Evolution from the Ashes of E...


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In this fourth and final installation of Evolution from the Ashes of Extinction, it is time for everyone to f... More

Season 35: The Beginning of the End.
Everyone together again.
The Village of the Cursed.
The Outside Army
The Path of Fate.
More than AI evolution.
A few still linger.
The Herald Comes
The New Line
Ways to hide.
Ground Plan
Plan and Secure
Home Defense.
A New Sea Friend.
Now they show some bite
First to the Quest Board
First to Fall
How everyone helps.
An Old Pirate's Tale
Don't piss off the kids
Time for a debt cancel
Season 36: Assessing the board.
Oh no they didn't...
Rearm, Resupply and Reup.
Hybrid Coordination.
The Wheels are starting to turn.
A new type of core.
The Thunderstorm of Love
Remnants of Old Threats
Triangle Endings
The Evolution of the Green
Learning to be cursed.
Archipelago Puzzle
Season 37: Omega Generation Children
A Cleared Quest Board.
You missed your portal.
The New Powers.
Circuitry Check.
The wrath of a child.
Island Safety
Cooling Down All Fronts
Limits... please...
Coming home
Just like old times
The Growing Family.
How Evolution Works.
A Cursed Heritage is not what you think.
Final Preperations
The Final One
Extra Life
Setting up.
How to do it right
The Elements of Nature
A new race
The Trade off of Prestiege
Learning the Ropes
Everything in its place.
Finding Where it All started
One way to relieve stress...Hooning
Everything back to normal
Season 38: Taking different paths.
Maxed Out Rank
Demi-human Relaxation.
Through the heat sink.
The Green Expands
Mellowed-out curses.
Planning it all out.
Commander and Chief
Weird is the new normal
Getting help
Working in tune
Growing family.
Nothing but DLC from here
Just hanging out.
Letting it all out
More little ones.
Demons Shine
Don't tussle with a Commander.
Multi-dimensional wedding.
Learning to Upgrade.
RPG Completionist.
Cruising Circuits
A fresh education.
Elemental Garden
Autumn Festival
Season 39:Everyone back together
All heavens together
Hellhound Services.
Feels like home.
Angelic Visit.
Getting things out.
Angelic Arrival.
Time for Hokage Training.

The State of Green

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Over the ten years, Dryad Sanctuary had grown vastly, even so, they had to change their name to Dryad Forest. Everyone there was happy, peaceful and safe and growing. Everything got upgraded a lot and each section was now a major area and highlight of the place. All five champions maintain these spots and the forest to blossom into what it is now.

Once such is Miguel, when he came here, he was just a teen but now, he is a full-fledged champion. He got stronger, faster and more at one with nature, he could be anywhere at anytime with nature and knew exactly how things grew and what was the best remedy for any problem. He was going through the forest, swinging with his fishing rod through the trees.

When he got to the center of the trees, the main members trees had grown and expanded a lot. Miguel came down and Raheem was coming in. He had also gotten stronger and mastered his bee powers.

Raheem: Hey Miguel.

Miguel: Hey Raheem, how is your section of the forest?

Raheem: All good, everyone is happy and settled.

Miguel: How are the kids, all good?

Raheem: Yeah, they are great.

Miguel and Raheem had another child with Blossom and Violet, Blossom gave birth to Clover, she has the same tattoos, hair, and flowers like her older brother and father. Violet gave birth to Viola, she has the same bee abdomen, wings, antennae and extra arms like her parents. Ren and Azalea also grew up and were like their parents as well in their changes.

Miguel: That is good, this place is really a city now, who would have thought.

Raheem: Me neither but that is what happened.

Miguel: Anything we need to know about?

Raheem: Nothing bad going on at the moment but we are keeping an eye out.

Miguel: Good, I got the herb garden to take a look at, you?

Raheem: Got the hive near the fish farms to take a look at.

Miguel: OK, later.

Raheem: Later.

Raheem and Miguel split up and Raheem took a look at the beehive there, the people and the bees were getting along perfectly. Raheem came in for a landing and saw Sayuri and Jason walking across the water. Both of them had grown strong and powerful over the water. Sayuri was controlling the water and making the fish to go into a ceartin pool to collect for use.

Jason was collecting the fish to put them into their storage, which was massive.

Raheem: Hey you two!

Jason stopped what he was doing.

Jason: Hey Raheem, how things?

Raheem: All good, the rest of the forest is growing splendid as well.

