One Remarkable Mistake [USUK]

By ElaineChism

161 3 0

It was a grand scheme, the date would be months before the King's coronation, said King would be under the wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

12 0 0
By ElaineChism

Alfred dropped the coat from his shoulders onto the chair, Arthur already sat at the desk as he gestured to a cup for the other. He had informed him that he wanted to try something different from that usual earl, which Alfred was thankful for as he was on the verge of seeing if the other's little stock of alcohol would make it easier to stomach.

Gaze drifting to the stack of paperwork that awaited him he let out a heavy sigh, dropping into the chair before he slumped into it. The floor doing it's number on his sleep, while his back had undergone a nice treatment due lack of influence a mattress typically would bring, but it did not assure that he wouldn't wake up after every few hours.

Arthur observed, placing down the book he had partaken in to inspect what was happening across from him, "Tedious day?" 

He stretched as much as he could without getting up, legs hurting from constantly squatting and needing a long walk but feet sore. "You could say that, not over yet though." He mumbled, the papers never void in his mind as he shifted, the face of the other's wrath not being something he desire. "My apologies, I shouldn't have leaned on your desk sir." A light pop sound as he moved to grab from the stack.

Fingers slipping into the fabric of the others shirt, he pulled his arm away, asking the other to look at him. "Call me Arthur, hearing you address me otherwise is unfitting." 

Startled he met the other's striking eyes. "Arthur. I- yes, okay." Gaze adverted as he stammered, in utter disbelief that he had been granted permission to use his name.

Soft fabric left his hand, along with the warmth as he leaned back with a chuckle, the smile hidden by his hand as he lifted the book once more. "Speak if you need someone, I'll be here." 

A shred of relief was brought by the succor, a few individual papers being slid over to duck his head into, "You're spoiling me." He teased, reaching over to grab a pen, a quick hand to wipe his cheeks which had flushed earlier.

He slipped a finger over the corner, page turned to continue a story he had read countless time's by now. "Oh, is that so?" A smirk emerged from his rather desolate expression, "My mistake, that wasn't my intention." Elbow propped on the armrest as he tilted his head to look at Alfred.

No longer bothered by the red that tainted his face he smiled, lifting his head to look at him, the teasing unexpected but taking it after the day. "To hear you're so thoughtful, why, this could ruin your entire reputation." A quip in return, a gentle jab that both knew would amount to naught.

Arthur cocked his head back, the corners only digging deeper as the smile declined his attempts to rid itself. "Indubitably." Their conversation coming to an end as he returned to his previous task.

Alfred could barely keep his mind steadied, unable to focus on his work. Thoughts enunciated with such thoughts. Often finding himself enamored by the other, barely noticing the changes and the time between pages often dragging and a candle that's flame went out every time Arthur's brows furrowed only to once more light.

Only broken once his companion dismissed himself for the night, the click of the door making his heart sink. 

He shook his head, refusing to believe the jump in his heart, the hazy feeling that swelled in his head sunken into his chest. There was no way, absolutely not, he was simply overwhelmed by the change of Kirkland's attitude.


Hollers and shouts from the crew outside filled the room, alerting the one who sat behind the desk of the other's return, "You're back late." He uttered, setting the finished document aside to be sent off later. 

A noise spooked him from the paper in his hand, a groan following as examined the sight before him. "Arthur?" 

Now that he took in the surrounding sounds he heard the lock along with a few hollers from outside, frozen in shock as Arthur leaned against the wall, face settled into a grimace with teeth grit to hold back any sound, a stumble in his steps which exposed a trail of blood along the wall. 

For a moment he was aghast, not knowing when the pen had dropped from his hand, he had stood and assisted the other as he held onto him. Arthur made half of an attempt to deny the assistance, soon realizing that the other wasn't going to let him go and settled in his arms as he buried his face into Alfred's chest to muffle the sounds that forced themselves through his throat. 

Alfred didn't dare pick him up, an arm slung around, doing his best to avoid where the blood stained the dress-shirt, shushing any attempt to tell him that he didn't need to do this. "I've got you." Now sat on the bed as he moved him to lay down.

While almost out of it he shook his head, "Stop, you'll get blood on yourself." Concern arose only to bite back a myriad of screams with the attempt to lay him on the bed.

A small sigh followed as he stood, "This isn't about me." He spoke above a whisper, hand clasped in the others for a moment before he had to pull away, the shirt stained in ruby that seemed to spread through at the very second and based on the gaze he received there wasn't much time until he lost the man for an hour or forever. 

