
Bởi Moeshung

223 29 11

In a world no longer on fire, Miki has spent most of his life searching. For what, not even his father knows... Xem Thêm

Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chaprer 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 6

6 2 1
Bởi Moeshung

Kassidy Clover

The two could just about see where they were going. Dim candles were placed in holes along the walls. Many of them were worn, having wax dripping down the cement and clay. Each step descending the staircase seemed more and more steep as Miki and Psycho continued. They reach the bottom which opens up into a wide hall. The sides were lined with stalls dug out of the clay walls. The ceiling had a layer of mist imitating the cloudy sky of the surface. Psycho leads the way, followed by the the ever so curious Raven. The corvid twists his head left and right, fascinated by everything he is seeing and hearing. There were people of all shapes, sizes, colors and languages. Religions and cultures were also diverse and intermingling surprisingly well. It was loud, but not in a blasting shout. It was a market of trade. The further they go, the neater the place was, with a growing absents of smoke and questionable goods. Around the same time, food was being sold along with hand made toys. A few toys were even electronic, though incredibly expensive. Children played to the sides as the stalls became more homely, like an underground civilization. A few people send the pair suspicious glances, the two not being from this area. Their whispers cause Miki to begin tapping the side of his leg. "So, where are we going exactly?" He questions warily. The bleached blonde increases her speed, running happily towards a more dusty part of the home like market.

"Here!" She points to a doorway blocked by crates and cardboard boxes. Above the doorless doorway is a sign.

"Kassy?" Miki stares, rereading the name.

" 'Kass's drug deal, no kids aloud'." Psycho flashes him a cheeky smile. With a giggle and a push, the girl knocks over most of the boxes.

"Thankfully I'm not a kid!" She climbs onto a box, crawling through the pile. One of them opened inwards under her weight and she falls into the box below.

"I'm okay!" She giggles, crawling through the rest of the boxes. Miki sighs and begins moving them out of the way. The two meet up again on the other side of the pile, finding a well lit room with wood and cement walls. Dust layers the cheep furniture that sat around lazily as though they'd fall over from age.

"The hell are you doing here?" A familiar voice swears. Miki turns to see a familiar brunette in her beaten blue jacket. Under Kassidy's arm is a crutch holding her off her left leg. Bruises and poorly bound bandages stick out from under her clothes. Her right eye was swollen shut and a half stitched gash trails from her left ear to the edge of her nose. "Kassy!" Psycho leaps forwards, grappling the injured girl with a hug.

"Ann- let go you crazy girl!" Kassidy shouts, forcing the bleached blonde back. The girl let's go and bobs happily in place. The brunette looks to Miki.

"I get her; but why are you here?" Her voice croaked before she bursts into a fit of painful coughs. Automatically, Miki steps forwards as though she were going to fall.

"Talli sent me, what happened?" The boy questions.

"Tis but a fucking scratch." She tells him.

"So why did you come bother me Ann? I've told Talli, I'm not doing shit." The brunette glares at Psycho.

"Don't be so mean! I have something for you- here!" The blonde takes out a letter from her sleeveless jacket. Kassidy stares at it for a moment and begins shuffling over to a couch. Miki follows, but his help is rejected as the girl plops down with a grunt. Psycho sits down next to her and hands over the letter. Miki sits on the opposite side of the brunette as she rips open the envelope and unfolds the paper inside it. " 'Kassidy Clover,
I invite you to a masquerade ball.' I am not wearing a dress." The girl notifies. Miki leans closer, curiously reading the paper.

"Keep going!" Squeals Psycho.

" 'Although formal attire is expected, I am aware of your displeasure in fine dresses. Thus, you are free to dress in your usual.' Thank goodness. 'You may be pleased to know who else may be attending this masquerade: Talli Gunsling,' Uhg.. 'Annabell Joan Grace,' no surprise there. 'Miki Ray Bolic-' " Kassidy blinks and glances to the Raven, who gives a pleasant smile. She looks back to continue while Psycho practically vibrates with anticipation.

" 'Humbert Bolic, and- ' " Kassidy stops, looking over the names again. Her eyes widen and her jaw hangs loose.

" 'ALcrow.' They- they couldn't have. How? With him out- Why the fuck-" She looks to Psycho who throws her arms up with pure joy.

"Isn't it awesome? We'll be under the same roof! It's been so long!" She shouts happily. Kassidy stares back at the paper, re-reading it again. Miki also reads it over her shoulder.

"My name's there to.. Kassy, do you-" "I think it's time for you two to leave." The brunette pushes herself to a stand.

"But we just got here!" Psycho complains, also standing. Kassidy doesn't answer. She limps over and begin pushing the boxes from the door. Miki gets up as well.

