The English Rose

By loislame0384

4.6K 263 17

Non magical AU- 30 year old Hermione Granger is gifted a bookshop from her grandfather. She meets an intrigui... More

The First Letter
A Change to the Game
Curiouser and Curiouser
Walking Through the Looking Glass
The Best of Intentions
The Tree Lot
Comfort Soup
Bella's Revenge
Scout's Honor
The First Date
Welcome Home Squeaks
Another Episode
The Bella Monologue
The Worthwhile Fight
The Story Continues
Turkey Sandwiches and Love Hearts
The Light
Stepping Stones
The Creepy Cellar
Therapy for Two

An Unexpected Visitor

228 12 0
By loislame0384

A few weeks had passed since the wonderful night of the Bonfire Ball, November was turning into December and radio silence was the only term appropriate to describe any further interaction the bookshop owner had with her Red Queen. The lack of a mobile phone really put a damper on being able to contact her at leisure and she was unsure how else to do so unless she accidentally bumped into the mad hatter on the street one day. Hermione didn't want to appear desperate to contact the older woman but she felt this magnetic pull she couldn't describe. The town was transitioning from autumn decoration to a winter wonderland. Fairy lights, tinsel, trees, inflatable Santas and other holiday themes were popping up and down the business lined street. Henry had arrived at the Rose early one Sunday morning to hang lights around the outside lining the windows and doors. Hermione woke up to the sound of a nail gun. Startled, she threw on her robe and ran down the stairs, throwing open the door and breathing a sigh of relief when she saw her grandfather standing on a small ladder, a string of lights hanging from his teeth.

"Good morning sunshine," came the muffled greeting of Henry. He must have been at this for a while because the tip of his nose had turned a shade of pink. "Hope you don't mind, I couldn't help but start decorating. It was always your grandmother's favorite time of year." He pulled the lights from his teeth and placed the strand on top of the ladder, smiling broadly knowing his granddaughter wouldn't mind.

"It's 8 in the morning, papa. Surely our neighbors might have some opposition to the nail gun," she peered outside the door looking down the street.

"Non-sense, they know it's to be expected. Plus, it's Sunday. Most of these folks are already headed to church." He picked the lights back up and stapled a few more times, completing the outline of the first window. "Now, why don't you go put on something warm, make us some coffee and come out here and help."

Hermione stood and thought for a minute. It was awfully cold outside but she loved Christmas more than anything. She sighed and relented, "okay, give me ten minutes."

The pair spent the entire morning decorating the outside of The English Rose, drinking coffee and laughing, reminiscing of Christmases past. "Grandma would love this," Hermione said, taking a step back and looking at the lights around the shop. Henry came over and pulled her into his side, kissing the top of her beanie covered head and hummed in agreement. The supplies that were discarded from the decorating process were promptly returned to the basement of the shop. After a mug of cocoa, the elder Granger took his leave for the day, leaving his granddaughter to open the shop a little later in the afternoon. It was nice owning the shop and being able to open at her leisure. The shop was hardly ever busy on Sundays so it was a more relaxed setting. Usually Ginny came by with Harry but this particular Sunday, nobody visited. Hermione took the quiet as a reason to escape downstairs to her cozy spot to read a new thriller that had just come in when she heard the shop door chime. "I'll be up in a minute," Hermione assured the new patron while returning her bookmark. Her head shot up when she heard footsteps descending into the lower level. Shock was the emotion she felt when she looked up and saw the pink haired mad hatter climbing down the stairs with a smirk on her face.

"So, this is where you hide. I never see you on the streets or around town. It's like you don't want to be found by anyone," she walked over and stood directly in front of the brunette.

"Hello? Dora right?" Hermione held her hand out and was just a touch surprised when the other woman shook it in return.

"Dora?" She laughed. "Yes I suppose you could call me that. Most people call me Tonks, but Dora seems appropriate for now."

"So is it a family trait that everyone speaks in riddles?" Hermione rolled her eyes, releasing the other woman from the hand shake.

"I'm just fucking with you. I've been meaning to come in for a while just never got a chance to. We get a lot of work over at the salon and mum keeps me busy at all times." Dora smiled at the younger woman. "Plus, I was just testing a theory. My aunt was right. You are cute when you blush."

Hermione's eyes widened and she felt the flush growing brighter on her cheeks. "Bella thinks I'm cute and told her niece. Why would this affect me so much?"  She was brought from her inner thoughts when the other woman laughed again. "Umm, thanks? I guess for the extremely strange compliment."  Hermione stood and pushed passed the pink haired girl and walked upstairs. "So was there a book I could help you locate? Or was this simply a visit to test the limits of my blush?"

