Crystal Ninja(Ninjago-Cole Fa...

By FlamingRiver06

3.6K 106 43

DISCONTINUED!!! Rewrite is in the works!!! Nova has had a tough life. Due to some incidents in her past Nova... More

Rise of the Snakes
Never Trust A Snake
Can Of Worms
The Snake King
Tick Tock
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
The Royal Blacksmiths
The Green Ninja
All of Nothing


304 8 1
By FlamingRiver06

(Nova has long white hair tied up in a bun held together with chopsticks with two strands framing the side of her face. She also has pretty blue/purple eyes.)

I was up early way before Sensei banged a gong to wake the others. I followed Sensei into the boys room.

"Evil doesn't sleep, and neither should you. In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity." Sensei said while banging the gong.

"Okay, okay, we're up." Kai said jumping down from his bed. "But if you want us to reach our full potential, shouldn't we get at least a full night of rest?" I had to snort at that.

"Unh, you call that rest? I think my back has more lumps than the mattress." Cole said while cracking his back.

"We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters I guess we lost track of time. Since the Serpentine burned down the monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our heads-Ack!" Jay said trying to brush his teeth but sand was on his toothbrush causing him to spit and cough.

"What is our lesson today, Sensei? Mastering the strike of the scorpion?Or perhaps the grace of a-" Zane said before falling through the floorboard and coughing.

"I think today's lesson will be chores." Sensei said causing me to smirk.

"CHORES?!" The boys yelled.

"Ninja fight, Sensei. They do not clean." Cole said.

"In order to respect ourselves, we must respect our new home and where we are from. And this place is a long way from becoming a ninja headquarters. I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it." Sensei said as he walked away and rang the gong one last time. Before Sensei walked completely out of the room he stopped. "Oh, and Nova. Help them." He then left with a chuckle. I scoffed and glared at the boys.

"Ah, this place is gonna take forever to clean and fix up." Kai groaned.

"Then quit complaining and start cleaning." I snarked and walked out to start cleaning the upper deck.

It didn't take us long to clean and fix the ship when using our spinzitsu. The boys were inside playing a video game while I was drawing in my sketchbook on the mast. Sensei and Nya showed up and looked in awe at the clean ship.

"The boys are down below." I called down to them. Sensei nodded in thanks and he went below deck with Nya following him. Not even five minutes later did a couple show up in a silver car. The boys, Nya, and Sensei them came on deck to greet the new people and I flew down beside them.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" Jay asked. 'So these are Jay's parents?'

"Oh, look, it's my baby boy. It's been so long since we've heard from you." The woman said.

"Ma, I called you two days ago." Jay replied.

"Well, it's not soon enough, son. When are you coming out to the junkyard? You say you're coming, and then you don't." Jay's dad said sadly.

"Dad, do we have to talk about the junkyard in front of my friends?" Jay complained.

"He hates it when we tell people he was born in a junkyard. Oh, and who are you two?" Jay's mom said and walked over to me and Nya. "You are so cute. You're just my son's type." Jay's mom said to Nya.

"Mom!" Jay complained.

"It's a pleasure meeting you. I'm sure if you want, Jay can give you the tour. He worked very hard on it." Nya greeted. I snorted at Jay's annoyed face.

"We'd love a tour." Jay's parents cheered. Jay sighed before giving his parents a tour of the ship. We eventually reached the bridge.

"And this is the bridge. This extends into a periscope. This tells us what's going on in Ninjago. And this......if a Serpentine's not giving us the answers we want, and we're up late at night-"

"A neuro apparatus to read their minds?" Jay's mother interrupted him.

"An audio appliance to make them talk?" Jay's dad guessed.

"No, a cappuccino machine." Jay said.

"Ha-ha. Amazing, son. We're so proud of you." Jay's dad complimented.

"Why don't you tell them about the button?" Cole suggests.

"Ha-ha. It's not ready yet." Jay shot down.

"Oh, what's the button?" Jay's mother asked.

"He's working on a special defense system." Zane explained.

"Something every ninja headquarters needs." Kai added.

"Oh, really? What does it do? Can I help?" Jay's dad asked trying to inspect the button.

