Chapter 9 Acts of Kindness

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We packed and organized and went over lists all day.

Owen is a no nonsense kind of guy. He expects things to be done right. The guys all did fine. I was a nervous wreck when he checked at my progress with getting things ready. I guess I did okay though since he just gave me a nod and left.

I can't believe I'm going to go to who knows where with them. Even more, I can't believe they invited me to go. Maybe it's a rash decision, but my gut tells me it's the right one. They won't hurt me. They've only done the opposite.

Gabe is so much fun to be around. He kept me relaxed and chatted the whole time. He's a couple months younger than me. We're both still seventeen. The others are still eighteen except for Sean and Owen who are twenty-one. I was shocked. I knew Gabe was younger since Sean told me, but they all look

Not just in the way they look, but how they carry themselves and act.

Luke and Gabe seem to joke around a bit, but overall they're much more mature than any of the guys I observed at school.

For a moment I dwell on what's happening to all my classmates. No one ever befriended me, but I don't wish bad things on them. I hope they're okay.

I'm helping Kota and Luke get food ready for dinner at Kota's when Owen comes in the kitchen.

“Sang, we should go get whatever belongings you need and put them in your pack now.”

Everyone's things are ready except mine. I wipe my hands on the kitchen towel. “Okay.”

“North's going with us.” With that he turns and walks to the living room. I assume I'm to follow and glance at Kota and Luke. They give me smiles and nod.

When Darkness Comes: Book 1 Dark TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now