Daughter of the Devil

By elixlozgamer

137 0 0

When he first laid eyes on her, he couldn't help but notice everything about her. Their perfect locks of hair... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Untitled Part 15

Chapter 1

28 0 0
By elixlozgamer

Please note, the song I used is my own. Do not copy nor repeat without Prior consent. And even after I say you can, please give me proper credit. Thank you.

I walked across the lakes shore. I felt the cold sand beneath my feet. The moon gently shone down on me, bathing me in its silvery light. Everything was peaceful. No one here but me.

I sat down, letting the waves wash over me. It soaked through my f/c dress. The water caressed my soft legs, persuading me to go deeper. To swim out to the tree.

I would have, but Link would be upset.

"You'll get a cold!" He'd complain.

It was sweet and all, but he was too overprotective. The cold never bothered me. The only time I would get sick is if someone passed it to me.

I watched as the night fairies began to descend down the waterfall. As always, they would dance until the sun rises, then return to sleep. Sometimes the scarecrows would join, too. Singing sweet tunes, swaying to the beat.

The little balls of light twirled around the glass surface of Lake Hylia. It was as though the water was solid. They played so gently. I wish to join them.

I stood up, brushing the dirt from my dress. I walked deeper into the clear dancefloor, getting closer to the fairies.

They didn't run. They knew me well. I would visit almost every night, should Link be fast asleep.

The balls of light fluttered around me, singing the songs of their people. I smiled as they landed on my shoulders, gently tugging at my skin to play with them.

I put my hands out for them to rest on. The dancing would make them exhausted. They urged me to sing for them, which I happily obliged to.

"Hush now child, do not cry. For fear is holding you too tight. Breathe so slowly through the night. But will you wake in morning light?"

A few more sat on me as I sang. "Hear the monster, in your closet. See the monster in the air. Feel the monster under your bed. Know that it got inside your head~"

"Look out the window, say what you see. Breath in the dense air and let the monsters be. Ever so slowly you will heal, but at the moment you won't feel~"

They started to hum along. I smiled slightly. Their cute little voices were perfect additions. "Hear the waves in the ocean of despair. Do not shout or he will appear. Stay so silent, feel the breeze. Do not fear for he will come, come and bring you near~"

Although I couldn't see it, I could tell they were grinning. My mom would always sing me that lullaby. She was friends with the fairies, too. I think it might run in the family.

They slowly flew off of me, back to playing in the soothing waters. I should probably be leaving soon. Link would be worried sick if he woke up without me.

I walked away from the multi-coloured glows. They already knew my predicament. And they knew I would always return. There were no need for goodbyes. When there was, that meant I'd be leaving for a long time.

I headed back towards the gate with a cool mind. Link should still be asleep right now. I shouldn't have too much to worry about... I think. There could always be monster waiting for perfect prey.

A stalfo walked on by. It paid no attention to me. Now that I think about it, none of them did. Maybe since Ganondorf's gone, they're more peaceful? A likely explanation.

I traveled the same old path, back to me and Link's cabin. It was simple, made of wood and stone. Just how we liked it. A simple life, with nobody to bother us. Unless, of course, the Princess were to need something. Thankfully though, it's not often.

I silently opened the door, hoping Link was still sleeping. I peeked through, looking for any sign on the bed. A huddle of blankets... As usual.

Knowing it was safe, I walked inside.


I jumped as he called my name. There on the chair was Link. Arms folded, legs crossed. He wasn't happy with me, I just knew it.

"Oh, uh... Hey, Link... How did you- uh- rest?" I greeted, trying to sound as cool as possible. He shook his head, and got up, coming towards me. "Ah, is there something you need to say?"

"Why? Why do you like the lake so much?" He whispered, tugging at the hem of my wet dress. "If you keep playing in the water you'll get sick..."

"I'll be fine, Link. It never bothered me before."

"But the monsters- You could get hurt!" He looked at me with those loving puppy eyes. As always, so fierce and protective.

"Monsters don't attack me, we've been over this."

I pat his head and walked over to our bed. He looked at me with pity and climbed in, pinning me to the comforter with a hug. His strong muscular arms stayed clamped around me. It was as though he was saying, "Don't sneak out again."

I snuggled into his chest as he pulled the blanket over us. "Nice and warm, nice and warm!" I chanted, earning a small chuckle from him.

He kissed my forehead, putting his head in my neck. I could feel him grin as we drifted off to sleep.


I watched as the two cuddled each other. I hated every bit of it. Not the girl. Never my precious gem... But Link. Always getting what he wants. The fame, the glory, the girl... And yet there was me. Who got nothing out of it but hate. Everyone hated me.