Another incredibly sinister laugh followed her, "no I'm here on behalf of my aunt. She wanted me to give you this," she handed her a piece of folded parchment. "And she said that she'll be coming for her books next Saturday. I'm not sure what that all entails." Dora looked around at a few displays, picking up some of the titles and reading the backs of some of the books. "This one looks interesting. I'm not much of a reader." She came over and put the book on the counter. "Maybe I should start."

"Take it. On the house." Hermione smiled politely at her other woman when she raised an eyebrow. "Consider it your welcome to reading gift and if you enjoy it come back and I can suggest some more."

The Mad Hatter smiled and took the book, nodding as she started to walk away and stopped returning with a small box, "oh and Bella wanted me to give this to you as well." When the box was safely deposited on the counter, she turned and walked towards the exit, "see you around, Alice."

Shaking her head, she scooted the box closer to her and opened the letter which read:

Dearest Alice,

I've been meaning to stop by the shop to say hello but you know how life gets in the way. The time of day I intend to be awake is when I sadly find your shop closed and the lights turned out. I roped my niece into dropping this off for me. I hope she was nice to you or I'll have to see to an attitude adjustment for her.

I plan to stop by the shop Saturday to collect my books for the month. I don't think I'd be able to make it another week without finding out which literary treasures you've deemed worthy enough for me. You can write me a letter if you'd like but I will come pick them up in person during normal business hours as I also can't wait any longer to see you again.

I had a lovely time with you at the ball and I would like to continue our friendship on a more personal level though it would be amiss if your letters stopped all together as I do enjoy the written word so.

Please accept the small token of appreciation in the box as a thank you for accompanying me to the ball. It was my pleasure to have you with me and I must say you are a splendid dancer. I hope to whisk you around the dance floor again some day.

Until Saturday,

Your Red Queen

Hermione reread the letter as she always did before opening the small box when her curiosity got the better of her. Inside was a carefully packaged parcel which she unwrapped to find an antique looking hand painted Alice in Wonderland tea cup. The gift left her smiling, she had been collecting tea cups with her grandma since childhood and this cup would fit perfectly into her collection. "It's like she knows me already," she thought aloud as she turned the cup over in her hand. Nerves suddenly rushed to the brunette's stomach thinking about Bella setting foot inside the bookshop for the first time. What if it wasn't what she expected? What if she hated it? What if Hermione wasn't as exciting outside of the letters and the ball? "I need to text Ginny." Hermione said pulling her phone out and texting and SOS to her best friend.

Saturday afternoon Hermione was in the Rose nervously rearranging the book displays. She had no idea what time Bella might show up as she just indicated it would be during normal business hours. That wasn't much to go on and had her on edge every time the door chimed. The current chime belonged to her annoyingly persistent best friend. "What are you doing here?" She asked with a tone of exasperation.

"I need a book?" Ginny smiled trying her best to seem interested in the display.

"You are a horrible liar." Hermione said, handing a few books to her friend.

"Okay, fine." The red head smirked, "I wanted to see if she came yet."

"And to try to get a glimpse of her?" Ginny nodded, "well she has been round yet. And no you are not welcome to stay. I already told you what she looks like."

"Short, dark curly haired gorgeous vixen doesn't count as a visual representation." Ginny laughed when Hermione threw a small book at her.

"I don't think this friendship is going to work out." Hermione groaned. "Leave, please."

"Fine," Ginny put the books back and moved towards the door but stopped when Hermione shoved a book into her hands to take with her. "But you know you love me."

"Yeah, yeah." The shop owner rolled her eyes dramatically. Since there were no other customers, Hermione ran upstairs quickly to use the bathroom, check her make up and feed Crooks his lunch. She stopped in the mirror and gave herself a once over. Her outfit wasn't anything too special, she decided on a pair of black slacks and a deep green button up shirt, she rolled the sleeves up just below her elbows and had her hair tied up in a loose bun on the top of her head. "Why am I putting effort into this," was the consistent nagging feeling in the back of her head. She heard the door chime and someone stepped in. "Hello?" Came the husky voice she had grown quite fond of. "I'll be right down," Hermione called down, going into the kitchen and grabbing a mint. Taking a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, she centered herself and made her way downstairs, stopping when the sight of the dark-haired woman came into her view. Bella was standing at the display table wearing a flowing white button up shirt, a black corset and a long black skirt. The look was completed by a pair of heeled boots. The woman was picking up book after book as if quietly examining her prospects. Suddenly Hermione was very nervous about the state of the shop and hoped that it was impressive to the older woman. "Hi," the greeting came out more squeaky and higher pitched than she had wanted.

