Black Butler, In The Modern E...

Par _SubtoWillNE_

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"Ciel, come to the front of the store, or I'm cooking lunchables." "Sorry, I got distracted by the tea aisle... Plus

-Chapter One-
-Chapter Two-
-Chapter Three-
-Chapter Four-
-Chapter Five-
-Chapter Six-
-Chapter Seven-
-Chapter Eight-
-Chapter Nine-
-Chapter Ten-
-Chapter Twelve-

-Chapter Eleven-

616 24 6
Par _SubtoWillNE_

Third Person PoV

(Y/n) blankly stares up at their ceiling, unable to sleep. They're not sure of how long exactly they have had their eyes trained on the centre of the ceiling, specifically where the (f/c) chandelier lay. The light was switched off, but they could still imagine the reflection the stained, chipped glass would give on the rest of their room. The small rainbows would bounce and hop with every slight movement of the wind that hit the dangling shapes.

A heavy sigh leaves their soft, parted lips as they give up on sleep and lift themselves to sit up properly. Weighing around their options to pass by the hours, (Y/n) briefly contemplated revising for upcoming tests, but quickly dismissed the idea. Instead, they gently removed the charger that occupied their phone before slipping the object into their (f/c) sweatpants. After rubbing their stinging eyes and placing their slides on, they leave the room. They figured a stroll around the house would do them some good, and maybe even a visit to the pool in the garden.

As they walk, they let their consciousness slip into a train of thought. The main thing on their mind was the future. Will they get the cast back home? Will they remember everything that happened here? Their legs carry them down the steps as the thoughts continue to bounce around in their mind. They wouldn't be gone long before they returned, accompanied by another question regarding the same topic.

Like on impulse, their body halts to a stop when their mother's voice reaches their ears. She sounded stressed, despite how softly she spoke.

"I don't understand, (F/n). I thought Jake would be the heir to the throne. It makes sense! He's sensible, typically a leader-

"Would you not say the other two are? They're more alike than you like to give them credit for, (M/n)."

There's a moment of silence before a soft sigh is released. The sound of glass being gently placed down echoes through the air.

"I don't know. I just wanted (Y/n) to be oblivious to this side of their life for a little longer. I suppose I'm just coming up with excuses."

Slowly, (Y/n) lifted themselves from their seat on the bottom step. How many more secrets are their family going to hide from them? It's tiring. They walk in the direction of their parents, huffing.

"What is it now? Honestly, I'm 16, nearly 17. I'm too old for family secrets." (Y/n) whines.

(M/n) jumps, clearly not expecting her youngest child to waltz through the kitchen doors at two in the morning. Her fright causes (F/n) to smirk before gently approaching her and wrapping his arm around her waist, almost as if it's a way to soothe his Wife's scare.

(Y/n) suppresses the urge to smile and instead raises their brow in a questioning manner. "So?"

(M/n) clears her throat. "So, (Y/n). You know how we're, well, uhm...vampires?" She begins, fiddling with her fingers.

"Uh-huh...go on." (Y/n) urges

"Well, we come from an important line of people. On my side, not your Father's." She vaguely explains. (Y/n) rolls their eyes, feeling a headache come on.

"Come on, Mother. You have to be more specific. 'Important people' could mean anything." 

"Royalty!" She barks. "You're in a royal bloodline, (Y/n)...and you're next to take the throne."


  "....and you're next to take the throne."

Hidden a few doors and halls away, a butler clad in black picks up on the conversation between his and his master's hosts. His eyes squint in thought as he recalls the human Royalty bloodline. After a moment he shakes his head, rendering it impossible for the host's youngest child to be the heir to the throne.

He straightens his posture, smirking, impressed with his instant hunch of the family being non-human being validated. He hums to himself as he spins on his heel, making his way to the room his young master is currently occupying to share the news.


The silence in the kitchen is unnerving for all parties. (M/n) and (F/n) watch with uncertainty as their youngest child stares off into space, registering the new information. (M/n) chews her bottom lip before huffing, rushing over to the kitchen counter to her near-empty wine glass and quickly finishing it, only for the glass to be refilled with the bitter red liquid as soon as it was emptied.

Finally, (Y/n) nods. " Uhm...yeah, great. Queen shit- like, literally."

"You're going to have to visit your kingdom soon..." (M/n) whispers in a gentle tone, scared that any more information with cause her child to combust. She steps closer to her husband, leaning against his shoulder as he wraps his arm around her waist and places a soft kiss on her temple.