Sayuri: What about the junctions of the forest?

Raheem: All booming.

When they expanded they added more areas for the animals and other species there. There is an Aviary that is for birds, a section for animals to roam around the forest and they have their own home there. Some animals are friendly with those that have heavily bonded and some would rather be left alone and that is fine.

Sayuri: All good

Raheem: How is Deidra?

Jason: Good and at school.

Sayuri had another daughter and she was just like Minghao. Minghao has the special ability to take water from any source and increase her body mass to be crazy big. She is like a sponge with water like Sierra but hers is strength while Minghao is mass.

Raheem: Is Minghao on training yet?

Sayuri: She is and she is coming along well.

Raheem: That's good, is anything else needed for here?

Sayuri: Everything is good here, will ring you when we got something.

Raheem: All right, later.

Raheem took off and was doing his rounds around the forest. He was coming across the blacksmith section where it got a lot bigger to be able to handle more than one person. Also there were two familiar faces that were the head of the blacksmith.

Rufio: OK, get those shovels ready.

Rufio had grown a lot over the ten years, he gained the full tattoo and was in the same state Migul was in before he gained the champion artifact.

Rufio was making sure the tools of the forest were good to go and able to keep things strong and healthy. Rufio checked the tools and they were all good to go.

Rufio: All right everyone, you can go to trinker, making new trinkets and necklaces.

Everyone started doing trinkets they wanted to do. Just then someone came to Rufio.

Person: Hey sweetie.

The person was Duenne, she had grown into a very strong and sexy woman. She had gained scales on the back of her hands and gained heat immunity.

Rufio: Hello my flower.

Rufio stooped down and and kissed Duenne.

Duenne: How are things here?

Rufio: All good, everyone is doing their own thing rright now.

Rufio took on a lot of people to do simple blacksmithing for necklaces, trinkets and such. This made Rufio a master blacksmith, Duenne as well since he taught her everything.

Duenne: That's good,

Rufio: How is Rhya?

Duenne: Rhya is great.

Rhya is the name of their daughter, she is a wolf dragon hybrid but since her father is a fire dragon and her mother is a water dryad and their tattoo is blue, she has more than one special ability that goes hand in hand. She has a flame breath but she can combine them with her water manipulation to cause heavy damage.

Rufio: Our little flower is growing up fast.

Duenne: That she is.

Rufio: You want to get started on something or?

Duenne: I will be working on some of the new metal coming in.

Rufio: OK, enjoy yourself.

Duenne: Always do.

Duenne went to the furnace and was working on melting down the new metals that came in since they still get supplied from Destiny City from melting down scraps. Rufio was helping out a new person to the forest.

Rufio: How is it coming over here?

Person: Pretty good.

The person is named Eden, he is an AI that recently came there and was working in the forest, mainly the hives, which earned him the yellow tattoo markings. They were on the backs of his hands since he was still new. He was working on something simple to start.

Eden: Almost done.

Eden did some finishing touches and put his creation in the water to cool it. He was making a small bee trinket.

Rufio: Well done, let it cool then you can start to decorate it.

Eden: Thanks.

Rufio went back to working and helping the others. Everyone was happy in the forest and nothing was going to change. Over in the Aviary, birds and animals were there in unison. The people who run the Aviary is none other than Li and Kelly. They take care of any birds or animals that got injured or held in captivity, go back to the wild and live on their own.

Some of the birds there also come back to nest and make a family. Li was refilling the seed dispenser for the birds and animals.

Li: There we go.

Li saw the brids come for some seeds and leave to eat.

Li: Enjoy.

Li saw the birds leave and some of them were sitting on his shoulders, soon enough he felt something heavy and familiar.

Li: Are you hungry too?

Person: For you.

The person was Kelly, she had grown and had a small growth spurt to be a big harpy. Li can take her weight since he got stronger to hold her and support her weight. Li had also gotten bigger and stronger and gained the stage before the Champion artifact as well. Both of them had gained the ability to understand animals' needs and heal them as well.

Kelly: How is everyone here?

Li: Good, all of them are happy and they have enough food for their families, what about you?

Kelly: I'm good.

Li: And our child?

Kelly: She is right here.

Li and Kelly had another daughter, her name was Ivory and and she had harpy legs and wings. She had full body green tattoo as well. Kelly had Ivory recently and recovered to handle her and keep working. Kelly had Ivory in a sling while flying and she was secure.

