Is it Fate?


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Lisa and Jennie are happy. They're engaged and about to have a baby. Just as they're about to get their happy... Еще

Special Epilogue (Mrs. Kim)
Special Epilogue (SooElla)
Special Epilogue (The Twins)
Special Epilogue: (SooElla+JealousLili)


7.1K 242 12

The seating arrangements ended up much like the night before. Neither of them even protested this time, knowing it was useless.

This time Ella picked a movie so of course it was Disney. Ella had wanted to watch the Little Mermaid. Jennie and Jisoo grumbled for half a second but then were promptly entertained as all three younger girls would launch out of their seats to sing along with the movie.

Lisa took to singing a lot of Sebastian's parts and Rosie and Ella harmonized Ariel's. Ella had become a very good singer over the years with Rosie's help. Lisa danced around them as she sang playing a goofy, grumpy Sebastian. No one really watched the movie. The older girls looked on adoringly at the younger one's antics.

Lisa and Ella begged everyone to let them watch Tangled again but they were outvoted so Ella suggested Frozen. Rosie sided with them this time so the older girls had no choice but to relent and grumble at having to watch that movie yet again.

Rosie sang Elsa's parts skipping around the room and twirling in the air dramatically as Ella played Anna. Lisa would goofily jump in as Olaf and the older girls thought to themselves that maybe Frozen wasn't so bad after all even though they've watched it a million times and they both swore they would shoot themselves if they had to hear "let it go" one more time. It helped that Rosie had an angelic voice and Ella was a great singer too and Lisa would dance flawlessly so they were more entertained by them than the movie.

Eventually Ella got tired and Lisa carried a nearly sleeping Ella upstairs. Ella curled her arms around Lisa's neck tightly, half asleep. Jennie helped Lisa tuck her in. She pulled the covers down so Lisa could lay Ella down gently before pulling them back over Ella. Lisa brushed the hair off of Ella's face before giving her a forehead kiss.

She stood up straight, looking at Jennie, "You made a perfect kid, Jennie."

"We made a perfect kid."

Jennie knew Lisa wouldn't believe it. That she would think she had no part in raising Ella but Jennie knew Lisa had as much of an impact on Ella as Jennie had. Jennie had made sure of that by telling her all about her mama. When she was lost and didn't know what choice to make concerning Ella, she would imagine talking to Lisa, trying to figure out what Lisa would say and go by that. Lisa raised Ella just as much as Jennie had.


They went downstairs and kept watching movies. Jisoo and Chaeyoung continued to spoon on the big sofa. No one took the love seat. Just like the other night, Jennie and Lisa fell asleep, slowly maneuvering themselves in their sleep into each other's arms.

Lisa woke first in the morning this time. She felt such overwhelming peace waking up to Jennie. She knew it was temporary. Jennie would go back to her husband soon but Lisa was tired of fighting her feelings. She was never one to hide them anyway.

She couldn't help it. Jennie looked so cute in her sleep. She raked her eyes over Jennie's face, lifting her body up so she could lean her face on her hand, elbow supporting her upper body up. As soon as she had shifted she felt Jennie's right arm clutch her shirt tighter pulling her back a little. Jennie let out a small whimper. Lisa smiled.

Lisa used her free hand, trying not to shift too much. She was so overwhelmed with feelings for Jennie that she couldn't help it. She wasn't shy. She lightly touched the mole under Jennie's eyebrow. She felt Jennie shift closer to her at the touch. Lisa traced Jennie's dumpling cheeks and Lisa felt Jennie lean even further into her touch.

Lisa knew she should stop. Jennie was a light sleeper. She was surprised Jennie hadn't woken up yet. She gave in to one last act of rebellion before getting up. She kissed Jennie's forehead and as she pulled away she whispered "I love you too, Nini."

She felt the hand clutching her shirt relax and Lisa disentangled herself from Jennie's clutches and got up from the couch.


I love you too, Nini

Jennie was reeling. There was no way that had been a coincidence. Lisa must have heard her the other night. Lisa must have known they cuddled all night. Lisa knew she had lied. Lisa knew she had admitted to having slept so good, knowing Jennie knew they had cuddled. Lisa had said that was the best sleep she had ever had since waking up. Lisa had said that even though she knew Jennie had slept right next to her.