"When's 'soon'? Am I finishing school? What about the cast? How are they going to get home? And why me?-" as (Y/n) keeps the questions flowing, (F/n) chuckles. He lets them finish before answering.

"'Soon' will be in the next few days, of course, you're finishing school, the cast will get home, you don't need to worry about it, we're speaking to your grandparents about it, and because we don't decide who the heir is, it's...fate, if you will. That book you got from the library will tell you everything you need to know."

Not sure what else to do (Y/n) nods again. "So with this whole... 'royalty' thing, is there anything expected of me?"

A wicked smirk reaches (M/n) ruby lips. (Y/n) pales at this, endless possibilities of what would be expected of them rapidly running through their mind, one after another.

"So, we'll start with the basics. Ballroom dancing, proper dining etiquette, proper posture and holding yourself with dignity, and of course going over the coronation ritual-"

"I'm sorry, ritual? What?"

The teen is met with silence. Their mother's face says it all though.

"Ah...wasn't meant to mention that just yet. A-anyway! Off you pop, dear. Your Father and I have things to discuss. Goodnight, we love you." The older woman chirps as she guides her youngest offspring out of the room gently, careful not to hurt them.

"W-wait, but-" The sound of the kitchen door shutting cuts them off, making a sigh emit instead. "What the fuck...what the actual fuck...what the fuck..."

The silence of the halls is disturbed by the teen's profanities as they make their way back to their room.

'Fucking royalty?.. Wait. How did he know about the book?-'


Readers PoV

I rub my tired eyes as I yawn. I ended up staying in the library all night researching my family history while trying to find out what the coronation ritual actually consists of. To my disappointment I didn't actually find out what it was, but I did find out that I'm a descendant of Dracula, so... new flex, I guess?

I reach down into my pocket and sluggishly snatch my phone so I could check the time.


'Well, this isn't how I planned to spend my Friday night.'

I shove the books I had occupied myself with for the past six hours to the side and slowly stand up, fearing my knees would collapse under my weight after not being used for so long. They didn't, thankfully. While I haven't looked through all the books of...vampire royalty and existence, I'm way too drained to do any more researching at this moment of time.

I huff and scroll through my phone absant mindedly as I make my way back to the comfort of my room. However, due to my distracted state I fail to hear the quickly approaching footsteps of an extremely unhappy, dare I say deadly, butler. My pointed ears twitch and my eyes furrow as I feel a bad feeling brew in my gut, my mind telling me to be cautious of my surroundings. Unfortuantly, my gut feeling had arrived much too late as I'm aggressively shoved into the nearest room and pinned to the wall, leaving me alone and vulnerable with the red-eyed demon.

All traces of lethargy in my body have long disappeared and instead have been replaced by paralysing adrenaline as Sebastians cold, ungloved hands grip my wrists above my head. I do nothing except from stare up at him, waiting for him to speak.

"What exactly are you, (Y/n)?" He huskily whispers into my ear. I suppress a shiver. I shake my head weakly.

"I have no fucking idea what you mean, Sebastian. Get off of me."

He doesn't listen to me and instead chuckles lowly. He moves his lips from the shell of my ear to my neck, allowing me to feel his hot breath.

////////Mentions of S.A- Groping///////

I feel myself go weak in the knees, my fear increasing with every movement he makes. I'm not stupid, I know I'm not suddenly 'exempt' from his demonic tendencies because I took him and his master in, but surely he wouldn' anything against my will, right?

I feel tears begin to well up in my eyes as he moves one hand to hold both my wrists and uses the other to roam my body, squeezing my waist and thighs.

"This can easily end, (Y/n). You just have to tell the truth," he places a kiss on my neck as his hand travels uncomfortably further up my thigh.

'Okay, nevermind. He definitely would do something against my will.'

I close my eyes, shaking my head as I begin to storm up ideas of how I could possibly get out of this situation. I'm not calling for help, that makes me looks weak. If I was to bite him...would it have any affect? I read that a vampire bite is venamous, and that's how we kill our prey. I just don't know if it would have the same effect on a demon that it would a human. Well, it's better than waiting around for him to have his way with me. I just have to catch him off guard.

"Y-you know, I'm a minor...this is rape on all levels." I speak up, causing him to move from my neck and look into my eyes, temporary shock before he rolls his eyes, a smirk making its way to his lips again.

