
By lazygalsam

3.3K 154 44

"Frizz is uncontrollable, annoying and beautiful." When Maisie Green's world fell apart one year ago she nev... More

Chapter 1 | A New Beginning
Chapter 2 | College Traditions
Chapter 3 | Bad Beginnings
Chapter 4 | Exploding Washing Machines
Chapter 5 | Meeting the Roomies
Chapter 6 | Karaoke is Best Sung off Key
Chapter 7 | Flashbacks
Chapter 8 | How to Not Win at Monopoly
Chapter 10 | Alcohol Can Fix Most Problems
Chapter 11 | Hangover's Can Sometimes Be Fun
Chapter 12 | Threats and Promises
Chapter 13 | Secrets
Chapter 14 | Stolen Donuts and Tears
Chapter 15 | Interrogations
Chapter 16 | Breaking and Entering

Chapter 9 | Awkward Lip Locks

132 8 0
By lazygalsam

Chapter 9.

"And this is where we keep the spare cups," I nodded as Juan, the guy that Dianne had appointed as my mentor, showed me around the store. Juan was another college student, I think he was in his third year, and was a bubbly Hispanic that liked to make a lot of puns.

Juan had messy, shoulder length dark hair that was tied up in a low bun and stubble on his jaw. He had deep brown eyes that were framed by dark lashes. He was lean and of an average height, which was still quite a bit taller than me. He had a Mexican accent, but one that wasn't very strong, which made me think that he had lived in Australia for quite a while.

"So, usually the shop doesn't have any crazy rushes but it's got a steady flow. It goes quite dead in the mornings but it always picks up," he explained. We walked back out of the storeroom to see that there was a customer waiting. Juan took the opportunity to show me how to serve a customer and afterwards there wasn't much else to do.

It was my very first shift at Fromama and I was currently being taught the ropes.

"Also, if you're working a close shift you need to do all of the cleaning," he added. I nodded and looked around the store. It was a cute little shop with only a few tables and had cute frozen yoghurt cartoons on the walls.

It was also freezing in here. The uniform consisted of a white button down shirt with the logo on the chest and a blue and white striped apron. The uniform didn't offer much warmth.

"So Maisie, what course are you studying?" Juan asked and I looked back at him to find him looking at me with a friendly smile.

"I'm majoring in art, but also doing literature," I smiled.

"That's cool, a friend of mine does art but he's in his third year. What type are you doing?" he asked.

"Illustration, but I might branch out to animation," I told him.

"My friend does animation," he exclaimed, smiling. I smiled back. I liked Juan. He was the type of person that could make anyone feel included, happy and comfortable. He hadn't made me feel awkward at all when he was showing me around the store and telling me how everything worked.

"What are you studying?" I asked him.

"Engineering," he answered and I nodded. Morford College was known for their amazing engineering course.

A customer came through the door and we got back to work.

I had been working for a steady hour, serving customers without much hassle or any embarrassing moments. I hadn't yet dropped someone's fro-yo or gotten an order wrong, which I was pleased about.

Suddenly the door to the shop chimed and I looked up to see Mrs. Hayes walk confidently into the store. She wore a bright yellow raincoat, as it was raining outside and bright pink gumboots.

I grimaced and looked around for Juan, who had decided to disappear into the back room. I sighed internally and faced her with a bright, professional smile. I hadn't spoken to Mrs. Hayes since I had walked out of her class.

"Good afternoon, how may I help you?" I asked professionally.

"Maisie!" she looked up and beamed when she saw me. I didn't know how she could remember everyone's names, my literature lecturer still just pointed to people.

"Hello Mrs. Hayes," I smiled, although it felt more like a grimace.

"How are you? Have you made a start on your assignment yet?" she asked and I winced, which I was sure she noticed since her smile fell slightly.

"It's been a slow start," I admitted, a non-existent start I added silently. I was glad when she just nodded and smiled before saying her order.

"Could I please get the fruit cocktail?" she asked. I quickly grabbed her order and rung up her purchase on the cash register.

"You know Maisie, I'm here to guide you through your studies. If you ever need to speak to me about something I'm always here," she said seriously. I looked up at her to find her watching me, with that teacher look that teachers always had. I nodded, still embarrassed over how I had acted last lesson.

"Here you go," I smiled, handing her the change and her order.

"And remember Maisie, as Pablo Picasso once said, 'The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.'" And with that confusing quote she was gone.