"No, it's okay. I don't need your help, dad. Let's just leave it alone." Jay said before looking at his wrist like a watch was there. "Hey, look at the time. Don't you need to get back before it gets dark? I told you, there's dangerous Serpentine out there."

"Uh, I suppose we could get back." Jay's dad said sadly.

"Edna, it was a pleasure hearing about Jay's first potty time." Cole said.

"Oh, if you thought that was good, wait until you hear the story about the time I caught him kissing his pillow." Jay's mom said.

"Ugh. Snakes, Ma, snakes."

"Okay. We're going, we're going." Jay's mom said before we followed her to her and her husband's car. "So you promise to come to the junkyard and visit?"

"Yes. I promise. But only if you leave. I don't want you to get hurt. It's getting dark. Uh, your headlights are working, right?" Jay fretted. Jay's dad turned on the headlights, blinding us.

"Heh. Like them? I used a little extra juice." Jay's dad said before turning off the headlights and starting to drive away. "Yep. Bye son. I couldn't be more proud."

"And bring Nya with you, will you? I can see why you like her." Jay's mom said.

"Mom!" Jay complained.

"Now that they have left, perhaps Jay can teach us the art of kissing pillows." Sensei snorted causing the others to laugh and for Jay to groan. I then smacked Jay on the back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Jay whined while rubbing the sore spot.

"You were rude to your parents. They're just worried about you." I scoffed at him before turning and walking below deck and into my room.

We were all gathered in the main room while Jay worked on the button. The guys had planned to try and get Jay to go visit his parents. Kai and Zane walked passed Jay, who was working on the button, carrying junk.

"Sure got a lot of junk piling up. If only there was a place we could get rid of it." Kai said.

"If you don't mind, I'm trying to focus." Jay said grumpily.

"Hi, mom and dad, of course I'd love to visit. What kind of son would I be if I didn't want to?" Cole said to a phone like he was talking to someone.

"Ha-ha-ha. I know what you're trying to do. Okay, look. I might have promised to visit my parents. But there's a lot of stuff on my plate." Jay said before Nya walked in. "Heh-heh. Hi, Nya."

"You gonna visit your parents today?" Nya asked after Jay wiped grease off of his face.

"Uh, sure am. Just about to leave." Jay stuttered.

"Tell them I say hi." Nya said before leaving. We all turned to Jay with unimpressed looks.

"What? So my plate's not that full." Jay said before we all walked outside to see him off. "Come on, Whisp. It'll be a quick visit. Just in and out. Nothing more." Jay tried to convince his dragon as he pulled on the reins.

"Hm, it is as I suspected. The dragons are molting. They're shedding their scales." Sensei said as he walked over holding a giant thermometer.

"What does that mean?" Jay questioned.

"Every dragon goes through a transformation before it becomes an adult. We must allow them to migrate east to the Spirit Coves for their transformation." Sensei explained.

"Will we see them again?" Jay asked.

"It's hard to say. But we need to allow them to follow their path." I say as I pet Rocky. He was always my favorite.

"Rocky's going east? Say it isn't so, Rocky." Cole said sadly as he came over and hugged his dragon.

"Well, I guess I gotta go on this long walk all by myself. Sure be nice to have company." Jay said to Nya but Kai interrupted.

"Of course we'll go, buddy." Kai said.

"I could use a break." Cole agreed.

"All you had to do was ask." Zane added. We started walking down the road with Sensei playing his flute while I flied above them to give them shade.

"Ah. Of all the days to lose our ride..." Jay complained.

"That flute, you've never told us why it's so special." Zane said while walking up beside Sensei.

"Long ago there were many flutes, created to combat the powers of the Serpentine and drive them underground. But over time, Ninjago's forgotten it's ancestors' wisdom, and now this is the only one." Sensei explained before playing the flute again.

"I get the lesson, respect your elders or else suffer the consequences. Boy, you guys are laying it on thick." Jay grumbled.

"Perhaps you are only hearing what you need to hear." I smirked as Jay walked up to the entrance of the junkyard and stopped.

"What is it?" Nya asked as she walked up to Jay and I landed beside them.

