The Forgotten Darkness

By NateKayAce

114 0 3

Four friends gather together to stop an evil force, one that is powerful enough to kill thousands. Will these... More

Chapter 1 Dazzling Unraveling
Chapter 2 The beginning
Chapter 3 The Blood Mage
Chapter 4 Time Trials
Chapter 5 The light shines (barely)
Chapter 6 My New Life
Chapter 7 They Found Me
Chapter 8 Bright puzzles
Chapter 10 Twins
Words from the Writers
Chapter 11 Into the Deepest Depths of a Mind
Chapter 12 We Need to leave NOW!
Chapter 13 Where am I and who are these two?
Chapter 14 The Road Trip
Chapter 15 The Unexpected
Chapter 16 Where are they At?
Chapter 17 Mirrors. Twins. Changes.
Chapter 18 The Broken Girl
Chapter 19 New endings, Old beginnings
Chapter 20 Tick Tock, Tick Tock, Tick....
Chapter 21 The Gifts
Chapter 22 It's Almost Time
Chapter 23 They have finally Shown Themselves
Chapter 24 It is Time
Chapter 25 The Old and the New
Words from the writers

Chapter 9 Searching for Answers

3 0 0
By NateKayAce


     I could hear movement. I knew something was happening. But I was stuck in the spirit realm. Something is different. The aura here. It's no longer peaceful. It's worrisome. Worry for me, I could sense it. You need to awaken. It's not your time. Wake up! Stop shouting. I can hear you just fine, believe me. You want me to wake up. I get it. What if I don't want to? It's not like you can make me. Wanna bet? No sir, I'll figure out a way to wake up, goodbye. I wandered around the realm of ghosts until I reached a long chamber that was locked. I could hear sobbing coming from the inside. I knocked on the door and awaited an answer. The softest faintest answer came back; Wake up darling. I awoke in a strange room. I don't know where I am or how I got here. The last thing I remember is the hunters and crawling away to a cabin. Am I in the cabin? I heard footsteps from somewhere in the house. I need to hide. I quickly and quietly got up from the bed I was tucked into to find a hiding place. I figured under the bed or in the closet were my best choices so I dived under the bed and waited for the sounds of footsteps to go away so I could make my escape. Suddenly a burning sensation cut through my body. Fuck, my ankle. I looked down and realized my wound had been cleaned and bandaged. Who? I smelled something. Breakfast perhaps? I won't be tempted by the smell of food. This stranger could be dangerous. I need to stay hidden. I can't leave this spot. I could hear footsteps walking upstairs. Shit. What should I do? I heard the door open and saw legs stop in the doorway. "Where did she go? There's no way she would've dropped out the window with her ankle like that. Plus, they're closed." I know he knows I'm in here. "Uh excuse me but I know you're under the bed." How the fuck? I slowly came out from

under the bed and made a break for an attack. I hit him and he flinched as his skin turned to diamond. I fell back and crawled away. "What the fuck are you!?" He looked at me. "I'm a mutant just like you." What? No, no, those are dangerous. I can't be one. Wait, the fire, the spirits? Is that all a part of that? Where did I come from and who am I? Who is this strange man? Why would the spirits lead me here? I slipped away into the spirit realm to find the answers I was looking for. "Why did you lead me there?" Silence. I saw them all staring at me. "Please, I need to know." A woman stepped out in front of all the rest. She seemed familiar. She looked similar to the strange man and oddly enough to me as well. All answers come in due time. What does that even mean? She walked forward and smiled at me and suddenly I was back in real life. "Where did you just go? You just disappeared." Why would I answer your questions, you're a stranger? "A distant place." He gave me a look that said he knew I was lying and left the room. I took in my surroundings and looked at the meal he prepared. What if he poisoned it? I have to get out of here. But yet the man seemed familiar like I had known him. I couldn't run, not with this ankle. What can I do? I might as well go ask some questions and see if I can get answers. I walked downstairs and searched for the man. I found him in his kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table and started to speak. "Hold on, I'm just getting to the important part in this video." I'll wait, I got time. When he was done, he looked over and started to listen. "Who are you?" I wanted an answer to that. He just looked at me. Well, if this is how he answers all of the questions he gets we're going to be here a while. Although I feel safe here. I know I'm not going to get hurt and those men are dead, they can't hurt me. I decided to repeat my question. "Who are you?"

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