my Missing Piece

By it_is_always_sparkle

51.2K 1.1K 410

I'd say it's your typical 'adopted by'... Story. With a twist. A book where the actors and avengers Co-exist... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 12 Car Discussion
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 8

1.4K 32 17
By it_is_always_sparkle

Lizzies’ pov
I was getting my hair and make-up done for the reshooting of some scenes. I was waiting on Scarlett to show up. She is taking forever. I’ve called her at least a thousand times. When suddenly my phone rang it was Scarlett.
“Scar, where the hell are you, it’s been an hour”“Promise me you won’t panic” that sentence was built to make someone panic
“What do you mean ‘don’t panic’?” I was clearly panicking, but calmed myself “Promise?” she asked as if she can’t hear me already panicking. Nonetheless I agreed. “Okay, I promise, what the hell is going on? Are you hurt?”“I’m at the hospital, something happened to Leah”I ended the call; I grabbed my keys and ran. My baby girl was in trouble. I pulled up to the nearest hospital from our house, locked the car and ran to the front desk. “Leah Samuelson”
The lady typed something on her computer and then looked up at me.

“Level 4 room 67.”
I ran and half way to the stairs I yelled thank you. I didn’t take the elevator that would take forever so I decided on stairs when I got to the fourth floor, I saw Scarlett with puffy eyes, when she spotted me she just embraced me and whispered“She’s okay. It’s just a matter of her waking up.” We pulled away she explain further.“The doctor said her sugar levels were low which caused her to black out and she had a hard hit to the head when she fell. They currently have her on insulin and she is not allowed visitors yet. Only at 3pm which is in four hours. So the doctors suggest we go home, freshen up, get rest because she won’t be waking up any time soon. 2 days minimum.”I nodded. I told Scarlett she could go because she had to collect rose from school soon. She told me she’s sending rose to her dads today she that she can be here to support me. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better friend. I called up crystal and told her about what happened and also told her about visiting hours, she told me she’d show up that time. She’s going to head home and pack a few essential things.3 hours had passed now and I was hungry as I only had half of the chocolate muffin this morning. I headed to the shop down stairs and bought coffee and a brand muffin, my favourite of all time.When I left the shop Scarlett walked in with a small duffle bag. I walked up to her as she hasn’t spotted me yet.“Hey, I brought blankets and electronics is Sam here yet?”
She asked genuinely concerned as if the kid was hers. I loved the caring mom side of her. “No it’s just me, I requested a private room for her, and so they should be moving her soon. To level 7 room 82”Scarlett nodded as she took my coffee and sipped it before handing it back.“Okay so we head to level 7 room 82 and wait.” She took the lead to the elevator, lazy-arse. We headed up and when we got there they were pushing her into the room. She looked pale but so peaceful. I couldn’t hold it back anymore so I just sobbed. Scarlet took everything out of my hand and put it on
the table outside the room along with her duffle bag and she just held me until crystal and Sam showed up. It was very clear that crystal had been crying and that Sam is barely keeping her shit together and trying to stay strong for everyone. We headed inside and crystal looked at her best friend and then turned to hug the closes person, who happened to be me and she just sobbed into me and I held onto her for dear life because if I didn’t I too would be a huge mess. I needed to stay strong for the kids. Scarlett was sitting next to Leah holding her hand. I’m not really sure how they met and what exactly happened and where their relationship stands but I was glad that she was here. Sam was standing at the window obviously cry and also praying. The doctor walked in and explained a few things “Hey, I'm Doctor Anderson. I got some good news, based on the test we ran, Leah should be awake within two days max, also because she is not an American citizen we don’t have access to her files about her health, so all we can do is to wait for her to wake up” Scarlett said thank you and then he left.

