A dream about him | Minsung<3

By iluvffc

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"My bestfriend likes him, I like him too, I tried to lose the feelings I have for him but he keeps on trying... More



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By iluvffc

~chapter 15~

Third pov.

Sunglasses 🕶

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
My dear bestiee-
guess what-

Sunglasses 🕶
-WHAT. U could've wrote
that in one message

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯

Sunglasses 🕶

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
Same.. I'm so excited..-

Sunglasses 🕶


Seungmin sighed.

"Hey min!" Hyunjin suddenly walked up to him and swung his arm around seungmin's shoulder.

Seungmin pushed the older's arm away "what do you want?"

"Wanna hang out with me and my girlfriend on Sunday?"


"Whyy it's gonna be so fun" 

"Still no"

"Come on lets go karaoke"


"Oh come on it's gonna be so fun!"

"Yea no. I don't wanna see you and your little girlfriend make out in front of me thank you but no thank you" Seungmin made a disgusted face.

"Well you can bring your little boyfriend too, speaking of your boyfriend here he comes" Hyunjin pointed at Jeongin that was approaching Seungmin.

"Heyy Seungmin what are you guys talking about" Jeongin smiled.

"He isn't my boyfriend, what makes you think that?!" Seungmin asked.

"Because like you're gay and he's ga-"

"Omg no not this again" Jeongin cut Hyunjin off. "This is not how it works Hyunjin hyung, we both have our own types"

"Whatever" Hyunjin rolled his eyes "you guys still wanna come for karaoke?"


"No!" Seungmin cut Jeongin off and pulled the younger's wrist to escape from that Homophobe Hyunjin.

"Gosh I hate him so much, I wanna strangle him so bad" Seungmin muttered.

"He only asked you to go for karaoke, why are you so mad?" Jeongin laughed.

"Can't you see his homophobicness? Ew."

"He just doesn't know how it works" Jeongin shrugged.

"He didn't even apologize after you explained to him??!" Seungmin complained.

"It's okay, wanna go get ice cream at the cafeteria?" Jeongin tried changing the topic which worked.

"Oh my god yess, I've been craving some cookies and cream ice cream"


Sunglasses 🕶

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
I told Minho I'll bring you with me-
So you better be there with me-

Sunglasses 🕶
-No I'm not going

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
I'm not asking you to go I'm telling you
to go-

Sunglasses 🕶
-But why?
-Don't you wanna be alone
with him??

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
Well not there-
I don't wanna be in a place full
of ppl by myself-

Sunglasses 🕶

Tall bitch 👩🏻‍🦯
Ok then-
I'll come to ur house on Saturday at 6 so
we could go together.-


"Heyy!! Jisungg open upp it's Saturday!!" Seungmin was knocking on Jisung's door.

Jisung finally opened it "you are so lucky my aunt isn't home you little-"

"Whatever go wear some nicer clothes and let's go" Seungmin pushed Jisung back in his house following him from behind to his room.

"Why you aren't wearing anything special either" Jisung raised an eyebrow.

"Well im not in my pajamas. It's 5pm and I know u haven't even took a shower yet. So go in that bathroom and take a shower, put anything on that's not used as pajama's"

"Ughh whyy"

"Don't ugh me you only have 29min left"

After Jisung took his shower he wore a yellow shirt and black ripped jeans.

"Finally let's go!" Seungmin was jumping happily.


They arrived at the FFC dance theater, where they were having the dance show.

"Wow this place is huge" Jisung spoke as they walked in from the entrance to find seats.

"He must be very good at dancing, to be able to dance in a place like this.." Seungmin was also amazed.

"Yea let's go find a seat" Jisung suggested and Seungmin agreed. They found their seats and sat down waiting for the dance show to start.

30 minutes have already past and they haven't seen Minho's performance yet, they've seen solo's duo's trio's and more but Minho's isn't in any of them.

"Bro I need to go to the toilet like really really bad" Seungmin whispered into Jisung's ear.

"Okay go fast I don't think Minho's gonna perform any time soon" Jisung responded.


"Ugh I've been sitting there for so long my legs are numb" Seungmin said walking into the toilet.

Seungmin was washing his hands after using the toilet when he heard a familiar voice. Hyunjin.

"Hey Min" Hyunjin started "what are you doing here?"

"Watching the show?"

"Oh yea same my girlfriend is dancing"

"Cool." Seungmin dried his hands and walked out of the toilet but Hyunjin pulled on his wrist.

"Come sit with me, I'm quite lonely sitting alone" Hyunjin gripped Seungmin's wrist even tighter so he wouldn't escape. Seungmin had no other choice then just following Hyunjin.

