princess >> n.s

By anonships

237K 13.9K 5.5K

"Are you medusa bc ur making me stone hard" "Leave" or the one where harry is constantly horny and niall is t... More

1. mum knows how naughty her little boy is
2. Let's get frick frackling, sunshine
3. Shower sex is the way to go
4. I rlly want ur cock
5. l'll stop myself in ur ass ayye ;)
*6. Oh so you're into sugar daddies?
7. them nudes
8. crusty with cum
9. 2010 justin bieber is my aesthetic
*10. Harry 2.0
*11. I wouldn't ride you but thanks
*12. throw your eggs at me, Styles
*13. Boyfriend material
14. Where's Zayn?
15. give me head
*16. Mondays
17. Harry motherfuckin Styles
*19. This is so ugly
*20. last night's events
*21. trade nudes
22. bad grades
*23. Daycare
*24. for Daddy
25. 206
*26. Embrace my body, tell me I'm yours
Characters Ask
27. baby boy
28. I won't mind
29. feeling myself
Characters Answer
*30. those 6 words
31. Message 2109
*32. Third degree
Bromance Awards

*18. high voltage

7.7K 466 306
By anonships

Written 4/12/15 !probably rlly needs to be edited!

"Oh my god." I groaned when Harry's car rolled up outside. It's 5:37, he's supposed to be here at 6.

I had on a blue sweater with a whale on it, black jeans that I may have wore this whole week, and a pair of white converse. I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time and went down stairs. Harry was already in the house, conversating with my mom in the kitchen.

I stood at the door way and eyed Harry up. He had on a white biker tank top, blank skinny jeans with rips at the knees, and a black fedora on his head with those hideous Chelsea boots.

"Um, Harry." I spoke up, both of their heads snapped my way. Harry smiled and my mom went back to cooking.

"Hey, Sunshine." Harry walked over to me and draped an arm over my shoulder, pushing my close to him and leaving a kiss on my cheek. I winced and wiped my cheek, pushing him away from me.

"You're here early," I said with my arms crossed while bitting the inside of my cheek. Harry nodded and grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his chest.

"Couldn't wait to see you." I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are so adorable!" I heard my mom squeal. I groaned and hid my face in the crook of Harry's neck. Harry had his arms resting at the small of back and I could feel his body vibrate as he let out chuckles at my embarrassment.

"Stop it you absolute wanker!" I pulled away from Harry and smacked his chest, his toned fucking chest.

My mom set down the spatula and cleaned her hands on the dish towel, "How about you boys stay for dinner so you don't go spending money on food?" Harry agreed and I almost stabbed myself because goddamn, now Harry is going to meet my family and that's not what I wanted to happen.

"Niall, can you call you're father and your sister down?" My mom asked me. I nodded my head and walked over to the bottom of the stairs.


"I could've done that too." My mom scolded me with her hands in her hips.

"Then why didn't you?" I sassed back and this is exactly why my parents never get me the things I want. Well that and the fact that I have a spoiled brat younger sister who gets everything she fucking wants.

Once the rest of the family was down, we sat down at the table and stacked our plates with sweet corn, mashed potatoes, and pork chops. Harry and dad had hit it off and started going on about last night's game. Harry and mom started conversating about cats. It turns out Harry had a couple of cats because his sister had a cat who had babies and couldn't keep all of them in her apartment building. Mom was absolutely obsessed with cats, we had one indoor cat and a couple of stray cats who hang around our yard because my mom keeps feeding them.

"So, Harry. Where did you and Niall meet?" Araceli said, she had on bright red lipstick and it made me want to punch her in the face. She's 13 for goddsake, when I was 13 I was counting all the cars in my car collection, not acting like a 25 year old.

Harry swollowed the food in his mouth before responding, "We met at school, actually. He was a freshman at school and I guess we just crossed paths when he couldn't find his way to home period."

Araceli seemed pleased with his answer and continued eating, "That lipstick actually looks really good on you, Araceli. Brings out your eyes."

Fucking liar.

Harry of course has to charm every single person in his path or he can't sleep at night. He can obviously see the lipstick stains on her teeth when she smiled at the compliment.

"That reminds me, what grade are you in, Harry?" My mom chirped. Oh god. My dad would snap Harry's neck if he knew Harry was a good three years older than me. It's not a large age gap but what parent wants their 15 year old child dating a 18 year old?

Well its not exactly dating, Harry is just dragging me on various random dates from time to time.

"I'm actually a senior, sir." Harry smiled sheeplishly. I was waiting for my parents to start throwing plates and killing cats but it never came.

"Oh. A senior. Well, do you know what you want to study in UNI?" My dad had set down his fork and all his attention was on Harry who looked nervous as hell. Araceli sat with her mouth agaped, she too was waiting for the outburst from my parents.

The outburst never came only because it was Harry. Harry who had a long conversation about his cats with my mom. Harry who has the same intrest as my dad. Harry who fucking got on my sister's good side and believe me, she hates everyone besides Beyoncé.

"I actually plan on studying law, sociology, business, and something else but I'm not sure yet." Dad nodded his head, clearly pleased with his answer.

"You seem like quite a dashing young man, Harry." Mom sent a polite smile to Harry and continued to eat.

Harry was being a sneaky bastard and had his hand rested on ny thigh, I would've reached over and stabbed his face with the fork in my hand but decided against it. Harry was sat next to me, being a little pest, while mom was sat across from Harry, Araceli was sat at the end of the table by me, and dad sat across me. I can't wait for this to be over.

