When Darkness Comes: Book 1 D...

By Academylove

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First 17 chapters written by Katydids and finished by Academylove Post apocalyptic Fanfiction of CL Stone's A... More

Chapter 1 Lights Out
Chapter 2 Sticking Together
Chapter 3 No One Wants a Parasite
Chapter 4 Are You the Doctor?
Chapter 5 We Can't take in Every Stray
Chapter 6 Let the Interrogation Begin
Chapter 7 Nightmares are Nothing New
Chapter 8 Avoiding Problems
Chapter 9 Acts of Kindness
Chapter 10 Get Some Sleep Sweet Cheeks
Chapter 11 Going Out with a BANG
Chapter 12 Are You Ready?
Chapter 13 What a Girl Needs
Chapter 14 Screaming Like a Girl
Chapter 16 Grandpa Charlie
Chapter 17 Rice Crispies
Chapter 18 Campsite
Chapter 19 Hidden Apples
Chapter 20 What I Could Go For...
Chapter 21 Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 22 Missing Link
Chapter 23 Silence
Chapter 24 Group Bath Time
Chapter 25 To Go or Not To Go...
Chapter 26 Who's Line is it Anyway?
Chapter 27 Flash From the Past
Chapter 28 We Made It As Promised!

Chapter 15 Fears

6.6K 422 97
By Academylove

We stand at the edge of the loft looking down.

Well, they stand at the edge, I keep a few feet safely back. My heart's still pounding thinking about what could have happened to Gabe. The ladder shattered on the tractor below. That could have been his spine.....

“Well, we're not jumping,” Luke mutters.

“No shit.” North grumbles.

Victor scratches the back of his neck. “Is there any rope up here?”

We all look around the empty loft. “Nope.” Silas grins at me, “Don't worry Aggele, we'll get you down safely.

I nod, but have no clue how it's going to happen.

“Should we call for help?” I ask.

Gabe groans, “Damn it. We're in so much trouble.”


“Because we took you up here and got you stuck,” he plainly states.

North crosses his arms, “If I recall, I said it was too dangerous.”

Silas waves his hand at him, “Let's just get this over with.”

Luke puts two finger in his mouth and lets out a loud, piercing whistle. He pauses a moment and does it two more times then smiles at me, “The troops are coming.”

I hear footsteps come rushing in the barn but can't see the open door from where I am. “Where are you?” Nathan demands. Pounding feet enter right behind him.

“What happened?”


Luke waves his arms. “We're up here and we're okay.....just need assistance getting down.”

“Where's Sang?” several question at once.

It makes me grin and feel nice that they're concerned.

“She's behind us,” North says. “Gabe was the last to climb the ladder and it gave out under him. We were able to grab him in time.”

“Are you injured?” Sean asks.

Gabe shakes his head, “Just a little banged up, nothing bad.”

“Look for something we can use,” Owen orders.

I hear shuffling and moving of objects below.

“This looks good,” I hear Kota say.

“It appears to be in good condition,” Owen agrees.

“Get ready to catch the end,” Kota calls.

I hear Kota grunt and North reaches out, grabbing the end of a thick rope. “This will work.”

North tosses the end above him, looping it around a beam. He grabs the two sections of rope, and puts all his weight on it. “It'll hold.” He makes a large knot that looks like it's never coming undone. “We're good.

The four of them turn to me. “Ready to go?”

I blink at Luke. “Uh....um,....” NO. I'm not ready! My heart rate kicks up once more. Oh god, they want me to climb down on the rope? I feel myself breaking into a cold sweat. I acted brave climbing up, but barely held it together. I feel myself ready to fall apart, breaking into a cold sweat.

“Aw, shit,” Gabe says, sounding sympathetic.

“What is it?” Owen demands.

“Sang's afraid of heights. Aren't you?”

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes. Great, they're realizing what a wus they brought along.

“Just watch me,” Gabe smiles assuredly, “I'll show you how easy it is.”

I nod and gingerly step closer and I can now see the rest below. Watching. Concerned looks on their faces.

Gabe grabs the rope and easily climbs down, dropping the last few feet. He smacks his hands together and grins up at me. “See?”

Yeah, that's not happening.