"Kassidy?" The girl looks to him as he called her name. Her baby blue eyes meet his gunmetal, like a pistol aimed up at the sky; shooting at nothing. Yet the bullet always disappears.

"You should go home too Miki. This box of bees stays closed. Stop taking orders from Talli." She pulls her sight away from him and continue hitting away the boxes, making a small path out the door.

"But it's not fair! We never get to spend time together anymore, you have to come! You have to! AL is going to be there! AL never agrees to anything! Aren't we still friends?" Psycho shouts, stomping her feet like a child.

"Sure Annabell, and I'm the fucking meme lord!" Snaps the brunette. Psycho stops and goes quiet. Tears begin to well up in her eyes.

"Oh- Oh God- Ann I-" The blonde sprints out the door before Kassidy could finish her sentence. Miki looks to Kassidy once more before he begins to follow, however his wrist is grabbed.

"Miki." Kassidy's voice aches. The Raven looks down at her, seeing cloudy eyes.

"I'm sorry.. Just, please don't go." She looks down, crushing the letter in her hand. He glances from her to the letter and to the door way out.

"I'm not the one. If ALcrow's there, I have to go." He states. Kassidy let's go, allowing Miki to chase after the bleached blond. The brunette stands alone in her room, still staring at the rusty colored ground. In a small fit of frustration, the girl puts all her weight onto her crutch and swings her free leg at a box. It hits against the wall with a thump. The unbalance causes her to tip and fall over onto the ground with a painfilled yelp. She rolls onto her back, wincing as some of her injuries press against the ground. "Shit.. Are they really going to put this together?" She holds up the letter, once again reading its contents.

"They're basically inviting him. Do they know he's out? If that damned Raven gets too close-" Kassidy sits up.

"He's going to fucking kill him!" She states before hissing.

"Now I have to be there." The Sky eyed girl slowly and carefully pulls herself up to a stand.


Miki walks along side of Psycho, who nibbles on a waffle she had gotten. The stalls were beginning to change stock as the time became later. Children were to be called inside their houses and adults began mingling and drinking with the absents of their kin. "So your name's actually Annabell?" Miki guesses curiously.

"Mhm." The bleached blonde takes another nibble.

"Where did 'Psycho' come from?" The Raven asks.

"School." She answers shortly as they continue. She swallows her small bite.

"It was originally an insult people used to pick on me. Though they stopped when I met Al. She introduced me to Talli and later on Kassidy. She was really nice. But..." Annabell stops for a moment. Her skin pales as she holds her arms around herself. Cold, invisible claws reach up, tugging at her hair and whispering needles in and out of her skin.

"I-" The girl quivers in place, almost freezing; staring at the long eye filled hallway. They watch her, whispering to each other. Annabell shakes the illusions from her head.

"Never mind! Let's go home! I know a short cut! It's by the art shop over there." Psycho springs forwards. Miki follows after her, past multiple shops and to a long flight of stairs. Instead of a door, the two reach a bolder blocking their way out. Together, they manage to push it to the side, exiting into a dark forest. "It's late.. I can walk ya home!" Smiles Psycho after pushing the bolder back to it's original place. The world is asleep, having the dark sky tucked behind darker clouds. It'd difficult to see, but the moon's light could peek through those dark blankets.

"Wouldn't I be the one walking you home?" Miki raises an eyebrow.

"Nah, gender roles are out dated. I'm a lot stronger then you!" The bleached blonde announces happily. The Raven smiles.

"I'll trust you on that. This way?" Miki gestures to a direction. With a skip, the girl begins walking with the Raven. Through the forest, they make their way to the metal box on the rocky beach. The back end of it leading down into the watery void. Miki looks up to the darkening sky and grumbles. "I'm going home now! Bye bye Raven!" Psycho skips off. Miki turns and waves.

"Later!" He responds, watching the girl skip into the darkness. Miki makes his way down to the rocky beach, avoiding the difficult terrain. He slowly opens the door and carefully closes it behind him. Most of the lights were dim, allowing the boy to sneak through the dark aquarium. He wanders his way into the kitchen, to find no one there. 

"Where have y' been?" A female voice questions from behind him. Miki freezes and turns slowly.

"Hey Rem-" "Aw don't you Rem me mister. Where in the ever lovin' gosh darn diggity dang world have you been?" The red headed girl stomps her way towards the Raven, causing him back into a wall.

"You've been gawn for helf the freaking day! More then that! And not ownly did ya not tell me where y'r goin', but you- aahh- ouch- gayse freaking heck-" Remy jolts back, holding her still bruised head. Miki steps towards her in a panic, however he is rejected as the girl steps away.

"Miki, for the love of awll things green, tell me when you're up to somethain'. " She stares him strait in the eyes. He looks away in silence.

"I- I think I found someone." Remy's expression drops at his statement.