(2 day time-skip)

So today is the day she supposed to wake up. I haven’t slept in forever but it’s okay. Crystal and Sam come and go as Sam has to reshoot Scarlett also come and go because of work. Ronan has thankfully agreed to keep rose for as long as we need. That guy really was the sweetest.Scarlett showed up in the door frame with two coffees.“I suggest you go home, take a shower. Freshen up and get back before she wake up, and if she wakes up when you not here I’ll call you. I promise I won’t leave her side.” She handed me the coffee I was going to make an excuse, I haven’t left her side since the incident.“No excuses, I know that face. Go. She’ll be here when you get back” I nodded and hugged Scarlett, thanking her before I headed out. I decided that I’d go home and freshen up, but also make my kiddo butternut stew.When I got home and took a quick shower. When I was done I started cooking.

Amelia/ Leah pov
I woke up in a very pale looking room; it had death written all over it. I looked to my left there was blond haired lady sitting in the chair. After a few seconds realisation hit me. I was in a hospital I tried sitting up and the noise alerted the blond. She turned around and oh my god. In front of me was Scarlett Johansson. Usually I would’ve of freaked out because she's one of my favourite actors of all time, but I didn’t .i was scared as hell and as weird as it sounds I wanted a Lizzie hug to make everything better. She saw me panic and spoke.“Hey butternut, it’s okay. I'm here I got you… I'm going to get a nurse okay” I shook my head.“I want lizzie, where’s Lizzie. I need my Lizzie” where was she or crystal or Sam. Why was Scarlett Johansson in my room?
I had a lot of questions spiralling in my head. A nurse looked at me and asked a lot of questions and in the corner of my eye I could see Scarlett leave with the phone to her ear.

Scarlett pov
I was playing candy crush on my phone to pass time and wait for Lizzies return, but then I heard a noise behind me; butternut was awake. SHE WAS AWAKE!
I headed towards her and saw nothing but worry, stress and panic in her eyes.“Hey butternut, it’s okay. I'm here I got you… I'm going to get a nurse okay” I tried to calm her but she shook her head and what she said next kinda surprised me but warmed my heart.“I want Lizzie, where’s Lizzie. I need my Lizzie” I nodded but our attention was turned to the door. I hoped it was Lizzie but it was just Caroline the nurse doing her usual check-up.
She smiled when she saw the kid awake and went to ask questions to make sure she was okay. I then slipped away to make a call.“Hey scar, I'm done I'm heading out now”Lizzie spoke first“Well hurry, butternut is awake and she won’t talk to anyone if you not here.”
The call line went dead. This bitch better stop ending our calls’ like that or I swear to God. I was about to head in but the nurse walked out and spoke to me
“She’s doing great. She knows where she is; who she is etc. she refuses to say anything else until she sees Elizabeth”I nodded and thanked her, then headed inside.“Hey butternut, I'm Scarlett”“Yea I know” she said nonchalantly I fake gasped.

“You know, most people have a greater reaction than that. Is that all I'm getting butternut” she looked panicky“Oh, no...I- I didn’t mean to- I'm sorry. I'm ecstatic, THE
Scarlett Johansson is in my room, but I'm trying to play it cool, I’m tired and also I live with Elizabeth Olsen, meeting you was bound to happen so I mentally prepared myself. I got a few questions though” I laughed this kid was adorable Iunderstand why Lizzie loves her.
“shoot.” She nodded, she pretended her hand was a gun and aimed for my chest and shot. This kid has the nerve.I held my hand to my chest“How could you do this to your only aunt? I will get my revenge” I slowly pretended to fall as if I was dying“Okay aunty Scarlett you can get up now. You should win an Oscar for that, pretty realistic I give you that. However I got questions. One, why am I butternut? Two, how long was I out? Three, how did get here, with who? Four, Is Lizzie still mad at me?” The last one broke me, she fully believed that Lizzie was mad at her, Lizzie could never.“Firstly, I love that label, Aunty Scarlett, you can’t it back, and it is set in stone. Two because 3 days ago Lizzie told me that she was stupid to not make you butternut stew when it was all you wanted so I simply started calling you butternut” she giggled at my response. “Three, you’ve been out for 3 days approximately. Four, you got here via car, my car to be exact. The day it happened Lizzie sent me to get her script but I really wanted to meet this kid she was worrying about and then I found you lying on the floor unconscious. Also I know you wanted to call Lizzie that day. I didn’t tell her that though, so you don’t have toworry. Five, Lizzie could never be mad at you for the past three months, she has been blaming herself and the day after you spoke she was determined to make things right so don’tworry ” she smiled satisfied with the answers.“So when is lizzie showing up? And where are crystal and Sam?”
“Unfortunately Sam had work and she didn’t want to leave crystal at home after your incident so crystal is with her. Andas for yourlll mom, I sent her home to freshen up she should be here any moment. In the meantime why don’t I tell you stories about her?” she nodded excitingly.

