Saved Us

By Kittybear0319

3.5K 78 42

just a Bokuken omegaverse because why not🤷🏽‍♀️ descriptions are overrated just know that there will be talk... More

But why tho?
Where am I?
Shopping spree?
Bachelor party?
Before you go on
I do!
Reception time!
Safe Space😌
Sleepy babies
👩🏽‍🍼Baby Fever👩🏽‍🍼
Back and Forth
Love and Magic
Night terror
Happy Valentine's day
Love You


58 2 3
By Kittybear0319

Two years later

Kenma's POV

"Kentoooo!" I heard Kou yell slamming the front door closed 'oh no he's pissed' I stopped dinner and walked in the living room "Kou what's wrong baby?" I was pulled into a hug and a quick kiss "they're laying me off at work, say there are too many teachers in my grade" I was shocked "can't they move you to another grade or school?" He sat in his chair "if I did that we would have to move houses and I know how much you love having our tiny house" I looked away "you do love this house right? We didn't stay here for two years for you not to right?" I sat on his lap "I wanted to wait until after dinner but I can tell you now" I looked up at him "wait! No way! Are you pregnant?" I nodded shyly "I was making your favorite tonight" I got off his lap "you were gonna butter me up first, you can go finish if you want to. Imma go see the boys for a bit" I kissed his cheek and went back to the kitchen.

Fifteen minutes later we were all done ready to clean up when I heard a knock at the door "I'll get it, stay there" Kou pointed at me "don't go treating me like glass again" I scolded but sat down listening to Yoake and Yoru talk to each other. After a while I took them out of their highchairs "Kenma c'mere real quick" I went to the door to see Shoyo, Tsukishima, Daichi, Kuroo, Terushima, and Akasshi standing in our living room "hey guys, not to be rude but what're you doing here?" The four alphas in the room laughed "you didn't forget our game night that quickly did you? I'm hurt" Shoyo fake pouted "oh nonono I'm sorry, please don't cry I'll go get the games" I sprinted from the room to find our board games and videogames "Kemmi he was kidding, don't rush please" I jumped "Keiji, you scared me" he chuckled "sorry about that, but Shoyo just wanted to be dramatic and went overboard, you should know this by now" I sighed in relief "let me help you with those" he took half the games from me and went back to the livingroom.

Walking back in the room I dropped everything to grab and upside down Yoake from Kou's arms "what are you doing!? You'll hurt his ankle and make him sick!" I cradled my baby in my arms "baby it's fine, I wasn't hurting him, and he was laughing at it" I frowned "you're being a big baby" he grumbled "Koutaro Bokuto, I need you in the kitchen. Now." I growled handing Yoake to Shoyo "somebody's in trouble" Tsukki whispered, I turned to glare at him and shut him up. Once in the kitchen I shut the sliding door "Kento I was kidding when I said that-" "I don't care if you were kidding or not, you said it in front of our friends. That embarrassed me and it's all your fault!" I cried "You're overreacting it's all okay" he put his hands on my shoulders "I'm overreacting you say? Then how is this for overreacting? You're sleeping on the couch until the day we move" I pushed his hands off and left the room. I opened the door "sorry guys, I'm too tired to play games right now, I'm gonna put the boys to sleep and then head there myself" I said good night and took the boys to their room.

"Kenma is everything alright? Can I come in?" I heard Shoyo say from outside their door "yeah I'm fine, we just had a disagreement and he's gonna sleep on the couch until we move-" "you're moving! What since when?" I clamped my hand over his mouth "god you're so loud, we decided it right before you guys came over. We need more space and Kou is going to teach at another school so we have to move" I didn't want to tell anyone about the baby yet and Shoyo left after so I didn't have to lie. I went back downstairs to our room and tried to sleep, I tossed and turned before I got up and went to take a shower to calm me down "Kento baby, I'm sorry, I never should've said anything, and it was reckless to play with him like that. I'll sleep on the couch until you're ready" I heard his footsteps fade away, I sighed and put clothes back on. A bit later I was unsure if company was still here I cracked our door open and saw nobody "Kou can I have your shirt? I can't sleep without your scent" I mumbled "yeah, here" he threw it on my head "goodnight kitten, I love you" I heard as I walked away.

All night I was wide awake worried about the twins and Kou, I finally threw the blankets off myself and ran upstairs and opened the twins door. I walked over to their beds and watched as they slept soundly "Kento baby, what's wrong?" I jumped when Kou wrapped his arms around my waist "I was just checking to see if they had woken up" he turned me around "you ran up the stairs like your life depended on it, are the nightmares back?" I didn't want to tell him that they were but I didn't lie. I led him out of their room "yeah and they're worse than ever but I don't want to take the medicine, it makes me hallucinate when I'm awake and it gives me sleep paralysis at night. It does more harm than good" I held my arms around my waist "maybe we can ask to change medications or find another doctor to help-" "I don't need help! I just want to be normal without medicine or hallucinations or nightmares" he pulled me into a hug "it's okay to need help, let's get to your therapist in the morning and see what's going on with your medicine. Maybe you need to change them because you're pregnant and your hormones are changing everything" it was true my hormones were changing and my medicine probably couldn't keep up "okay but what if they can't do anything? Am I just gonna have to live with nightmares the entire pregnancy?" I leaned into him "hopefully not but if so I'm right here and will stay right here with you until you're able to sleep again" He led me back to our room and tried to leave "I don't want you to leave me" I grabbed his hand "I thought-" "I changed my mind, I don't want you to leave" I scooted over giving him enough room to lay down "want me to sing?" I nodded moving onto his chest. I began to purr when he started my song and ran his fingers through my hair "I love you Koutaro Bokuto" I whispered before falling asleep.

Hey y'all, I ain't dead...yet. I wanted this chapter out waaaaaay earlier than now but it keeps getting pushed back for whatever reason but here ya go☺️ Anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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