A deep chuckle escaped the other woman's lips as she returned the book to its home on the table and turned her head slightly to look up at the brunette, a small smile on her face. "Hello, Alice." She turned back to the books, "so are you planning on standing on the stairs the whole time and watching me or would you like to come down here and join me?"

Hermione could see the smile playing on the other woman's lips. "Of course," she replied feeling a little unsure of herself. "That's a good one," she said pointing to the book just to the left of Bella's hand. "I read it in like two hours. I couldn't put it down."

"Well," Bella picked it up, holding it to her chest, "that's a glowing recommendation that I'm not going to pass up." As if the dark-haired woman could see the wheels turning in Hermione's head, she rolled her eyes and leaned up slightly to place a kiss on her cheek. "It's nice to see you again." Hermione started to blush slightly, "don't think so much, love, an impossible feat for you I'm sure. Now, care to show me this pile of books you said you've been sorting for me."

"Ah," Hermione nodded, "that's upstairs in my apartment. Can I give you a tour of the shop first since it is your first visit after all."

"So cordial. Your grandfather would be proud." Bella smirked. "Sure, show me around."

"Okay," Hermione nodded and stepped around the other woman. "Up here so where I keep all the newer releases that we get in." She pointed to the various round book displays and the shelves against the wall. "And the chairs in the windows are usually occupied with my papa and his regular patrons who have been coming in for years." Bella broke off from Hermione over to where a portrait was hung on the wall and smiled. "That," she said, coming to stand next to her friend, "is me and my grandparents when I graduated Uni. It was one of the last memories I have before she started to get sick." She felt a small hand grab onto hers and gently squeeze, no more words were spoken as Hermione turned to lead the other woman downstairs to where the used books and old releases were kept.

"I bet you spend a lot of time down here," Bella spoke softly, breaking the short silence they shared. Hermione smiled when Bella started grazing the book shelves, pulling out books and flipping through the pages.

"It's my favorite part of the shop. I spend a lot of hours down here placing orders, going through all the donated books, and just sitting over there reading," she pointed to her comfy spot in the corner feeling slightly vulnerable.

"May I?" Bella asked, walking over to the recliner and waited for Hermione to nod before plopping down, her skirt billowing around her as she landed comfortably in the special spot. "Quite right. This is an amazing chair. I could see myself getting lost in a good book down here." As if to prove her point, she pulled out of the book Hermione recommended to her and started to read it. The bookshop owner stared at the woman sitting in her chair reading confused as to what she should do next. "If you keep staring at me with your mouth open, you are bound to catch bird shit eventually, love." She chuckled and went back to reading.

Hermione shut her mouth and went over to the pile of donated books and started to sift through them. This was the last thing she expected, her new friend sitting there reading while she sorted through the donations. Twenty minutes passed by when the brunette heard a low chuckle coming from the chair but stopped to think that the book she was reading wasn't funny. "I'm just sitting here reading and what? You went back to working. I was just waiting to see how long you'd let me get away with this before continuing your tour. I didn't actually expect you to start working." Bella cackled and looked down to memorize her page before closing the book. "So," she asked, getting up from the chair, "what are you doing here?"

"Well," Hermione grabbed a few more books out of the plastic bin where she kept the donations, "I'm sorting through the donations to see if I could resale any of them. Looking at the condition they were donated in and if they are really beat up, I either donate them to the local library or put them in the free bin upstairs." Hermione let Bella have a look at the donation books. "And if I see one I think that either you or I might like to read, I put them off to the side. Hence the enormous piles of books in my spare bedroom upstairs."

"Ahh yes," Bella said, taking a book from the donation bin, flipping through it and deciding it was in decent enough shape to put into the resale pile, "the elusive upstairs. Is that the next stop on the tour?"

Hermione visibly gulped, looking up from her seat and into the dark as night eyes boring down onto her, "yes, let head up. I'll just close up downstairs real quick so I don't have to keep running downstairs if the door chimes."

"Oh I see," Bella looked at her fingernails casually, "you want me all to yourself tonight."

The brunette stuttered not knowing how to respond when she saw the smirk grow on the shorter ladies lips, "oh you are just winding me up. That's not very nice."

"I never claimed to be nice, love." She stepped out of the way so Hermione could stand. "Lead the way." The taller woman led her back upstairs and started the normal closing procedures which only included flipped the open sign to closed, locking the door, drawing the curtains, turning out the outside lights and then shutting down the computer and register. "Wait before you shut that off, let me pay for this book and any other book you were going to send with me tonight."

