Daughter of the Devil

By elixlozgamer

137 0 0

When he first laid eyes on her, he couldn't help but notice everything about her. Their perfect locks of hair... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Untitled Part 15

Chapter 2

12 0 0
By elixlozgamer

I stirred the oatmeal. The heat rose to my face and engulfed it, causing sweat to drip down it. It mixed with the water from my eyes.

Link was always like this; no matter what I did... He never paid me much attention. Sure he talks to me while we eat... And maybe a bit at night... But he never took me anywhere, or wanted to do more.

I know he wants a simple life, and to just live peacefully after defeating Ganon... But it gets boring never doing anything. He was too overprotective.

I want a bit of spice in my life. Adventure, even. I've considered ending our two-year relationship. So I can be with someone better, who actually cares for me. And doesn't force me to do all the work...

When he gets up I'll talk to him. Even if it makes him upset- both of us, I have to do it. Maybe then I can have more of a life outside this home that isn't a job.

I can offer for us to stay friends, but who knows what people will think? Will they think I just want him for fame? He is the Hero of Time, after all...

I continued making the hot, soft breakfast. Maybe it'd be easier to convince Link that I mean no harm when I break up with him... If he even lets me.

The last person he was with had to run away so she could get away from him. I should've seen that red flag when I first got with him; maybe then I wouldn't be in this mess.

But he was so sweet at first, with the millions of stars dancing in those ocean like eyes... The way his lips would curve into a sly grin when he was about to do something stupid. That's what made me fall for him... Just the simple looks on his face is what brought me deep into this ocean of once was what calm, until there were no waves to jump over and splash in.

The door creaked and I could tell Link had finally gotten out of bed. But, he only gets up whenever the smell of breakfast is in the air. Just like normal. He never made it, or even helped. He just... Stayed there. And watched as I took care of the house.

Maybe it could be because he's a hero..? And he really just wants a break from everything for once in his life. It could be that, it wouldn't surprise me. But either way, I feel like he could do a bit more.

An arm snaked around my waist and a chin nuzzled into my neck. I desperately wanted to sigh softly and giggle like all the other times, but now my heart just isn't in it...

"Hey, let me finish..." Link yawned and took the spoon away. "You can't be the only one doing things around here..."

I stood in shock. He's never done this before, so why now? What caused him to change?

"Noticed you seemed stressed all the time... And that I never really did anything..." Link stroked my hair softly as he placed a loving kiss on my forehead. "So, figured I should start doing things more often... Don't wanna lose you for being a terrible boyfriend..."

I looked into those sky-blue eyes. I could see my own, sweaty reflection in those irises... But I can also see love. Love from him... Something I never thought would happen in our entire relationship. "... Really? You... You really love me..?"

He stopped stirring the oatmeal to cup my face. "Of course... You're the love of my life, how couldn't I?"

I turned around to hug him. He did the same, squeezing my small, frail body into his chest. It hurt to breathe, definitely, but he was... Actually showing me affection... That he cared... "Link..." I whimpered as I hid my face in his green-clad chest. "I love you..."

"I love you too..." He went back to finishing breakfast. I stayed right there, holding his non-dominant arm that was still around me. I guess I don't have to break up with him... Or at least, if he keeps this up.

I smiled in bliss as his chest rose and fell. My breathing was steadied with it, having been uneven from my previous thoughts.

How could I think all those things? Now in the thick of it, I could've just told him how I felt without ruining everything we have up to now... I really am an idiot, letting that cross my mind.

Link put the spoon into the mix and lifted me up, catching me by surprise. He chuckled to himself and sat me in one or the hard, wooden chairs... I should really replace them, they were starting to splinter.

My simple, tunic-donning hero scooped the homemade oatmeal into some bowls. Chipped and ceramic. Come to think of it, most of our belongings need to be replaced. Even our bed, dented from the weight of us both. Including our couch, with a few broken springs. Even the stable for Epona needs fixing.

He set the bowls in our spots and sat down. He smiled, his lips spreading into a more gentle, more loving smile. That look was all too familiar, but I still can't help but get lost in it...

His front teeth that were longer than average, his lips with that dull pink shade. My eyes trailed to his prominent, yet well-defined facial structure... Then to his eyes. I can practically drown in them...

"Link..?" I whispered, voice barely audible.

He looked at me and tilted his head. "Yeah, Y/n?"

How do I tell him? He wouldn't be too happy about having to buy new furniture. He never was. He would go on about how its unnecessary, and about it being perfectly fine. And if it got bad enough he fixed it to be usable again.

"We... Need to... Replace some furniture..." I glanced nervously at him, waiting for his reaction. But he nodded in agreement. No arguing to fix it or anything. "Link? Are- are you alright..? Do you feel warm?"

"I'm fine, actually..." Link leaned back in his chair. He hasn't even touched his food yet. Normally he'd've scarfed it down by now. "I've just been thinking... I don't do much around here, life has been getting a bit boring... I thought that after having saved the world I might've just wanted to live a simple life, but I guess not..."

So he wanted more in life, too? That isn't just sitting around, being calm? He smiled at me. That same old perfect smile. "So... When... Should we go to town to replace some things..?"

