Darkness from Within #6: A Te...

By Cookieglitz

1.5K 80 31

"Think what you want now, but when the Overlord has all four elemental weapons and Ninjago is in peril, remem... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Sneak Peek

Chapter 14

56 3 0
By Cookieglitz

Everything was a blur to Cole as he lay on the ground, stunned. His vision was foggy, his ears clogged. Every now and then he would pick up a few voices.

"Time to... carry out... plan..." He knew that was Lloyd's voice, and it terrified him. Time for what? he wondered anxiously. What plan?

After a while, he picked up another sound.

"I'm with you."

Was that Kai? Cole's breath quickened and his fear rose. Is Kai talking to Lloyd? Why would he be doing that?

The fog before his eyes deepened and he drew in a shaky breath. Almost immediately, he coughed it out again, although he barely heard himself.

Then he thought he saw a shadow cover over him. He tried to move but he couldn't, not even his eyes. It was then he thought he felt something on his shoulder.

"Cole..." He heard.

More muffled sounds hit his ears, but he couldn't understand them. He began to tremble more violently, wondering who it was beside him when the voice came again.

"Cole... okay..."

Cole's breath caught in his throat as he felt hands wrap around him. Again, he wanted to move, but he couldn't find the strength. He lay there limply as the floor suddenly disappeared from underneath him. Confusion sizzled inside of him and his gaze rolled around, although he could see nothing but a blur. Where am I? he wondered. Did I fall asleep?

Then he felt something soft against his head, then the rest of his body. He sank down onto it, feeling something else cover over him. My bed? he guessed.

He blinked lazily and his head plopped sideways, where he could just make out the outline of someone sitting beside him. He squinted to try to get a better look, then plopped his head back with a soft groan. He let out another cough, this time hearing it a bit better.

As he lay there, he suddenly felt a warm touch to his chin. "Tea..." the voice came again. "...good for you..."

Then he felt something colder against his lips, then a trickle of warmth go down his throat. Using all his strength, he managed to swallow, gratefully taking in the liquid's comfort. After a while his head, which he didn't even realize had been lifted until now, fell back onto the pillow with an exhausted breath.

He closed his eyes and lay still, waiting for the warmth to spread through him. Gradually, he felt his ears start to unclog and his feeling begin to come back.

"Cole?" He made out the voice more steadily now.

Flittering open his eyes, Cole peered upward and finally made out who it was that was helping him. "N... N-Nya," he croaked.

Nya laid a hand on him as he tried to move. "Shh... it's okay," she soothed. "Don't get up. You have to rest."

Cole's head throbbed as he gazed around, his vision at last clearing. Then he looked down at himself and suddenly remembered the cold hands that had gripped his throat. "J... Jay," he rasped. "I-I d-don't understand."

Nya's gaze darkened and she looked away. "Jay really did do this to you, didn't he?" she whispered.

"B-b-but why?" Cole whimpered.

Nya took a deep breath and gazed at Cole again. "Cole, a lot of things have changed since you left," she murmured. "Jay is... Well, Jay... Jay's changed."

Cole's heart started to pound. "Wh-what are you t-talking about?"

"Jay's been talking to Lloyd a lot more often and I think he... he..." Nya paused to take a breath. "I think Lloyd's done something to him. Something that made him join forces with... with Lloyd."

Horror flashed in Cole's eyes. "Y-you mean... you mean..."

Nya gave a solemn nod, eyes glittering with grief. "Jay's gone Baddie."

Shock flew through Cole like a blow to his chest. It couldn't be happening. Lloyd already turned against him, and now Jay, too?

"There's something else," Nya went on, voice wavering. "I know you love Kai, and I know he loves you, but... but..."

"B-but what?" Cole didn't know if he wanted the answer to that question.

"But I don't think you should trust him," Nya blurted out.

Cole's eyes widened. "But he's... he's my friend," he stuttered.

"He's been hanging out with Lloyd way too much for my liking," Nya murmured. "And he..." She sighed when she saw the horror in Cole's eyes. "I'm sorry, Cole. I just wanted to warn you."

Cole went silent, turning his head away. Any emotion in his gaze faded until his face was left dull. Nya winced, wondering if she shouldn't have said anything.

Then he spoke.

"That can't be right," Cole protested. "Kai told me no one would hurt me if I came back. That includes himself."

Nya laid a hand on his arm. "I know how it feels, Cole," she sighed. "But I don't know if—"

"He's your brother," Cole interrupted, turning to stare at her. "How could you say something like that?"

Nya's breath quickened. She hadn't expected Cole to get so frustrated. "I'm just trying to protect you," she breathed.

Cole turned away again and didn't respond. Nya looked at the ground, guilt building inside of her. I shouldn't have said anything, she thought. Now I feel wrong, accusing my brother like that. Maybe Cole was right.

Her gaze snapped upward again as she heard Cole sniffle. "Cole?" she pressed. "Are you okay?"

Cole turned his head to hide his face, but not fast enough where Nya couldn't spot the tear run down his cheek. "I... I-I really thought things were gonna be okay when I came back," he choked out. "B-but it's only worse."

Nya felt a rush of pity for the black ninja and she sat beside him. "I know it's a lot. It's hard and—and confusing, but you can do this." She laid her hand on top of his. "And I'm going to be with you all the way. We'll get through this together."

Cole gazed at her again. "Will there ever be an end to it?" he asked desperately. "The rivalry between us?"

Nya's gaze softened as she stared into his eyes. "The only thing we can do is hope," she breathed.