When they got to Hyunjin's seat, he was still holding on to Seungmin's wrist because he didn't want him to leave. "Who's performance are you watching?" Hyunjin started.


"MINHO DOES DANCE??" Hyunjin was in pure shock.

"Hm" Seungmin hummed in yes.

After a while Hyunjin started cheering because his girlfriend came on stage it was a group performance of 6 people, she was pretty good Seungmin's not gonna lie. When that her performance ended Hyunjin let's go of Seungmin's hand to clap and the younger of course tried to escape and get back to Jisung but Hyunjin caught him again.

"Stay." Hyunjin pulled him back.


"Where the fuck is Seungmin so many performances has already passed, nobody sits so long on the toilet" Jisung stood up ready to go look for Seungmin but the lights of the stage suddenly turned on and a guy with a well built body was looking down waiting for the music to start.

"This guy looks kinda fimiliar" Jisung sat back down, suddenly a beat dropped and the guy started dancing. This guy is good Jisung thought to himself as he squinted his eyes trying to look clearly who that guy was MINHO!!!

Jisung was shook not just because of Minho's attractive dance moves but his abs too they definitely looks better than last time, Minho clearly did a lot of training in his free time.

"Why is that top so revealing" Jisung tried to look a away but his eyes always ends up on Minho's abs. It's Seungmin's man Jisung look somewhere else please anywhere as Jisung said that to himself his eyes landed on Minho's thighs, they where the most juiciest thighs "I kinda want's those thick thighs to strangle m-" Jisung immediately gave himself a slap on the face "what the actual fuck are you thinking Jisung" he muttered to himself.

Turns out Minho's performance was the last performance of the day. Jisung texted Minho and Seungmin who is still no where to be found, that he is waiting at the exit for them. He first saw Seungmin walking out he smiled he was happy Seungmin didnt actually leave him but soon his smile disappeard as he saw Hyunjin with one hand gripping onto Seungmin's wrist and and the other arm over his girlfriend's shoulder, doing some straight ass lovey-dovey stuff. He quickly walked up to him and tried to pull Seungmin away but Hyunjin just gripped his wrist even thighter.

"What are you trying to do ugly" Hyunjin's girlfriend said and started lauging.

"Hyunjin controle your stupid girlfriend" Seungmin got mad and pulled his wrist out of Hyunjin's hand and Hyunjin listened, what his girlfriend said was honestly a bit mean.

"Hey what's up guys" Minho walked towards his friends "how was my performance?" he asked.

"It was great you really got some moves" Seungmin complimented.

"Thank you"

"Aye Minho I didnt know you dance your moves are sick bro, lets go karaoke!"

"Sure lets go" Minho said as he swung his arm around Jisung's neck and Hyunjin grabbed Seungmin's wrist again.

"Hehe now you have to come" Hyunjin whisppered into Seungmin's ear.


When they arrived Hyunjin first ordered a lot of alcohol. He even started drinking before they started singing.

"Slow down Hyunjin arent you a bit too young to drink alcohol" Minho said worriedly.

"He is rich his family owns this place nobody cares" Hyunjin's girlfriend said who was sitting on hyunjin's lap.

"Seungmin lets sing maniac, i'll do the rapping parts and you'll do the vocal parts" Jisung suggested and Seungmin agreed by nodding.

"WOWWW YOU GUYS ARE GOOD" Minho cheered right after they stopped singing.

Seungmin looked around in the room "Where's Hyunjin"

"He probably went outside to make out with his girlfriend, whore." Jisung replied.

After singing a few more songs Seungmin almost drank all the non-alcohol drinks on the table, he needed the toilet more than anything at that point. He ran out of the room and to the toilet, after letting everything out, he walked out of the toilet ready to go back but Hyunjin came out of no where and hugged Seungmin tightly from behind. He was so drunk.

"How much did you drink, you stink" Seungmin made a disgusted face.

"Shhh" Hyunjin placed his index finger on Seungmin's lips.

Suddenly Seungmin felt Hyunjin sniffing into his neck "What the fuck are you doing"

"You smell good..." Hyunjin pinned Seungmin onto the wall, now they're face to face. They had a 10 seconds eye contact till hyunjin broke it and looked at Seungmin's lips and without thinking he...

Oops sorry(?)

Anyways Stray Kids new album kust came out go STREAAMMMM!!! 😩🙏🏻
I ordered 2 ODDINARY albums I wanna pull that Minsung unit pc so bad..

Also sorry for the late late late late ass update i was really tired.

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