Killing is My Life (Part 2)

By ILovePuyo

235 7 0

This is the second volume of Killing is My Middle Name. Since the file was deleted. More

Piling Guilt.
"Do you even know what you're doing?!"
What Saving the Universe Really Takes
The Anger He Holds
"Because.. You guys mean everything to me."

A Meeting Between Fiends

109 1 0
By ILovePuyo

     "What the fuck do you mean, 'Schezo got away'? I swear to god I'll kill you all." Runelord looks down on the other villains, who've gathered together to discuss two important matters.
"He knocked me out cold, and made a run for it." Squares says with a hint of salt in his voice. "It might of been the sight of the child with the armor gravely injured." Doppel suggests. "Either way, we'll captivate him again, he's still within the facility we know that at least." She looks up at Runelord who is still furious but not exactly with the people in the room.  "You people might of pissed the fucking hell out of me today, but if there's anything I need right now, I want the heads of those six assholes brought to me. They're destroying this plan."
  Rafisol looks at the ground and then looks up again, "Indeed, they are trouble, but there's one more issue. Where might have Ayashii gone?" She looks at the others and continues "We sent him to Primp town, and he never returned. Should we wait a little longer or send a reinforcement immediately?" She asks. "The smarter decision would be to wait, if we were to send one of us now, while none of the intruders or Schezo are in custody, someone could find out ways to escape if they end up seeing the reinforcement leaving." Squares answers and looks at Satan. "Where's Ecolo?"
"Dealing with the demon kid."
   Runelord looks at Doppel. "Are you capable of making and controlling marionettes with magic?" She looks back at him with a confused air. "Yes, I can. Why?" A shadow passes over Runelords pale face and he shoots an intense look at Doppel with his blood red eyes. "We're going to need precisely one thousand five hundred and eighty of them."  Rafisol looks at him with wide eyes, strange for her to show that much emotion. "What?! Master, that's clearly too many to finish in time!" She retaliates. "Then give Doppel personal space until she's finished, I won't assign her with any other task. She wants to destroy that Arle girl right? Then she'll have dedication towards the task. Don't forget this organization is so we can reach our goals, we have to work together if we want to see the end of this universe. We already managed to nullify Puyo battles so we'd be at an advantage in face to face battles, I'm not letting this go to waste, we all get gain out of it in the end." Runelord stops speaking and looks at the others. "Do you understand? I'll spare you all for today since you've done amazing work recently, but if I dare hear anything like this again, you can all expect to be on your knees while you shed blood one by one." He hisses and narrows his eyes at them. They look down and keep their heads down. "Understood." They mutter in unison.
  The four of them begin walking out of the room without making eye contact. Doppel goes off to begin her task and Satan and Rafisol go to captivate the intruders. As Squares is about to step out the door. He hears the voice behind him say:
"Squares can you stay back a little?"
He turns back to the room and shuts the door. "Yes?"
"You fought that dragon girl right? Do you happen to have any traces of her DNA?"
"A part of her left wing, yes. But why?"
"I'll need a little more than that. So bring me a large portion of her blood and bring it to me. Her veins contain dragons blood, so it would amp up physical ability."
"I understand. I suppose I can kill her and bring her head to you after taking her blood?"
Runelord smiles grimly and puts a hand on Squares' shoulder.

"Of course, of course, bring me her head, not just her, but all of them except for my dear Schezo. I can't wait to watch them die...

Because they've infuriated me"

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