Juan found me five minutes later staring down at the till absently.

"Hey chicka, you ok?" he asked, carrying a large container filled with fro-yo refills. Mrs. Hayes words still rung in my head but I smiled and made myself push them to the back of my mind.

"Yeah, sorry I must have spaced out," I laughed awkwardly. Juan gave my face a once over, looking for something I hadn't said but after a minute he smiled and laughed as well.

"Ok well when you're done slackin' off you can help me refill all of the fro-yo," he joked mockingly. I stuck my tongue out at him before grabbing a tub and helping him.

Somehow I knew that Juan would be a good friend.


I finished work at 4pm, and was quite happy with how my first day had gone. I had met one other worker, who was a short girl with wavy brown hair named Caitlin. Caitlin had seemed very nice as well, although I only got to work with her for half an hour.

As I was walking back to the apartment after work my phone rang and I answered it to a very excited Eleanor.

"Were going out tonight!" her loud demand was what greeted me as I answered her phone call.

"Um, would you like to give me a bit more information than that?" I laughed. I could hear noise in the background and wondered where she was. My silent question was answered when she yelled out to someone, "Back off these are my tokens!" and realized that she was at the games room on campus.

"All you need to know is that we're going to a party at 8 so you need to hurry your little booty on home and get ready," was all Eleanor said before hanging up.

I was kind of afraid.

As I walked back to the apartment I realized that I would probably need a bicycle or something if I wanted to be able to get to work without leaving half an hour early for every single shift.

Putting in my earphones I listened to music for the rest of the walk, thankful that it didn't decide to rain.

When I just made it to the apartment my phone rang and I quickly answered it when I saw that it was Natasha calling.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Have you spoken to mum recently?" she asked me immediately.

"Well hello to you to," I laughed but quieted when I didn't hear her laughing as well. "I spoke to her the other day, why?" I asked her.

Natasha was quiet a moment and I felt a nervous feeling in my stomach. I made my way into the apartment and took the stairs up to the apartment, clutching the phone to my ear as I did.

"Natasha? What's wrong? Has something happened?" I asked worriedly.

"Mum's fine," she assured me, making me breathe a sigh of relief. I turned the corner onto my apartment floor and stopped in my tracks at the scene before me.

The apartment door was open with Will standing in the doorway, lips locked with a tall, beautiful brunette.


"Its just that-," Natasha was saying but I cut her off.

"Sorry Natasha, can this wait? I have to go now," I hung up, ignoring her exclamation of "but Maisie!"

At the sound of my voice Will and Hailey broke apart as if they had been burned and I watched as Will blushed a bright shade of red.

"Sorry," I murmured awkwardly, unsure whether to walk closer to get into the apartment or to just high-tail it back down the stairs.

"No it's fine, I should go," Hailey said with an embarrassed smile. Her long sleek brown hair still looked perfect although slightly messier and I tried not to notice how her lipstick was slightly rubbed off. She brushed past me as she almost ran towards the stairs before disappearing down them.

I tried to not look at Will as I awkwardly made my way into the apartment.

"Maisie," he started but I cut him off.

"It's none of my business," I said, holding up a hand for him to stop talking.

"Maisie, she-," he started again and I whirled to face him. I had made it to my bedroom door and he had followed behind me. He was still blushing and for once he wasn't smiling.

"Will it's ok. You don't have to explain anything to me. Its none of my business," I repeated strongly. I searched his eyes, but I could only see confusion and embarrassment.

"I..." he trailed off and ran a hand through his hair, "thanks Maisie. Could you please not tell Eleanor?" he asked.

I stared at him a minute, trying to figure him out. Did he not want me to tell Eleanor because he was ashamed?

"Of course," I promised. "Its none of my business," I repeated and wasn't sure whether I was saying it to remind him or myself.

"Thanks Maisie," he breathed a sigh of relief and managed a shaky smile at me.

I opened my bedroom door and turned to walk in before pausing with my hand on the door handle.

"No worries," I said. "And Will?" I asked and he looked at me questioningly, "you have lipstick on your mouth." And with that I closed the door on his bright red face.

You do not need more drama in your life, I reminded myself quietly as I started to get dressed for wherever Eleanor was taking me.

A/N: Not as long as I would like but oh well. Comment and vote if you like :) xx

Picture of Juan up the top.

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