Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)

By hellllllnah

3.4K 142 165

There are two races in this world, humans and Aerillian, which are humans with animal qualities, that can sha... More

The Beginning
Can we keep him?
One Of Us
Flightless Bird
Biological and Chosen Family
The Empress's Son's New Clothes
The End (for now)
Q & Yay

Bear Trap

317 7 18
By hellllllnah

A small bear was running through the forest, having a great time just prancing around. Meanwhile, the deer it was chasing was having a lot less of a great time. The bear pounced on it, and the deer shifted to its human form.

"Ok! Ok! You win!!" The deer exclaimed. The bear laughed and shifted to his human form.

"I told you I'm way faster than you!" California exclaimed. Pennsylvania rolled her eyes.

"You're just mean," Pennsylvania said. California stood up, holding a triumphant pose, before he was also tackled by a bear.

"MONTANA!!! STAAAAAWP!!!" California exclaimed. Montana laughed and shifted to her human form.

"Calm down baby bear, I thought we were playing tackle war!" Montana exclaimed. California huffed.

"I was just showing Penny what for," California said. Suddenly, three mockingbirds flew by and shifted mid-air, landing on their feet.

"Some idiot killed a coyote and was walkin around sayin it was one of us!" Tennessee exclaimed.

"Hah! Stupid humans! Was it your favorite one?" California asked.

"No, it wasn't Texas... but the idiot did make fun of Texas," Arkansas said.

"Texas is a human, humans are just laughing stocks," Montana said.

"Texas gives us food! He's no laughing stock!" Mississippi exclaimed.

"Pft, I still don't think humans exist- or, at least not this close to the forest. I would've seen one by now!" Pennsylvania exclaimed.

"I think they probably exist, but what did Georgia say about you three going into the village?" California said.

"...Not to do it....but we don't listen to deer," Tennessee said.

"Rude," Pennsylvania said.

"Maybe you should," Georgia said, walking over to them.


"No buts, it's far too dangerous, a small bird like you three would be dead in a second against a rifle," Georgia said. On that somber note, the Aerillians went back to their respective homes. Most Aerillians don't know their families, so they just stick with animals like them. The two grizzly bears, (California and Montana) lived with three older black bears (Alabama, West Virginia, and Louisiana).

"There you two are! Dinner is almost ready," Louisiana said.

"Yaaaaaay!" Montana exclaimed.

"What are we having?" California asked.

"Food," Alabama said.

"No! Really? That's crazy!" California exclaimed sarcastically. The bear family sat down to eat their food, talking about the day.

"And I found out I can now eat 1,007,568 berries before throwing up! That beats my previous record of 1,000,543!" West Virginia exclaimed.

"Number one, I don't know why you think that's something to be proud of, and number two, I very much doubt you actually counted as you were eating," Montana said.

"Why can't you just be happy for me?" West Virginia asked sadly. Montana rolled her eyes. Meanwhile, California was staring out the kitchen window.

"Cali, dear, what's wrong?" Louisiana asked.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just wondering... have you ever seen a human?" California asked.

"I have, they look like us but don't have any animal parts. Really nothin special 'bout 'em," Louisiana said.

"Oh... but, have you talked to one?" California asked.

"No, I don't plan on it either. Humans are vicious," Louisiana said.

"But Tennessee said his human friend is nice to him," California said.

"His human friend doesn't know he's an Aerillian," Montana pointed out.

"Well, then, why don't I visit in my bear form?" California asked. Alabama's eyes immediately went wide.

"Don't you dare even think about it!" Alabama exclaimed.

"Ali, calm down," Louisiana said, grabbing Alabama's hand and holding it tightly.

"You know how I lost my leg? Those humans have traps specifically to catch bears like us!" Alabama exclaimed.

"Quiet! You're scarin' the poor boy!" West Virginia exclaimed, slapping Alabama's arm.

"...w-well... can I at least check out more of the forest? I don't wander off a lot... I just get bored of the same thing every day... I'll stay in the forest, I swear," California said.

"Ok, just be careful Cali. You're the baby of the house, we don't want you gettin hurt," Louisiana said. California smiled.

"I'll be just fine, don't worry about it!" California exclaimed.

Meanwhile, at the farm, Texas hesitantly knocked at Spain's front door. Spain answered after a while, and looked down at Texas with an unreadable expression.

"U-um... hello sir.... I made some dinner, if you'd like some... you can come on over...," Texas said sheepishly. Spain stared at him for a moment, before walking past Texas and heading towards the maids quarters. He turned back and stared at him expectantly.

"Aren't you coming?" Spain asked. Texas nodded nervously and followed him. They got to the maids quarters, and Texas helped Spain into his seat, and served him his food.

"I'm not the best cook sir, but I hope you like it...," Texas said. Spain nodded, and began to eat. Texas was unsure of what to do or say. He invited Spain over because it felt like the right thing to do, but he was always a bit scared of Spain. It wasn't like Spain was mean, or hostile towards Texas, but he rarely spoke to him casually.

"What's wrong?" Spain asked.