"I know what you're going to say- but hear me out!" Miki begins to defend himself as she looks to him with a more then blank look. His hands begin twitching against his own thumbs.

"They- I- I just know they're one of us! There are others I swear it! Remy you have to believe me, they're a Bastard Sibling- another of Tyra's kids, thrown out, trashed, abandoned, like us! We're not the only ones- there are others, I've seen them- There were-" Remy, with no force, slaps her hands to the sides of his head, holding him for a moment before violently shaking him. She then let's go allowing Miki to back into the wall and regain his balance.

"Faive saights." She holds up five fingers. Miki blinks looking around the room.

"Sister, green, chair, floor, hands." The boy tells her.

"Four feels." The girl holds up four fingers.

"Uhh, wall, shirt, pants, uh- air." He feels around.

"Threy sounds." Three fingers.

"Bubbles, my voice, skittering."

"Two tastes."

"Sour, bitter."

"One sent."

"Salt." Miki finishes. Remy sighs and approaches him, placing her hands on his shoulders.

"Miki. Ah want you to listen. Is thes reilly what you wana do with y'r laife? Y'r hurtin' yourself. Every taime you get a lead, a name, a heint, you go spy mode, you jump the gun, you get hurt. When will it be enough? When will you fainaly feel at home, safe, not alone?" Remy says plainly. Miki avoids eye contact.

"Ah know there are oothers. Ah know we have brothers and sisters, who 'ave all been abandoned by Tahra, but you don't have to go looking for 'em. I'm 'ere, your Pa's 'ere. Aren't we enough?" Miki doesn't respond to his sister. Guilt is written all over him. His hand hanging quietly from his arms. The girl let's go.

"A'm worried 'bout you. Just tell me next time you disappear for over an hour okay? You got me dared scared to ghosts." She tells him.

"Sure. I'll be out again tomorrow, you don't have to worry." Miki forces a calm collected smile. The girl frowns and opens her arms, giving the boy a hug.

"A'm going to bed now." She let's go and slowly backs away. With another glance, almost studying him, she begins wandering off. Miki only stands, allowing his smile to fade with a sigh.

"It's cold here." He whispers, looking down at his hands. The Raven walks out into the halls, looking around for the currently unpresented Remy. He makes his way silently to his room. His footsteps light and quiet, sneaking past his father's room. He crashes onto his bed with a grumble, barely listening to anything around him. "Welcome home son." Humbert stands at the door. Miki turns his head before letting his head fall back down into the fabric under him with a groan.

"Something happen?" The Old Owl walks over and sits on the bed beside him. The child simply rolls, facing away from the father.

"I heard Remy counting." Humbert mentions.

"..." Miki pushes himself up to a sit.

"Did Mom-" He cringes as he hears his own voice speak the title. His fingers begin tapping on the blankets.

"Did Tyra have any other kids?" The Old Owl flinches back at the question, his hands copying his son's.

"What brings that up all of the sudden?" He questions with a wary tone. No response comes out of the Raven.

"Well... Other then Remy, I don't know.. Tyra's had multiple lovers. Which one she had kids with and how many, I'm not sure. Why do you want to know?" Humbert repeats his previous question.

"Do you think... I'll ever meet one?" The Raven looks up to the Old Owl. He blinks slowly in thought.

"An old friend of mine once told me, 'its a big, yet small world. We are bound by the Dragon to meet someone out there.' " He quoted, glancing up to the darkened clouds in the ocean covered sky.

"Could I meet this old friend?" The Raven tilts his head. The Owl chuckles with a warm smile.

"You already have. A long time ago, you probably don't remember him." He tells the boy.

"Who?" The child asks as the tapping slows down.

"Philip Dracon. He was a great man, wise, clever, strong. Could never beat him in a fight. You could always tell when he was close by the sound of his leather boots, which he wore to stop people from making fun of his height. Phill was a good man and to many, a good father figure. Often times, if they weren't calling him short, he was bugged for being old, which he didn't mind all to much." He chuckles light heartedly.

"Huh, where is he now?" Humbert stops at the question. He looks down at his hands. Faint scars, barely visible, litter them. In fact, one could easily mistake it as awkward lighting or dirt.

"He's-.." He looks to Miki with a soft smile.

"He's not around anymore. He died honorably, saving an innocent child."

"Oh." Miki frowns.

"Did the child make it?" He tilts his head.

"They did. From what I know, they're living a decent life. Strong, curious, often times stubborn in the fact they can bend almost any situation in their favor. Now if only I knew what they were looking for. That's my question." The Old Owl describes fondly.

"I hope they find it." The Raven yawns.

"I hope so too.. Now get some sleep kid." Humbert reaches up and messes with the boy's hair. He gets up and walks to the door way.

"Good night son." Humbert smiles.

" 'night dad." Miki smiles back.

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