Wolf's Heart

By MiamiCombe

11.7K 540 97

Akina Johnson has been the laughing stock of her school for years. With scars spreading across her face, legs... More

Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine


319 18 1
By MiamiCombe

On Saturday, Calix showed up at four in the afternoon, leaning in the doorway in his signature leather jacket and smirk. He stood up straight, walking into the house, and turned to face me as I leaned against the door, grinning.

"Go grab your jacket and purse, we're going on a date," he demanded. "But leave your wallet here. Dress extra cute for me, yeah?"

"Oh, yeah?" I asked, looking down at my black yoga pants and t-shirt. "This isn't cute enough for you?"

"While I appreciate the yoga pants, I think you might want to change for where we're going," Calix said with a wink. "Not fancy, just cute."

"Pshh," I waved him off. "I'm always cute. Sit down, I'll be down in a few minutes, okay?"

Cal nodded, and sat on a stool against the kitchen island, pulling out his cell phone and opening it to text Damien. 

I ran up the stairs, excited, and looked out the window at the unusual weather. Winter Break started just yesterday, but instead of the snow we had come to expect, the sky was free of clouds, free of rain, and the weather was at a weirdly warm 59 degrees. 

I changed into a pair of dark skinny jeans, a long sleeved fitted striped black and white shirt, a denim button up, and a black infinity scarf. I stepped into my tan leather combat boots, lacing them up and grabbing my tan over the shoulder purse. I ran the straightener through my already mostly straight hair, pulling half of it up into a ponytail, applied mascara, and then dark red lipstick- not too much, of course. 

I jogged down the stairs, nabbing my phone from the small table, and stepped into the kitchen. "I'm ready," I said, as Calix spun around to face me. He grinned, and slowly dragged his eyes up and down my body. 

"Uh, yes you are," he said, and stood up to walk over to me. I grinned, and reached up to set my hands on his cheeks. He leaned down, but before his lips could tap mine, Elijah walked in, and sent him a deep glare, stopping Calix in his tracks. "Your brother really hates me," he whispered, leaning down to my ear. 

"I know he does," I agreed, looking into his deep golden eyes. "Makes me like you even more." 

Elijah scoffed, and rolled his eyes, throwing the fridge open. "If you're going to keep having eye sex, would you please leave? Some of us are trying to live a normal life free from disgusting teenagers." 

"Oh, gee," I sighed. "We're making Elijah uncomfortable. We better go." 

Calix chuckled, taking my hand and leading me out to the car. We drove to a cute little restaurant about a mile outside of town; a small Italian place with a menu filled with pasta and real Italian pizza. 

"Oh, I want it all," I whimpered, biting my lip as I read the menu. "It all looks perfect."

"How about this," Calix said, scanning the menu as well. "I'll get one thing, and you get another, and we just share?" 

I nodded eagerly, and told him to pick out the pizza. We ended up with a large meat-lover's pizza, and a huge plate of Fettuccine Alfredo. 

After we ate, we had bowls of gelato, and then took a walk in the park. "There's a reason I took you out today," Calix said, and smiled down at me, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles in our intertwined hands. "I have something to ask you."

"Shoot," I said, and tucked my hair behind my ears. "I will answer this super special question that involves fancy food and walks in the park."

Calix turned a corner, and I stopped dead in my tracks. In front of us, Damien stood, looking entirely unamused, holding a bouquet of flowers. He handed them to Calix, and Calix in turn, faced me. Damien handed him a small, long, black felt box, and Calix smiled at me. 

"I'm sorry if this is totally lame, but I heard that in high school, people often have these fancy proposals to ask girls to be their girlfriends. So, will you be my girlfriend?"

I laughed, and nodded, grinning hugely, and pulled Calix into a hug. He handed me the flowers, and then opened the box to show a short silver necklace, with the letter C in the center, and two paw prints hanging about a half an inch away on either side of it. 

"You're too much," I said, taking the bouquet of roses, and smelling them. "I so don't deserve you."

"Of course you do," Calix said, and wrapped his arms around my waist as I stood up on my toes, winding my arms around his neck and shoulders, and pressing my lips against his. 

"I'm just gonna go now," Damien said, and saluted us as he walked to his car. 

"Thank you, Damer!" Calix called. Damien waved him off, not even turning around. 

Calix slid his hand into mine, and led me back to the front of the restaurant. "Why don't you stay here, and I'll run and get the car." 

I nodded, and leaned against the wall. It was getting dark and slightly cold, and my feet were hurting from walking in heeled boots. After a minute, I heard something behind me. I straightened up, clenching my jaw and tensing as my heart began to beat the way it did when there was a wolf near. 

But this was not Calix. I could tell when it was him, or Damien, and it was neither. I slowly turned, and felt my heart stop. 

In the back of the alley, his head tilted down, was a werewolf. He was in human form, and it wasn't like I could smell his pack scent, but I knew exactly whose pack he was from. He was here, and he was walking this way. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes, and made a move to walk into the restaurant, where I was safer. But before I could reach the door, a hand wrapped around my arm, and a scream tried to escape my lips- but not before another hand slapped over my mouth. He dragged me into the alley, and a smirk played out on his lips as I struggled to pull away. 