"Oh, Um... sorry, I just don't talk much... ever," Texas said. To his surprise, Spain chuckled.

"I was like that as a boy... still am," Spain said. Texas smiled shyly and nodded.

"You were friends with Britain, right?" Texas said.

"I'd hope I still am... he used to come over a lot before you lived here," Spain said.

"How long have you two known each other?" Texas asked.

"Ever since we were little... he was more of a bookish kid, super into knowledge and unlocking the secrets of life... that bored me. I was always interested in the things we couldn't explain... things mere mortals would never grasp," Spain said.

"Like what? Aerillians?" Texas asked. Spain paused, before smiling and shaking his head.

"Aerillians are not beyond human comprehension. They are mortal like us, they Love like us, they think like us... and... when it comes down to it... they fear death like us," Spain said.

"Have you met one?" Texas asked. Spain stared at Texas for a moment, before sighing.

"Mi hijo... I am still here because of one's mercy," Spain said. Texas stared at him, a look of confusion on his face. "Britain's father and my own were always competing... my father wanted to be known as the greatest Aerillian hunter of all time...

on one hunting trip, he brought me. I was so afraid... we found a beautiful woman, with large golden-brown wings... she was holding a little girl in her arms, similar wings on her back... my father took aim, and shot her once... he tried to load the finishing bullet, but the eagle was quicker than him. She flew her daughter to safety, and dug her talons into my fathers eyes. I watched the eagle claw into his throat.

I dropped to my knees and pleaded: 'don't kill me! I will not hurt your daughter! I want to live! I will never hurt your kind!'.... she looked upon me, and bowed her head... she died at my feet. I was unsure of how to help... I picked up her daughter and carried her to the safety of a nearby nest. After that, I ran away, and never went back to that forest," Spain said.

"Wow... they... they really are real...," Texas said, a bit frightened.

"Do not fear them. They simply wanted to protect themselves.... I only hope to one day meet the eagles daughter... to apologize that my father stole her mother from her," Spain said. Texas nodded. Suddenly, they heard cries ringing from the village.

"Stay here, I'll check it out," Texas said. Spain nodded, and Texas went into the village, where he saw something horrible....

"BRITAIN!" He cried, kneeling by his side. Britain looked like he had been mauled by a bear. "Britain, Can you hear me?! I'm right here! Hey, look at me! No, please don't close your eyes!" Texas cried.

"An Aerillian did this...," Confederate hissed. Texas teared up.

"Shut up! This isn't time for your stupid Aerillian games! Someone please help him!" Texas cried. France ran into the crowd and picked Britain up, because she's strong and he's smol.

"I saw it with my own eyes! He was approached by a man in a cloak, they were speaking, and the second Britain let his guard down, BOOM! The man turned into a bear! Good thing I was there to scare him off!" Confederate exclaimed.

"No... why?! Why would a Aerillian do this?!" Texas exclaimed.

"They are savages! And I swear to find this bear and kill it! I will keep this village safe!" Confederate exclaimed.

"Oh please! You're just going to fake it! You'll find a random bear in the forest, kill it, and pretend you did something to help the village! I also volunteer to hunt this Aerillian. If I find him, so be it, 'cause at least I'll know whoever hurt Britain had been brought to justice, but if I don't find him, fine, because I'm also unconvinced Aerillians are cold-blooded murderers! That is, if they even exist!" Texas exclaimed. Confederate crossed his arms.

"Fine then, I bet you won't! You wouldn't even hurt a fly!" Confederate exclaimed.

"And you wouldn't know bravery, empathy or heroism if it bit you in the a**!" Texas exclaimed. Texas noticed the three mockingbirds cheering him on. Eventually, the boys got split up, and Texas rushed back to the farm, and began setting bear traps a bit further out in the forest. Honey followed him, looking a bit nervous.

"Look Honey, I didn't forget what Spain told me... but Britain raised me. I know that was his job, but damn did he do it well... and I'm not about to let the closest thing I have to a father get hurt like that with the person who did it goin' unpunished," Texas said. Honey hung her head down.

The next day, California decided to walk through the forest. He was in his bear form, just taking in the nature around him. His friend Arizona, a cactus wren, was perched on his back. They couldn't verbally communicate in their animal forms, but they didn't need to talk. They were just taking in the trees around them...


Suddenly, Californias front leg was caught in a bear trap. He began flailing, trying to free himself. Arizona flew away to get help, and California was left letting out pained cries for help.

Meanwhile, Texas heard the commotion, and rushed towards the noise, rifle in hand.

California saw him approaching, and started crying louder. He shifted back into his human form.

"PLEASE! DON'T KILL ME! PLEASE!" California cried. Texas had his rifle aimed... but he couldn't shoot. He remembered what Spain said...

They are mortal like us, they Love like us, they think like us... and... when it comes down to it... they fear death like us

However, before Texas could make his choice, Honey grabbed at his pant leg and started pulling, as if begging him to not hurt the poor bear. Texas dropped his gun, and rushed to Californias side.

"Ok, you're ok, I won't hurt you! Calm down, I'll get you help," Texas said, picking him up and running him to the witch doctor.

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