The rest of dinner was filled with more questions about our "relationship" until it hit 7 and Harry announced that we should start heading out. Harry volunteered to wash both of our dishes and I sat on the counter, watching him slave away.

"Make sure to have Niall home before 11, Harry," My mom said, catching us at the door, "11:30 at the latest." Harry nodded his head and thanked my mom for dinner before we went out to his car.

The car ride was silent. I rested my head on the window with my eyes closed as The Kooks and Bastille played softly. Harry was humming along to the music while his finger tips tapped on the steering wheel to the beat.

"Where we going?" I asked with my eyes still closed.


"Ooo, I'm going to destory your ass." I turned to look at him, laughing.

Harry scoffed, "I'm pretty sure it's going to be the other way around, darling," Harry moved his hand towards the radio, turning it down more than it already was, " I'm going to destory your ass, in more ways that one." He smirked, winking at me.

I punched his arm and turned up the radio obnoxiously loud to drown out his laughter.

A few songs later and a couple of bad jokes from Harry, we finally arrived at the Lasertag place. The sign was neon orange and pink and spelled out "Xtrem Vortex". Harry found a parking spot close to the door and turned the car off.

We both exited the car and walked into the building, "How may I help you?" A teenage girl came up to us, she had on a Lasertag vest and a binder in her hand.

"I called earlier and made a reservation for a fenced area, under Styles." Harry told the girl. She nodded and flipped through her binder.

"Oh, okay. I have you right here. Styles, party of two, right?" Harry nodded his head. The girl, who's name tag read as Jessica, walked us down to the other side of the building where fenced areas where at, "You're time is up at 9. My co-worker, Adalemi, is working that area so you can ask her questions, if you have any. Enjoy!" And with that she bounced away, her blonde ponytail swinging side to side.

"I'm so going to beat you, Styles." I smirked as Harry pulled me into the room. There was a girl sat in the corner, who I'm assuming is Adalemi, tapping away on her phone. Her head shot up when she saw us enter the area.

"Oh, hi! The guns and vest are on that shelf over there, call me over if you need help."

Harry picked out the biggest size for him while I stuck with a meduim. The vests are so fucking huge, a meduim swallowed me and made me look like I was drowing. Harry chuckled, "You need a smaller size, princess."

"You need a smaller size, princess." I mimicked him in a high pitched voice.

Harry playfully frowned, "Now, is that anyway to treat your future boyfriend?"

I rolled my eyes at him and picked out a different sized vest. Once my vest was activated, with the help of Harry, I picked out my gun, as well with Harry.

Harry let the girl know that we were set to go and she started the timer that was set for 15 minutes with a five second count down 'til go.

"I'll going to disinigrate you." Harry yelled once the buzzer went off. I dashed away from the start line, running behind a beam to shield myself from Harry. I looked around the beam, watching Harry run to another beam. I aimed my laser gun and attempted to shoot his vest.

I missed to fucking bad.

Harry stopped dead in his tracks with wide Bambi eyes. Once he saw my tuff of blonde hair, he smirked and ran towards me. I yelped and ran the other way, Harry right on my tracks.

"Fuck," I breathed, I looked behind my shoulder and Harry wasn't there anymore. I'm so fucking scared, he's going to pop out of nowhere and kill me. I ducked down behind a stack of tires, catching my breath. I didn't even run that far, I'm just out of shape.

I heard Harry run right pass my hiding spot and I had to stop myself from bursting out in howls. I moved away from my hiding spot and ran across the area, keeping my guard up. When ducking behind I wall, I found Harry also behind the wall, trying to catch his breath.

"Shit! Shit! Fuck!" I yelled, scurrying away from the spot with Harry hot on my trail, toppling over his own feet from time to time.

Like a proper bad ass, I quickly turned around and shot at Harry, missing my damn target by a literal inch. Harry shook his head before he aimed at me. The laser light beamed on the side of me because I dodged it just in time, throwing myself behind the four foot wall.

"Fuck my ass!" I screeched. That was so fucking close. I plan on destorying Harry in this damn game.

"I would but we're in public, babe." A voice chortled in my ear. I gasped and turned my head around quickly, Harry stood there, behind the wall, with a smirk on his face.

He gave me a fucking heart attack. I was so close to beating him with the damn gun in my hand. I punched him in the arm and wow that was such a weak ass hit, and ran away, hearing his laughter behind me.

I ran around a stack of tires and ran into a hard chest, hands coming to my srms to balance me. "Gotcha."

I looked up at Harry's face, he had a small line of sweat traveling down his face and his hair was messy. He looked so fucking hot I might cry.

Harry chuckled and pushed an arm around my waist, his index finger and thumb lifted my chin up. My breath hitched and my eyes shut closed at the intimacy. Harry let out a chuckle, his breath fanned over my lips.

I groaned in frustration and pushed my lips agasint his. I swear my heart was experiencing cardiac arrest, high voltage was in his lips.

My right hand gripped his bicep, the other gripping the laser gun. Our lips moved together in harmonize messily. Harry groaned into the kiss, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip and fuck, that was hot.

Harry pulled away and had a smile on his face, his eyes gleaming. He still had his arms wrapped around me, I still had my arm on his bicep.

"Y'know, they say you have to fuck on the third date." He said, licking his lips.


##Bad Suns refrence in there guys. I wROTE THIS WHILE MY PAINTING MY NAILS SO YE. this isn't how I planned for this chapter to go but there you go.##

-i know niall doesn't have a sister I just wanted to add her in there for future chapters


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