"Well, hello there, beautiful," he said. I looked up at the man, fire in my eyes, and instantly felt like crying. His eyes were bright red, his hair a pale blonde color. He had been in my dreams. He had been one of the wolves that attacked me. "You and your boy here have been giving Alpha quite some trouble, you know. Always getting away before we can catch you, always having your guard-dog around."

I moved to kick him, but he laughed, spinning me around and pressing my back against the wall, pressing his body against mine. He smelled slightly of blood. I glared at him, grinding my jaw and trying to push him off. The man grabbed my hands, and pinned them above my head, using one of his knees to demobilize my legs. 

"If you'd just hold still, this would be a whole lot easier for me," he hissed, and looked me up and down. A cold shudder licked down my spine, and I felt like throwing up. "You probably remember me, huh? From so many years ago. Wow, it feels like just yesterday, your flesh, your blood, was in my system. You know, I've never much liked the taste of blood, but yours was like pure sugar.

"Alpha was pissed when he was told you didn't ever change. Angrier than I've ever seen him. After all, his father chose you to be his Mate. To marry him, have his children, and be there for his every want and desire," he said, shaking his head. "His father must have known you were going to grow up to be such an attractive girl." He scanned my body again, and I fought the urge to shudder again. "And then, when we figured out what you had become, God, Alpha demanded we get you to him as soon as possible. He could be almighty. Although, I don't think he's like it very much if he learned of you and your guard being so cozy." He fingered the silver necklace around my neck, and I couldn't do anything but hope he would leave it alone.

Calix would be here soon. He would be here, he would find me, he would keep me safe. I knew he would. But what was taking him so long? 

"He's going to be so pleased when I finally bring you back. God, he'd probably even let me be head Beta, maybe have my pick of the girls from the pack. Although, I don't think any of them would live up to you. I don't think he'd mind if I had my fun with you first, would he? He's a pretty understanding guy."

I highly doubted that, but the man leaned down closer to me anyway. I turned my chin up, and looked to the side, squeezing my eyes shut.

"Mmm," he sighed. "You smell amazing. Although, you have quite a bit of the guard-dog scent on you. I should probably change that." 

"Stop!" I managed to cry, pushing against his chest.

"You best shut up, girl," he snarled, looking down at me with burning red eyes and gripping my jaw hard.

I glared, and yanked my face out of his grip. "Get off me!" I cried, and yanked my knee up. "Get off!" It made contact with his thigh, and although he yipped, he didn't budge.

"Cut it out," he growled, and wrapped his hand around my neck. I gasped, and he grinned down at me, holding my hands higher above my head and closing the gap between our bodies. I squirmed and writhed below his grip, and began to see spots in the sides of my vision. I was growing weaker. 

And then, there was a different growl, one I was grateful of hearing, and Calix came into view. He threw the man to the ground, and I fell to my knees. I gasped for air, and closed my eyes. 

"Leave her alone!" Calix snarled, and slammed a punch to the guy's jaw. "You touch her again, and I swear I'll rip you to pieces." 

I breathed heavily, touching my throat gently as it ached, and put one hand out in front of me on the concrete. 

I could hear Calix and the man fighting, and then there was silence, only the heavy breathing of Calix. I looked over, and saw the guy laying bloodied on the ground, passed out cold. 

Calix rushed over to me, dialing a number on his phone and pulling me into his arms. "Did he hurt you?" He asked. "Did he hurt you?" 

I shook my head, but still felt like crying. If Calix hadn't shown up, how far could he have gone. "Akina, what did he do?"

"He choked me," I whimpered, grabbing for Calix and pulling myself close to him, into his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck.

I cried harder, and Calix growled, setting me down and walking over to the unconscious boy. "I will kill him. I should kill him."

"No, Calix!" I cried, and ran over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him back. "Please, just leave him!"

"Why should I? You know what he could have done, Akina! I can't just let him go!"

"So don't," I cried, tugging on his hand. "Have Damien come and get him! But let's just go, please! Please, just take me home." 

Calix looked down at me, and his face instantly softened. "Okay," he sighed, and turned to face me. "Let's get you home, then." Calix wrapped one arm around me, and led me to the car, as it idled on the curb. 

The roses sat crushed on the ground in the mouth of the alley. "I'm sorry your roses got destroyed," I said quietly, looking down at my hands. "I really liked them."

Calix laughed softly, looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "Akina, I do not care about the goddamn roses," he chuckled. "All I care about is you."

"What a great first day as boyfriend and girlfriend, eh?" I said under my breath. 

At that, Calix laughed hard, and shook his head. "We can redo it if you want."

"No," I argued, shaking my head. "It's memorable."

Calix grinned, and pulled one hand off the steering wheel to set it in mine. "You really are a special girl, aren't you?"

"My momma says I'm special," I said, and smiled lightly at Calix. 

He laughed, shaking his head. "She's quite right." 





I can't handle this rn

Thank y'all so much 😍😍😍

So I'm watching Dance Academy on Netflix with my best friend for like the fifth time and it still gets me everytime 😭 (the finale I mean) 


<3, Libbi Lace

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