Hermione stopped for a minute and considered this offer. It didn't seem right taking money from the woman when she was standing right in front of her. It seemed too personal considering their friendly status. When it was just money in the box, she didn't have feelings attached to the money. "Bella," she shook her head, "I can't take any money from you tonight."

"Sure you can," she said, reaching into her top and pulling out a bank card. "Charge whatever you think is fair." She tried to hand over the card but Hermione wouldn't take it. "What's the problem? I'm trying to pay for the service you are rendering." She placed the card into Hermione's open palm.

"I'm not going to take money from you. We are friends now. It just doesn't seem right." Hermione sighed and handed the card back to the older woman.

"Fine," she conceded, "but that won't stop me from dropping cash off in the box outside whenever I feel like it. I won't pay tonight but I will provide compensation for these books somehow." Bella shoved the bank card back into her corset and carefully watched as the brunette shut down the computer and cash register. "How do you plan to make money if you give all your books away for free?"

"I don't give them all away for free," she rolled her eyes and flipped off the desktop screen. "I do pretty well here so letting a few books go for free isn't going to kill me. Plus some of the books I've given you are from my own personal collection and don't require payment." She turned and saw the close proximity of the other woman. While she was engaged in the computer, the curly haired woman made her way over to where the other woman was standing and was a breaths length away. The citrus and woodsy scent coming from the other woman caused the bookshop owner to let out a shakey breath. "Hi," she breathed out when the other woman tucked a strand of hair that fell from her bun behind her ear.

"Hi," the older woman whispered back, staring deeply into the honey brown eyes in front of her. In her heeled boots she was almost the same height as the other woman. "I could get lost in your eyes. They shine with a million stories and I would beg for a chance to hear just one of them."

Hermione cleared her throat quietly, feeling every nerve in her body light up like a Christmas tree. This woman was doing things to her that she hadn't felt in a very long time but she had to clear her mind and refocus. "Umm," was the only eloquent response her mind could produce when Bella grinned at her showing her perfectly straight teeth. "Shall I show you my apartment now? I promised you more books. The books live upstairs." She couldn't bring herself to back away so she waited and the other woman nodded slightly and slowly moved aside leaving little room for Hermione to squeeze past, brushing arms as she moved. Bella turned and followed her leader up the stairs into the well kept upstairs of the bookshop. "Welcome to my home."

Bella broke off from behind the brunette and started looking around the rooms not necessarily waiting for a proper invitation. "I see what you mean," she said pointing into the living room then what she assumed was the guest room, "the books do live up here." She was about to move into the guest room when something in the living room caught her eye. She walked over to the mantle and saw her tea cup in the center next to a few other choice cups and smiled, turning to see a shy looking Hermione leaning against the doorway. "You liked my gift?" the younger woman nodded, "it looks good here."

"I've been collecting tea cups since I was a child. My grandma and I bonded over our joint love of tea." She blanched slightly, "and my grandmother would be rolling over in her grave if she knew I had company here and didn't offer them any tea." She laughed softly, "Bella? Would you care for a cup of tea?"

"Tea sounds lovely, actually." Bella smiled in response, moving back across the living room. "Strong, milk with no sugar."

"Here," Hermione grabbed her hand and pulled her into the guest room. "That lot there," she pointed to the big stack against the window, "is the stack I have set aside for you. Pick which ones you'd like to read first while I go make the tea." As she turned to leave the room, she felt a strong hand squeezing hers in a silent exchange of emotion that Hermione wasn't expecting. She felt a small shiver run through her body as she excused herself to the kitchen. Moving into the pantry, she grabbed the tea and started to heat up the kettle. Hermione had felt the need to keep her breathing calm and tried to center herself. The last thing she had time to think about was her girlfriend. She was drawn to the other woman currently sitting in her guest room. She barely knew this woman aside from an evening together and a few months of letters but Hermione felt that she was connected to this woman on a deeper level and had no explanation for it. She liked the woman, plain and simple but it was just a crush. She had no intention of acting on her feelings, she was happy with her relationship. Wasn't she? That was the million pound question that had been looming in her mind since her move from London. Shaking her head clear as the tea kettle whistled, she prepared the tea cups, carried the tray into the guest room and sat it on the desk. She smiled at the sight before her, the dark haired woman sat cross legged on the floor surrounded by the pile of books Hermione had designated as the Bella stack.