Li turned around and saw Ivory sleeping in the sling.

Li: She is right asleep.

Kelly: She likes the skies just like us.

Li: How is Aster?

Kelly: He is good and at school, I'm just keeping an eye out and taking care of this little one.

Li: Let me take over, you must be tired.

Li took Ivory with the sling and put it on.

Kelly: Thank you Li.

Li: Don't worry, we work together.

Li kissed Kelly.

Kelly: I'll head to get some rest in our nest.

Li: Go, I'll be done when I am finished here.

Kelly: Ok.

Kelly left and headed back to their tree, Li flew around with Ivory and making sure she was alright. Li was flying over Abagail and Ivy's tree. Both of them had grown into full blown adults and they were very strong but not as strong as the champions.

Everyone in the forest still keep watch and both of them were still on the night shift. Abagail was waking up first and was stretching.

Abagail: -grunts-

Abagail stood up and headed to the kitchen to start making breakfast and she felt something too familiar.

Abagail: Morning big gril.

Ivy: Morning strong girl.

Ivy had gotten much bigger over the years, you could almost mistake her for an Anaconda. Both of them kissed and Ivy had her tongue down Abagail's throat. They kissed for a minute then stopped.

Abagail: Mmm, perfect way to wake up in the morning.

Ivy: I know, so, what is on the plan today?

Abagail: We won't be needed until the afternoon so we got time to ourselves.

Ivy: Good.

Abagail: Now head back to bed, I'll be there in a few minutes.

Ivy: I like the sound of that.

Ivy went back to bed and waited for Abagail to finish and soon enough Abagail went into the bedroom with their breakfast.

Abagail set it down in the bed and climbed up, Ivy coiled around Abagail after taking their clothes off and feeding each other. Both of them have ripe and juicy bodies for each other and they like to tap it every chance they get. When they were done with breakfast. Ivy coiled around Abagail and was in the coil and they were kissing and caressing each other.

Ivy had her tail inside Abagail in her lower region and both of them were enjoying themselves and Ivy could double coil themselves into a ball and just enjoy their time together.

Over in the greenhouse, which is now one massive building, everyone was working on the plants and it felt like a heavy rainforest inside. All this is thanks to Kyla, she mastered her powers and controls the weather inside. She was watching the clouds and making sure all the plants were getting the necessary water. Also the conditions also let certain animals be there and be its own world.

Kyla was heading to their tree, which is the center of the whole building. When she got there she got inside, she had gotten fully used to be in different temperatures and she had grown into a beautiful and strong woman. She headed up to a study in the tree. When Kyla went inside she ssaw Hiro there working on another one of his stories.

Hiro had grown and became a popular author and was still working on stories, he was working on a book set with intertwining stories. He had grown into a very healthy adult and takes care of the greenhouse.

Kyla: Hey sweetie.

Hiro: Hey Honey.

Kyla: How is it coming?

Hiro: Great, how is Sunmi?

Kyla: She is good.

When Hiro was of age and took his time and waited for the moment, he did not hesitate to let out all his love for her and she accepted every drop of it. As such, not long after they got married and Kyla gave birth to Sunmi. Sunmi has control of the weather like her Champion mother but there is one difference. Since her father is a writer, whatever he writes about the weather when he needs it, the weather changes to it. Sunmi needs to draw it in her mind to do the same powers.

Hiro: Saw she was getting better at handling her powers.

Kyla: She is, soon enough she can help out here in her free time.

Hiro: Speaking of which, how are the plants, trees and animals?

Kyla: All thriving.

Hiro stopped what he was doing, got up and went to Kyla. Hiro was not only strong in writing but in body as well, since he also had the champion power.

Hiro: Good, I'm going to help out.

Hiro went close to Kyla and held her by her waist.

Hiro: And how is my weather queen?

Kyla: Great, because of you.

Kyla hugged Hiro.

Hiro: I waited for my chance to be one with you and I took it.

Kyla: I am glad you did, you showed me how much you loved me and gave me Sunmi.

Kyla pulled Hiro to a wall and hand her back against it. Hiro knew where this was going.

Hiro: Do you want another child?

Kyla: I do.

Hiro: Who am I going to say no to my wife.

Hiro pulled down her clothes and they started to make love to each other. Their tattoos were glowing while they were showing how much they loved each other.

Hiro: -panting- Let's take this to our bedroom.

Hiro picked up Kyla and took her to the bedroom.

Kyla: No, the bathroom.