He had to disrobe him, it wasn't pretty and this was a complete violation but it was this or watch the other die, clear that he had already entered a state of shock. A swear uttered a countless number of times as he located a nearby dagger, using it to rid him of the shirt in a quicker attempt than would have been possible by hand. Consequences could come later he reasoned, whatever was to come after this didn't matter, the issue at hand was presented with time dwindling.

Alfred had prepped himself for a long cut for whatever reason, perhaps in hope that nobody would dare draw, only for a hole to gape on the man's abdomen.

In a frantic state he ran to find any aide, managing to find a small amount of medical supplies stashed away in the other's drawers in the sleeping quarters. "Someone get a pail of water." He ordered out, the shouts from the crew frail with his appearance, far more concerned with the present issue to address what stare's warranted from the group. Door left ajar he returned in a few seconds, squatting down as he opened the small box, a hand finding his own as he turned to look, eye's still closed but the gesture was enough to know he was still present.

It was enough.

Tweezers held tight he instructed the other to take a breath, as this would be far worse than when the bullet had been lodged  in his skin, the two having to be thankful for the small miracle it hadn't gone punctured any organs around it.

Alfred couldn't let his mind be overtaken with questions on how this had happened. A tremble in his hands he urged to cease, the grip on his free hand far tighter with the presence of metal against skin.

An impulse to retch stomached with tears in his eyes, "It's alright, I've got you, you'll be alright." Words of nothing in one single ailing attempt to calm each of their fears.

Ignoring the other's groans as he dug into the skin, extracting it he dropped the bullet into his palm, examining it for a few minutes before he determined for sure: a forty caliber, forged in Spades decades ago, a common ammunition when nine's were disregarded. Setting it off to the side as he grabbed the cut shirt, pressure being applied to the wound. Forced to ignore the other's rather loud groan to stop, wincing at the knowledge of the pain he inflicted.

Overcome with guilt he looked up, apologies held with a bite down on his tongue, unable to offer more than to graze the others cheek with the back of his hand. The sound of the pail alerting him as he went to retrieve it, a grip on his wrist denying him. "Don't leave me." Arthur whimpered.

He hesitated before prying his fingers away, he gave a gentle squeeze to his hand, "I'm not. I'll be back in two seconds."

Silenced as Arthur opened his eyes, tears following as he responded with a weak squeeze of his own. "I don't want to die alone." He uttered as Alfred worked to wipe the tears, the other already in belief that there would be no more time in his life, which exposed that there wasn't any choice of departure for any measure of time.

Alfred gave a nervous glance out to the door, there being no lingering presence as he summoned the pail by his side, soaking a rag as he began to work on the disinfectant process.

Minutes into working with the disinfectant's and assuring he had retrieved and no metal was left in the wound Arthur had fallen into an unconscious state, the shock and loss finally catching up with his adrenaline, while Alfred spent those hours of silence in worry it made the process of stitching the wound closed significantly easier without screams and cries present; Alfred's shirt torn for the bandage, due to the lack of gauze. 

He had been thankful for the crew managing to scavenge more than usual for the other, Alfred not much caring and ready to give his own rations up for the man, knowing the adrenaline and fight to keep his crew at bay had taken far too much out of him.

He had situated himself in a chair to the side of the bed, having propped Arthur against a few pillows and blankets wrapped around his pale frame, the only sign of the other still living were slight shivers, one's that were moderated as a heating spell was cast upon the quarters to compensate for the drop of his body temperature. Now he understood the commotion earlier, the other had walked back alone, and by the time he was up on deck he was frail, leaned against an edge and pushing past any assistance until he had no choice when he finally entered to where Alfred was. 

Not long after he had reported the other was stable one of the crew had offered him a glass, their own means of payment that Alfred accepted without much reluctance, he knew that there was no way he would finish the work by now which would result in an outrageous cry from his advisor to which would lead to nothing. What remaining liquor remained was swirled in a slow manner, concentrated on the one before him to much care that he had taken more than half the glass without any though. This was going to turn into a nasty habit wasn't it? Ignoring his concerns as he tipped the rest of the contents back.

A groan freed Alfred from a state of overthinking. "I feel like shit." He gave a mumble, brows furrowed as he moved. Refrained from getting to his feet as a hand settled upon his shoulder, the glass being set on the chair as Alfred took a spot by his side.

"Ya' look it too." The comment earning a groan as he accepted the painkillers offered with a glass of water. "What the hell happened to you?" Helping lift his head so he could take the down without having to perform a resuscitation. He had only bothered to clean the more serious wounds, having left some of the smaller ones unattended until now as he searched for a rag.