Lizzie pov
I just put the butternut stew in the Tupperware when I got the call from Scarlett that she is awake. So I grabbed everything and headed to the hospital that was 20 minutes away. It felt like forever and I was getting irritated with myself knowing that my kiddo is looking for me and I'm not remotely close. I should’ve stayed. No time for terrible thoughts now Elizabeth. Get your ass to the hospital.I got to the hospital and bolt to the elevator when I got to the 7th floor I could hear giggling coming from her room and then Scarlett’s voice.“… and then I kicked Jessica’s arse, this was in middle school.Your mom cried” I was now standing in the doorway and ready to defend myself
“I so did not cry” I said with a bit of sass.
Scarlett looked back and spoke“Look who decided to show up butternut”
“Thanks Aunty Scarlett. I was in a coma not blinded” She giggled which made Scarlett laugh, they were so cute. Also aunty Scarlett when did that happen. I put the food down and walked towards Leah I just hugged her, no words because right after I cried and all I could say was I'm sorry over and over again. She held me tight and spoke.“It’s okay Lizzie”
I just looked at her and she smiled. Scarlett got up and made her way to the packet with the containers. Leahspoke again.
“I'm sorry”
“For what baby?” I asked curiously
“For believing you didn’t like me, for acting like a child, for avoiding you for 3 months straight, for yelling at you, for being sarcastic, for worrying you this really sorry”I started tearing up again; this child believes it’s her fault
“No baby, it’s my fault. I'm sorry. I should’ve been there, made sure you were okay and it’s okay to act like a child because you are one nobody expects you to be anything else okay? Don’t change, that includes your sarcasm.” She too, was now crying and she pulled me in a tighter hug.“I needed this; I needed your hug with the comforting scent of vanilla” I didn’t say anything I just smiled.Scarlett brought back jokes and lightened the mood.
“Butternut! You will not believe what’s in these containers!”Leah giggled at the excitement“I probably will. What is it?” she asked curious to know.Scarlett couldn’t stop smiling this was really a massive joke to her since the beginning. She loved this and I let her have this moment because it’s been a rough couple of days.
After a few seconds of suspense she spoke again, more like yell“BUTTERNUT STEW!” she laughed and so did Leah which caused me to laugh too.“I'm never going to live that down, am I?”“She literally calls you butternut, there’s no hope for you.”
Scarlett had the food heated as I texted Sam the good news.We ate. Sam and crystal showed up and left after 2 hours. The doctor showed up and told us she was okay to leave
tomorrow so that was great news. Scarlett stayed because she loved her ‘Aunty Scarlett’ moment with my kid! Whydidn’t I get a title? I didn’t think too much about it. We got into her bed one of us on each side as we cuddled close. She was the first to sleep, knowing that she was finally okay, our relationship was finally okay and that she was safe in my arms I let sleep consume me too.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Word count 2460.
Hey sparklers!
So this was quite lengthy but I didn’t exactly know how to split into 2 parts I also didn’t want to. What do you guys think about Aunty Scarlett?! Does this chapter count as fluff? Wasthis hospital scenes a bit too soon?while we here talking about it, I have no idea how hospitals work, so sorry if it's inaccurate. Also we have a few chapters before the adoption and also the marvel stuff so bear with me again please.
Take a break from the screen Amelia isn’t going anywhere.(Or is she?)
Sparkle out!

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