Hiro took Kyla to the bathroom and both of them took off their clothes. Both of them stepped into the shower and Kyla put a heavy raincloud above them. Kyla made the raincloud rain on them and she kept the water at the right temperature for their lovemaking..

Hiro: -panting- Make it pour like a heavy rainstorm. Make it beat on us to how much I love you.

Kyla: -panting- With pleasure.

Kyla opened a dam on the raincloud and both of them were enjoying more lovemaking to each other, proof that waiting is worth it, in more ways than one. Over back at the main trees, Barry was coming back in his Tree Spartan. When he got out of it, the Spartan was breaking down and going back into the earth to keep the soil rich from building the Spartan. Barry can always make another one.

Barry went inside and saw Rose there, both of them had also mastered their Champion powers and they had another child. Orchid was holding onto Lotus, their daughter, she wasn't old enough to go to school yet so she helps out at home.

Barry: Hello my flowers.

Lotus: Daddy!

Lotus ran to Barry and he picked her up and hugged her, their tattoos were glowing.

Barry: How are things here?

Rose nodded her head.

Barry: Good.

Barry could understand everything Rose was telling her now that he fully mastered being a champion.

Barry: I'll get lunch started, you two stay here.

Lotus went back to Orchid and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. Rose came to Barry and hugged behind him.

Barry: I know, these years of peace have been nice but soon we have to face something coming our way. I promise, I will come back to you to be with you, no matter what.

Barry turned his head around and kissed Rose.

Barry: They have the power of nature to deal with and it will feel her fury.

Rose held Barry more.

Barry: Our fury.

Rose let go.

Barry: Don't worry, when this is over, there will be peace and growth for everyone.

Rose went back to Lotus while Barry was preparing dinner, everyone there was happy, peaceful, living in harmony with nature and working together. As Barry said, the forest grows and so does people, Eden had finished the trinket and it was a hairpin. Eden went to a certain tree, under it and knocked against the trunk.

Person: Come in.

Eden went down under the tree and there was an Arachne living underneath but she was bigger than an a normal Arachne due to having a growth spurt.

Arachne: Hey Eden.

Eden: Hey Ariadne, I brought you something.

Eden gave Ariadne the hairpin, she is also with the beehives but her tattoo was up to her arms, Ariadne was here for almost a year. Eden gave her the hairpin and looked at it.

Ariadne: Eden, it's beautiful, thank you.

Eden: You're welcome.

Ariadne knew where he was going with this.

Eden: You like me don't you?

Eden: Ever since I got the emotional matrix, I have.

Ariadne went to Eden and leaned down since she is so big.

Ariadne: Not much people approach me, only the champions really have a conversation with me.

Eden: I know, you are really a gentle giant.

Ariadne: That I am.

Ariadne gently picked up Eden and held him in her arms, both of their tattoos glowed.

Ariadne: Want to learn how to move in my string?

Eden: Can I?

Ariadne: Come.

Ariande brought Eden over to her weband set him down on it.

Ariadne: Spread your weight and think about where you are going.

Eden spread his weight on the web and started climbing through it, he got stuck a few times but she undid him and continued.

Ariadne: Your body still has to get used to holding my string, it will take time but it will be worth it.

Eden: Got it.

Eden sat down and looked at Ariadne.

Ariadne: So, why do you like the forest?

Eden: It's nice, quiet, a big change from the AI city.

Ariadne: Wanted a change from the hustle and bustle of the city?

Eden: Yeah and I personally asked to come here as well.

Ariadne: Yeah, since I got so big I decided to look for a place to accommodate.

Eden: You look almost as big as Artemis.

Ariadne: I'm not that big but still.

Eden: So like one or two sizes bigger?

Ariadne: Three and a half, it's how I am able to carry so much.

Eden: But be so gentle to the bees.

Both of them see their yellow tattoos.

Ariadne: They aren't afraid of how big I am but even they can see I am gentle.

Eden: People will come around, there are dragons here.

Ariadne: I know.

Eden: Well, I should get back to my tree, I still have to charge until I get humanized.

Ariadne: Ok.

Eden got out of her webbing.

Eden: Bye

Ariadne: Bye.

Eden left and headed to his tree to charge, Ariadne took up the hairpin and put it in her head and went along for the rest of the day. The forest shows that even from the littlest sprout can grow into the biggest tree and the chamions and people there also show, everyone and everything can grow in unity to become something extrodinary and uninmaginable.

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