Chapter 2 Sticking Together

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North, Silas and Luke

They're tired, and hot.

They've loaded themselves down with Go Bags filled with emergency supplies. Their training at the Academy has prepared them for any scenario, including this. Well not exactly this, but the general possibility of everything going to shit. Nathan and Kota's homes are one of the rally points, being close to each other. Both are stocked with supplies and food for emergencies as well as weapons. Kota still has a family he lives with, his mom and little sister. They're currently on vacation with Luke and North's uncle and weren't scheduled to be back for a few days. At least where they went is close to one of the Academy shelters. Uncle will get them there.

The rest don't have families to look out for. They've either taken off or died. Now they're a family of nine brothers, and the plan is always to meet up and stick together if something like this happens.

Just a couple miles left to go now, they continue their steady pace and pass the convenience store they've stopped at a hundred times in the past. It's a disaster now. The glass panes have been shattered and dozens of people are looting and fighting over supplies. Two men come out carrying booze and junk food, shoving people out of their way. Their eyes darting around, like they're searching for someone. Just looking at them, you know they were the criminal type before this happened. They take off behind the store and the guys automatically follow them with their eyes.

The two men stop at the edge of the tree line where another man is lying on top of a young, struggling girl, pinning her down with his weight.

Nothing needs to be said, they all sprint to help her.

Silas yanks the man off her by the back of his shirt and swiftly lands a broad fist into his face. The man's unbuckled pants fall around his feet, and a knife skids across the pavement from his hand. He's shocked and furious, blood pouring from his nose. “Mother Fucker!” he roars and launches himself at Silas.

The two looters stand in shock, unsure what to do. North and Luke glare at them, fists ready. The murderous looks on their faces tell the men to take off and they do. Slithering back to whatever dark hole they came from.

The girl's attacker lands on the ground from another one of Silas' punches, clutching his abdomen. North walks up and gives him a hard kick in the ribs with his boot for good measure, while Luke goes to the girl's aid. The man gasps for a moment before passing out.

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