My Teacher (gxg)

By sparkler37

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please comment or vote :) Brooklynn is just starting her senior year of high school. She has taking an admira... More



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By sparkler37

Brooke's POV
As soon as I got home I went straight to bed. The whole week was tiring. It wasn't even that I had a test or anything, just school is becoming a lot, especially being a senior.

Once I woke up I couldn't stop thinking about Mrs. Sumner. She told me everything was fine but between her text and the way her husband talked to me I wasn't so assured. I keep thinking this isn't my real life and I've just been dreaming. How could someone like Mrs. Sumner fall for someone like me? I just don't know how to feel about any of it. I want her so bad.

I think Mrs. Sumner and Mr. Sumner are a great couple. Am I jealous of the love they have? Yes, I would say I am. But I am also glad that I get to give her my love and she gets to give me some of hers. I'm not too sure what all happened in her classroom after I left but I know it couldn't have been good. Mr. Sumner was asking way too many questions and it just makes me think that she slept with Mr. Verlice. Hell, I'll give it to her though, he's one hot man. His big muscles and great smile can easily have anyone fall in love.

I really hope Mrs. Sumner isn't upset with me. Or upset in general. I never want to see her unhappy.

I walk out into the living room to see mom watching Law & Order:SVU and dad on his phone in the kitchen. I look around and notice nobody has even looked up at me. "Hey" I say. "Oh hey, Brooklynn. Come sit." I walk over and sit with her on the couch. Dad is on his phone watching tik toks out loud. He always does and I don't understand why.

"How's school been kiddo?" He asks me as he gets up from the table. "It's going pretty well." I do think it's going pretty good. I have 4 As and 2 Bs. and The and are in classes I don't have to have to do as well in. "That's good. I'm really proud of you." I know he means it from the tone in his voice. He also doesn't tell me often. "Thanks dad. Love you." "Love you too kiddo. Goodnight." He heads to his room and that's probably the last I'll see of him for the night since he has to work Saturdays now.

I've already planned to take a couple shots once mom and dad go to bed. Dad already knows I take a shot every now and then because he's the one who got it for me. I had told him I wanted to try some and he said it's better to do it at home than out with random people. It's just mom that doesn't care for it, mainly because of her religious views. But honestly her religious views are selective, but I think that's just how it is with most Christians. They pick and choose parts of the bible to follow.

Mom ends up going to bed early with dad. It's only 5:30 pm. As soon as I see her head to the bathroom I know she's not going to come back this way. I walk around the kitchen and reach the back of the top shelf. I grab a small cup and pour myself a little. I have another fruity drink nearby. I haven't had it by itself before. I usually add it to another drink.

I take a shot of tequila and feel the shocks and tingling down my throat. I quickly take a drink of my strawberry watermelon drink. Damn! I miss that feeling. I take another and decide to head to my room.

It doesn't really affect me much. I think I just like the tingly feeling and how it makes my mouth and throat feel numb. I may down and pop in my earbuds. I click my purple heart playlist and lay back.

Text her? No Brooke. Leave her be. I can't decide whether or not I should text Mrs. Sumner. I want to but I don't want to interrupt her and her husband. They're probably trying to enjoy their time together. Oh fuck it. 'hi, mrs. sumner' I hit send and lay my head back. Taking in the words of every song that plays.

'hey brooke, can't talk right now. but i'll text you later- Mrs. Summer' That was a quick text back. I figure I should just go to sleep and wait for her to text me later.

Mrs. Sumner's POV
As I set down my phone after texting Brooke back I sat down on my bed. I think more about Brooke's text earlier. "just talked with your husband.." What was that supposed to mean? What did she tell him? I know she wouldn't say anything that would hurt our relationship, I just wonder why he talked to her.

I hear Parker's footsteps. I grab my lavender robe and head back into the bathroom. I put my airpods in their case and take them back out. Shit! I forgot my wine and wine glass in the bathroom. I charge my phone and airpods and grab my things.

It's only about 5 in the evening and I remember I have plans later tonight with Andy.  Parker is standing in the kitchen pouring a shot of whiskey. He throws his head back as he takes it and slams the glass cup on the countertop. I lay the wine glass in the sinks and put the wine up.

"So..." Parker started. "Do you wanna talk now or talk later?" "Honestly Parker I think it's best we talk now. But I do also want you to know I have plans to go out tonight with some friends around 9." He follows me to the couch and sits on the opposite corner of the couch. "Okay that's fine. Listen Rae. I don't know how this talk is going to go. But I want to be honest with you and I want you to be honest with me. If what has happened means nothing then we will figure out how to deal with it. And if it means something we will need to talk more." "Okay." I say looking at him. I'm honestly being sincere with him. "So did you fuck Mr. Verlice?" He says. I actually wasn't expecting that to be the first thing that comes out of his mouth. "No I didn't, Parker. Do you want to know what really happened or did you want to know more about me and Andy?" I wasn't lying then, I hadn't fucked Andy. I've still never told him about the one incident during lunch at the beginning of the school year.

Although there has been more. Andy and I have gotten close to one another. We still sometimes have lunch together and we hangout outside of school. But not as much as we used to. I enjoy Andy's company. I think our relationship is sometimes just flirty. We have had more makeout sessions that always end in me pulling back and both of us breathing heavily. Sometimes with his hand on my boobs and my hand on his belt. We both always know we'll never have sex but it's the adrenaline rush and feeling up on each other that we both enjoy.

"Of course I want to know the truth, Rae. It seems like you and Andrew have a relationship. I've heard that you guys have had lunch together and he sometimes comes into class. What am I supposed to think?" Parker looks at me trying to read my facial expressions but I'm trying very hard to stay composed and calm.

"Who told you that?" I asked Because who was he going around getting information from? And I know he didn't talk to Andy. Oh shit. I forgot he talked with Brooke. She had texted me that earlier today.

"Someone from school. Honestly I just want to know who gave you the hickey and if we have problems." He was actually being very calm at the moment and I didn't want to flare anything up.

"Well the truth is..." I started, thinking very hard to choose my next words carefully. "It wasn't anyone you know. Hell, anyone I know. It happened when I went out with my friends last night. We went to the bar and had a couple shots. I didn't even realize what was happening or who I was even with." I said looking at him. I couldn't tell if he was believing me or not.

"Mmm okay," he said, shaking his head. "So you DON'T know who left a hickey on your neck? Like seriously Raelynn what were you thinking?" What was he trying to get at? I couldn't tell what he wanted my answer to actually be. But I just kept going on with my story. "Listen, I don't know who it was and I don't really remember the whole thing. I didn't even know it was there really."

That was a big lie. I knew exactly who gave it to me and I remember what happened pretty vividly. But Parker didn't need to know that. It wouldn't help anything. I knew it was there but that didn't really matter to him at this point. "Okay Rae. I'm going to trust you and I'm sorry for accusing you of sleeping with Andrew." He meant what he said and I was actually surprised.

"I love you Parker." I leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I love you too Rae. My mom said she'll keep the kids for the weekend. I didn't tell her what was going on just that we wanted some time to spend with each other."

He grabbed me up and took me to our room and shut the door behind him.

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