The World Below [DNF]

By _imgonenow_

29.4K 1.2K 638

"- But mark my words, it's always the ones closest to you who'll be your greatest downfall." George have no c... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Chapter 2: No way home
Chapter 3: The City of Angels
Chapter 4: New place, new possibilities
Chapter 5: The new kid
Chapter 6: Full of surprises
Chapter 7: Aichmophobia
Chapter 8: Mysterious boy
Chapter 9: A trip down memory lane
Chapter 10: A glimpse into the future
Chapter 11: The line between good and evil
Chapter 12: Trust nobody
Chapter 13: The park
Chapter 15: When time stops
Chapter 16: The dark side of life
Chapter 17: We're in this together
Chapter 18: When you finally break
Chapter 19: Everyone's a killer if you push them far enough
Chapter 20: Empathy is overrated
Chapter 21: Love has no limits
Chapter 22: Time to meet the parents
Chapter 23: To kill or get killed
Chapter 24: Time to let go
Chapter 25: Back to the beginning
Chapter 26: One step forward, two steps back
Chapter 27: New year, new me
Chapter 28: The man behind the mask
Chapter 29: The people you left behind
Chapter 30: Time to fight
Chapter 31: Touch-starved
Chapter 32: The crew boys
Chapter 33: The beginning of the end
Chapter 34: The real you
Chapter 35: Now or never
Chapter 36: The fight
Chapter 37: Family-reunion
Chapter 38: The last moment
Chapter 39: Until the very end

Chapter 14: Science class

757 34 13
By _imgonenow_

Clay POV

He'd made his way home shortly after the brunette had left. It had been oddly comforting sitting there with this practical stranger. The other boy's reserved manners didn't go unnoticed, but Clay was aware the everyone was different when it came to letting others in. Their time together had been pleasant either way.

He wondered if he'd broken George's boundaries by putting an arm around his shoulders. Clay himself had always been rather affectionate. Hugging his friends was a common occurrence, he wasn't the best with words, so physical reassurance was his go-to if he sensed distress from one of his friends.

But George, he'd practically met the boy just a couple hours ago. Still, he felt like they shared some typ of mutual understanding about one another.

Although, he tried to convince himself that the act was based purely out of friendly reassurance, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more underneath surface. He'd noticed how the brunette had stiffened at first and internal panic had struck him in that moment.

However, it was like winning a medal when the brunette gave into the hug. The time afterwards was so peaceful, for a moment it felt as if time had stopped. Though, everything good must come to an end eventually.

Clay just hoped that a similar situation would happen again.


Clay had a driver's license and owned a car, nothing fancy, but a car nonetheless. Yet, he preferred to walk, it wasn't that long of a walk and fuel costed a fortune.

He arrived at school and checked his schedule. Fucking science. Even though parts of it could be interesting, he saw no use in learning that subject. He'd sensed that his future laid outside the academical world. The thought of having to sit behind a desk for the rest of his life was terrifying.

When he arrived at the classroom he found an empty seat next to Nick, who was having a heated argument with Karl. He felt his mood lighten up when he saw who was sat net to Karl. Nick was the one to first acknowledges his present.

"Clay!! Thank god. What's better; Pokemón or Yugiyo?" The other two also turned their heads in his direction. Karl and Nick both seemed to expect Clay to solve their very important topic. The third boy just glanced between the other three with an amused expression on his face. He sat down besides Nick and sighed slightly before he reluctantly turned around to join the conversation, which contained their favorite topic that never got solved.

"I refuse to pick a side, you guys will never be satisfied anyways." The statement earned him displeased looks from Karl and Nick, but a slight chuckle from the George.

The conversation quickly silenced when the teacher walked in. The teacher in question was fairly new but already notorious for her harsh ways. He heard faint cursing from behind his back and figured that she must've already made a not so good impression on the brit.

The lesson was nothing out of the ordinary. The current topic revolved around some physic-stuff and Einstein, which made Clay zone out completely.

Although she must've picked up on his lacking interest, because everyone's head were suddenly turned towards him. She was known for taking enjoyment in humiliating students and her ability to seek out those who didn't pay attention never failed.

"Sorry, Ms. What was the question?" She glared at him for a second before repeating the question, but not without pointing out his lacking attention.

"Life would be so much better if you just paid attention the first time, Mr. Johnsson" Clay felt how his cheeks heated up from embarrassment at the critique.

"But regarding the question; Could you mention how many laws Einstein proclaimed regarding relativity?" Clay was completely clueless, he sank lower in his chair, and wanted nothing more than to be escape through the floor. His arms hung lifeless along his sides, he'd accepted defeat and waited for his punishment.

Out of nowhere he felt two pokes at his palm. Comfusion was his first reaction, but then it clicked.

"Two, Ms." And the expression was his answer. Frowning slightly but kept her eyes locked on him as she spoke again.

"Then could you mention the name of the theories?" The question made Clay feel like he'd just taken one step forward and two steps backwards. But once again he felt something in his hand, though this time it appeared to be a piece of paper.

Thankfully, they sat as far back as possible, because othervise they would've gotten caught. Three things were written on the paper: Special relativity with the formula E = mc^2 on the side, and general relativity.

"Special relativity and general relativity, Ms." Just because he was handed the information, he decided to advance the statement. "– And the famous formula E=mc^2 is mostly known to be connected to the theory about special relativity."

Ms. Baker was fuming and Clay felt like she'd gladly have put him six feet under in that moment. Yet, he couldn't help but smirk slightly at her defeat.

She then returned to her presentation without even confirming or deny his answer. He noticed how Nick looked at him with a questioning expressing. Clay just shrugged and smile sheepishly.

The rest of the lesson went by without any more inconveniences, although it still continued being as boring as expected.

When the bell rang they all quickly escaped the classroom and made their way to the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table. Nick was the first to speak.

"What the fuck, Clay? I could have sworn that you practicly slept and then you just happen to be an expert on Einstein?" Clay laughed in response and placed the little piece of paper on the table. Both Karl and Nick raised an eyebrow. It was Karl who spoke this time.

"How do you just happen to have the answers?" Clay glanced at George in reponse. George, however, gave them his best try at an innocent and unknowing expression. But the other boys got the memo.

"So, Mr. Tea-drinker got more unknown talents up his sleeve." George rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry that your school system sucks." Nick threw his hands in the air.

"You told us that you barely even attended school in England." George huffed.

"Even more proof that your school system sucks!"

The bickering between Nick and George continued for a while and it suddenly struck Clay on how fast the brunette had been integrated in their group. He could sense that there was no ill intention in their little argument and Clay couldn't help but smile.

He glanced over towards George from time to time, careful not to get caught. The little paper with the answers was still placed in front of him and even though it had just been a small gesture of kindness, Clay felt that the brit had started to occupy a space in his heart.

Two days, and he has me already wrapped around his finger.

He shook his head at the realization.

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