Jennie had butterflies in her stomach. She always had butterflies when Lisa was around but they seemed to have sprouted babies because there were a lot more butterflies now than before.

I love you too, Nini

Lisa loved her. Lisa still loved her. Despite everything she had done to break her heart, despite not deserving it, Lisa still loved her. She wanted to drag Lisa back to the couch and kiss her senseless and tell her she has never stopped loving her. That she doesn't deserve her but she wants Lisa anyway. She felt weightless.

Jennie eventually got up once she heard the others coming down the stairs. She needed a bit of a buffer if she was expected not to launch herself into Lisa's arms as soon as she saw her.

"Good morning, mommy!" Ella was on Lisa's lap. They were perched on the counter. It gave Jennie nostalgia every time she saw Lisa on a counter, it made her think of the days when Lisa would jump up there just to watch Jennie cook.

"Good morning angel," she kissed her daughter's cheek, trying to focus because she could smell Lisa from there. She smiled at Lisa before turning around.

"Long night?" Jisoo smirked. "You're usually the first one up."

Jennie ignored the comment. "What's for breakfast hu—Rosie." She had almost slipped again. "Let me help."

They ate breakfast together and talked about their plans for the day. Ella had happily told everyone about the bet she had made with her mama and how Lisa had to take them to dinner that night.

Chaeyoung tried not to smile whereas Jisoo made no attempt to hide her teasing smile. Before Jisoo could tease them anymore Chaeyoung decided to spare them the embarrassment. While her friends needed a little push on occasion, she knew that too much teasing would just make them withdraw from each other.

"My wife here is taking me on a date night tonight."

"I am? I mean yes of course I am." Jisoo finished nervously, she panicked for a second wondering if she had forgotten about it until she met her wife's eyes and realized Rosie had just come up with that on the fly. Jisoo felt relieved. She would still take Rosie out, now that she mentioned it, but she was glad she hadn't forgotten some plan for a date night. She couldn't bear to disappoint her chipmunk.

Lisa had excused herself and told them she needed to get home and shower and grab some more clothes for tonight. She had borrowed some of Rosie's sweats the day before but couldn't very well wear another pair of sweats for dinner. She said her goodbyes and promised to pick them up later in the evening. As she left the house Lisa wondered why she had even said that considering she didn't even have her own car yet.


Ella had opted to wear one of the dresses Lisa had bought her pairing it with a beanie that had a little puff ball at the end and a cute dress length jacket and some tights underneath that her mommy had bought her. Her Chanel necklace was on full display. She somehow made it work. Her mommy wasn't faring so well.

Jennie hadn't packed for this. It's not a date Jennie get a hold of yourself. She hadn't packed for going out she told herself. It's not Lisa, it's that she didn't want to be out in public at a nice restaurant looking like a bum. She couldn't even go home to go through her closet for fear of finding Kai there.

Ella took pity on her mommy and ran to find her auntie Rosie.

"Mommy's having a crisis."

"Over what?"

"She doesn't know what to wear tonight."

Jisoo snorted from the couch. "And she still has the audacity of saying it's not a date." She mumbled under her breath, she didn't want Ella picking up the wrong idea about how real marriages are supposed to work.

Rosie grabbed her hand and took Ella to her and her wife's closet.

"What do you think about this?" She asked Ella.

"Too dressy."

"This one?"

"Too bright, mommy likes black."

"What about this?"

"I like the black skirt."

"Okay how about this with the skirt?"

"Oh thats perfect! Mommy likes black and mama said mommy looks good in red and that's got both!" Ella clapped her hands.


"Wear this mommy," Ella said as she unceremoniously dropped the outfit on the bed. Jennie looked up with her mouth open as her daughter left the room.

Did she really just? She didn't even have time to be embarrassed about being caught by her own daughter about being flustered over what she was going to wear. She looked at the outfit. She had to admit it was perfect. Cute, without trying too hard, and although the knit blouse had a really, really low plunging neckline, she could wear tights underneath the pencil skirt to keep her warm enough for the Seoul weather.