"Oh, whatever will I do? Go to jail?-" I stop listening to his mocking tone at that point as I notice he looked away from me to some other point in the room we're in.


Quickly, I kick him away from me with the strength of the left over adrenaline before climbing on top of him. I punch him quickly for good measure while he's still in shock before reaching down and attempting to sink my teeth into his neck. He manages to block my attack, however, and I end up biting his clothed arm before he shoves me off of him. I huff as I land on my back harshly, kind of pissed I missed my attack but still satisfied that I got to punch him in his stupid face. The satisfaction is short lived though, as he stalks his way back over to me, his crimson eyes a much darker tone than they had been a few seconds ago and a deadly aura radiating off of him.

I know I don't stand a chance against a demon that has thousands of years of experience against other demons, angels and reapers, but hey, I have years of pent up anger I can try and put to use.

I look up at Sebastian as a sharp pain runs through my eyes, causing me to narrow them as he looks slightly taken back. I jump up and head straight for his neck again. He grips my hair and yanks my head back, causing a yelp to leave my lips. I don't let go of my grip on his neck though, determined to finally bite into it and test my theory. I bring my knee up and kick him between his legs, causing him to gasp and let go of me completely as he crumbles to the floor. I smirk at my victory and bring myself down to the same level as his neck, finally getting the satisfaction of sinking my sharp canines into neck as he groans out in pain. After a few seconds I lift my head back up, lapping the fallen blood around my lips before wiping my bottom lip. I look down at him as my chest falls and rises quickly.

I realise now that vampire venom does, infact, have an effect on demons as I stare down at the lethargic Sebastian who stares up at me with intense curiosity in his eyes and a small smirk on his lips. He reaches up to his neck with his contract hand and gently presses on my bite, wincing at the pain. There are still small trinkles of blood leaving the wound.

Slowly, he begins to lift himself up to lean against the wall. I back away from him slightly, not wanting to repeat the fight to what happened before.

"A vampire, I'm guessing?" He muses as he fixes his dishevelled hair. I nod slowly as I pull my knees up to my chest, leaning on them as I fall back onto the wall facing Sebastian.

"You didn't have to...touch me. There's multiple books in the library that you easily could've had access to if you just looked. They're not locked away." I mutter. I'm pretty shaken up from the whole experience, I can't lie. "How did you even know?"

"I was roaming around at the same time you was earlier this morning. I overheard your parents talking to you about being royalty and I had already studied the countries with monarchy still, and I come to the conclusion you couldn't be the descendent to any human throne. I'm sorry, My Highness. Seduction go to, I suppose."

I roll my eyes and stand up. "That wasn't 'seduction' you selfish prick! It was literally sexual assault!" I don't bother to look back or hear anymore of his bullshit excuses before I leave the room, slamming the door behind me. I stand still as I take in a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. I reach up for my necklace as grasp it. Tracing the design has always been an anxiety helper for me. I turn my head to the side, seeing my fallen phone. I grasp it, seeing multiple messages from my brother.


Did you just shout? You good?

What's that banging?

fr what's going on?

(Y/n) where are you?

what room are you in?

This fucking house is too big for fucks sa- oh I'm sending a voice message

Just as I'm in the middle of sending a message confirming I'm okay, he turns the corner, spotting me.

"(Y/n)! You go- Why is there blood on your neck?..and your hands?" He questions gently as he slowly makes his way toward me.

I shake my head. "It's not important, Dylan. Go back to your room or something." I storm past him and make my way to my room. He follows me, however, not giving up.

"Did something happen? You know you can tell me anything, right?" He speaks softly.

I sigh softly as I make my way inside my room, preventing him from following me in as I place my foot behind the door, keeping it open my a couple of inches.

"Sebastian and I just got into a fight. I bit him, and he roughed me up a little. We're even. Don't tell anyone about this, Dylan. I won't hesitate to hex you and ruin every good thing you have going on for you." With that, I slam my door shut and lock it.

I feel tears prick at my eyes as I rethink over the events that took place less than twenty minutes ago. While he didn't get the chance to do anything...'major' it still shook me up. I stagger over to my bed, blinded by the tears clouding my vision

Suddenly, having the cast of my favourite anime in my own home doesn't seem that nice anymore. Thanks, Sebastian. You ruin everything.


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