Arthur let out a small whine at the pressure applied. "It was nothing."

He scoffed, a sarcastic laugh rolling off his tongue, "Yes, because dragging blood across the walls and having a gunshot wound results in nothing." Rolling his eye's as he cleaned the rag in the pail before wringing it out. "You can just say it for what it is."

Going for a different tactic, he grabbed the other's hand, "You're so sweet, Al."

A cock of his head along with a raised brow signaled what little the gesture did for him, despite what colour appeared from the contact. "Cut it. I know something happened, so start spitting up."

A grimace drew across his features, only to give a single sigh, "I had a minor disagreement with someone in the pub, it got out of hand. They didn't abide, so we took it to the streets, and they had already drawn before we got out the doors."

The two remained in silence for some time, Alfred moving the blankets to rest near his waist. He took a breath before deciding to not question why he had been there, tending to some blood on his neck that exposed a small scrape. "Alfred. That's my name." Tone stern as he stated the information.

For a moment the words didn't seem to break through, until he suddenly realized what little bits he had been handed. "Alfred, quite a name there." He smiled, content as he peered at Alfred through his lashes. "I'm sure you already knew of me long before our little squabble."

He moved to clean the cut across the other's cheek, a smirk playing at his lips, "Antonio might have mentioned something." Voice low as he concentrated on his work, moving to grab a bottle of iodine.

"Ah yes, how vile and atrocious I am no doubt." Grinning as he let his body slightly sink in, feeling rather secure in the other's presence.

He sat the rag aside, sitting back as the blankets were moved further up, checking the wound under the make-shirt bandage. "Vile? Not so much that, unfair." Snickering as he spoke.

"No, I'm not unfair, I stick to the statement: actions before verbal exchanges." He corrected, the touch stung as the bandages were done up once more.

"Wow, sure hope you're better with your flirting than your fighting." Secretly casting a spell onto the would to heal it quicker, not exactly looking forward to the upcoming weeks of playing nurse, although, could be worse.. he could be acting as a phlebotomist.

Reaching a hand out he cupped the other's cheek, "Only one way to find out." Smirking as Alfred's heart raced, a blush spreading before he turned away. "Don't believe I haven't noticed how you look at me."

His throat went dry, allowing the other to gentle pull him in until he abruptly pulled back, taking to his feet, "You would to if you saw the state you bring yourself in at night." A breath taken as he steadied his thoughts, "I'll set a plate for you. You'll need something in order to compensate for what you've lost." Blood, plasma, platelets, his sanity in addition to it based off his attempt to kiss Alfred.



Pushing the man back down onto the bed, his own knee pressing down to ensure he didn't get kicked, "Stay down."

Arthur struggled against the other, rather bitter to the realization of his strength, or rather his lack due to the very predicament Alfred had given him. "Nothing will get done if I stay in here all day." A shout full of displeasure.

"Well, maybe you should have found yourself a first mate Kirkland." Avoiding placing pressure near his abdomen, not needing to spend hours stitching the other up. He didn't need another incident of managing to gash his palm open with a knife while cutting potatoes like he had done so many years ago, only to continue ripping the stitches apart like an absolute idiot.

"Don't you tell me what to do Jones!" He spat, teeth grit, at that point ready to throw the other off had his legs not have been trapped.

"Fine! Rip those stitches out, see if I ever help you again." Retorting as he quickly got off the bed, not wanting to take a hit to the sternum.

"Oh ho! Are you really threatening me right now?" A hoity laugh escaping, smiling as he glared up to the other. 

He leaned back against the wall, catching his breath, the other taking on a similar position as he managed to get into a sitting position. "Perhaps, or perhaps I'm suggesting you go dig up a stone or find a royal healer if you're so insistent."

"That's absolutely ludicrous!" Crossing his arms as he managed to sit himself up for the first time in hours without any assistance.

Hand hitting his chest he feigned shock, "Really? Because that's how you sound." The bluff thrown off as he gave a smile.

"Why you-" Ready to take the other down to a river bay and skin him with his bare teeth, only to find nothing suitable to tag along with his words. Pinning his rage up into the far corner, deciding to take it out on some unsuspecting lad once he was out of this rather unfit predicament, and unable to find himself to be annoyed by that stupid smile.

He took a seat by the other's side. "Listen, we're docked. I know you hate that but at this second we have no other choice."

Arthur huffed out, in compete denial of their plight, a glare directed towards his younger companion, the man who had denied him without a thought of consideration. One who, if he didn't care so much for the man, made this an entire play, sent out to perform on stage after he replaced the other as an understudy, one who managed to outshine the star - found to be settled in the audiences hands by giving out a pitiful attempt to hand off the crowds adornment towards their main star to the understudy. In reality he knew it was his anger for being bedridden, and in reality Alfred was doing what he could to help him.