* * *


Nya turned around as she stepped out of Cole's room to find Jay beside her. The blue ninja flicked his hair out of his face and slipped in between her and the door. "What's up?"

Nya took a step back, staring at him in horror. "How could you do this, Jay?" she blurted out.

Jay blinked in surprise. "Do what?"

"Hurt Cole like that!" Nya shouted. "You knew he was already terrified before you went in there and scared the life out of him!"

Jay's gaze traveled to the floor. "Nya?" he mumbled, shifting his feet. "There's something I need to tell you."

Nya crossed her arms. "And what's that?"

Jay looked up at her again, eyes pleading. "I-I didn't want to hurt Cole," he breathed. "I didn't mean to. Look." He glanced around to see if anyone was listening and lowered his voice. "I'm not really vouching for Lloyd—of course I'm not! I know what kind of person Lloyd is now, and I don't like it one bit." He paused to draw in a breath. "I'm only making Lloyd believe I'm on his side to figure out what he's planning and stop him."

Nya's eyes rounded and she shook her head. "I... I don't believe you," she stated.

"Oh, come on, Nya! You know me better than that!" Jay's voice was desperate. "This is all an act. An act I have to play for the rest of our safeties."

"But how?" Nya whispered. "How could the horrible way you've been acting be just a coverup?"

As Jay struggled for a reply, Zane came from down the hall. Nya spun around to face him.

"What do you have to say about this?" she shouted to him.

Zane raised his eyebrows. "I'm not interested in picking sides," he exclaimed. "I'm Switzerland!"

Nya gave a huff of frustration as the white ninja hurried away from them. Then she turned to Jay again. "And what does Cole have to do with this?" she went on.

"If I didn't do anything, Lloyd would know something's up," Jay told her. "I had to to fool him."

"And how do I know you're not trying to fool me?" Nya challenged.

Hurt flashed in Jay's eyes. "Nya," he breathed. "What happened to us? We used to be so close."

Nya looked away as Jay took a step closer to her. "You changed," she choked out. "That's what happened."

"But Nya, I didn't change! I'm still the same guy." Jay brought his hand up to her cheek. "I love you, Nya. I would never do anything to hurt you."

Nya's breathing became shaky. She didn't meet Jay's gaze, because she knew once she did, the emotion in his eyes would surely get the best of her. But his convincing, genuine tone began to soothe her nerves, and she somehow knew it was all going to be okay.

"Why did you think I didn't hurt you when Lloyd gave me the chance?" Jay continued enticingly. "He asked something even my act couldn't listen to."

"You're... You're telling the truth?" Nya asked, voice wavering.

Jay smiled softly. "You know I am."

Finally, Nya turned her gaze back to him, and she felt her insides melt as she stared into his eyes. The charm in his gaze put a small smile on her face. "Then I trust you," she stated. "I know you'll do the right thing."

Jay's eyes reflected the happiness Nya was feeling. "I knew you'd understand," he murmured. He went silent for a moment, then he spoke again. "Tell Sensei for me, won't you?"

Nya nodded and drew back. "I will," she replied promisingly.


After one last gaze at each other, Nya turned and headed down the hall.

Jay let out a long breath, feeling himself at last begin to relax. That was hard, he thought, but at least he had gotten it over with.

He took a pace forward, then suddenly heard footsteps behind him. He stiffened as an elbow rested on his shoulder.

"Now, there's an excuse."

Jay gulped. Lloyd.

The blue ninja didn't meet the green ninja's gaze and instead looked at the floor. Lloyd gazed sideways at the blue ninja, his stare boring into him. "That was an excuse, wasn't it?" he inquired.

Jay drew in a shaky breath and slightly turned his head toward Lloyd, seeing one of the green ninja's hands gripped on his sword and the other firmly placed on Jay's shoulder. The blue ninja cleared his throat, pushing down his nerves. "Yeah," he mumbled. "Of course it was."

Lloyd raised an eyebrow, eyeing the blue ninja suspiciously. Jay straightened up and returned his gaze steadily. After a long moment of silent inspection, Lloyd gave a scoff and drew away from the blue ninja. He glanced over his shoulder and gave Jay that 'I'll be watching you' look before disappearing down the hall.

* * *

Kai and Jay's heads turned back and forth as they watched Lloyd pace the floor in front of them. They were in the green ninja's bedroom, the door firmly latched closed.

"Our plan needs something more," Lloyd growled. "I like where Jay's headed."

Jay smirked and puffed out his chest with pride. Kai raised an eyebrow and glared sideways at the blue ninja, envy sparking inside of him. Why does he get Lloyd's approval? he thought with a scowl.

"Besides," Lloyd went on, "I need you two to do something while I'm gone."

Kai blinked. "Gone?" he echoed.

"Where are you going?" Jay asked.

Lloyd halted in his pacing, eyes deepening as he stared at something only he could see. "Somewhere... special," he murmured. A joyful smile suddenly crossed his face. "Don't worry, I'll be back," he added distractedly.

Kai and Jay exchanged a surprised glance. Eyes twinkling, Kai rose to his feet and walked over to the green ninja to give him a nudge. "Now there's a smile I haven't seen in a long time," he commented.

Jay chuckled and came up on Lloyd's other side. "I didn't even know you could smile anymore," he joked.

Lloyd grunted and shook his head, breaking from his thoughts. Face hardening again, he scowled and drew away from the other two, his smile dropping. "Oh, whatever," he muttered, embarrassed. "The point is we need someone else for the plan to work."

"Who?" Jay questioned.

"We need... We need..." Lloyd furrowed his eyebrows and grinned menacingly. "We need Switzerland."

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