I step away from the edge once more, feeling my legs tremble. “yeah, um, I can't do that.”

North watches me intently, “we can figure something out.”

I shake my head, reaching panic mode, “I'm good.”

He raises a thick brow, “you're good?”

I nod vigorously, “Just go on down and I'll stay here.” I know that's ridiculous, I need to get down too, but fear is taking over. Flashbacks of my sister torturing me with heights and my step mother laughing about it slam into my head.

He crosses his strong arms over his broad chest, “You're going down.”

I cross mine, “Nope.”

His eyes narrow, “I'll toss you over my shoulder and bring you if I have to.”

For a split second I picture us in furs as he drags me to his cave...

“Jeez North, way to bully her,” Luke walks up to me. “While you two were arguing we figured out a solution.”

I give him a skeptical look.

“Come here.” he takes my hand and leads me back. “We tossed the rope over the beam and made a loop at the end. You just put your foot in it and hold on while we lower you down.”

My body shakes. Any normal person would be okay with that I'm sure. But I'm not normal.

“Sang?” Victor's smooth baritone draws my attention.

“I don't think I can do it,” I whisper. Stupid tears threaten. They're going to regret bringing me.

“Hey, now. It's okay,” Luke's warm brown eyes smile at me with a hint of sympathy in them. “We all got stuff we're scared of.”

I doubt they do.

“Seriously,” he lifts my chin with his finger. “I'm scared to death of …......vegetables.” His eyes widen and his body shivers.

I can't help the giggle.

“And bees.” North booms.

Luke glares at North who's now somewhat grinning with his arms still crossed, looking smug. “What the heck North? You didn't have to tell her that.”

North shrugs, “It's true. You scream like a girl when one buzzes around you.”

Luke's eyes narrow. “You fall in a bees nest and see if you don't have a healthy fear of them after that.”

Silas pats North's shoulder, “North's scared of clowns.”

North gives his friend a dark look, losing his grin. “What the hell!”

Silas laughs, “It's true.”

“They,re freaky and too happy,” North grumbles.

“Are you coming?” Owen interrupts from below, and brings me back to reality.

“We're working on it,” Victor replies, leaning over the edge.

Luke puts his hands on my shoulders, “Okay, Sang, this is what we'll do. One of us will get on the rope and hold you while being lowered down.”

I open my mouth to object but he stops me.

“You trust us to safely get you to the Academy shelter miles away, don't you?”

I nod.

“Then you can trust us to get you safely down from this loft.”

I can't argue that logic, but my body does, shaking.

He nods to Silas and North, “the two Nephilim will lower you and your partner down, so pick your poison. Me or Victor?”

I look from one to the other and shake my head. It doesn't matter.

Victor reaches for the rope, “I'll do it then.” He gives me a warm smile which slightly calms the flying bats in my stomach.

Luke leads me over to him. “Just pretend you're a cute little koala and Vic's the eucalyptus tree you're holding on to.”

Victor puts his left foot in the loop and North and Silas pull back on the rope, lifting him a few inches off the floor. He holds his right arm out to me. “Climb on little koala.”

Oh god. I wrap my arms around his neck and he slightly bends, easily lifting me with his lean arm around my waist. “Hook your legs around my hips.”

I do as he says, locking my heels behind him. In any other situation, I'd be embarrassed by the intimate contact. I feel us swing with the motion and bury my face in his neck, inhaling his scent, and squeezing my eyes shut. I'm a koala. I'm a koala. I fight the dizzying sensation that wants to take over.

“Here you go,” Luke says behind me and his hands gently push us out as North and Silas lower us down. My legs squeeze around Victor with a death grip. I'm a koala. I'm a koala. His arm tightens even more around me, reassuring. “You're safe Sang, I won't let you go.”

I hum in response, trying to ignore the jerk and bounce of the rope as we're lowered.

Before I know it, hands reach my sides. “You can let go Sang.”


My brain says to let go, but my body wants to hang on. Victor's chest vibrates with a chuckle. “Hey Princess, you're down from your tower.”

I lift my face from his neck and it heats when I look at him. “Thank you.”

His eyes smolder as he smiles, “Any time.”

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