Link had everything to settle him... He could easily go for Malon as soon as he and Y/n break up. It wouldn't suprise me if he did, too. Whenever he would go and "help out the farm girl" he would help the rancher... With a problem that wasn't farm-related.

Poor Y/n didn't know, either. She's so innocent. So happy. So perfect. I wish I've had gotten to her first. I could show her what a real man looked like.

I stared through the window, clenching my fists. How dare he pretend he loves her, and only her? Y/n doesn't deserve it. Poor flower... Having an unfaithful boyfriend.

One day me and her will be together. She'll love me. I just know she will. One day I'll be the one to hold her in my arms...


Soon I'll take her away to the water temple. There we will live together, love each other... Just be happy. It would all be perfect. And Link would be dead if he ever tried to save her. If he's smart, he'll choose Malon.

Now that I think about it... I might just kill him anyway. I'd do it soon enough, why not now?

But I can't get rid of him this moment. My dearest could see, and she would hate me. So when he's alone. I'll wipe his pathetic little life off the earth. And Y/n would be all mine. Only mine.

I rest my head in my hand, staring at her sleeping form. It was so cute. The gentle rising of her chest, the way she would snuggle into the blankets should their be the slightest breeze. The definition of adorable.

I tried to give her little notes to show her how much I loved her. Anywhere I knew she would find them. She saw them alright, but never paid much attention. Always assuming they were for Link from rabid fans. If only she picked up the similar handwriting. Maybe then she would know they were for her.

The sun began to rise, illuminating her features in a golden light. She looked like a goddess. Soft... Sweet... Beautiful... Perfect... It would be better if she was with me.

The sun burned my skin as it got brighter. But I stayed. Watching her wake up was my favourite part.

She would stretch with a kitten-like yawn and slump back down. She would get out of bed and start making breakfast for when Link woke up. And if he wasn't awake, she would jump on him, bearing that pearly smile I loved so much.

Link wouldn't wake up too happy when that happened. He would snarl as he rolled out of bed. Y/n thought nothing of it, simply because he was a heavy sleeper. She didn't even think about the pain it could bring her.

I wouldn't ever do that to her. Instead I'd laugh and tickle her to death. I would scoop her in my arms and bring her back to the kitchen. There, we would eat the wonderful breakfast... Maybe we would cook it together. Maybe I could wake up early and let her sleep.

I've had some of her food. I would steal a bite of leftovers if there were any. It tasted like heaven. The only thing that could taste better was her.

The rays of light continued to pound onto my skin. I still stood, waiting for my flower to wake.

She slowly fluttered her eyes open, sitting up. I leaned closer, putting my ear to the window. That soft little squeal was so harmonizing. I want to listen to that every day...

She stepped off the side of the bed, careful not to wake Link. I sighed as she grabbed her comb and brushed her knots. I wish I could do that for her. It would be a good bonding moment for both of us...

She tied her shiny h/c hair into a messy bun. It framed her face perfectly. She didn't bother to change her outfit. Kind of upsetting... Her features were perfect. Absolutely stunning.

Y/n stretched once more, without the cute yawn. She scratched her head, peering at the window.

She met my eyes. I waves at her, sighing softly. Beautiful... So beautiful.

She walked towards me, her hair bouncing atop her head.

'Is she actually intrested in me? Oh my goddesses, finally... She'll talk to me! Then we can have a conversation, get to know each other, and she'll love me! I can see it now!' She opened up the window. I grinned, holding my arms out for a hug.


I clutched my nose as she ran to wake Link up. How dare she?! Choosing Link over me?! I teleported away as my dopplegänger stirred, growling at my beloved. I would have taken her then and there, but then he would know where to go.

I went to my tree in the illusion room. I cuddled the doll I made of her... My dearest, sweet Y/n. I'll make you mine. You'll love me eventually...


"Link! Wake up, please! It's important!" I pleaded. He growled in response as usual. Normally I'd be hurt, but now is not the time! "Link, please! There was someone out the window! He- He looked just like you!"

"You're... Probably just imagining things, Y/n..." Link yawned. "That demon was defeated years ago... Besides, you probably just saw my reflection..."

I looked at him with pleading eyes. "I- I saw it! I know I did! He had red eyes and white hair! He was just like you!"

"Y/n... You were likely still in sleep mode; you have seen the thing before when we first met... Likely just memories." He shoved me away and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"I... Okay..." I turned away from him and walked out the door. "I'll... Be making breakfast... I'll l-let you know when its finished..."

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