"It's impossible to choose," the older woman sighed. "There are some of my favorites here and the other ones I have yet to read seem all too enticing. I can't pick." She looked up smiling, "you pick for me. If you don't then I'm afraid I'll be moving myself into this room and not leaving until I've read them all."

Hermione couldn't resist how adorable the other woman looked sitting in the sea of books. This is what she always wanted, someone who got equally excited and lost in a stack of books. The glimmer shining in the other woman's eyes brought a wide smile to her face. "Okay," she said simply as she sat down next to the smaller woman. Shifting through the books with Bella, she managed to help her organize the books into a few different piles. "Take these ones," Hermione pointed to the stack closest to her friend. "These are my favorites here. I've read them all and they are lovely, I think you'll enjoy all of them."

"I haven't been disappointed yet." Bella said, smiling at her new books. "I could sort through books all day. Maybe I should apply for a job here."

Hermione let out a little laugh through her nose, "and what is it that you do Bella?"

"Me?" Bella put down the book she was holding and turned to face the brunette who was handing her a cup of tea. "I don't have a job. Trust fund baby and all that." Hermione raised an eyebrow expecting her to continue. "It's not a good story. Trust me." She took a long sip and hummed in appreciation of the soothing beverage. "I do a lot of reading and I write."

"Oh you write as well?" Hermione asked, her curiosity peaking again. "What do you write?"

"I write poetry." Bella smiled a small unsure smile that Hermione hadn't witnessed before. "I might have a book out there somewhere, you'll have to do some sleuthing to find it though, love. I'm not just going to give you all the details up front." She laughed as disappointment formed on the other girl's face. "This tea is delicious. Lavender?" She took another sip as the younger woman nodded and sipped from her own tea. "You asked if I write as well so I assume that means you are a writer. Anything I've read?"

Hermione shook her head, "no. Not yet anyway. I've been working on a novel of sorts since leaving London and it's my dream to get published one day." She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. "I've been writing short stories since as far back as I can remember. I have a degree in English literature and Creative Writing." She couldn't help the rambling that was about to happen, "before coming here I worked for an online blog, writing articles and it wasn't what I wanted but at least I was writing. When papa said he wanted to give me The Rose, I was over the moon. It's a dream to work here in the shop and it gives me more freedom to focus on my writing and of course all the free access to books." She looked over at her companion who was staring at her intently. "Sorry. I ramble sometimes."

"I can see the passion and fire in you when you talk about what you love and it's awfully cute. Please, keep rambling. I won't interrupt," a playful grin spread across the dark haired woman's mouth.

"How about you tell me about you?" She was dying to get to know anything about the other woman.

"What do you want to know?" came the simple reply between sips of tea.

What did she want to know? Absolutely everything. "Anything. How old are you? Did you go to Uni? What kind of poetry do you write? What's your favorite book genre? What do you do in your free time? What's your last name? What's your favorite food? Literally anything."

A deep hum came from the other woman as she contemplated all of the questions proposed to her, "that's an extensive amount  of information. You are quite the curious one, aren't you?" She put her cup down and turned to look back out the window. "I'm 41. No, I didn't go to Uni. I was preoccupied during those years," turning only slightly. "A story for another day. I love historical fiction. In my free time, I read, write, listen to music, and bother my sisters... normal stuff. Sleep mostly." She smiled when the younger woman breathed out a laugh. "I will try any food once as with most things in my life. I never discount something before I've given it a chance. The last name will have to wait though."

"Why?" Hermione furrowed her eyebrows and stared at her companion.

"Because I can't give you everything all at once, love. That's not how this little game of mystery works," turning she looked at Hermione and smiled. "I love the long game." She smirked, a sinful sight that made the butterflies activate in the brunette's stomach. "It's more fun this way. Learning, discovering, sharing, growing." All she could do was nod at the words pouring out of the other woman's mouth. There was an invisible pull surrounding the ladies and when Hermione looked up, her face was mere inches away from the other woman. How did she get here? She wondered, getting lost in those soulful dark eyes. Bella's eyes swept from her eyes to her lips and back again. Hermione thought she stopped breathing only for a moment when the other woman's tongue escaped to wet her lower lip. She swallowed a whimper that was moments from escaping. Bella slowly moved closer, tilting her head, ready to capture Hermione's lips in what she assumed would be the greatest kiss she ever experienced when suddenly a bright set of headlights flashed past the window, breaking the moment. Bella cleared her throat, "umm..." was the only thing the older woman said as she shook her head clear, coming back to reality. "It seems we aren't alone anymore." She pointed to the car that pulled up in front of the store.

"Shit." Hermione's face blanched when she recognized the car. "Laura."

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