"It's quiet. My family is never quiet." Jay said before pulling up his hood and running into the junkyard with us following. We heard muffled screaming coming from a fridge so Jay ran over and kicked it open. "What happened? Who did this?" Jay asked as he pulled the tape off of his parent's mouths.

"Sweetheart, you came." Edna, Jay's mother,said.

"You gotta get out of here. You shouldn't have come. It's the snakesss." Ed, Jay's father, said.

"The bite of the Fangpyre. Once they sink their teeth, their venom can turn anything into a serpent. It's only a matter of time before the full transformation is complete." Sensei explained. A crane then appeared with a wrecking ball with a evilly grinning face.

"Uh, is that wrecking ball staring at me?" Cole asked.

"Better you than me." I say before the snakes launch the wrecking ball at us and we have to jump out of the way.

"Lloyd!" Sensei yelled at the child standing on top of Ed and Edna's trailer.

"Hello, uncle. Looks like we're not the only family reunion. I'm glad you brought the ninja. I could use some help taking out the trash. Muahahaha." Lloyd said before laughing evilly.

"If we want to turn your parents back, we need the antivenin from the staff." Nya explained.

"Second dose, to the dirt." Cole yelled and we all jumped out of the way again.

"Easier said than done, sis. We're a bit outnumbered." Kai said while grabbing his sword.

"Nobody messes with my family. Ninja, go!" Jay said before we used spinzitsu to take out the snakes. While Sensei and Nya working together to take out some snakes, Lloyd started playing loud music. We were chasing off some snakes when the ground started shaking and a giant robot came around a corner. "Ah! What is that thing?"

"It was supposed to be in your honor, son, but do you like it?" Ed stuttered.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Jay said before he ran off with the other ninja. I rolled my eyes before taking to the air and trying to knock over the giant robot. Jay had taken control of the crane and wrecking ball while me and the guys tried to hold off the robot.

"Unh, don't worry, I've got it." Cole said while struggling to hold off the robots nunchucks with his scythe, until Jay used the wrecking ball to hit the robot away. "I told you, I had it." Cole said as Jay ran up beside them and I joined them on the ground.

"Retreat!" Lloyd yelled. He and the Fangpyre general then hopped onto a platform attached to a snake copter and they started flying off.

"He's getting away with the staff." Nya cried out.

"Not for long." I said and flew after Lloyd. I had almost grabbed the staff when a blue jet shot by me, startling me. It then shot back around and started going crazy before the person flying it grabbed the staff.

"I got it? I got it!" I heard Jay cheer. So he's the one flying the jet. I flew after him only to see the jet disappear and him start falling towards the ground while screaming. I saw the guys on their own vehicles driving below us, trying to catch Jay, but their vehicles disappeared. I sighed before tucking in my wings and diving after Jay.

"Almost, almost, almost, yes!" I mumbled while I managed to grab onto Jay. I opened my wings and glided down to the ground where his parents car was. They then drove over to where the other guys were, where the Fangpyre were charging at us.

"Huh? Why isn't it working?" Kai asked.

"Your weapon is merely an extension of your mind. If your mind is immobile, so is your weapon." Sensei informed.

"Oh, boy. Oh guys. Oh, golly. Oh, duh. Get in, boys." Ed said.

"We have to get back to headquarters." Jay said after the guys got on. Nya took off in the direction of the bounty with me flying above them.

As soon as we arrived Nya took the staff and Jay's parents into a cabin to reverse their transformation.

"Man the stations, everyone!" Jay ordered as we ran into the main room.

"Jay, we better hurry." Kai rushed as he peeked out the window.

"I've been waiting for this moment." Jay said before hitting the button but nothing happened.

"They're gaining on us." Kai informed.

"Unh, I don't get what's wrong. I spent forever on this. It's supposed to work." Jay complained while hitting the button.

"Uh, son, maybe I can help?" Ed said as he came up beside Jay.

"Dad. You're okay?"

"You're darn tooting. Oh, let's have a look. Oh, yeah, uh-huh. Oh, that should do it. Now try it." Ed said after fixing something on the button. Jay hit the button causing the ships sails to stretch out like wings and for thrusters to come out, lifting us into the air. We quickly flew off, leaving Lloyd and the Fangpyre behind.

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