situation was ridiculous. You rolled your eyes and walked around the bush to Mikitakazo. Josuke followed you and saw Mikitakazo was on the ground, trembling and covering his ears.

   " Are you all right? "

   " No, take me away. Take me somewhere I can't hear them! " He shouted.

He sprung from the ground, but when he did, something blue and gel-like sprung from him, covering him. 

   " Take me away from here! "

Mikitakazo started to disappear, and his body was turning into gel blue strips.

   " What the? "

   " I have the ability to change into anything. Hurry up. My head is going to explode because of that sound. Please. "

The blue strips wrapped themselves together, and they got smaller and smaller. Then they became two blue liquid substances and shot at Josuke's feet.

   " I'll become sports shoes. Wear me and get me out of here. I'm willing to do anything to repay you. "

The blue substance turned into shoes around his feet. Josuke looked down at his feet, a little worried.

   " Are you a stand user? "

Josuke jumped and then landed back on the ground. But when he landed on the ground, Josuke took your hands to make himself feel grounded. However, his feet didn't stay on the ground too long. Josuke's feet flew off the ground, and Josuke gripped your hand tightly, bringing you with him in the air.

   " Ahhh! "

If you could, you would have screamed, but you kept your mouth shut and just squeezed Josuke's hand as tight as possible. 

   " What an amazing speed!"

   " Your ability and mine together made the speed and jumping power stronger. "

   " Are you really an alien? "

Clinging to Josuke's hand wasn't giving you any reassurance, and you put your foot against, Josuke and the new shoes. You pushed yourself up, and Josuke wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you close to him.

   " I've got you! "

Josuke's feet went forwards and landed against a building. Josuke stayed upright, but your body dangled downward. Josuke started walking up the building while you dangled from his arm. He pressed your waist against his body, so only your lower body was dangling. 

   " What exactly is happening? "

Josuke jumped on the top of the building, and the new shoes became the blue liquid from before. Josuke jumped back from the blue liquid and summoned Crazy Diamond. Mikitakazo formed from the blue gel and stood up to you and Josuke. Crazy Diamond swung his fist to connect with Mikitakazo's face, but Crazy Diamond didn't hit him, only let his fist hover in front of his face.

   " Can't you see this? " Josuke asked.

You looked into Mikitakazo's eyes and saw that he was looking at you and Josuke, but not at Crazy Diamond, who was beside Josuke. Mikitakazo looked around but couldn't seem to understand what Josuke meant.

   ' So, he's not a stand user. He's an alien. '

   " Who exactly are you? "

   " You're so annoying. I already told you that I'm an alien. "

   " Wait a minute. " Josuke said, putting one finger up before crouching in front of your legs and hugging them. 

   " Let me clear my brain first. "

You shakily opened your notebook and started writing. 

We're just trying to process everything that's just happened and the fact that an alien is in front of us. Please understand this is something that never really happens. 

Mikitakazo seemed to understand, and he smiled at you. He looked between you and Josuke, who was still holding your legs, and he raised a brow.

He likes to cling to me when something life-threatening or mind-boggling happens. It helps him maintain his sanity and ensures he isn't losing his mind. And it calms him down to hug me. Of course, he's my boyfriend, so I don't care much. It's cute.

Mikitakazo nodded and took a book out of his bag.

   "Anyway, thank you for taking me away from there. People on our planet hate hearing that alarm sound. The waves from that sound have a big effect on our nerves. I want to do something to thank you for helping me. "

You tapped Josuke, and he stood up from your legs but continued to hug you. Mikitakazo turned his hand into a fan, and he opened his book while fanning Josuke.

   " Let me turn into a fan to give you some air. "

Then his hand turned back to normal, but his head and neck turned into a wooden back scratcher. He leaned on Josuke's back, still holding the book. You looked closer and saw a magazine from the Kame Yu Department Mall.

   " Or a back scratcher to scratch your back. "

   " I didn't help you so you could repay me. "

JOsuke gently took the book from Mikitakazo and started looking through it. Mikitakazo changed his head and neck back to his usual appearance.

   " Are you really willing to help me? Then please help me. Thank you. "

Mikitakazo put his right hand over where the human heart should be and bowed slightly, smiling at Josuke softly.

   " What do you want me to do for you? "

   ' He's really nice, and sort of sweet. I hope Josuke doesn't take this to his advantage. ' You thought.

   " Can you turn into anything? Can you turn into something light or turn into many pieces? "

   " Yes, I can turn into most things. However, I can't turn into a complicated vehicle or something more powerful than me. "

   " I see. All right. I really like you. You're willing to repay me right? "

   " Yes. "

   " I suddenly have an idea. I thought of an idea that can make everybody happy. "

   " Win-win? "

   " That's right. I saved some money that I won from a lottery in a bank. However, my mom found out and sealed that account. It's useless to explain anything to that woman. It's really hard to spend the summer without any money. Then I had an idea. "

Josuke opened the booklet and turned to a page that had a pool table, but that wasn't what he was pointing at. He was pointing at the set of dice that was on the page. Mikitakazo looked closely at the picture.

   " What's that? "

   " This is a dice. A dice. I'll earn some money using this then I'll also give you some. This wa, everybody's happy. "

   " What's that used for? "

   " Don't you know what a dice is? "

   " I'm sorry. "

   " You don't have to apologize, it's very simple. Let me tell you. "

You decided to step out of the conversation. You walked to the edge of the building and looked down at all the people. You saw Koichi and Yukako walking by, and you messaged Yukako, telling her to look up. You saw her jump a little, and she took her phone out of her pocket. She read the message, and then her head turned upward. You smiled and waved your hand at her, and Koichi looked up at you. He waved his hand smiling, and you waved at Koichi. They continued walking along the street on their date, and you smiled seeing the couple. You looked down at the people, thinking about the killer that had evaded you some time ago. Aya was still in the hospital, and she was in a coma. The doctors said she wouldn't be awake for some time.

   " Y/n! Are you ready to leave? " Josuke yelled toward you.

You looked over at him and nodded. You walked towards him and looked around, not seeing Mikitakazo. Josuke tapped your shoulder and held the dice out in his hand.

   " This is him. He transformed into dice, and he's going to repay me that factor. "

   " Hello Y/n. " The dice said.

You smiled and waved at the dice but opened your notebook and started writing.

What are you going to do? 

   " Nothing. But let's go pay a little visit to Rohan. "

You nodded and followed Josuke down the stairs of the building. You had asked Josuke once out of the building to hold Mikitakazo in your hand until you got closer to Rohan's house. Josuke handed the dice to you and asked why, but when you wrote to him saying he was clumsy, he wanted to take the dice back.

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