Love at First Sight || d.w

By hauntedsinner

25.8K 1.1K 430

And the warmth of her lips against mine, makes me feel like maybe I'll get over my fears. More

Happy Cakes Bakery and More
Mr. Freakishly Tall
I still love you
He'll Be Fine
Play The Notes Sing The Words
Morning Sunshine
I Left Her
After The Studio
Just Need to Believe
He's a Puzzle
Warmth of Your Lips
Doubt That I Am Loved
Beautiful Sleeper
Fears and Truths
In Love Alone
The Night of No Sleeping
In Love Together
Cigarette Smoke
Twelve to Three
Love Destroys People
We'll Try Again
Perfectly Imperfect
Just Like Old Times
The City Lights
|| SEQUEL ||

Dallon, Oh Dallon

1.2K 50 10
By hauntedsinner

Merideth's POV

"So, you're going to a party, without us having to drag you there?" Jenna questions as she applies a last coat of her MAC lipstick in the shade of Diva.

"You don't just get invited to a party everyone wants to be at and not go, it's like the golden rule," I say fixing the bow on my black heals.

"Well obviously, it's just, you're you. I don't know you just don't go to parties like ever, not even that one time in high school when that guy you had the biggest crush on was gonna be there."

"Well, that was different. Can we just go? If all goes well I'll tell you the real reason I'm going."

"Is that how you bribe me now? I like it!"

I roll my eyes and leave the room, I had her try to copy my makeup and hair from the other night and it only kind of worked. This was all my choice, besides the heals, she had to force me into those because apparently 'it's not a party if you're not in heals'. Whatever that means. But does it even really matter what you look like at a party? Nobody will remember in the morning. Almost like weddings, I mean look nice yes of course, but no one is paying attention to you. They're all paying attention to the bride in the beautiful white gown.

"Man have the tables turned," Meadow says when I enter the kitchen, interrupting me from my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"Well one, you're going to a party. And two, you're rushing us."

"Yes okay, I want to go to a party whatever can we just go? Or I can meet you there pick."

"We'll meet you there I need to finish my makeup anyway," Meadow shrugs like it's not big deal, and it isn't, or it at least shouldn't be.


"Oh my god! You actually came!" Sarah exclaims as I walk in the door.

"And I'm early I guess?" I smile a little.

"No, everyone else is just simply late," she states directing me towards the rest of the 'not early' people, "Hey guys, this is Merideth. We went to high school together. Mer, this is Brendon, Spencer, and Dallon."


Dallon, oh Dallon.

His eyes shoot directly towards me and a smile appears within seconds.

I direct my focus to saying hello, but it quickly goes back to Mr. Freakishly Tall and how I was hoping he was here.

Everyone goes back to their conversations and drinking and I hear Dallon speak up, "A party huh?"

I smile a little, "A party yes." He shakes his head with a small smile before Sarah directs me to the drinks.

"Have you met Dallon before?"

"He was in my bakery the other night, we talked for a while. He's pretty cool I guess."

"The way you were looking at him made it seem like you think he's a lot more 'pretty cool'," she says with a smirk, "You didn't even pay attention to the other guys! You barely said hi."

"Ha ha ha. It's whatever I don't know what I think he is," I say giving a glance in his direction.

"You're full of shit, go talk to him," she says shoving a beer in my hand and pushing me towards Dallon.

"Back so soon?" He laughs.

"Well, like me, you hate alcohol and parties. I think we'll bond rather well."

"Oh yes, I hate alcohol, but do you?" He motions to my hand.

"Sarah handed it to me. I'll probably drink it, but just this one."

"Speaking of Sarah. High school?"

"Um, yeah. We were never really the best of friends considering I distanced myself from pretty much everyone. We talked maybe five times a month, but never really learned anything about each other. Although she knew plenty about me."

"She knew plenty about you, and you distanced yourself from every one. Why?"

"That's a story for a different day."

And with that he's pulled off to the side by Brendon with a slight wave. The room starts to fill up and I make my way to the front yard to greet Jenna and Meadow when they get here. If they ever get here.

"Buttercup! You actually are here wow okay, so are they in there?" Meadow exclaims looking at the door.

"I'm sorry?"

"Brendon, Dallon, and Spencer. Are they in there?" She asks again.

"Oh, yeah somewhere in there."

"This is gonna be the best party I've ever been to!" She walks in the door leaving Jenna and I behind.

"So, the reason your here?"


Well this definitely isn't the best chapter, more of a filler than anything I guess. I've realized it's easier writing in Dallon's point of view so I'll probably write most of the chapters from his perspective which might be cool?

My friend and I are writing a story and we've decided to post it on wattpad. It will be on Panic4mylife13 before on here, but it will be on here most likely tomorrow. At first it will be updated quite often because we have some of it written, we just have to transfer it from the notebook onto here. After that it'll probably every two weeks at the most (hopefully).

As for this story, I've started writing it on wattpad instead of in a notebook so it's going by faster and I can write it wherever I am so I'll definitely have at least one update per day.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter,

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