rain clouds.

By ichimonjji

270 26 4

a collection of jojo's bizarre adventure x reader one shots. all cross posted from my ao3. More

overworked. [ josuke higashikata ]
domesticity. [ caesar a. zeppeli ]
late night blues. [ jotaro kujo ]
can't sleep without you. [ jotaro kujo ]
flower boy. [ pannacotta fugo ]
rain dance. [ josuke higashikata ]
rain story. [ jotaro kujo ]

modern romance. [ josuke higashikata ]

23 0 0
By ichimonjji

it's raining.

it's the first thing you notice when you walk out of school at the end of the day, a fat water droplet plopping onto your forehead. it slips down your cheek to your neck and only then you wipe it away. your eyes raise to the sky; drizzles turn into a full on shower in mere seconds and you can only sigh in annoyance. this wasn't on today's forecast and you didn't bring an umbrella.

"what's the-- oh. it's raining."

josuke appears beside you, his head mimicking your own as he angles up towards the darkened sky. he purses his lips, brows knitting in the center as he shoves his hands into his pockets. you can practically hear the gears turning in his brain, and you hope they turn a bit quicker because the rain is starting to seep through your blazer.

his shoulders slump and he turns to you with a grin. "well, we should get goin'."

you only roll your eyes, holding your bag over your head before following his longer strides.

the rain only worsens as your walk back home continues, full downpour drenching the streets. normally, you'd like this, find it relaxing even, but that's only when you have an umbrella or a coat. you tried to convince josuke to let you guys catch a cab, but he insisted on walking still, claiming that you weren't too far. that was ten minutes ago.

"josuke, please can we catch a cab? i'm freezing and my clothes are soaked." you complain, trudging beside him.

you don't understand how he's fine right now. that stupid little content smirk stays on his face despite his hair flattening against his face and his blue uniform darkening to a deep shade of indigo. normally these things would enrage him but he was still pushing on, whistling some sort of tune you didn't recognize.

"we're almost there," is all he has to respond, and you pout in annoyance.

the roads are empty save for a car or two passing rarely as you turn onto a new block. you're beginning to recognize street signs, a sigh of relief passing from between your lips when you realize you are close.

josuke grabs your wrist and tugs you into the middle of the road.

you yelp, almost tripping on the curb but he catches you by the waist with a laugh. your face twists in a strange cocktail of fear and annoyance as you stabilize yourself with his shoulders, his gleeful face only annoying you further.

"what are you doing? what if a car comes or--"

"shush!" he exclaims. your mouth snaps closed. "i wanna try somethin'."

your mouth pulls into a tight line. "what's so important for us to be in the middle of the road? you wanna see if crazy diamond can stop a car?"

josuke snorts and shakes his head. "no, no. i wanna try this."

his arms wind around your waist, pulling you flush against his damp chest. before you have a chance to protest, he's kissing you.

it's soft and gentle in josuke fashion, though his warm lips are a weirdly pleasant contrast to the icy rain. you can feel his thumbs circling against your waist through your blouse, his hands slipped beneath your damp blazer. his hair's sticking to your forehead but you could care less, a hand coming up to rake through the wet tresses, the other curling around his neck.

he's dipping you, an arm securing around your hips to make sure you don't fall as his head tilts so nicely , pink lips breaking away for a mere second before devouring yours once more. you can't help the giggle bubbling from your throat out of pure joy and he smiles, tugging you impossibly closer.

it's only when you break away that you can breathe once again, your nose bumping against his own. he's close , blue eyes boring into yours, minty breath that fans over your face oddly chilling you more than the rain could ever despite your flushed cheeks. he's pink, but it's so annoyingly adorable, and you take the opportunity to brush his dark hair from his eyes to get a better look at his face.

"that's what you wanted to try?" you're quieter than you intend to be.

he smiles, awkward and lopsided as he rubs at the back of his neck, keeping a hand secured at your waist. "yeah, you know, romance 'n stuff."

you can't help but laugh, his eyes narrowing and lips pursing at your reaction. "what! you've never wanted to try the stuff they do in the movies?"

grinning, you pat his cheek. "'course i have. you're just adorable and stupidly romantic, that's all."

josuke frowns, and he opens his mouth to retort before he's interrupted by a car horn, headlights flickering on. you both yelp in surprise, josuke grabbing you by the hand and tugging you to the sidewalk to let the car pass. the two of you watch it pull away, your heart thumping in your chest from surprise.

his hand's on your hip again and you turn back to him. your noses bump, a mischievous yet charming grin on his face as his free hand comes up to cup your cheek.

"rude for interrupting. now, where were we?"

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