"Girl." / style

By d1lf3nj0y3r

4.3K 120 212

crossposted to "death2loscamp" on ao3 !! More

1 / "Kylie"
2 / Stark's Pond
4 / Crushes
5 / Revelations
6 / Boy-Ish
7 / Eggshell
8 / Out
9 / Kyle
10 / Fin.

3 / Thinking Too Much

410 15 26
By d1lf3nj0y3r

Math class.

I'm normally pretty good in math, it's actually one of my best subjects. But I couldn't focus much at all today. It didn't help much that Stan decided to skip, either.

I think I have a crush on Stan. Yeah, that's it. I think that's the reason I was getting so pissed off at Cartman last night. I mean, he's an asshole and I'd normally get pissed off, but this time was worse because he was picking on Stan more than me. The whole "chick" and "girl" things were just a side effect, I think.

My eyes kept darting over to Stan's empty seat. I wonder where he went off to, probably the bathroom to hide out from principle Victoria. That's where everyone else who's skipping seems to hide. I haven't seen Stan all day, and math is the only class I have with him aside from lunch. And I know I won't get a chance to actually talk to him during lunch because the guys at our table barely let me get a word out as it is, let alone being able to hold an actual conversation with them being there.

30 minutes left in the period. We've been doing silent work because Mr Garrison wanted more time to grade our quizzes from yesterday. I already finished and I've quite literally been sitting alone with my thoughts all period.

"Mr Garrison?" I say, walking over to his desk with my paper.

"Yes, Kylie, what is it?" He says, looking up from his desktop.

"Um- can I go down to the library for the rest of the period? I already finished my work," I put the paper on his desk.

"Okay, but make sure you're back before the bell rings. And leave your things here so the teachers don't think you're skipping." He takes my paper and waves me off.

So; leaving the classroom, shutting the door behind me, and going to the library. Except I'm not going to the library 'cause that's fucking boring. I'm on going to find Stan. Like I said, he's probably hiding in the bathroom. Although I'm not sure which one.

When he would skip with Wendy and Bebe he would be in the girl's bathroom, but those two were in class today. He could still be in there, but I don't think he would. So now I'm just standing in front of the bathrooms, looking like an idiot. I should check the girl's room first in case any teachers are walking by, and then I'll sneak into the boy's. Opening the door I can already tell that they're not in there, 'cause I know Stan's not smart enough to hide in a stall. Plus, he's normally loud as hell. So, boy's bathroom it is.

Looking around first then opening the door to the boy's bathroom, there he fucking is. He hears me coming and flinches a bit at the sound.

"Ky?" He says, turning his head, "Jesus Christ, I thought you were a teacher. You scared the shit out of me," He says, laughing.

"Nah, dude, the teachers are way louder. You can hear 'em coming from, like, a mile away," Clyde adds, poking his head out of the stall that he's standing in. To be completely honest, I didn't even know he was there.

They have the window cracked open, and there's an ashtray on the windowsill. Of course they're smoking in here, why else would they go to the bathroom with the fire escape window.

"What're you doing in here, Ky? This is the guy's bathroom," Stan says, smoke exiting his mouth.

"I was looking for you, dumbass. I need to talk to you."

Clyde puts out his cigarette and empties the ashtray in the toilet. "I think I'll go, don't wanna intrude on anything," he says and picks up his backpack, leaving the room. He has a study hall this period so I don't think anyone's realized he was gone.

"Sooooo," Stan says, leaning against the windowsill, "what'd you wanna talk about?"

"I wanted to apologize-" looking up at Stan, he has a confused look on his face, "-for kinda running away yesterday? Like, Eric showed up and I got pissed off because he was being a dickhead and-"

"You don't have to apologize for that, Ky," Stan put out his cigarette and walked over to the sinks where I'm standing, "That was Cartman's fault, not yours. He picks on you all the time, I'd run away, too."

"I guess," I turned around to the mirror. Jesus, my hair is a mess. I take out my ponytail to fix it. "Do you know what time it is?" I ask, putting my hair back up.

Stan looks down at his watch. "11:48. When do you have to be back to class?"

"Garrison said before the bell rings, so we have a bit of time." I turn back around to face Stan, "Do you want to go to the locker rooms? I wanna sit down and the floors in here are disgusting and sticky."

"Sure," Stan walked over to grab his backpack and put it on. He walks back over to the sinks and holds the door open for me (because god knows I'm not touching that dirty ass door handle).

The locker rooms are closer to mr Garrison's room than the bathrooms, so I'll be able to make it back faster in time for the bell. We go into the boy's locker room, since none of the boys change anyways, and sit down on the benches towards the back. Stan lights another cigarette, and I lean on his lap because the benches are uncomfortable.

"Hey, dude, I have a question,"

"What's up, Ky?"

"Why do you smoke? Like I get that your dad sucks or whatever, but still."

"I dunno," He pauses for a second. "Shit's just stressful, y'know?"

"I guess." I sit up, leaning on his shoulder now. Shit is stressful. I mean, I'm skipping class and leaning my head on the boy that I think I like, and I still have to figure out if that part's true or not. And I have to deal with Eric Cartman, the biggest asshole on the planet. Maybe I just think too much. Shit would be so much less stressful if I could just stop thinking-

"Hey, Ky?"


"Promise me that, no matter what shit happens in our shitty friend group, we'll still be friends."

"Of course, dude. I promise. You're much better than the other assholes." I sat up all the way and held out my hand, extending my pinkie. "Pinkie promise."

"Pinkie promise? Really? What're we, twelve?"

"You're the one who decided to get sappy. Just do it, dude."

Stan held out his pinkie and interlocked it with mine. He then pulled away and covered his mouth.

"I'm sorry-" he said, "I feel nauseous, I think I'm gonna go to the nurse." He stood up and started walking out of the room.

"Oh, okay. Feel better!"

He left the room, and now I'm stuck by myself in the boy's locker room. Stupid, I shouldn't have done that stupid pinkie promise thing, I think.

The bell rings.


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