They should have been back out at sea now, rather than being stuck here. Sighing he rubbed his eye, "Do you know how to steer?"

Should he just walk out that door right now and never return. It was a possibility that he dared to consider, with how the other was he could simply tap the spell away leaving him in a fit of agony far too ailed to go after him. Even if he was in a different country he was sure there would be a way to end up at a palace, then sent to return to Spades once he exposed his mark to those of established nobles, and this tragedy of his newfound life would be over and done with. He wouldn't ever have to remember this, or Kirkland.. but he wanted to remember Arthur.

Crossing his arms he sighed, "Obviously not or we wouldn't be here." A cock of his head proving that he was staying for no reason in truth, when he truly could leave as he had done prior that week only to return with supplies. Surely it couldn't be too difficult to find Antonio so he wouldn't receive something as vicious as the death penalty, letters were quick to transfer. Ah, there was the twist, the other hadn't been given magic, because fate or whatever seemed to have it out for Alfred lately.

He sat back with a grown, taking the others hand as he ran his thumb across Alfred's thumbnail, finding it oddly smooth and continuing the movement. Mentally cursing himself for getting them stuck here. "One more day and we'll set out."

Alfred raised a brow, "Do you really think you'll be able to handle anything in this condition?" Not wanting to go far into questioning the other and sure it wasn't his leg or arm but if trouble came he knew the other wouldn't hesitate to pull the hammer back.

"I have before, there are far worse situations." The point to make that he wasn't entirely there, but all the same was fully capable of understanding who he was and what he had done.

"Really. That's it? Alright then," He shook his head before he stood, "I'll be in the room over, call if you need me." Not in the mood to receive another ill-worded letter from his advisor.


Lifting his head the wind seemed to greet him now that they were at sea once again, brushing his cheek in a rather gentle manner as the sun took to the lower Kingdom's, possibly back to Spades as he gazed up into the abyss of dark blue. 

"Suppose night watch found you." The night's natural tranquility perturbed as Arthur lit a cigarette, leaning back against the ledge being cautious with his injured hip, offering the box to the other man who found them to be rolled rather neatly, clearly not bought and rather having been done by the other.

He originally wouldn't have done that didn't range from his rooted morals, it was a terrible decision that he understood could go in every path outside of a positive outcome; addiction, disease, the list was rather endless but he saw no true faults in atleast trying it. Slipping one from the box to his fingers, accepting the flame that was held under the Captains hand, guarded from the wind, as he brought it to his lips. Holding off for a second, rather staring as the ends burned away revealing ash. 

"Smoking a cig with a pirate, fascinating." A rather joyful smile present to seeing something he had never thought, this man managing to defy every thought he ever originally had about him.

Running his fingernail under his lip he smiled, "Shut it, Kirkland." He joked, gently nudging the other.

"Dare say I'm proud of your development." Slightly leaning over the edge, flicking the ash down to the oceans waters, ensuring the ship wasn't set aflame.

Alfred did what he could to not cringe at the smell and rather foul taste. "Since when have you smoked?" Confused as he had never registered the scent of it on the other, and had always associated him with that foul tea and fresh roses.

Giving a gentle shrug in return he took a drag, "For longer than I would like to admit. I tend to avoid it now, maybe once a week if necessary."

He followed Arthurs lead, having managed to take it in right enough without breaking into a coughing fit. No wonder this stuff was addictive, something about the way it burned and the feelings that swarmed from disgust and hatred all eased by a roll of tobacco. In truth, he doubted it to be the tobacco, well not in it's it full entirety, understanding well enough that nicotine was naturally made in the plant but by itself it wasn't far too addictive unless consumed in large quantities. These had just been shoved full, that was what he was to assume though he could be wrong.

Arthur suddenly went on a history lesson, which was slightly charming as he shook his head trying to take it all in until he cringed at the mention of what cigarettes were called in Arthurs area, because he had hoped to not run into that but ofcourse it was impossible when smoking was almost as popular as drinking. A shaken laugh as he situated himself similar to his companion, "Yeah, they're called that where I'm from too." He grumbled, not too fond of the name itself.

Silence hung up between the two, overlooked by Alfred as he did what was possible to not break into a splurge of coughs, glancing over only to whip his head to catch the gaze from the other, Arthur stunned as he gaped at him. "You're from Spades?"

Slow to his defense he slightly stiffened, "No!"

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