"I was gonna say after we eat. Morning is the coolest part of the day." Link started on his bowl. I stared down at mine. We almost always had oatmeal for breakfast. Maybe if we had some, I'd make bacon. But it was normally oatmeal and eggs. "Also... I... Wanted to take you out for lunch today. Just- something really important to tell you..."

My breath hitched. This could mean so many things. He can be breaking up with me. He could want to move. It could be a job promotion, or a raise. Or... Proposal..? No, he wouldn't do that. Not after everything that's been going on lately... He more than likely could be breaking up with me. Men are most likely to be sweet when they're planning to do that...

I sighed and poked at my breakfast. It no longer seemed appetizing. More so another obstacle to get past. Come to think of it, a lot of food doesn't seem as good nowadays. Its all just bland. Even cake.

"Y/n? Are you sure you're okay? You're not eating..." Link leaned foreword and touched my head. "You're warm..." He went to the cabinets and pulled out a thermometer. He came up to me and held it to my mouth. "Open."

I did as told. He slid the thermometer under my tongue and held it there, watching the red liquid rise. I don't think I have a fever... Or at least I hope not. That would mean one of my coworkers is sick. Like I said, I only get sick if it's passed on...

"Huh- No fever..." Link muttered as he removed the thermometer. He went back to eating. Just as I expected. "Want me to make you something else?"

"Oh- uh- no... I'm good..." I actually wanted a tuna sandwich. I could never say no to one of those things, they were so heavenly in my mouth.

Link nodded and finished his meal. "So... Want some tuna?" My ears perked up and I looked at him with pleading eyes. That sounds so good right now... Maybe that's why I considered a break up. Just a bit hungry, and wasn't getting the proper food. He really is a good boyfriend...

I nodded my head and slowly ate my oatmeal. It wasn't bad, for sure. Just... Too regular. We have it too often for it to be a blessing from above. It felt boring on my tongue. The same old texture, taste. Nothing new. I sighed as I ate it, really wanting something to pop my taste buds, even if it's just for a little bit.

I couldn't eat anymore, it was too weird. I stood up and scraped the rest of my bowl into the trash, before rinsing it off. "Y/n? Are you sure you don't want me to make you something else? Or are you just not hungry?"

I turned to look at him, replying, "Just not hungry."

He nodded and went to put his bowl in then sink. He picked me up and kissed my neck. It was so sweet and tender... He knows how much I love when he did that. "Is there anything I can do to make the love of my life feel better?"

"Tuna?" I gave him the puppy-dog eyes. My obsession with that stuff has always been pretty bad, but now its only worse on an empty stomach. Sometimes I'm more concerned about myself than Link is.

He laughed and kissed my neck again. "You really love that stuff, don't'cha?" I nodded. It was one of the few things I could eat forever, no matter what. I looked into those ocean blue eyes...

...But they were red. The colour of fresh blood after a kill that was for nothing other than fun. Yet it was similar to the fresh cherries picked in the spring time. His hair was a silky white, reminding me of the moons reflection on the surface of Lake Hylia. But so white it was eerie, almost unreal. His pale grey skin reminded me of those rainy days where I was soaked through... But was given a warm, comforting bath. His fangs stuck out like a vampire, ready to take you as its prey. But at the same time reminded me of the barring look my dogs had when they were protecting me from the mailman.

I stayed in his arms. It was such a small glimpse, but it was terrifying. Beautiful. And now Link was back. He held that same twinkle in those eyes. The one he had when he was upset. The same wildness to his funky blond hair, that I couldn't help but want to run my hands through. But it was yet so rough from the years of fighting. The similar peachy skin that always glowed with the essence of pride. But was yet so scarred. His smile was silly, ready to pepper me in kisses once more. Yet, it was similar to the one he gave the farm girl. That farm girl who seemed to have a thing for Link, despite knowing I was with him.

He held me tightly as though his life depended on it. It was an embracing hug, one that put every word of love he wanted to say. I hid my face in his chest, breathing in that morning scent he always seemed to have. I stayed there, enjoying the warmth of it.

"Y/n..? You... gonna let go?" Only now did I realize Link no longer had his arms around me. I sheepishly smiled and unwrapped myself from him. He ruffled my hair and kissed my forehead. "You should probably get dressed if we're gonna go into town, silly."

My eyes widened and I scratched the back of my head. "R- right... I should do that, shouldn't I?"

I left him there and set off to our room. I closed the door and was just about to open the closet when I noticed Link.

He was still laying in bed, sleeping soundly. The fact that his hair went un-brushed, and his shirt was still off, showed he made no effort to get out of bed at least once. And his snored were loud. How did I not notice that earlier? His snores would normally ring through the house... Was I imagining things? Am I so starved for his affection I created my own little world where he loved me..?

"Well... This wasn't the smartest idea. I should've offered you some clothes to change in instead."

I swiftly turned. There he was, standing in the door frame. The exact person who was watching us through the window. The same cold red eyes. Same grey skin. Same white hair. All of Links features but different. More darker, corrupted. It was obvious he had no intention of harm. But there was something not even that devilish grin could hide.

"Relax. I'm just going to make you mine."

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