Lisa had been freaking out since she had gotten out of the shower. She didn't know what to wear. She should have bought more clothes. She should have listened to Jennie when she told her to buy things for herself when she took Ella to the mall.

She had found some high waisted jeans that hugged her waist but were baggy in the middle and cuffed at the bottom that she really liked, but she didn't know what else to wear.

After looking through her closet at her old clothes for an hour she miraculously found an old vintage jacket in the very back that she had bought and never got to wear. It was puffy and warm and looked good on Lisa if she did say so herself. Jennie hadn't even seen her try it on , she had bought it planning to take Jennie on a date night.

Pregnant Jennie was often grumpy and Lisa had found that Jennie's mood always lifted when Lisa would surprise her with random dates. She was supposed to take Jennie on the date that weekend, the weekend after the accident, before their life got turned upside down.

She decided to pair the jacket with a crop top. The jacket was warm enough that she could get away with it. Subconsciously she hoped Jennie still went crazy over her abs. She was glad she hadn't lost them after everything. She looked at herself in the mirror, deciding that it looked casual enough. She really hoped it didn't look like she was trying too hard.


She took a taxi to their friends house. She wasn't sure why she was so nervous. She was just treating them to dinner. Right as she finally found the courage to ring the doorbell the door opened revealing a cackling Jisoo.

"I decided to take pity on you limario. If you stayed out there any longer you probably would have caught a cold." Jisoo laughed.

"Shut up," Lisa replied.

"Mamaaa!" A tiny little human came running down the stairs and launched herself into Lisa's arms. Lisa twirled her around before setting her down and crouching to her eye level.

"You look so pretty babygirl." Lisa cooed as Ella rotated her body in a slight twist from side to side. "I love your outfit."

"Thanks mama, you look really pretty too." She leaned in to whisper into Lisa's ear so only she could hear, "I think you'll really like mommy's outfit."

Lisa widened her eyes at her comment.

Jennie had watched the interaction from the top of the stairs. She would never get over watching Lisa with their daughter. They had clicked instantly and it always made her heart beat faster at how gentle and loving Lisa was with Ella. She took a deep breath before walking down the stairs.

Lisa looked up and it was as if time had stopped. As cliche as it was, she couldn't help but feel that way. She stood up straight and took Jennie in.

She looked so good. Jennie looked so good in red it was ridiculous. Lisa tried really hard not to let her eyes drift down to Jennie's neck line because if she did she knew she would be caught staring. She did it anyway and couldn't tear her eyes away from the spaces in between Jennie's cleavage.

As soon as Lisa had stood up Jennie lost sense of her surroundings. Lisa's abs were on full display. They had always been Jennie's weakness. She was staring. She knew she was staring but she couldn't help it. She wanted to rake her nails over them.

Jisoo decided to clear her throat to spare Ella from her mothers' obvious sexual tension. Seriously, they had stood there for a full ten seconds staring at each other's bodies,  oblivious to each other's staring because they had been so preoccupied taking each other in.

It snapped both of them out of it.

Thankfully Rosie decided to come downstairs right at that moment, sparing them the awkwardness of having to say anything.

"Oh my gosh you guys look so beautiful!"

Jisoo was drooling a little bit because in her opinion if anyone was beautiful it was her wife. Especially in that outfit.

Jennie used her hand to push Jisoo's jaw up, "Close your mouth Jisoo," she teased.

Jisoo didn't even care that she was being teased and walked over to her wife to kiss her hard before pulling apart and saying "maybe we should just stay home?" Jisoo said suggestively.

"Okay, okay! Let's go guys, before I lose my appetite." Lisa joked after hearing the very obvious lust in Jisoo's voice, ushering Jennie and Ella out.

Jennie handed her keys to Lisa. "You drive," she said softly as she helped Ella get into the back.

Lisa drove with her left hand on the steering wheel and her right hand draped over the back of Jennie's seat and Jennie found it so hot. She spent the entire ride trying not to glance sideways to look at Lisa's exposed stomach. Unsuccessfully. If she was talented enough to be an artist she could reproduce it from memory and sketch it perfectly.

Lisa fought a small smile because she knew Jennie was looking at her. She'd be lying if she said she didn't lay the seat back a little bit so she could flex her stomach and expose it a little more.


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